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I Played a Fortnite Tournament with CLIX!

May 16, 2024
Lock it up bro, oh I'm this the endgame, yeah REO Rebo Rebo, we can't let them get in that car, I can't, let them get in that car, it's over, oh. you dare let him run p 40 white 40 white knock him out knock him out knock him out 40 white 40 white 40 white dead lots of action brother yes lockets here here I need help I need help you're okay you're okay everything's going to be okay daddy's coming look boy boy don't blow me up Pizza po Pizza boxall dead it's biting me I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared he's about to make a daddy oh my god you're actually on oh my god we're 24 bro that tactic is a pit we get 15 points for covering up the island, but I don't think it's worth it, I think we just have to kill, yeah brother, I think we just go for the kill, what do we do?
i played a fortnite tournament with clix
You see, what do you see, bro, here, go, find someone else, bro, we gotta start getting more kills, he hits this, oh my god, I'm not getting up, I don't need your help, bro, shut up, I need Help, did I break it, did I break it? he broke it oh I love that AUD you another team behind me I need your help sir I'm here I'm here 200 watch out watch out there's a sniper watching the only one who's shooting he's nearby here's a pizza box bro what grab grab four slices eat, eat, eat, can't, here, slide on it, brother, making sure you're healed, brother, oh, thank you, ah, hit.
i played a fortnite tournament with clix

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i played a fortnite tournament with clix...

I strong you know who you are right I hit him although I hit him a little How does he come out? Oh, that's crazy, that guy is like running like that. I swear, I heard someone waiting. I smell here. No, I'm coming. I'm coming, I have, I have K, I need help, I, I, I'm here, I'm up here, ninj, the turtles, they shot me, they shot me, they shot me, they shot me, they shot me, okay, okay, we have to take a deep breath , this is. that bro, we, we won this so easy, we won this so easy, you don't understand, okay, I'm getting an ax over here, come get active with me, oh my god, go to the vending machine, go to the vending machine, bro , I know buddy.
i played a fortnite tournament with clix
I'm shaking I'm shaking I mean Oho, that's NPC, what are you doing my bad Big T? Come on, that's cute, you're so sexy, well, well, we're tied for first place right now bro, your first fncs win here I know, buddy. you know calm that's why I'm playing nervous and shaking and those things I see I see another I'm going I'm going you're alone you're I'm shaking I'm shaking I'm shaking I' I'm shaking, don't be nervous, keep going Sho Sho my box my box I'm taking I'm taking taking I'm taking help help please please please he's one p what the hell was he really thirsty you sh calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down, well you got the unit, damn, big you're screaming you're screaming brother and by what your reset card is out of the box how did it end up there bro that's epic doing that bro I heard a kid but listen you're okay just stick it P in the chat p in the chat it's five ticks bro when it closes listen you need to get out come in in the zone bro please yeah I'll get in the zone okay I'll get in the zone too I believe in you I just gotta fly okay yeah I'm going for the loot buddy I'm going to have how many seconds those guys are look at me the sniper, I made it, I made it, I made it in holy, I'm dead. no, no, pop, my kit, how many B's you got, I got five, brother, holy, lemon, I'm coming, come in, brother, get in my name mode, my name, I'm not going to say your name, just come in, okay , I'm in all mine. pop, this holy shit, you brought medkits, holy shit, bro, bro, you're really a FS champ now, bro, come on dude, actually, that was so crazy that I went in.
i played a fortnite tournament with clix
I'm a champion. I had a guy with a sniper watching me. All you got is five medallions, so I know what, just let me handle this life, oh, in there, in there, yeah, wait, it's boxed in, bro, it's boxed in, be it. I'm going to hit him in the back, baby, hit him in the back. to hit him in the back brother, we just put it together, we just put it together, shoot holy, stay with a sniper, listen, you go left, I go right, okay, brother, uh, yeah, yeah, the box hours is fine, take your time, take your time, take your time, nice.
Well, big dead, dead, dead, that's some teamwork you talk about, bro, come on, baby, okay, now, can I have some medallions, bro, like five medallions to my zero after all that, oh, Thanks man, you know what, just take it all in right now, won't I? I need something thanks man you're the best bro no I'm going to die too no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it's one V One V one bro this is for the video I'm not even trolling no, no, don He won't die, bro, I don't know what if this guy, what if this guy is Booga, brothers, what if he is Booga?
This is to win, brother, are you really going to lose? No, I'm not going to lose. I have five. Do you have confidence brother? Be honest. I have confidence brother. I have confidence if I die. Do you have confidence? end up grabbing it from your body or not, yeah, listen, bro, the mods win, they predict, bro, yeah, one is coming at you, they win, they predict another one is coming, stay here, bro, why is this guy flying at me from This way, brother, okay, maybe you want to catch me? No, I'm, I'm, I'm running, bro, I'm, I'm, I'm coming to Res, this guy's crack, you see, did you see that, see, just hold me back at this point, I can't lie, you got it?
I don't understand either that it was the same boa friend I I I he's coming he's looking at the stream wait wait wait you're good you're okay I'm on top of you on top of you he's waiting wait wait wait wait trust me trust me trust me you've arrived too late to win, it was on you, I can't lie, bro, move, I can't move, dude, please, please, big b, by the way, that guy's got 100, listen, we gotta let them fight, sweetie, cute, yes. yeah, yeah, we're teaming up, yeah, we're teaming up, I'm not trying to get banned, like click, I don't care, I don't care, team, I'll be honest with you, no, I won't shoot that guy. up I'm not going to shoot him because the other guy is better the other guy is better it's not even like yeah, yeah, he's smart.
He starts spraying the brick, starts spraying the brick. team up with that guy, yeah, yeah, like fake team, fake team, he won't shoot you. You're good, I trust, I can't trust you not to shoot me, you know, Josh, boys are bricks too, yeah, Jesus, your butts are pretty, where is it, bro, where's that guy that's on ? Can I TR? Yes, let's go. great PE come on I got banned bro I only got BN once he killed him he's my boy okay please bro don't lose this okay bro I'm gonna cut him off he's slow on what wait, wait, what are you waiting for. we're moving, wait, holy, oh god, no, it does, it does, oh my god, we have 33 kills for the damn victory, okay guys, you'll play a


with clickers if you're wondering how I've improved so much.
I've been playing my Rocket Wars map and we still have a ton of V-Bucks to give away, so go check out the map code on the screen or search for Rocka Wars in Fortnite Creative.

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