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I Met My Neighbor Enide ...but I Made Her a Promise That Traumatized Me (All Endings)

Apr 24, 2024
some gruesome ending to the story, like she's coming after me or my father or something, you'll be very disappointed. I kept my


and she left me alone and nothing happened to her either. When Mr. Chase was reported missing, he allegedly told officers that he never showed up for his appointment and I assume he cleaned up. very good because I didn't see them bothering her again after that, the chase kids ended up being taken in by her aunt on the same block and Mr. Chase's case finally went cold. I hope he's not mad at me that's why I'd like to.
i met my neighbor enide but i made her a promise that traumatized me all endings
To think he would understand. I didn't see Enid after that either. I didn't want to when it came to things like babysitting. I told dad that she was too old for that and that she could keep me home alone whenever he asked me to. If he had visited her lately he would sometimes lie and say I did it so he wouldn't think anything was weird. I wonder if she ever told him otherwise. I guess I'll never know 3 years later, oh no, now what does that bring us to today. My famous baseball player Enidya hasn't lived here in a while and I'm not really sure where she went.
i met my neighbor enide but i made her a promise that traumatized me all endings

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i met my neighbor enide but i made her a promise that traumatized me all endings...

I remember some moving trucks in front of her house one day and she left with them and it was because she didn't live here. No one has moved in now, it's just the old abandoned house on the Block. I wouldn't be surprised if the


hood kids start saying she's haunted, she might as well be. I still haven't told anyone that I


d I wouldn't and there's a part of me that feels like no matter where she is or what she's doing now, she'll know if she breaks it. Ally Claudy hey, oh wait, it's this Pinsir. You were looking intently at Ena's old house.
i met my neighbor enide but i made her a promise that traumatized me all endings
You're not there yet. angry about the time I threw your doll there oh my god it was pin oh I was like they threw in the little hint that he chose the girl avatar but I didn't think anything of it it was because he felt like it should be a girl and now it's a girl, it's Claudy, this is so cool, come on baby, I apologize for it like a million times now. No, no, we're fine with it now, I swear, maybe that's why he was being mean. her because he was like having a hard time trying to figure himself out okay, I was just coming to pick you up because the other girls and I were going to the game room and we wanted to invite you, but I see you have all your gear on, put on your gear, so if you're too busy with practice or something, maybe at one point there's just a few things I have to do around here, first assignments and everything you know, then we'll be hanging all day, so just text text.
i met my neighbor enide but i made her a promise that traumatized me all endings
If you want to join later that also sounds good, thanks crab cakes, I'll join you later. I'm going in? The door wasn't even locked the last time I set foot in this house was that night. Sometimes later. For many years I wonder if it really happened, maybe I just had a crazy nightmare or maybe it's just what I like to tell myself, but I didn't think that after so much time and so much dust this place would still smell like her. Surprisingly you checked the refrigerator. There are still some of his notes in En's old refrigerator.
You're a little perturbed to see your birthday listed below your date of birth. It's the word cake. You guess maybe she was planning on giving you one. I even invited you on your birthday, but on your previous birthdays since then you have never been invited or received a cake from her. You wonder what year this was for. Nothing is worth reopening this unit. Oh yeah. I still have the key. you yourself there's nothing inside you hope it's true that last night I was here I found a key hidden under Enid's bed I was never sure what it was for but I always kept it with me I'm sure this must be why why not Don't you know? carry?
You put the key in the lock. The chest opens. You kneel down and start stirring the contents. A note at the top of everything inside says "Gifts from my previous lovers." Your stomach when you start digging through them, the first thing you pull out is a teddy bear, its fur is red and it is holding a red velvet heart. The pink ribbon around her neck is dotted with hearts and the next gift you pull out. It's not a gift at all it's a gift bag with a smiling clown on it there's nothing in it anymore well there's an envelope that's also empty you assume this whole gift was for a birthday but you have no way of knowing that this gift is too .
It's a gift, it's a letter, dear Enid. I hope you don't find it too cheesy that I'm writing this in a letter. I'm a little old-fashioned sometimes, but I also threw this in your mailbox because I think it's a letter. It's a little hard to say it to your face. I know we've been dating for a while now, but I just wanted to let you know that I like you. I really like you. I always thought opposites attract was just a myth, but after meeting you. I'm starting to believe it. I don't think I've ever fallen so in love with anyone.
Every time I see you it's like I have butterflies in my stomach, but despite the butterflies I also feel comfortable with you as if I could tell you anything. You listened and you listened and even with all my baggage you still asked me to take you over and over again so happy with you and I really wanted you to know that you are everything I don't know where I am. I'm going with this just consider it a love letter I love you Enid OH I was confused for a second I thought like this that's my name no it's not this game has ruined my brain and I hope you like the photos too, they came out very nice I think we look cute together, excited to join you for dinner later, your friend, there's no way you have to be kidding, Tabby, uh, sorry, the real ending.
H, sorry, did you go out and then kill and eat my sister? I do not know how. feeling all this I don't know how to feel that means I'm finally going to turn her in because now I know she probably killed my sister, my long lost sister okay I guess I have to find what the hell another ending now okay so to stop get to the other end apparently I can't oh wait no no no no no no no no no oh well, I guess the same thing. I can't hide under the bed. This time I have to hide in the closet. and apparently this is the same thing, she still makes me go look at the thing in the refrigerator, she still makes me make a promise.
I guess the main difference now is that I didn't find that secret key, so I'll come back in 3 years or Wait, that means I'll never find out what happened to my sister. Yes, 3 years later, she still comes back. CLA is still Claudy. I don't see why not, nothing has really changed, but yes, there it is, she is much happier now. It's going to be like a not so traumatic ending. Oh, she was going to invite us to the game room with the girls, but I see you have all your gear on, so if you're too busy with practice or something, yeah, I can come. use a good trip to the arcade, sick let's go, I don't know what happened to Enid, I probably will never know and I think I'm okay with that, I think it's better if I never know, I mean I'm okay with that Girl, I feel so


On the other end, it's certainly been easier to breathe since she left, and despite all the mental scars she left me with, I've been doing okay. There is one more mental scar that in this version you didn't have to experience. I have a great life and I'm trying not to feel guilty about enjoying it when I think about Enid. I always remember that thing she said about loving with your stomach instead of your heart. I hope that for the sake of others at least she has learned. some way to keep them both full. I mean, that's nice, at least we're friends and happy.
Oh, but Claud will never know what happened to her father and I will never discover that ignorance is bliss. I'm never going to know what happened to my sister and she's never going to know what happened to her dad he's just missing and maybe it's better this way I don't know leave a like if you're


too yay don't meet your


s oh known

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