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I Paid 5 Designers On Fiverr To Design The SAME Logo...

Jun 07, 2021




ers to





. Let's see what they did. Well, Fiverr came to me and asked if I would participate in the Fiverr challenge, which is where I basically have $1000 to spend on Fiverr. I can choose different


and basically have them design a


. So I thought it would be really fun, interesting, and enlightening to see what would happen if I got 5 designers at different price points, from $40 to something like $500, and see the differences between the


logo brief I turned in. them. Now be careful. This summary is very brief and was intentionally brief to leave it a little vague so that you can have a little more creative expression in your work.
i paid 5 designers on fiverr to design the same logo
That's why Mindscape, a guided meditation app primarily with added Zen music, features relaxing sounds to help you focus. And gentle wake-up alarm. By the way, this is a fake app. But there are similar ones online. I would like you to create a logo for the company mentioned above, Mindscape. It's an app, so the logo should be appropriate for an app icon. So that's a big one. The logo would also have to work outside of the App Store. Since the idea would be to use it as the main one on a website for Mindscape. Basically what I have said the design is that this logo is about creating an app but it is also a website that will work independently.
i paid 5 designers on fiverr to design the same logo

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i paid 5 designers on fiverr to design the same logo...

So the logo has to work very well in the App Store app and very well online. So it also needs to basically have some kind of graphical element to make it work online and to be easily distinguishable and marked. This is my thought process when approaching it. Marioland, let's take a look at your work. So Marioland sent all this. So let's review a couple of them. We'll look at this one here first. So this is Mindscape. His first kind of look and there wasn't much of an explanation for this. I made some options for you to see.
i paid 5 designers on fiverr to design the same logo
Most ideas play with M or M S with relaxing zen elements. I can definitely see how the M is there with the mountains, which is cleverly done. And it's very zen. But I think, in my opinion, it's too cliché for the market we're targeting because you haven't looked at the app. Other than that, but yes, the logo works, it's really pretty and very zen. The second version he gave was this one here, which has a really futuristic look. And I kind of like this one, because you can see the M there too. It's a little more modern, with the brief being a little more Other than Marioland.
i paid 5 designers on fiverr to design the same logo
Let's take a look. You've given us a lot of different concepts here. It's actually really nice to see all these different ideas. And it's an M and an S all together, creating this type of human that is meditating cross-legged, which I actually think I really like. I think it's very clever, geometric too. I think you could have cleaned up some of the lines here by doing that, maybe using the pencil tool and making it a little more precise. But the idea was there and the actual typefaces worked quite well with it. I think maybe you could have gone in a different direction with the font.
But the icon, the logo itself, looks pretty good. Although I ended up choosing. This version is here, but I asked in the actual answer, I said this, thanks for the concept. Concept 2 would work best for the app icon. I'd love to see what you can do without the birds so we can get rid of any details that would be visible within the little app icon. And I said, increase the following on the logo as well. I physically told him what to do. I told Mario what to do with this. And this is what he came up with.
So it looks much better icon. Now the only problem with this logo here is that the tracking is happening so frequently that there is no problem anymore. So you have my approval and dig a little deeper. So we are a little more together. You can see that the C and A are too far apart there. But that icon is there for $40. $40 is what Mario charges for this. Which is crazy, $40. You get what you give. You know, it's amazing. You are all these different ideas and concepts. Okay, so number 2 will go to this guy called Kfalldesigns. And this one cost me $70.
This is a $70 logo design and also generated concepts. So I gave them the exact same report and answered the questions they wanted. And here's the first look at the logo concept. So we have it here. We have Mindscape in this. Again, very cliché. Again, these sheets have a very cliche look that you use on someone you know, literally meditating in the middle, which isn't a bad thing. It's very cliché and may not fit well into an icon. Well, scroll down. Some of these are very similar to this one. This is like a musical note in it.
I'm not really sure why there's a musical note in that. But there you have it, and you kind of stayed within the limits of this type of sheet. But the one that caught my attention was this one below. Because it was on an app icon and I could see it working. But the leaves protrude outside of it, which doesn't work within the confines of the app icon. So I asked to choose the icon for that app and go ahead and change a few things with the depth and colors. And this is what she did. She created a flatter look because too much happens in the middle of the first one.
And there you have it, she has done it. But the problem is that it just seems like she just deleted all the lines, which is not what she was trying to explain. For $70 it really matches the writing. Wow, the colors are teal, which is not boring. They are very calm and pleasant. They breathe an ocean of freshness into you when you look at it. So I also like typography. Works. So that was Kfalldesigns at $70. Next up is A6designs at $135. You know, it doesn't seem like much. So I wasn't expecting much. But then I understood this.
First I open a PDF and it shows me this, which is obviously the logo which looks really cool. And I was like, wow, there's a mind and an M and then an S and therefore Mindscape. And there's a landscape that someone was sitting on, which instantly shows me that this guy instantly got the attention of what we're talking about. Then he catches me with the idea I gave him, which is good. He is introducing it. Then he not only presents me the work but he gives me the logo. In fact, he shows me what he did.
And it shows that this is the construction of the brand and we see the meditation plus the M. And he's highlighting it for us, as you can see here the M plus the three piece zen, which is that those rocks that he was talking about create this. But not only that, it also shows the grille configuration, which is huge. He shows you how we designed it and lets you appreciate the process a little more. And then he also did it in negative ways, and he went ahead and basically he gave me the actual font that we should use by just putting it in there.
Even here, he shows us that changing the original type that aligns the height of the letters applies visual kerning on the endpoints to create visual balance when using the combination with the mark. So, not only did he create the map, but he also modified it. a logos. Basically, he created a custom type of logo that fit the brand so it would work properly. And this is what we have. For $135 that's incredible, but it doesn't end there. He goes ahead and gives me this, which is the app icon. He shows it works there with the grates. And it also has different sizes to prove that it works on different app stores and favorite apps and cons.
Then here it is also evident from the promotional posters. It also shows some t-shirt designs. Like he was really impressed. $135, this is crazy. So that was A6design for $135. As of now they are only getting better and better. Then the next one is from Logo Business for $295. This is how you can see it here in the first look of it. He gives me this here and shows me what he's been doing. And it's low quality, of course, because obviously it doesn't need to be high quality. But I gave some comments on this. Because this is the logo here.
As you can see, it looks good. I like the way he has taken a different approach, which is more about a medallion look. And he focused a lot on the idea of ​​an app icon. But not only that, it shows the work here on the side and also the creation of symmetry and balance, which he's really done on the Zen part of this. Now I like this. But I told him: I really like the shape. The colors seem to be slightly feminine, perhaps a change from baby blue to a little less desaturated. And at the end, we have this one here.
So we have these different color combinations here with the little yellow dots, which is very clever because it gives you that idea of ​​the brand. It gives you something to market as a brand. Make it a logo that works independently. And we have these different color combinations. So when I asked if I could change the color because I like the logo, it's really good. He changed it. You know it and I like it. I think the only thing I don't like is the amount of detail it contains. If you have more details on the logo, especially something like this, it doesn't work as well as reducing it.
But at the same time, it's very difficult to do, because you also have to work within the app icon. And here we go. Here's the last one he gave me, because I chose my color. He has shown it to me in full color capabilities. It's also showing me down here, the negative one and they both work like a cheat. I like them. The only complaint I would have is that when presenting the icon, it may lower the icon a bit. Therefore, it fits into the same realm as typography. So here is the latest designer. And this is Danovega, who, I must remind you, has designed everything here from the same commission.
And it's $450, so I've already spent basically $1000 on the platform. So I give you the same report and the same in everything. And this is what occurs to him. You see this, Mindscape. He created this when I first saw it and I thought there's a lot of depth within an app icon that always works. If you ever look at a good app icon that works well, it either has a very good 2D design or it has a bit of depth to it. Something that can work in an app, which I thought was crazy. You're probably too sleepy.
It looks too much like a sleeping app because of the color tone. You could try brightening it or making it, you know, a little more saturated. So it doesn't seem like a sleeping app. He also created ones like this one here, which I like too. But it seemed too zen to me. This one here looks like a plane, so I didn't want to do it. But I liked the concept. Again everyone was really good. After telling them that he needed it, the color changed slightly. He comes forward and gives me five different reviews of these different options.
And also change the typography, which I also requested. Again, this one is good, but it seems sleepier, which is not something I would want. But the app icon works very well. It would look amazing with a new morphic design, and it's crazy. The amount of depth and detail. It's actually inverted the shadows and everything from the other side to give you a greater illusion of being awake. I think it feels more like morning to me now. So the only thing I'm wondering during this visit is if their logo fits. It is appropriate? So does it match the goals and instructions I've set for myself and does it work in an app?
Does it fit? Is it big enough? Does it compete with other app icons and designs out there? And of course, this one definitely does. So for $450 to get all that work in just a few days without having too much conversation, which is crazy. So guys, there you have it. There you go. Those are like the 5 designers I gave the same invitation to to design basically the same thing but in different ways, from $40 to 550 total, spending $1000 to do this, which is pretty crazy. If you want to learn more about Fiverr and all the different designers I featured today, click the link below.
They will be shown that link, click on it, check them out to see their work and check out Fiverr while you're at it. It's an amazing place to get really affordable services for your business. But if you want, you can go ahead and do your own gigs on Fiverr if you want. If you're a logo designer, someone who wants to share the love of creating, or just gain experience in the design industry, Fiverr is a good place to go. Let me know what you think in the comments below and I'll see you in the next video.
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