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I Played Every Roblox Tower Defense Game

Apr 29, 2024
Hundreds of




s have been created on Roblox, from Passion projects to cheap cash stbs and


thing in between, with player camps ranging from zero, many zeros to over 400,000. I was curious to know which of these


s are really good. My criteria here was pretty simple. I basically looked up Tower Defense and


all these games. I didn't play anything without players because most of those games are just stolen or nothing and there are definitely some smaller games that I missed, but I did play all the obvious ones. from low-quality passion projects to junk-trading games to pay Wayne for children's gambling to skated-up bathrooms.
i played every roblox tower defense game
I wanted to experience it all. I also gave each game a rudimentary rating as I went along, from 1 to 10. This is intended to be a 100% objective review of each one. of these games I haven't spent enough time on each of them because it's for fun, it's my silly opinion after playing for a while, feel free to comment if you don't agree, so from the first game, strengthen the numbers, destroy to the weak TDs, it's a side of the standard TD game by that I mean there's no crazy gimmicks or anything like that, it just does the basics very well visually.
i played every roblox tower defense game

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i played every roblox tower defense game...

I think it's the best presentation of any of these games. The user interface and


s are all professional studio quality. Everything is fully realized and extremely polished. I have my own look at the game, you know, it's too based, the game is fast enough to not be boring and the boss and enemy design is universally cool, beyond that TDs is a game with a lot of story and iconic moments too. You could write a 50-page essay about all the drama, controversy, and funny moments that have occurred over the years. I don't know what other games come close to Tom Foolery's m here.
i played every roblox tower defense game
I obviously have a strong connection and bias towards this. game, but I really think TDs is the best TD game on the platform. Also, TDS added a bath mode, so I get a 9 out of 10 and L TDX has some nice features. Towers, two upgrade passes that add much more variety to the game. Gameplay There is a strong military theme with towers like the armored factory or the warship and the presentation and gameplay are on par with TDS in terms of quality. There are a line of mechanics to complicate the game features like the rewind button, your towers die a painful death.
i played every roblox tower defense game
The thing is, while TDX is still a game finding its identity, there has been some controversy and discussion over Robux-exclusive skins, which I personally think is fine so that it makes sense that the grind is too tedious to unlock Towers. I'd say it's fair regarding the skin game system. Which I'm not a big fan of, there are valid criticisms you can make, but I still have a lot of faith in this game. I think it's a very solid foundation and should only get better from here, a great test for this. The game will be the next update for this mode, which will be the biggest update to the game so far and I think it will build on it as well.
TDX added a bath mode so 8 out of 10 can I eat chzburger? Please, chzburger. This one is rare. I need to note right away that this game has a summon system in quotes, this will appear much later in games like TDS or TDX, you buy towers with in-game currency that you earn by playing, it makes sense in games with a summon system summoning that can You don't buy individual Towers, you have to bet or as it is usually called summon, and 99% of the time you get crap and then you have to play more to win more money and have another chance to get the good Towers.
This is stupid game design. and this is also extremely disgusting if you consider that the young audience of Roblox games bets a lot on Meed, you know, the comments section always says that 99% of players quit before they win big, but in reality it's like a very bad habit and for me it is an invocation. really brings down any game Appears even if the game itself is good TD isn't that good your towers are these ugly rats and you fight these grotesque gobler zombies they are deformed, mutated and disgusting, they stack on top of each other. they become cool, they become police, you also have unit designs like this, the game is fine.
I guess there are some interesting things. I mean, if you really look at this in a nutshell, the group responsible for this game is literally called decent games. extreme 5 out of 10, this is the most neglected Blade Ball game, it's a very popular Roblox game, so I guess the developers here said: let's make a Blade Ball tower


game, although that doesn't make sense, the Gameplay is all the basics of the super generic cash grab tower defense game, there's a payout box system where the odds average $200 more for the rarest unit, there's a summon system, there's a trading system, there's an AFK zone to cultivate premium playtime.
AFK zones are another common exchange for these wastes. games, the game itself is very slow and the enemies are just these orbs with stupid faces. The only credit I'll give this game is that the attack animations actually look pretty smooth. I like three out of 10 tower battles overall. is the original Roblox tower defense game. TB is also directly responsible for the growth of the Tower Defense simulator. There were some copies. There were some problems. There's a lot of drama over the years, but what about the game itself? It's good, the art direction is simpler. side but it is very polished my favorite element is the inventory it is super satisfying being able to rotate the tower portraits this way it's the little things there are no difficulty options there is only one game mode but the compensation is a PvP mode which is pretty sick , this game is also packed with iconic towers again, this inspired many other TD games, there are so many classics on the TB list, 7 out of 10, um, what's the sigma, the game description sums it up pretty well, this one It's another one of those.
Tower Defense games are very basic, not bad, but 5 out of 10 of the favorites, Huggy, look for a scary blue. This is a game with a huge sense of scale. There are hundreds and hundreds of collectibles in terms of towers. You have the magician, the balloon friend, Keith, the lemonade. hot dog cat Frank there is a tutorial with this guy narrated tutor and you can throw the game on purpose to make him mad at you there is this whole museum section your inventory probably uses 20 GB of storage to keep track of


thing there is a whole event about evil cookies which is called L chip apocalypse and I'm just scratching the surface here Tower Heroes is definitely one of the games I think of when I imagine holding my own in Roblox.
I admit I don't think about it very often but 8 out of 10 the next one is a bit strange or should I say they both became popular a while ago and I remember at the time I was really confused because I was wondering why these games are so incredibly similar in every way and yet they were created by two. Completely separate entities in both, instead of using traditional Tower Defense gameplay, you use a building system to place blocks to make a base and deploy different units to defend yourself in both. The setting is the backyard of a house where you have been reduced.
The mini size in both units are these green toy soldiers and in both you have currency with each wave eliminated, which you can spend on boxes to receive random pieces to continue strengthening your defense. After some intense research I determined that Toy Soldier Z was the original while Toy Soldier Z came out a while later and for my money I prefer Defense, they both have very similar gameplay but Defense just had a superior presentation and the units have this fun ragdoll animation Toy Soldier Z 6 out of 10 Toy Defense 7 out of 10 Squirtle, there he is, I caught Squirtle, yeah, he's a friend.
World Tower Defense Summon Check. AFK Arena. Incredibly basic gameplay check. Yes, the list goes on and on. Three out of 10 Roblox, this game takes the Retro Roblox style, but for me it feels. Too basic and underdeveloped, most of the towers are just noobs with different weapons, the UI and overall style feels noticeably amateurish, and the gameplay is very standard. 4 out of 10 in the world of TD sop games. There is another subset of anime slop TD games. Ultimate tower defense. has such iconic characters as Ruto or even goo, all TD anime games do this too. They alter each character's names enough so they don't get sued.
Tower Defense adds more characters to the mix, although as if Beast Boy was just like Beast Boy from Teen Titans, the gameplay here was boring, this game is somewhat manipulative with the rewards. I got over 8,000 gold and experience for losing a beginner game, which sounds like an incredible amount, but in this game it's obviously not worth that much. It's really fun to go from level one to level 28 after just one playthrough, 4 out of 10. I still have this game that I didn't like from a video I made a long time ago, but I joined again and checked it out in 2024.
The lobby It looks amazing, very well made. If you ignore the ugly text prompts everywhere, but the game is still incredibly slow and boring, it has a built-in speedup option, but even with the engine running twice as fast it's not enough, the walking speed of the zombies here It has to be the slowest. The speed in any tower defense game is not that good, some of the towers are great. I guess I know that some of the rarer and more powerful units have abilities and animations and things that I'm not going to go to the effort of, especially when progression. is based entirely on summons, this is a game that I would say really popularized that mechanic, there are some interesting things in this game, but yeah, three out of 10, I'm not even going to rate this, I'm just going to move on.
Let's say this is one of the most unique games here, it has the building aspect of Toy Defense, while using the gameplay of a normal TD game, you can alter the route of the path by placing towers or obstacles in certain positions, this really open the way. potential to do a lot of fun stuff, you know you want to try placing walls and towers in the path to make the path loop back on itself for maximum tower coverage, it's a little strange but still, as a total beginner, I found myself invested. enough in the game to play until wave 50 where my base was starting to get a little complex, the game has a lot of monetization and the overall design isn't the most original or interesting, it's just tech, but it still feels like one one of the few games here that I might return to at some point. 8 out of 10.
This game is very homemade. The towers are just these ducks and a pumpkin. Fight against thieves. Bob Joe. I placed one of my duck towers here and the model crashed and went off the map three out of 10 I'm mixed with this game in the description it calls itself the highest quality TD game on the platform I would definitely disagree, it's clearly been put a lot of effort in certain areas of the game, like all the tower models, they are very detailed, but there is also a user interface like this or the location indicator is literally just a red rectangle.
The game does a really cool thing with the bosses in that they can actually attack the player, not just your base, but other than that the game felt pretty average. I'd say it's solid, like 5 out of 10, uhoh, stinky. This is a joke and parody game. You have a couple of towers. The most generic clichés possible. There is no lobby. There is not much. From everything the Scout says it's a free tower that costs zero coins, but you can't actually get it for free. You have maps like this made up of 12 parts in total. I mean, if we're honest, I have to give this a 1. out of 10, this is a serious project made by the same group as the previous game, wtd it has a retro style, your avatar changes to this little blocky guy, the mods are all simplistic and early Roblox style, it's kind of like the Toy Defense games and stuff.
You can place tires where there is no road and zombies attack your base from everywhere, but unlike those games, you have no option to build anything, all you can do is place towers and I just didn't like this game, that's how I felt. . slow, especially with this really annoying cooldown on Tower creation, so you have to wait like 15 seconds between placing units. I know this is a game that a lot of people love, especially for its higher level of play and difficulty, but this game didn't even let you use a banana avatar 5 out of 10 I used to polish this game a lot in 2020 2021 where it really shines is with all the extra features included in the game, there is a contract system with special missions, there is a daily challenge system where you can play custom designed matches, there is aFull matchmaking modifier system with 20 options, you can use this to make each zombie fly, you can remove weight time between waves, you can enable the switch gate, which I assume is a reference to the Nintendo Switch scan, where find Cooking.
Mom M game your device for cryptocurrency, you can enable all the bad modifiers at once to get a reward multiplier of 5.9 where the game looks like this, there is a complete Beast system with a fully developed lore, there is a chance of 1 in 500 at any time The arob boss, which cannot be killed, will appear randomly and end your run in the first wave. They added a zombie among us named OK. They added a developer-only skin called Bobo that is based on Tower Blitz. Hey, 10, oh, what the hell is wrong with you in this game? opens strong with a th000 Robux pack on sale for 29 Robux, what a bargain.
Wow, when you play. You can play with Bart. He doesn't actually hit the zombies. He just leans towards them with his skateboard. Subscribe. He had to do it. play this slop three out of 10 wa this is a digital circus scam and the game sucks the maps suck the towers suck it's pretty bad interestingly enough this game has the exact same skin scam offering as simpsons defense but That takes the scum even further with an offer where you can get a free Empty Rabbit Tower if you just invite 100 friends to the game and then have those 100 people spend at least 30 minutes in the game and I seriously doubt they knew how to code that this probably won't work anyway two out of 10 Among Us seems like maybe there was a little more effort, the design of this game is still terrible and like a circus and Simpson Tower Defense gets the same deal again and there's actually a reason so that this circus of The Simpsons and the lethal Tower Defense are made by the same group of people.
I didn't realize this until I saw this YouTube comment because all three games have different groups with different owners, you have one group of people who appear in two other groups, you have four people who appear in all three groups and The Simpsons and the lethal company groups are owned by random, throwaway alt accounts, so it's interesting to get back to the lethal company three defense anyway. out of 10, this game is inspired by a Roblox fighting game called Critical Strike. I don't know anything about Critical Strike. Just thought I should mention that the tower designs here are all blocking and overbuilt.
Zombies are basic R six Rigs and have default values. smiling faces, it has a benefits system, which is great. I think it's like an Easter egg with a golden burger or something. I saw it on the YouTube thumbnail. 5 out of 10 What was the inspiration for the dog that makes this game so great, you can say that he was inspired a lot. games like tower defense simulator like this Lobby is just the old TDS Lobby design but there is a lot to this game to stand out too, there is a complete skill tree system that you can progress through by constantly using a tower and earning points , kind of like mono Bloons lore td6 I guess by far the coolest feature here is this custom mode creator, it's a bit complicated but you can use this menu to create custom wave designs, allowing for potential challenges almost infinite.
By trying this, I was able to give myself. a million dollars and have 345 Jester in me appear in the first wave and then instantly win the game. You can also play other people's custom levels, although I'll be honest I tried three random levels and they all sucked, they just spammed random overpowered zombies and gave you no money to do anything and then you were done in about 2 minutes, it's a really nice feature though. sickly TDC is difficult but the content itself is solid. 6 out of 10 in 3D, get ready to fight. This game has a trick where you can.
If you build the towers yourself, you get these base units and then different weapons that you can place on them. The game obviously has an extra layer of complexity as there are multiple combinations for everything, but what turns me off the most is the art style. The effort was the matching system and the whole UI and everything, the maps, the tower layouts and the zombies, they all feel really basic. I understand they had to stay simple to allow for customization, but these Noob designs are so generic and overused. I feel like the scale contributes to the proportions feeling really weird for some reason, like it makes me feel short 5 out of 10 this game is inside the Cafe and you play a match, you have to sit at the table, which is already pretty fun and it's actually had some of the best gameplay feels of any of these Niche TD games, mainly just because it goes by so quickly, like I could get a Duo win in a 40 wve match in under 12 minutes like a Noob complete as part of the unit.
The designs are great, I think this is the only game in this entire video that has a mostly female cast of towers. It's nice to see some variety there. The lobby is full of small details. You can get a donut if you talk to this person. Receive tips about the game in the form of emails. This game is a little rough. I would say that the modeling is not always of the highest quality, but it is still solid. Finally, this game also has the trophy for best trailer in the game. That's great. 6 out of 10, this isn't actually a tower defense game, it's an Obby game I randomly found where all the platforms are just pictures of this cat, ironically it was a lot more fun than most upcoming games . 7 out of 10, this game has the same format as Toy Defense, you build your base and defend your camp with these blubs who are just shy guy scammers, it feels a lot like a personality list mobile game, it's still fun, five out of 10 blue zumbo sauce, this is a game equivalent to a baby sensory video, three out of 10 H, it's made by the same group as the previous game and it's just as bad, it has a scary theme, which is slightly interesting .
I guess you're forced to gamble to get first. Epic two out of 10, this game is strange. I jumped into the duo match and this guy led me to win. Chris used flamethrower. furry edition. Furry Farms Edition and Furry Sniper Edition. The towers are mostly the same furry guy with different equipment depending on the description of the game, you are killing evil fools who seem to have a problem with furries. I guess they're talking about literal fools, but that still feels a little off, honestly, for some reason the big boss here is a janitor and then after. you defeat him, he turns into this guy called The Cleaner again anyway.
I got carried away here, so I ended up winning and joining the lobby again. I saw this animated sign here, which was pretty strange. I don't know, man, even without taking into account the theme of this game. it just doesn't work very well like it's supposed to there is this mini tower equipping tutorial which didn't work properly for me, it didn't let me equip the tower at all. The modeling, the UI, none of it is very high quality and overall FTD's theming is vague, like there isn't even a lot of furry theming going on. If you're going to do a hairy defense you should at least go all out, add the weird vibes and it's for more than one in 10 this game crashed and temporarily closed before I could save it.


it a little before and thought it was cool. Question mark out of 10. This game uses a grid based placement system and has some more dynamic mechanics between the towers and the zombies if you put your scout too close to the path the zombies will get angry and attack the tower until they die this leads to some pretty interesting gameplay. To be honest, I didn't do that well, the game definitely relies on that gimmick which I think is really interesting, but the towers don't feel consistent design-wise, like the Pyro looks like it's straight out of TF2.
The Scout has a strange face. The car is simply called a car and is strangely very detailed. The pre-match loading screen has a spaceship. flying in the background, but otherwise the user interface is pretty basic. I should have written a little transition to the classification here, but I didn't and I'm not going to. 7 out of 10 NTD is another generic anime game that features all the Staples that invoke other brands names slow gameplay, but where at least many of those other games have some cool towers or half-decent presentation, this game has nothing, this game is really bad, what is this?
This game also has a free Roblox ugc item available which is a big trend among time wasting scam games like this, the item here is a sword pack and to get it you have to spend 1,400 minutes online i.e. 23 hours. 1 out of 10, the quality of the DTD modeling UI is quite low, the tower is all the same. smiling guy like a Bas, but the game intentionally leans into that aesthetic, so instead of feeling low budget, it just feels like a game with very strong art. Steering, the variety of towers is solid, you have some interesting tricks like path obstruction and Pizza Guys. the scale feels a little different than any other TD game, it feels a lot smaller, it's strange, but I liked it.
I should also note that I played on this map, this haunted house map, and every two minutes they randomly play a scare, which was great for my attention span which really kept me engaged with the game overall, really fun though, really cool. I feel like this is an example of retro style done right. 7 out of 10 shoot in this is one of the five best games visually, everything is very clean. and the art style is also very different, it has this hand painted look to the textures. Some of the tower ideas are of course generic, but there are also units like the troller ship, the planes, the Walker, the orbiter, the buccaneer, the raider.
I couldn't try it. Discover all these towers, but looking them up on YouTube they seem pretty crazy to say the least, progression wise, many TD games offer emotes as secondary cosmetic purchasing options, but here you can buy sand effects, there's even one called fire in the hole, there is a type. of the clan system where you can join a guild and do quests. I have a negative reputation in my guild. There is a narrator in the game named Mr. Dumb who is aware that he is in the video game and criticizes the developer and also has a line where he says. he loves challenged people, that's probably why we get along so well overall, the game is very impressive 8 out of 10, this game was the best of the anime games.
I was really impressed with the towers here, like Luffy has special animations where his limbs extend while he attacks. this guy, I don't remember his name, it means a four bladed scythe, this guy is like a shadow clone of Jitsu, I don't know what this is, but it looks cool, all the towers and skills are flawless of course, although AWD It has the standards of an anime game, it has a summoning system, an evolving system, about a million pieces of UI with various currencies and crafting recipes, but what really disappointed me about this game was the times. of charge that I recorded for 54 minutes and 6 seconds here.
Of that time I spent a combined 31 minutes and 19 seconds loading screens, more than half of my time, and that really killed any enjoyment I had of this game. My internet is bad, yes, but this is the only game that had this problem. yeah 6 out of 10 this game made Doge the April Fools narrator, other than that this is a pretty basic Niche TD game. I don't have much to say, 5 out of 10. I've never personally been to the SCP scene, but I can see the appeal here, it has a constant theme throughout the towers, the zombies are appropriately scary, you have the plague doctor, which is SCP 49, there is a shadow child who is SCP 17, you have a coffee machine which is SCP 294, I'm not even going to do that.
Above, this has an old Wiki article 7 out of 10. This game also feels like a watered down Defender Depot. There is a cool feature where you can build your own path however you want, but pretty much everyone else. Defend Depot 2 simply. does the same best 4 out of 10 geometry geometry Sorry for the developers but this was like the last game I played for this video and at that point I didn't care at all anymore, the enemies are just these blank cubes. the towers are these personalistic machines. Maybe we'll say I don't even know five out of 10. There are so many of these.
If you go through the best games in the tower defense category, you can spend minutes and minutes scrolling through the abandoned zero. Players rip off elusive Tower Defense games, but to get my hands on some, I tried 10 of the most popular ones and they're all the same. All 10 games have exactly the same garbagemorally bankrupt, same game system and unlike the others, they are disgusting. Cash grabs have talked about these games not even having the vision to at least try to manipulate their players using a unique trend. They just saw that the toilet tower defense was working well and took the exact same trick: it's bottom of the barrel is one in 10 across the board, but that doesn't take into account the main Sky toilet game.
This is the biggest tower defense game on Roblox and nothing else comes close. It constantly accumulates hundreds of thousands of players. Coincidentally I saw it reach 400,000. the other day and of course it sucks for one, it has the standard game play, the whole progression system is a game, they only get paid robu boxes to bet on, there are a ton of different banners to bet on, you can place a bet on Titan's cameraman, The Towers. It looks horrible, the scale of everything is wrong, the animations of everything are wrong, the zombies look incredibly terrible. Look, how did they go about creating this for their mini event quest in the official Roblox collaboration?
The search made an NPC. called manace man, you can't make this up and ignore all that, even if the visuals and designs were cleaned up, the core gameplay here is pure brain rot, a lot of the other bad TD games have talked about, like I get it . you're chasing bags you're trying to be the next hit game you're getting kids to gamble, but the ttds game is already so ridiculously successful you'd think they decided to like I don't know how to spend some money pay some people to raise the overall quality a bit of the game, there's not too much work if you enjoy the tower defense power of the toilet.
I used to regularly play Apocalypse Rising for fun, we all have different taste. I just find it disappointing that by far the biggest TD. The platform game seemingly puts very little effort into literally every aspect of its gameplay and continues to push the game as literally the mandatory progression system. Maybe they just don't want to change what's already working. I don't know, I really can't think. Of any redeeming quality for TTD, there is nothing I like, not a single tower design, not a single PC UI, not a single game mechanic, zero out of 10 and that's it, all the games I played for this video again, I know.
I missed some, feel free to comment if you think there are any underrated ones. I should have played again. These rankings aren't super formal, they're just my opinion after a bit of play time. If you like something, I don't feel free to review it. Some of these games, if you were interested, subscribe, this took a long time, leave a like and yeah.

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