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I made YOUR silly Minigame Ideas

Jun 22, 2024
Recently I started receiving a large influx of requests from my subscribers. Whether it's in my comments section, in my private messages, or even on suspiciously wrapped packages in my mailbox. Okay, okay, I get it, you guys have a couple




own Minecraft


s. Well, in this video I will put them to the test. Being is that you think you're so good. I've created 4 new Minecraft


s based on


suggestions. Except one of these 4 is not the same as the other. Because one of these minigames was not suggested by a subscriber, but by ChatGPT. And I challenge you, viewers, to find out which one.
i made your silly minigame ideas
Let's start. First we have Fiery Footwork, and I'll read the message you sent me right here. Hello Gurg! The way it works is that there is a platform with blazers surrounding it in various places. The arena will be built over a large drop or even lava. Anything lethal really. The sand will be


up of several flammable blocks. Whether it's leaves, wall, wood, as long as it burns. And the objective of the game is not to fall or burn to death. All while the blazers try to cook you alive or cook the sand. I see this one being very versatile too as you can make the sand any shape or size you want.
i made your silly minigame ideas

More Interesting Facts About,

i made your silly minigame ideas...

Or even add buildings


of leaves. Also Gurg, by the way, you still owe me that $50 from when I took you to that furry convention. Well, thanks for your suggestion, possible human. And I have done that same thing. But in play testing, we found that 2 blazers were more than enough. And a slight twist I added to make this game more interesting is that one player will be secretly given a flint and steel to aid in the destruction. But be careful, because people could unite against you. However, this game is not without its problems. After playing for a while, I discovered that all missed shots don't just disappear, but instead hit the forest behind the game, setting the entire island on fire.
i made your silly minigame ideas
Something burning hungry, hungry hooks. The poor pigs. But don't feel bad for the villagers. So I warn you that if you play this one, do it on a backup. What a nightmare. Next up is Pixel Painter. This is a version of Pictionary adapted to Minecraft. One person will be given a prompt and assigned the task of making a pixel art recreation using powdered concrete blocks on this 12x12 grid. Once they're done with their artistic masterpiece, they'll press this button here, which will push the stack and reveal the image one layer at a time for guesswork. It will then take time to discuss the guesses as the image is slowly revealed layer by layer until someone guesses correctly, who will then become the next round's artist and receive a point.
i made your silly minigame ideas
However, if no one can guess what the painting is when it is fully revealed, the artist is deducted one point to discourage his terrible, gruesome drawing skills. Brother, unfair. My message was the abstract concept of loneliness. Yeah, well, it won't stay abstract for long. Our third game today is Bangminton. Like badminton, but with strength. This one is super simple, but the simpler ones tend to be my favorites. So here's the message. Hi Gurg, my idea for a game is one where players compete in a volleyball-style arena, using creepers as a ball. The goal is to throw the vines over a net and into the opponent's side, causing them to explode.
Players can use recoil arcs to shoot and move vines, and push them towards your opponent so they explode and kill them. Whoever gets the creepers to blow up their enemy first wins. Well, I'm not too sure about having a net, since the punchbowls don't provide enough height. However, this idea is great. We can use the often overlooked instant health arrows so the bows don't kill the creeper, and we can find each player on one side of an arena so they are forced to bounce back and forth. I also added a button on each side, connected to the central dispenser, so that at any time any of the players can generate more creepers in the arena, for more chaos and to take advantage by applying more pressure.
And as the last minigame of the day, we have what I have decided to call Gold Rush. This is because the message couldn't think of a name and chose to call it The Digging Game. So let me read this. Technically, this isn't a survival game, but it has potential. Well, I'll be the one to judge that. This game involves a giant cube exterior made of bedrock or other hard block, with the top exposed. The interior would then be filled with a mix of stone and andesite to give it some variety, and the chest would be mixed in with the loot.
And blah blah blah, look, I took a little artistic liberty with this one to really make it work. In Gold Rush, you still have the large pit made of obsidian, with barrels hidden underground containing loot. However, the original goal was shit, so I changed it. Instead of a points-based system, 1 to 4 players will have to fight to mine and attempt to secure 7 blocks of raw gold hidden underground, using only the resources provided within the pit. PvP is now allowed, so plenty of battles and betrayals are guaranteed. The only safe haven players receive is that they each have a chest that only they can open.
This is also where players will need to get the 7 gold coins to win the game. Now this game took me by surprise. At first I thought this was going to suck, and to be honest it was, but it obviously had a lot of potential and given a larger map, respawn times, and some small rule changes, this could be a great mode. new game for people to enjoy. And because of this, I plan to revisit this game in the future with an improved version. But now that you've seen the games, it's time for you to decide which one was designed by an AI and which ones were designed by my brain-damaged fans.
Once again, your options are Fiery Footwork, Pixel Painter, Bangminton, and Goldrush. Drumroll? Can I get a drum roll please? Please? There we are. And the one designed by an AI was Bangminton, which was the AI ​​message he gave me. I changed it slightly so that it actually made some sense, ChatGPT often just gives me absolute nonsense. But hey, there are 4 new minigames in a single video, my power cannot be contained. Anyway, schematics and world download, blah, blah, blah, my discord, see you in the next video.

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