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I Perfected The Smashburger! | Chuds BBQ

May 22, 2024
What's going on? Everyone, welcome back to Chad's BBQ. My name is Bradley Robinson and today I'm going to show you how I made this delicious and delicious cheesy scratch that turned out amazing. My perfect Smash Burger. Coming soon, this is a package of beef jerky and what I have here. It's a flat piece of brisket, a boneless plate and of course some boneless ribs, a very classic combination for making burgers with a good amount of intramuscular fat and all of these cuts even have a little bit of fat in it and each one brings the his to the party, whether it's meat, minerality, tenderness, it just works well with ground beef and of course you can do whatever you want when making burgers, you can do just Chuck, you can do just brisket, but when I feel like doing a extra effort, I make a good combination of these three.
i perfected the smashburger chuds bbq
The cuts always work well and to start, I'm just going to cut them into cubes so they go through the meat grinder easier. You can make cubes or strips and since these are all strips, we don't have much to do. fat, so I'm going to cut them in half, but it's really up to you and because these are such well-marbled cuts and the fat limit on this, I think the fat content is going to work very well, but if You can always get some very lean beef and a little bit of breast fat or something like that and really dial in that perfect 80 20 or whatever you're looking for, but I found that by using these cuts most of the time you get the right between that 70 30 80. 20 and I always end up with some delicious burgers, so now, like every time you see me grind meat on this channel, I'm going to put this in the freezer for the next 30 minutes or so so that It's really cold and making sure that you get a really clean grind is probably not entirely necessary, but it's good practice and will make the grinding process much smoother and faster while we wait for the meat to cool, let's go ahead and start our muffins starting with a little warm milk. going into the mixer followed by our yeast, our sugar and our eggs and just give it a quick little mix, then add our bread flour, a little salt, a little optional dough conditioner as well as a little powdered milk Also optional, the dough conditioner is just working. to give us that soft, fluffy, almost commercially made hamburger bun, and the powdered milk will also soften it by adding a little extra protein, kind of like a Japanese milk bun or what a Tangy zong makes, but mix this until you get a shaggy The dough is formed, once you have a good dough we're going to add our softened butter and now we're going to let it knead and mix for probably about 10 minutes until it's nice and smooth and pulling away from the sides. out of the strange bowl like that, a nice, nice, soft, smooth ball of dough, oh I love that you give it a nice little shape, I love the next step in a bowl of grease, it's too cold out here for my grease to work , put some plastic wrap on it. this and let it rise at room temperature for the next hour at 15, probably.
i perfected the smashburger chuds bbq

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Next let's pull out some quick pickles and when it comes to making these pickles, you can make them as thick or as thin as you like. Mandolins are always useful for this and I like to make them quite thin that way we get that nice bite of the pickle when you bite into a cheeseburger instead of something thick that will just fall out in one bite and then into these jars. I go with a little garlic, a little pickling spice, I usually make my own, but I'm guessing most of you don't have all of these ingredients on your shelf, so it's just a store-bought pickling mix, it has all of them. mustard seeds and bay leaves from The Usual Suspects. a little bit of cloves, cinnamon, works great and makes things easy, I can't add pickles without a little bit of dill and then we're just going to pop all these cucumbers into these jars with all the other lovely ingredients, now we need to make our beautiful pickle brine, shout out to Made In Loving the New Things, so in this pot we're going to put three cups of white vinegar, a cup of water, a little bit of white sugar, and a little bit of kosher salt.
i perfected the smashburger chuds bbq
We'll just bring this to a boil, make sure everything is nice, hot, nice and dissolved, beautiful, regards Mom Chud, she bought me this little funnel for Christmas, very cute, so I hope I don't spill it everywhere, oh, look at that, oh, a little bit even better than usual and this is what is known. like a quick pickle instead of a fermented pickle because with a normal pickle for weeks and it ferments naturally it creates its own flavor and softens the pickles naturally but for these we add flavor with vinegar and since it is boiling it will soften the pickles . immediately, so all we have to do now is put some lids on them and as soon as they're cool enough to eat, we're done beautifully, let's go ahead and shred this meat.
i perfected the smashburger chuds bbq
Do we have the little five millimeter die there today? It makes some great burgers and we only have to run them through once if I remember to plug them in first, then a lovely time and so, friends, we have a lot of delicious ground beef for burgers and yes, I made one a lot because if you're going to get out the old meat grinder , you might as well stock the freezer, right? They are beautiful things and this is much better than anything you can buy in the supermarket because as you can see it has this nice pebbly grind to it which means it will be a much more tender bite once it is in burger form, no It's been processed so much and we know exactly what's in it, you know, they're all great cuts of meat.
I post a lot of ground beef that you buy at the supermarket, which will be just a mixture of all the leftovers from The Butchery process, but from here we have to form them into balls and you can make them any size. If you like it I'm going to go with 90 gram balls, a little over a third of an ounce, that way we can get some double stacks of this and there it is folks, I don't even know what to call this, oh I know . Meatball Mountain and now, with the accompaniment of the world's loudest gardeners, our dough has doubled in size and it's time to divide it.
Who will mow the lawn in January? Anyway, we will divide them with a weight of around 90 grams, now we are just. Let's tuck all the seams underneath and make the old roly-poly beautiful. Now we're going to let them rise for another 30 to 45 minutes and bake them and after they've rested a little bit and look nice and plump. I'm going to go ahead and hit them with an egg wash which is just a beaten egg and a little bit of water. I'm just going to paint them all over, this will really help with the color and make sure they're nice and golden. brown and now at 375 degrees, it's about 30 minutes, okay, those buns are done, let's go ahead and whip out a real quick burger sauce, starting with an egg, a healthy shot of Dijon and a little freshly squeezed lemon juice and ready. up and then with a little bit of oil, this is avocado oil, we're going to start drizzling it in slowly while gradually increasing the speed, like this, we've made our own mayonnaise, oh, beautiful thing, but we're not just making mayonnaise, folks.
We're making burger sauce, so now we're going to go in with everything else you'd expect, including some cats, they jump out, oh, how are you making a yellow mustard shot, oh yeah, oh, some hot sauce, we're making a sauce for hamburgers. Friends, you really can do whatever you want. How about adding a little Worcestershire with a little garlic powder? And since I'm not planning on putting pepper on these burgers, I'm going to throw in some freshly ground black pepper and mix it in, oh beautiful, it tastes like burger sauce to me, would you look at those beauties?
And, as always, fresh out of the oven, we will spread them with a little melted butter because you know the flavor and it will help soften them. These rise because of the water content in the butter and usually when I make these buns I put sesame seeds in them because you know, it's like Bread's favorite topping, but I prefer naked buns and I have to say they look absolutely amazing. magnificent, last but not least, we have to talk about onions. If you watched my first Chud Burger video, I talked about how much I love rehydrating dehydrated onions for my burgers because that's what they do at all the fast food restaurants and it really adds to that.
Nostalgic taste of a homemade burger, I highly recommend it and even for Chad Burger version 2.0, I'll keep that girl. I love it, all you have to do is serve up some of these guys, find them in the spice aisle, available, and top it with some. water, give it about 10-15 minutes and you will get some burgers with small, perfect diced onions. I love it and lastly our cheese, American cheese, is the only cheese for a cheeseburger and I will stand by that until the day I die if you don't agree please continue. Tell yourself because you won't change your mind and if you're worried about what American cheese is again, go back and watch my Juicy Lucy burger or my original chud Burger video where I show you exactly how to make your own American cheese, but it takes a lot of work. , it's not realistic for the home cook, so today we're left with some old classic yellow craft stuff that was basically designed for burgers and finally, finally, it's time to make our Smash Burgers.
And for those of you. I don't know this is the chud press as I build them and sell them on my website available now don't wait so if you don't have one of these you should definitely buy one but essentially what started out as a tortilla press is turned into a hamburger press. It has a removable grease pan for easy cleanup, perfect for making flour tortillas, smashing burgers, pressing bacon, pressing panini, it's basically everything George Foreman wishes you could do and I also have this great propane burner right here that will power this thing this thing can get. nice and hot.
I have it up to 800 degrees, it doesn't warp and there are no problems, but if you don't have a table like mine, you can always put it on your stove or burn butane or something, so now Let's let this get really hot and We'll put some hamburgers on it. Turns out I have some women there who are about to leave, so we're going to have to cut this short a little quick. This will be the little tester, making sure everything is working. Overseas hamburger ball, just give it a little press folks, that's all you have to do, give it a minute or so, it looks good, literally a minute, give it a little salt, flip it with the cheese toast, our rolls, beautiful toast, all of that. the cheese melts, we're going to go ahead and put the sauce, rehydrated onions, pickles on the burger and just like that, a beautiful Patty On the Bun, she wanted just one.
I told him they were small and there we have the perfect burger in about two minutes. flat it may be hot those bagels are also fresh out of the oven, there is nothing better, yes the bagels I had, oh my goodness, I took an Instagram video because they were that beautiful, they are literally photo perfect, okay, a one more bite, sorry. in the past, you're on bite three, no, and I was the one who was hungry, luckily, they came together very quickly, they said let's pee and then we'll leave. I'm like I have a hamburger ready before the blush falls off. is this new is from Maiden are my new favorite cookware company has a good heft is located here in Austin oh oh I didn't mind saying that now let's get back to our regular show I already have this friend press screaming hot as you can see and now let's go let's do a double, let's throw a ball right now, let's go to the ball here and just give it a nice firm pressure, I love that Sizzle doesn't press too hard, but the amount of pressure you put determines how wide and thin It will be literally 60 seconds later, let's review.
Oh, it looks beautiful and again, this thing is raised in the back about a quarter of an inch so all the fat goes right into the fat. Cheat here before you give them a spin. I'm going to give them a little salt. I like to only salt Smash Burgers, especially since they are cooking at about 700 degrees right now, so the garlic powder tends to stick and the black pepper tends to stick. I just burn, oh, just look at that beautiful sea in 60 seconds, I love it, what we're going to do now is move them forward a little bit, hit them with some American cheese, you realize I forgot to cut this bun, for true, beautiful muffins, friends. and because we're so hot, they're going to take about 10 seconds to toast completely and while the bottom is cooking, I'm going to go ahead and pour some of this beautiful, nice, thick burger sauce on our bottom bun, a little bit on the upper part. bun too, just in case, throw our pickles at one of these guys.
I like a burger with pickles. The onions fall to the bottom. Facilities for bagels. It's like fast food. I love it. The cheese issee melted. Double stack. There we go and decided to cut this for me. bun terribly, oh what a good pop on our top bun and the Ultimate Burger the chud Burger 2.0 I mean what's not to like about this perfect homemade bun, homemade pickles, perfectly seared beef that was hand ground, Oh, I have to dive in, I have. a lot of burgers in my day people smoked puppy burgers smash burgers but this is what I make for myself all the time at home I mean just look at that perfect burger oh let's worry about every step and I need to know how it turned out um oh god mine, that's so good, so juicy, the crust is just amazing, the pickles, the bun, the onions, the cheese, it's all you need, you know, I think there's a time and place for lettuce and tomato on a burger, This is not all, oh my God.
God, like the double cheeseburger is my happy place in life, you know what I mean, so gooey, the bun to meat ratio is perfect, the sauce is spicy and everything it needs to be the pickles bring that je ne sais quoi, you know, those warm spices with cinnamon and cloves that get that pickling spice, but it's subtle but it helps round out all those toasty notes from that super seared freshly baked meatloaf, come on folks and I know it. It's hyperbolic to say this is the best Smash Burger or whatever I title this video, it's probably something like I Perfected the Smash Burger and really that's just a personal preference because this is my perfect burger and the point is simply because this press makes To make things very quick and easy, if you skip the homemade bun and grind your own meat and make your own pickles, which I do most nights, you can make an amazing Smash Burger in about two minutes.
I timed it once a minute 45 if you got it all figured out you know if Josh Weissman got one of these things but faster it would be game over but all that to say this is really an amazing burger it's all about getting that crust as quickly as possible, making the crushing process nice and easy, and I must say it's very tasty, very good, it's like gourmet fast food. I love it, as I mentioned these presses are for sale on my website right now, if you're watching this in real time they are ready to ship, if not we'll let you know.
If you try to order one, but before you go ahead and eat 17 more burgers, I think it's time for the official taste test, the most adorable mini cheeseburger ever, I love it, let us know, this is how I make my version. of the perfect Smash Burger that I have to design and build my own kitchen just to make this burger, probably not, but is this the fastest way to make the best cheeseburgers I've ever made? But with all that being said, if you enjoyed this video, let me know by hitting the subscribe button, let YouTube know by putting a like on this video.
If you try this recipe for yourself, be sure to tag me on Instagram at Chudd's Barbecue and if you already got a press, be sure to make this video. I would love to see how it all turns out Big shout out to all the patreon members thank you for supporting the team trying to allow me to keep making all these videos and until the next time I see you please go cook something. outer peace thank you

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