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I Played The Baby in PINK ...And Now I Don't Want A Baby

Jun 07, 2021
oh oh my god the


is on the roof as you climb up there here is your hand remember the


in yellow? Don't worry baby, creepy fucking baby, please don't take my soul oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, what? are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what damn baby no well I came across a new version of this game I like to call baby in


notice my


background lighting I did it on purpose so actually this is a modified version of the baby in yellow called babylirious and it was made for youtuber h2o delirious because they announced that they were having a girl and someone made this for them and because no one has made me a baby game yet I'm just going to plays another baby game from youtubers and also it would be nice to have a female version of the baby game because why not there will be some references that I don't understand because I haven't seen their channel but I also heard that there are some new scares so I'm ready for it and I thought it's the perfect time to do it because we've been exploring all the different pregnancy games for babies anyway, so here you go, the baby in pink aka Lauren will be terrified by a fake baby. for the next 10 to 15 minutes made by the team terrible for h2o delirious not for lauren z side editor strike out that's for me this was made for me okay I don't care what you say oh no I can't tell me if she's cute or not , she's cuter than the other baby, just as scary, I don't know, oh oh, this is new, answer the phone, hello, hey, I'll be gone for a few hours, so make sure you keep an eye on the baby.
i played the baby in pink and now i don t want a baby
Lyrius and I should be home around seven, okay I love you boy, is it the father, is it me, dad, that sounds really weird, hello baby, okay, he looks exactly like the other baby, yeah, yeah she's just as creepy as the other baby except she has pigtails and blue eyes oh should i touch you should pick you up hello hello baby i like it oh she's wearing pink star pajamas they're a little purple are you a fan of Lauren Z? I knew it, I knew this game was for me and not for raving h2o it was made for me lauren seaside and this baby is my biggest fan oh what are these books?
i played the baby in pink and now i don t want a baby

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i played the baby in pink and now i don t want a baby...

Should I turn it off and on again? The crows and their secrets. Cursed be the crows in their secrets. How to catch a bat. What is a bat? God oh baby oh baby I'm so sorry your neck it's okay oh baby you sit here there come on yeah sit there and watch your favorite youtuber lauren z side yeah just look at lauren seaside i gotta find a mask get ready baby lyrics get ready. why oh oh this is cute how to go delusional ah done i'm always delusional for any delusional h2o fan out there i apologize but i'm going to ruin all these references here you go baby i know you're aware of it your face, which is understandable because you give a lot scared, so here you go, oh, you look so cute now, yeah, oh god, oh god, your poor neck, you look so cute now and not at all intimidating, yeah, get a bottle out of the refrigerator, we know where it is.
i played the baby in pink and now i don t want a baby
I'm just going to put you on the stove for a second, it's not on, don't worry, there you go, there you go, we'll get you through, okay, don't worry, your favorite YouTuber, Lauren Z, is here to change you, we can not. I won't change you in a high chair uh here we go okay diaper oh god what is this? It's flashing, it's a lot baby, baby, is that you oh baby, did you transform baby, oh my God, the baby is on the roof, baby, how did you get there? up there oh oh I just buried this thing in the ground okay is this just you're that's your blinking stuffed animal I don't know I don't know just let's not let's ask this, we're just going to change you because you're disgusting , okay, diaper, I'll take you upstairs with me baby, come on, come on, oh, come on, I'll take care of you later, oh God, oh, so I definitely have.
i played the baby in pink and now i don t want a baby
I broke this baby's neck like five times oh I'm sorry baby oh god oh look your room is pink you love pink purple slash because you're a fan of lauren seaside okay here you go yay put teddy on the bed too oh this one oh look what cute here go, turn off the light, okay, night, night, baby, play on the computer, hell yeah, I'll take you with me, I don't trust you, but you're also very cute and I could steal from you, where's the computer upstairs? , okay, this must be all crazy references that I don't understand but here you go oh god I'm just going to put you on my disk there you go sit down oh let's play some games oh it's the baby in yellow oh baby baby it's okay, baby, okay, um, baby, stop turning into this, uh, baby, I'm just going to keep, I'm going to keep collecting these things in this room, there you go, keep the little one below, baby, baby, oh, you


ed to, you


ed to wake up get up and watch more lauren seaside i'll sit down and watch it with you yay well you don't like it you don't like it oh no now you like it yeah let's just watch just watch more lauren seaside this is really free for you they are so cute but creepy i feel like she's going to pounce on me at any moment, okay baby, no more lauren seaside for today, okay, I know she is your favorite youtuber because she is amazing, that's why this game was made for her, no matter what they say.
Turn off the light now stay here okay raccoon stuff let's play tag games two hours later oh god the raccoons are gone oh oh what do I need a baseball bat for the raccoons? Get a bottle out of the refrigerator, okay, what are you doing, okay. I'm going to I'm going to baby, what did I tell you? No more, Lauren Seaside. Can I turn this off? Baby, I know you love Lauren Z's side. She is the best. She's fine, but oh God. Hello, raccoon. I'm going to put you in it. oven you're too big for the oven okay, I'll deal with you later oh oh you got on the high chair good job ah disgusting what did you hear hey hey demon raccoon demon raccoon demon raccoon demon raccoon oh I can't Turn the light back on, oh, look under the bed, Jesus, why, my God, is that book the crows and their secrets, what are their secrets, honey, honey, we are being attacked by crows and raccoons and all kinds of wildlife and we have what to go out? from here baby baby baby call 9-1-1 baby are you working with wildlife? don't work with wildlife i thought we were cool baby i thought we were both lauren seaside fans okay let's put you to bed here we go let's put bear to bed okay okay there you go okay turn off the light okay get her out of here okay watch tv on the couch yeah yeah that's a good idea let's watch some tv here we go okay everything everything's fine there are damn raccoons everywhere oh no, I fell asleep it's too quiet, too quiet, too quiet, I'm coming, honey, Oh God, all the doors are closed, baby, oh God, it's the raccoon looking at you, I know, I'm sorry, it's his teddy bear. what are you doing with the teddy bear here you want this thing here here I know it's the worst I'll get you a teddy bear okay I'll get you the teddy bear I don't know where it went phone help me lady hey I hope things are going well at home, No, I'm stuck in traffic and I'm late, oh my god, you did it, I told you they were demons, ah, what did you prove, demons?, oh my god, you almost burned the house down, oh god, you tried.
I'm mad because the baby prefers the teddy bear to them and tried to burn it and the whole house down damon, stay there, wait baby, I have your teddy bear, it's a little charred graphic, the damn crows, oh my god, the wildlife we ​​have. your baby oh god oh god oh god the raccoons and the crows have taken my baby help help oh fat man oh let's be yeah defeat the bat quotes yeah that was good I'm going to get Jesus out of all of you get out of here oh yeah oh yes the music baby I will save you where are you where are you where are you demons david get out of here where is the baby eh is there one left where are you little david's raccoon david where up oh I missed that my bad stop the rich the ritual oh god oh God hey stop it what am I supposed to hit the baby? okay no, no, I don't hit the baby, that would be bad, that would be a bad thing, stop branching out, baby, oh my god, oh.
Oh my God, baby, the game is with the baby, what you do to the cabinet, baby, oh come on, oh God, oh you broke the couch, what did you do? They're going to blame me for all this, okay, am I taking you to the computer? what's going on we're playing there let's go okay oh my god you have headphones on the baby has headphones on let's make a video together baby she's so weird um what the hell is this mess uh your hell baby maybe you should have I made it home on time , Sharon, deal with it.
I liked. I liked that version. I know the original was updated, but not enough to make a new video, but this was definitely it, even though it was supposed to focus on another youtuber. It was super fun, so thank you. You're a terrible team and yeah, you know, feel free to play games with me so I don't have to pretend other people's games are my games or I could just keep doing it, that's probably the easiest route, but yeah, if you're watching right now. so be sure to leave a like so I know you made it this far in the video.
Also, why don't you watch one of these videos, especially if you didn't see my original baby in the yellow set? That's there. Also make sure to subscribe. and we have a new marriage coming up for the holiday season, so go check that out and as always, I'll see you soon.

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