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I Played Fabiano Caruana

Jun 28, 2024
well good luck I love it thanks I'll take Lu that's what you do in a tournament too btw I've never had anyone in a tournament wish me good luck oh cause you're at that level yeah no one at that level. You're, this is so interesting, no one on your level says good luck, yeah, I don't think I've ever come across that, but, if you and Hikara are playing, don't say good luck to each other first. the game you just took would sound like maybe he would take it the wrong way as good luck oh oh thank you yeah oh I'm like you're being sarcastic are you yeah you're being cocky yeah that's actually really funny I've never thought of it that way , so I should first spend the nights in the sctor before they venture out and you see, I'm being very kind.
i played fabiano caruana
I could go here right now. Yes, I could do this. It's a problem, it's a problem, but. I won't because I'm being too kind, you're saying your own reputation is open, no, it's not the reputation because after H4, okay, you can go to H5 and you know, sometimes if they don't have to. completely complete the cow if you have tried to do it then you have tried and then it is in your spirit okay a cow attempt is a attempt and that is respectable so when are you going to start your own chess opening? I'd like to.
i played fabiano caruana

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i played fabiano caruana...

I can think of things, but I don't think anyone has put my name in, so that's fine, so this is your option. You put the bishop on G5. You change the bishop. I don't know if there is a Goa. It just occurred to me. right now, but it was also the previous game. I know it occurred to me in that game. Leave it here, maybe so I basically feel like it's the same situation. I'm going to play E5, okay, what I'm going to do is play. F6 first and then you, if you face E5, we don't trade queens that easily, no, you know, maybe we even like the Long Castle just for fun, this is very aggressive again, I'm quite aggressive, right, trying to kill the cow?
i played fabiano caruana
I'm not trying to kill the cow, I'm trying to kill, uh, not you, but I didn't know that. I don't know how to put it in a better way, okay, I mean, if I don't, I just want to, yeah, now that we're at it. Talking about a normal, decent position now, this feels decent, right, yeah, this feels good. I can live with this, it's like a king's Indian gone pretty bad, but yeah, still nice Indian, but what I was trying to say is that you don't have to do it. create Fabiano's opening and you know what name you want to give it, you can just create an opening and call it something random, like your favorite food, what's your favorite food?
i played fabiano caruana
I'm kidding, that would be um, how about the goat the opening of the goat why not because it could have a double meaning, but then the goat is also an animal, okay, so I understand it, but then you're putting a lot of pressure in your opening, but what if it's not like the opening? the best ever but just a goat a normal goat oh so you're just trying to scam another farm animal it's another one so now everyone wants to have farm animals okay but this is what I mean boom boom, I mean my bishops. shit right now, but I also don't want to let you be okay, well, I'll take it here and we'll see what happens if you want to take this, you can take this.
I don't know if taking that would help my position. No, I was just saying that if you want to take it, you can accept, what am I doing here? But my position is not surprising, mainly because then how do I do it? I think don't ask me to start with G5, at least I have some space. It's a bit annoying, gu. I'm a little worried about one thing: what is it? I wonder if my queen is going to get trapped. Oh, you want to play Queen F5, okay. That's, yeah, that's probably a good yes, but then there's the. risk something you just have to accept that there's a risk I'll go here let's take out the queen okay you know there's a big part of me ah you know what I ah wait wait wait wait wait you want to play the night 4, yeah, okay.
It's also a good move, why are you telling me what all my good moves are? I'm very confused, but they are good moves. I don't see any reason to do it, uh, yeah, I don't like my position again, okay, let's put the oh, you're. playing King d8 well I have another question fbby M so how hard do you think it is to become a Grandmaster as you know? If I tried to be a Grandmaster, do you think I could do it? Honestly, I am because I had this after watching Norway chess. I felt very motivated and thought that maybe in five years I should aim for Grandmaster.
I think it's really like if you want to maximize your strength, it doesn't really matter. For example, the level you reach you are just trying to be as strong as possible, so it shouldn't be about a specific goal, it could be about the grandmaster. I mean, that's a good goal, but it's not necessary. make it about a specific qualification okay so you think it should just be about improving yeah let's say your potential could be to achieve like we don't know what your potential is uh what you could achieve maybe it's International Master maybe Maybe it's grandma, maybe it's pday.
Master, but whatever it is, you just like to work as hard as you can at chess and then you'll find out, have you seen some tactics? I got, oh, okay, I hope you win the game. Really, really good, it works well, you were telling me. Right now, maybe my potential is not JM and I am, so I need to prove myself here. No, he could be a great teacher. I would never tell anyone not to like trying to reach their full potential. Yeah, no, actually, that's very good advice. I feel like I'll get out of this, yeah, when I was down a tower, I didn't have mud.
I hope this is why maybe that's fair enough, that's fair enough. I don't even know what the right material is. Now, but I do know that, oh God, what this bishop, it's the pair of bishops again. I don't know if not, maybe that wasn't against you. I


a game against the pair of bishops and it is terrible. This pair is very strong. most people think knights are much better, but they can be more complicated, but one two three four five one two oh, I'm up Bishop here okay, okay, what do we do here? I think we have to preserve the towers, okay, okay, no.
I know if I can do this, but I have very little time. I like it for you. No, I think it's just that I'm not used to my opponents being so nice to me. I actually think P2 was okay, he was close to playing that. wait a second, I know, I know, I think I need to do this at least I got rid of pass B. I have very little time right now. Oh, this might be bad, but so far it's good, so of course not, I'm going to run. because I don't like the things you have there maybe this would have been no, no, don't be bad, don't be bad, don't be bad, you're so bad, this is actually so bad, oh, this is Terri, bad. work is finally freed from it, it's not easy to win, this is a mistake, I don't know, I don't see them, it's okay, oh, but now you're leaving, oh, I'm realizing a problem, I can't, no, I can.
I can't stop it. No, no, now I lost once P reached A4. Yes, that was a mistake. I don't know what to do, so you just have to try to hold down the fort. I guess I was just afraid of your king coming in. but maybe okay, I was going to try to get away with seeing three here, but it's going to be hard to win this, yeah, because if I get here then wait, yeah, your king is really cut, so depending on me. At some point I thought that every time my king comes here to push this, you just lift it, otherwise this will fall, yes, you will have to wait, but if I like it, if I get this position, what could happen, I think just because you're I'm going to sacrifice this for this probably at some point, yeah, and then if not, you're going to win this, this, and then this will be pawn and rook against bishop, and losing will still be pretty hard to win this one, some of these endings.
The games are complicated because if I take here like that it would be the easiest way, but you're still running with your pawn, so I want to take here so you can't take, but then you put the bishop on H5 and Yeah, yeah, because if you take, you take and it's Bishop versus Pawn, okay, yeah, maybe it's when it's okay, we'll feel like we've had a full match here, but thanks for the games that were, uh, it was a lot of fun, actually, the cow cow was. pretty tough I have to say that the cow is pretty tough is that your final verdict yes, yes.
I thought maybe I had a decent position in the last game once I got to a Kings Indian like I thought it would or would work, but then the B5 Knight and all this became pretty Rob, okay, will you ever play this in a blitz tournament? Let's say you play the rapid and Blitz world championship, could you start on Tuesday? I might be playing a bullet match against Knall soon and I don't have much hope. In a free-for-all bullet fight, yeah, then maybe

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