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I played Raft Chapter 2 for 24 Hours

Jun 06, 2021
coins I needed and I got the gun and now that I had the machete, that man could go to some of these secret areas with the tape. I didn't find any new secrets, but there was definitely some pretty cool loot. titanium I was also thinking how do I get to the main building and I saw that there was a zip line from one of the apartment buildings to the main tower and I went to the back of that building, there was a sign on it. saying notice the key card reader is not working please use the elevator in the plantation area and guess where is the plantation area is where the electric water is underground I went back to my shelter because I ran out of food and water, TRUE?
i played raft chapter 2 for 24 hours
I mention that I made a pot where you can make soup recipes and stuff instead of following one of the recipes. I just put four fish together to make a mega fish, but it didn't work, so I was really disappointed, anyway I came back. On the island and it was time to go to the plantation. It turns out that there was another closed door here. I just had to fix the voltage switch wherever it was. It was around the corner and I used duct tape to fix it, which I had plenty of, and through that door was another generator that I had to fix as well. and that cut off all the electricity in the water, allowing me to go to an area that had a blueprint for an electric purifier and, more importantly, allowing me to go to the elevator in the plantation.
i played raft chapter 2 for 24 hours

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i played raft chapter 2 for 24 hours...

I took the elevator to the top and he took me to some kind of birthday party. There were gifts, cakes, everything and even a bunch of gold coins. When I got to the top, there was a broken window with a zip line coming out of it. Guess where that zip line goes? On the way to the main tower, I found this very funny when I entered this tower, guess what was inside, another elevator at the top there was a lot of stuff and even a plan for a large storage and to my right there was something called an emergency. bridge launch, whatever that means, my chat was spamming the code like 500 times and I really wanted to see what it did, so oh, something started moving, the whole building was shaking, it was going to explode.
i played raft chapter 2 for 24 hours
When I checked outside, there was smoke in the distance and it looks like the entire top half of this building just blew up. I literally walked over the dome to go towards the explosion. There was a building floating in the middle of the water. Yes, there will definitely be another plane here. lots of good loot and look at that, a blueprint for a water tank and there was even the code for the next island, but unfortunately it's not out yet, but the adventure wasn't over because we had 19


left and we had all this new stuff .
i played raft chapter 2 for 24 hours
To do and the square returned, the first thing I did with Blaza was buy a piano because it was a real piano with anger, but when we returned to our


we noticed that our chicken dinner was dead, we celebrated the monument in front of the boat. putting your name tag on one of these storage boxes, so what we haven't put the piano in now is because we don't really have enough shelf space, all we needed was a lot more boards, which wasn't a problem because all this The place has like 100 trees and with those flanks we spread our


and Blaza was already playing the piano the next Beethoven in his prime, oh, but it turns out that this piano is great, you can play any note you want in the meantime, I had two close friends. but honestly, they didn't do anything more than mess around.
The first thing I built on my raft was this electric purifier because we had enough titanium and it turns out to be the most useful thing we've ever made: it's a vacuum cleaner, it's literally a vacuum cleaner that turns salt water into fresh water using a battery. What surprised me the most is how fast it was, after a couple of seconds it was full and it filled my water bottle in about two seconds while doing it. My friends really wanted to start making a big zip line tower so they started building a platform very far away and to make a zip line tower you need a lot of wood but that's not a problem because this whole new island is full of trees so The 5g tower construction project began in a couple of moments.
They already built this tall tower while I was making a sprinkler that no one seemed to care about. I couldn't use the sprinkler yet because I needed to connect it with water tubes and it needs a constant source of batteries, but who cares about that now that we built the 5g tower? The construction of the tower didn't stop there because my friend Kate began building another tower and a stairway to heaven. This made our raft so heavy that I actually had to row to each island because we didn't have enough engine power to move our raft and for more engines that means I needed to get a lot more metal.
The metal detector usually helps too, but this time I found this weird mask that I guess looks cool and when I came back we had two 5G towers connected to each other. I'm not going to lie, it's a lot of fun. We finally made it back to Caravan Island because it turns out we were missing one of the batteries. charger parts so we could have the battery charger the evil bird was already giving us a warm welcome, it's coming right there no, it's targeting you no, we searched the island again and found the part we needed, battery charging part Yes, let's go now.
We had all the battery charger parts, which means we could make the actual battery charger, which is amazing because it charges two batteries at once, but the problem is that it runs on biofuel, which we only have a little bit of. Where is it obtained from? biofuel, you must be asking from this machine here, but how does a biofuel make you feel good? Actually, you need bee hives of which we only have a little bit, so in a direct answer, we need a bee farm to make all of this automatic and as You can see that cade finished the stairway to heaven.
I don't know if I mentioned it, but we got another chicken and called it breakfast. However, we are in operation to get bees now and the best location to get bees is actually Bear Island. I had to do it. we cooked a lot of metal because we had to make more engines because now our raft weighs like 5,000 pounds, we made it across the ocean, but we came here not only to catch bees, but we also came here to take out mama bear, if you will. I don't know, mama bear is basically the biggest, baddest boss on the raft and basically can't be killed if you're not prepared, not to mention bears are tough too, but as an experienced rap player, normal bears weren't a problem anymore. problem, I wanted to Fight the big mama bear we also found a bunch of bees which was great because we caught them all but the most important thing was it was time to fight the mama bear who was still eating berries from my last 24


knowing what strong he was.
She knew that I'm just going to stay at a safe distance and watch all my friends die. Oh, we lost a lot of soldiers that day, but at least we were able to resurrect everyone. I guess that's what we get for using stone arrows against mama bear instead of metal, but I used all metals. in our engines, but who cares, let's go for another round and hope that mama bear doesn't reach that health over time. This time I was much more active and personal and I was the one who dodged the blows and stuff, but finally we did it and we took it down mama bear, we did it, we did it, it was a great achievement and we even got the mother bear's head, which was Much bigger than the other bears, I quickly went to get my food and in those few minutes, my friends went crazy, funny kiss, May gang for the win on our way back, Blaza brought another animal, but this one once it was a goat.
I didn't mention that chickens lay eggs and goats when you take a bucket next to them. get a bucket of milk can I drink it can I drink it drink it what's our milk going this made me realize that we really need a bigger area for our animals because all our previous animals have died having the area actually made up two by two Things are more easy, but this shows that we really needed to install some kind of sprinklers, but before we could do that, we had to redesign the entire raft because right now we have a ladder to heaven that is so heavy that we can barely move the anger that we knocked everything down, this It is a very sad moment.
While we knocked it down somehow, we managed to make a part of the game not connected to the rest of the raft, but at the same time it is connected and, honestly, we kept it as part of the design. Since my idea was to turn this raft into an epic looking yacht, it will be super efficient. Multiple levels have the navigation stuff in the front while all the engines are in the back and while I was doing all that, I set up the bee farm. putting flowers in shoes and bees using them to make honeycombs. I continued redesigning the shelf.
I put all of our fun cosmetics on the front and you can see where I'm going with this. All the things we use. The timing is here on the lower deck in an open, easy-to-use area, while the actual navigation is here on the second floor and the engines are in the back. We wanted to go a step further by adding a third floor to make it look nice. Even cooler, I mean, just look at how cool it is to navigate here. We made another stop at Bear Island because we really still needed to get more and more bees because biofuel was still very expensive, but I think it was finally time to start.
Installing that sprinkler and putting it into action because now we had almost nine patches of grass, but to connect the sprinkler to a water pump you need a lot of waste-causing pipes, which we didn't have many of, so I was messing up with paint, I mean, I


with the paint while waiting for a raft to pick up more and more scrap, but eventually I had enough scrap to make a couple of water pipes so I could connect the sprayer to an electric purifier and bada binbadaboom the sprayer. It's all set up, as long as there is a battery in the sprinkler, it should automatically water the grass so the animals can continue eating.
I didn't get to see it live, but I kept expanding the second floor to make it even bigger. The rest is working pretty well because we have these two biofuel manufacturers and we have all this honey, so we can continue producing biofuels that allow me to continue recharging batteries, so everything was working. I decided, for fun, to make a huge meat farm because I picked so many beets in these 24 hours that I just wanted to get an infinite amount of them and I can set it up automatically since you can see the sprinklers watering them as I plant them.
You don't even want to know how many beets. I had at the end of the stream, I mean just look how many sheets we have in this huge chest here, we almost had a full second floor and while I was doing everything in this square I rebuilt one of the 5g towers with only a couple of hours left and we were almost done with the perfect raft, I mean look how many heartbeats I have, this is just stupid and both the grass plots and the radish farm were running with the sprinklers and it works great, the next step was to go infinite. biofuel by having a lot of bee farms and even a fuel tank there, so we would have infinite fuel for our engine because if you don't know, engines actually run on boards, but you can change it to biofuel, which is much more. efficient, it was hard to install the pipes because we were low on scrap metal even though we had literally everything you wanted, in the meantime I started making the bottom floor look better by putting the mama bear head right in the middle and everything. these cool things like torches and paintings, oh and we built this 5g tower to the edge of the sky and it looks so fun, adding a zip line to it was even crazier and at the same time also scary at this point in the game.
I didn't really feel like doing anything else so I just put on the rest of the decorative heads and then tried to paint my rainbow sock all over the wrapper, but we honestly didn't have enough color to do that, instead we finished the flow. of Blaza jumping down the 5g tower with his wife and we were celebrating how cool our raft looked, we made some fireworks to celebrate our victory but we just shot it at the sun and didn't even see the fireworks, thanks guys. So much for watching my 24 hour video, if you're not already subscribed, subscribe right now because if you subscribe you'll earn 10 gold stars.

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