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I Made Portal 3 Because Valve Wouldn't

Jun 07, 2021
In this video I'm going to try to create




we haven't had a new


game in almost 10 years. The closest thing we've had to a new portal game is the bridge builder portal and that was fun though. To play, it was not the sequel I was looking for. Also, I'll only focus on what the gameplay will be like since I don't know how to write a story, so feel free to theorize below about what you think. The plot of the game could be: "Okay, enjoy the video," so I immediately realized I had a very obvious problem.
i made portal 3 because valve wouldn t
I have no idea how to make a portal. Luckily, Unity put out a demo that had exactly what I was looking for. They even have a free download and it doesn't exist anymore, okay Rocky put up a tutorial on this and where did I go wrong? Well, maybe I'll post another video soon. What Rocky remains at this point. I thought he was done before he even started. He was ready to give up, but then I found exactly what I needed. Sebastian Laig posted a video where he experimented with portals to get some really cool effects and he even released the project for free, so thanks Sebastian, very cool.
i made portal 3 because valve wouldn t

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i made portal 3 because valve wouldn t...

These portals still needed some work. I had to shape them right and I had to give them that blue and orange outer glow. Next I want to try to place the portals on top of each other and make an infinite loop, but when I tried that. Unable to get through the portal, I realized that even though my character's mesh wasn't showing on the other side, the capsule collider still existed and was colliding with the ground below me, so I had to make sure that if I was a certain distance from the portal I disabled collisions with the wall or floor where the portal was much better.
i made portal 3 because valve wouldn t
The last thing I needed to fix was the player rotation, unless the portals are completely parallel the player will exit through another portal at an angle which makes the game hard to control so I just need to make sure that if I'm not standing, I quickly returned to an upright position now that I had working portals. I need to make a working portal gun but I can't do that here, the portal games take place in a monochrome lab not a colorful forest so I took some textures from roblox portal 2 and


a quick demo room , then I found a model of the portalgun on sketchfab and attached it to my character and finally


a small reticle to know where the character is pointing.
i made portal 3 because valve wouldn t
We can figure out where to place the portals by using some raycasting to figure out where the reticle is pointing. Now when we try to place both portals they don't work after a bit of The white debugging of the portals now works correctly and I made it so that the portal reticle lights up when the portal is active and I added some animations to the portal weapon so that look a little more interesting. I also realized that I was still using this giant beam as my player model. I fixed it by finding a shell model on sketchfab and adding some animations to it that I got from maximo and now it's starting to look a lot more like a real portal game, but I'm still far from finished, there are many other things I have left to add, so I'm going to quickly read the list, there are the test chambers, the chamber lock, the material emancipation grid, the aerial faith plate, the shredding excursion, yes, you get the point first.
I'm going to start with the buttons, they are self explanatory, you step on a button and the button activates something else. There is also a dotted line that goes from the button to what is activated and changes color depending on whether it is on or not. has been activated, there are also some buttons that require a cube to activate, stepping on the button does nothing but place a cube on the button, speaking of buttons, you know, I'm just saying, like helping a guy, you know, it's ok I will do it. stop, but there is still one more button left, the pedestal button, unlike the other buttons that need you to stand on them or place another object on them, this only needs you to walk up and press e using raycasting, you can also walk up these cubes and choose up by pressing e, but you must be careful when you see one of these particle fields, the player can pass through these fields without problems, but any objects they try to bring with them will be destroyed instantly and will also reset any portals you have placed up Now, it all seems pretty peaceful, but this


't be a portal game without the lingering sense of death around every corner.
There are many dangerous elements in the portal series and the most memorable is probably the sentry turrets. The guys will destroy anything that has happened to walk in front of them and to detect if there is a player in front of them. I used the cone toss. Tone throwing is like lightning throwing, but instead of lightning it uses a cone if the player walks inside this cone. The turret will lock on and start shooting but if you walk behind them you can just knock them down or you can pick them up and drop them somewhere else but I have to make sure that when you pick them up they also have their back to you so it doesn't have to happen this hello oh yeah I have to give the player a health bar now we can start adding the other deadly features the laser fields are the opposite of the particle fields you can throw objects through these fields and nothing will happen but the player will be destroyed if you try to cross through crushers as the name implies it will immediately crush the player and the lasers as you can imagine will slowly damage the player over time unless they use a special cube once again we can use raycasting to see if the laser is hitting the cube and to determine which direction the cube will redirect the laser, the laser can be used to activate doors or can also be used to destroy enemies.
You can also make lasers go through portals by duplicating them and placing the new laser. in the second portal I determine how long it should last once again using raycasting to calculate the distance between the origin and the point it collides with. The last deadly item on this list is goo, also known as toxic water, dangerous liquid, and deadly goo. Characters in the portal series cannot swim in this goo and it will cause continuous damage to them. I added a cold water shader to the glue to give it waves and also added some post processing effects to make your vision change color. and it looks blurry when you go under the goo, so in rooms like this you can't put plurals on the walls and you can't jump far enough to get to the other side.
Luckily, there are these launch pads that can help you jump through the goo. and getting to the other side unfortunately I couldn't find a model online for the launch pad so I did my best to make a replacement. Also, these launch pads are a lot of fun to play with, you can have them launch you to gain speed and then carry that speed with you after going through a portal, but there are still other ways we can run faster and jump higher. The orange propulsion gel propels you forward, allowing you to gain a lot of speed as long as you make contact with the gel your speed will increase the blue repulsion gel does the opposite, it repels you, but this does not mean that it will slow you down, it actually makes you bounce, so if you jump on it from very high up, it will bounce you all the way up after making contact and the last of the gels is the white conversion gel which will allow you to place a portal on any surface touched by this gel before for this gel to be introduced, you could only place it. portals on a specific wall that were colored white you can now use this gel to place portals in new places only a few things left to recreate now the hard light bridge and excursion funnel the hard light bridge is a solid made of light natural solar apparently allows the player to walk on it and can also go through portals using the light bridge.
Some portals can allow the player to reach places they couldn't reach before and can even place portals at an angle to reach higher. The excursion funnel changes the gravity of anyone who enters it, the player will follow the path created by the funnel and like the light bridge, these can also go through portals. The only problem with these funnels is that they travel very slow and I mean very slow. so I decided to increase the speed a little to avoid slowing down the pace of the game. Well, we've gotten this far in the video and so far I've only shown you things that were from the first two games, let's move to the right.
Moving forward on new things, so generating new ideas is quite difficult, so I decided to try to implement some of the discarded ideas from the previous games first. The first one that I thought was quite interesting was the adhesion gel, like the other gels that came out. Contact with this has some kind of special effect. This gel allows the player to adhere to any surface the gel has been placed on. This means the player can stick to walls and ceilings, but it turns out that game testers became disoriented when trying to do so. Thinking with portals, so Valve scrapped the idea now.
I don't think all the mechanics need to be connected to the portals and I think it's fine if we also have some independent mechanics so I started adding the gel to the game when you walk on the gel you stick to that surface and when you try to move away from it , gravity will pull you down and that got me thinking about what kind of puzzle solving mechanics we could do by changing gravity. I made a simple room with a path. of sticky gel around the walls and on the ceiling, then I made a button that needs a cube to activate and activating the button will open the next door.
The only problem is that I put this button on the wall and you can't reach it. From the adhesion gel path you can't place portals in this room, so I made a button on each wall, the ceiling and the floor, that would change the gravity when pressed and when testing the change of gravity, everything went perfectly fine and no I did it. If you have any problems after pressing this button, you can slip out of the adhesion gel and not fall back. Gravity will also change for any object in this room and another game mechanic that was discarded was the paint gun.
Actually, there is no information on this. but the concept alone made me think of some interesting things to do. I created an attachment for the portal gun that allows you to fire one of the four gels by default. There is nothing loaded in the paint gun, so I created these filling stations to fill it. up with gel and I also created a station where you can get rid of any gel you are carrying. Now you can shoot gel wherever you want. You can spread the walls with walking adhesive gel on any wall. You can shoot some propulsion. gel to allow you to move faster, you can shoot some repulsion gel to jump higher, and you can spread some conversion gel to create portals wherever you want, but letting the player run around with this all the time would be kind of a deal breaker. of the game, but make sure that if the player passes the particle field in which the gel and the paint gun will also disappear and with any other portal level it always ends with the breech lock.
Once you enter this elevator, you know you've cleared the level and now I'm out of ideas, so I think this will be the end of the video. See you.

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