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I Made Mining 1000x Faster

Apr 21, 2024
No matter how many stupid things I try and do, I continually find new ways to completely destroy this game, so today we are going to explore a bunch of stupid things to see what is really possible and I still have no idea why these chests became so big and since this is a game that is about finding huge mountains of gold we will start with how to break the game using fish this one alone is worth 600 but I know a way to find more we take one of these kid cages and place them somewhere where fish are supposed to appear and after a long time you get caught by a single small fish.
i made mining 1000x faster
The interesting thing is that you can place several pots on top of each other, you know, in case you have several fish, but you still have the challenge of individually removing each and every fish, but fortunately I have too much free time because I have learned that if you put magnets in a row like this around the fish pods it will actually pull the fish right out of them and then with some minions right on the bottom level it will actually drag the fish onto the conveyor and carefully propel it onto another place for your own fun, hurry to get things moving again. you can use a manual to throw the rest into your conveyors oh yes pure progress talking about fish we have a myth we need to break it involves turning fish into scrap metal and according to this button we can't do that luckily I have something we can Still so we'll try it, we'll go ahead and throw something we can incinerate in there and then the fish while it's still alive will also burn or it's perfectly fine because it's fireproof, but I have something bigger than an incinerator that could do the job and probably annoy. the neighbors just a little bit and I eat that bucket of fish.
i made mining 1000x faster

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i made mining 1000x faster...

I still wouldn't consider it profitable unless we sell it for five dollars and it's gone. There used to be an exploit where you could continually sell that over and over again, but that leads me to wonder if maybe I used the wrong type of fish. Fortunately, I have a fairly easy way to prove that we will turn a few more pieces of fish into some kind of scrap metal and at the same time find not one but two. artifacts buried here and find all the fish cubes we could want. I suspect this probably won't work, but I have to carry it out to be sure.
i made mining 1000x faster
I mean, it would be a shame if those fish died in vain, how will we get out? hence why we fly of course, then I just need to adjust the cart so we see a price there and then we manage to let it go, yeah, just what I wanted. I can't get the card to work right, so I'm going to take all of these and put them here. It's pretty much the same now that I'm selling them and if any of them are left this issue still works. 36 dollars. Oh, it could still work with the right kind of fish, so I guess.
i made mining 1000x faster
We could probably confirm this, you may only need a fish worth less than a dollar, so if you want a really easy and slow way to make money, find a fish worth less than a dollar, somehow turn it into a bucket of fish and then press this button. I honestly thought they patched it a long time ago, so that leaves me very optimistic about a lot of the stupid things we're about to try, of which this is a flight helmet when you put it on your head. You can fly everywhere, which is cool, but it also blocks the top 30 percent of your vision, but being the innovative young gentleman that I am, I've realized that if you blow yourself up with a nuke, your helmet explodes. , but your helmet also explodes. while leaving you still able to fly, so for those of you who like the window seat, this one is for you.
I'm really sure this one has been patched, which is a real shame, but before they could build a loop like this and then delete it. I took it off the water fountain and it was still spitting out water, I think because the timer


things travel, sadly this doesn't work but sadly I'm a cheater so I can display my water fountains anywhere I want anyway , this is a palette that is


. wooden and considerably smarter than me, but they are good for all sorts of physics-breaking adventures, for example if you place a paddle on top of another stand on the second paddle while grabbing the initial one, it sadly lifts you up on that one too.
It could have also been patched. I really wanted that to work, but now that I look at it, that really gives me an idea of ​​what happens if you continually stack little balls on top of each other, do you make like a giant fortress? You can take it with you. Look, this could be very useful if you need to carry more things because today we want to buy a throne. Luckily, we have a lot of options on where to place it, so we'll put it right in the middle. This all got better, no, but I picked up a lot of it, which is still quite a bit considering everything is falling apart, at least we've confirmed that you can make slightly larger pallets if you want, since we have the pallets and we're here apparently placing pallets on a cart and then trying to pull it makes everything launch into the sky uh that's more than a pallet but I don't regret anything so if we lifted this nothing happened they have patched it too. which is a big shame, but at least now I can carry more stuff.
Oh, but now I can't help but wonder something else. If you put dirt in your cart, can you drag it with you? Well, the car still moves, but no. the dirt is left behind, there also used to be a fun way to shoplift, which was probably long ago fixed because normally if you try to grab an item and leave, it will take it from you, but it would take it from you when it crossed your barrier. If you picked it up from the outside, you could get away with it, but that's no longer the case. It seems like you can get away with it sometimes, but as soon as you get that far, there's still a barrier.
I've seen some other things that have been tried, where maybe you put it on a palette and then walk away. I haven't seen anything successful yet, so fences naturally offer pretty good protection, but what about up there? I don't know if it's a perimeter issue or a fence issue, it seems like these guys can't be robbed. I think maybe you could get away with something stupid like throwing a bunch of stuff on the ground, then blowing it up and turning it into scrap metal and selling what appears to produce some kind of Upon further investigation, it literally just evaporates the stolen items, you don't get no money for them, but getting back to dirt and gold for a second, I've heard the theory that if you put dirt in a conveyor and water drips out. in it you can clean it that way.
I don't know if that's true, so we're going to try that and to be thorough and make sure every inch of that conveyor gets washed. I added some shots, that's all set. up and ready to go, the water intakes don't quite line up with the conveyor, but ask me how much I care at this point, I guess those guys probably need some water, okay, there goes the dirt, it goes straight to the water and it doesn't seem to be washing at all. I was reasonably sure this one would actually work. Also, I never knew you could put dirt directly into a conveyor.
That's sad. The next myth is that I'm pretty sure she would still use it. Know? oh boy back to the benches this basically involves completely replacing the conveyor belts with magnets so I just have to get things off the ground a bit then it's just a matter of trying to find the right orientation and we just need to produce a little of gold, so going back to my old friend the god, drilling alone cost about 10 million dollars, so we'd better just buy one for now and then line it up with a Harvester god, add some water and then we turn it on and watch the magic happen, uh, the gold is pretty far to the side of the conveyor belt, but ask me how much I care.
I think we're producing an adequate amount, so we'll see if this magnet works, so they went all the way. from the conveyor and for some reason Yes, they are actually traveling down along the magnets, we are losing some uh to gravity, but that is to be expected, but for some reason yes, the gold is actually traveling down the magnets. starting to get stuck a little bit there and also there, one problem at a time to fix a jam here, put a magnet under there and it pulls everything towards the conveyor, which frees it up that way, because with this problem you might have to do . a quick Google search, contrary to what you might be seeing.
In fact, I have found that the finished product is the straightest thing I have ever created and here comes the gold and there it goes, some of the pieces are coming off a little bit. but this comes behind, it kind of pushes it, you understand it, it is moving forward, I am not sure what happened here, the important thing is that very little gold is falling to the ground, part of it is moving forward, so this counts. it works, but it works as well as basically any of my ideas and then there are these two artifacts that we found at the beginning right here, which fit naturally into these four pedestals when we find two more and it's well, I love the hiding place.
But are there only four that are generated in the world or are there six, ten or a million? There doesn't seem to be any more down here, but we also have this piece of land and, to me, that seems to be worth about two nukes. of terrain hopefully that's enough, if not we can always add a little more, there are no relics here and it's been a while since I mined the snow claim, so we'll throw in some nukes to clear the terrain and see if there are any artifacts down below. there for us that one could have gotten away with it, but this is the quickest way to extract all this.
I have a pickaxe that will extract all of this in an instant but I'm pretty sure it also destroys the artifacts and I want to see where they are hiding and to be completely honest with you this is a lot more fun but this really shows that there is a lot more ground down there than you think. I've done a lot of nukes and we haven't even got over it all is the fresh, healthy smoking locks that walk away, we ran out of gadgets so we moved on to the next floor, wait, I think I saw something halfway up the next floor and I have a cup to put that in. there we will definitely all find it later, after a thorough inspection of this claim, I found one more relic right there, so we already filmed earlier than necessary and we still have three more plots left to do, yes, I guess I could really do this easiest way of all and use the relic finder.
It seems to be working, so let's take it somewhere we don't mind, but we're definitely 200 meters from the nearest treasure, which definitely makes me think. we found them all, we just got lucky with his circumstances because he didn't care about this yet, but there's definitely not 600 meters of land underneath, wait a second, but wait a second. I just realized that I can really change the art of In fact, we are chasing, so there are more than the boy who spawned, there is a skull 220 meters away this way, so there are still some things hidden out there, which is very interesting if they are 500 meters away.
I found them before, but if not, that's something different it's heating up only four meters deep, basically here, since the peak wasn't good enough, we'll finish it off with a nuclear bomb, it has to be there below the surface , there it is and it looks like I really missed the arrows somewhere. here I don't know if I didn't expose it or it's just too small to see easily. Well, I found it and the reason I couldn't find it sooner is because it's basically invisible six pieces of hard-earned treasure that are apparently worthless to sell on their own.
I also want to see if you play with random items on these pillars, if it works, but it doesn't seem like they don't give us extra treasures even though we have 50 more and here. we're a normal sized treasure chest, which definitely makes me wonder why the ones I was spawning were so much bigger. Funnily enough, I just picked up a chest and dropped it to reach full height and for some reason it's now this choice instead of its normal size. I have no idea what's going on here but I need to research this thoroughly because the size is huge and I have no idea why, okay this is a normal treasure chest that I spawned on the ground and that's the one I spawned basically as far into this guy as I am. could, so there's something about spawning things in the sky that makes them bigger, at least for treasure chests, we need to see what else it applies to.
I've tried a few different things so far, this curiosity seems to only apply to treasure chests, so now You're just appearing in Max Eyes On The Ground. I have no idea what I've done or how I've broken things so badly, but I've certainly managed to do it. This is when I see Nast several times before, can you tell? a bunch of cubes in the back of a car and thenI put in the water to build them. I tried something similar recently with fish and it didn't work but since this is a bucket I think this might have some merit so we'll take it for a little swim and get it out of the water and it actually does a job which is interesting and could have an interesting potential in itself because, say, we managed to find a bigger and better wagon that can actually be loaded with buckets. you could fill those buckets with dirt each and every one of them and then give them some drink, get a brush and potentially you'll get some magic and you can even do this right in front of this store so it's a much quicker way to obtain golden filling. manually, when you want to sell, just drop your cart directly on the shelf and see what happens with the sale, that's all. the materials, except that one, I was also hoping that the dirt I put in this one would stay with me for a little while. trip but as soon as you pick up the cart it falls over again so that doesn't work in my last video either Someone suggested making a stack of real coins and then blowing them up in case they fly everywhere this is what a single one looks like stack of coins, that's one hundred thousand dollars.
The complicated thing with coins is that they fall on top of each other and tend to combine. and at this particular moment I don't know if I have a way to stop that, but when they bounce, they tend to combo into one and then bounce off the others, so you might be able to work with it that way. Do we think two TNT will be enough? Well, let's see what happens to these coins when we mine them, they just turn into scrap, probably quite valuable scrap, although four dollars that were originally at least a hundred thousand, my ideas are getting worse and worse.
I've also come to understand, obviously, that having a lot of Goldenrod resources in the world reduces their frame rate, but if you put them in a container, they don't have frame rate problems, everything is a big hole now and for the simple fact do this a little. Hurry, I'm going to use the divine drill again, but with this setup it will collect resources super fast, everyone will be balancing neat stacks right here, so let's see how long this takes to accomplish something, it's churning out stuff at a fast pace, I had the fragments were first because they tend to be the ones that get stuck a lot, but so far everything is in a neat and tidy pile and this way we can also see the proportions of what we extract in general.
As of now this is very satisfactory. The game is going to start to slow down. I didn't know that it discriminates different gems and I don't know why one suddenly left like that. So naturally we're finding kind of the most gold. some cloudium, some iron shards are stopping there because they think it's cool, I'm pretty sure I have a solution for that, yeah the game didn't like it much, but it did it, so if I put it there, no, Alan is just stuck in one. someday i'll get something like this working properly someday right now i'm just making an iron platter for some reason it turns out they're friends we made along the way were all iron because we mined a billion of these somehow we have so many we don't even I like them.
I don't know what your problem is. I don't know why they don't come off the conveyor. As you can see, for the most part, with the exception of iron. This still works perfectly fine because there simply aren't enough raw materials on the ground for us to fix. I guess on a side note we have also confirmed that they are considered raw materials because that is clear. All raw materials, cut gems have to be glued together. I decided to make some improvements. Now we can get bigger batteries. Plus, I now have six drills, so we're going to produce things six times


Nothing could go wrong with this. Luckily, those magnets will keep me perfectly safe so far, so good. except for that iron, that iron will not go beyond that point. I made just a few small changes and the iron is actually working now, so this is cool, you can see the rate at which things are produced, like in real time, many batches of iron. of gold and pretty much nothing else, but up to that point the game still handles it perfectly well, but there isn't a huge amount of raw resources on the terrain, I can still feel it a little when I move, but there are a lot of moving resources I have to To say I like the speed at which we are gathering material, we have almost maxed out the size of our conveyor and now I am starting to be able to slow it down greatly, okay that didn't take long. that very quickly got to the point where I had to delete raw resources just to be able to move again.
I wish there was a better way to get rid of them. If anyone has a better strategy for this, let me know because, uh, I don't. I don't know how many times I can do this. I already broke this, it doesn't work, although I think it's really all that gets stuck, like how a container works, so they don't count as resources anymore, okay, fun idea, more climbing. I want to see things suffer, we will make things suffer, that is beautiful and it will only get much worse. It's a little intimidating to look at from below, but I need to test this container, so I'll try dropping it. as many of the high value resources in one truck as I can.
I think that counts as a container. Know? I guess I have a way to test this pretty easily. I don't need to wait for Golden resources these days. I can produce a lot of them in a hurry and I chose the one that was cloudium because I'm stupid. I could edit all of this and sound half-intelligent, but I wouldn't want to lie to you, I'm a complete idiot. Luckily I have a pretty easy solution for this. I just need to trade them, which actually works much better because we'll keep the iron and gold away from each other, those are the biggest producers, so we'll get the biggest stacks.
Anyway, let's try that again. I just need to see if the gold goes into the truck and also stacks on itself like it would maybe on a pallet or something. So far so good, yes it looks like they are linking together. I do not do it. I don't know if that's going to fill the truck too much or they're just going to pile up on top of each other, yeah I think they're mostly stacking on top of each other so it's interesting that it actually works. The game doesn't love how many resources are wasted. from the sky but I like how that's going I really wonder how many of these God transporters and drills we could have running at once the game is already slowing down quite a bit but the gold is actually going in there I think it's not actually becoming loose material Now it's just things being fixed, I'm pretty sure it's the iron and millions of things on the conveyor belts right now that are the biggest problem, especially with the rate at which we're dropping things like the iron is falling to the bottom of the hole and it will continue rolling, okay?
I'm getting around 10 seconds per frame at this point, the game really isn't happy. I had to reload just to get things working once I clear all the raw resources it moves forward again but I lost all the gold. I'm not staying up there and that's leading me in some wonderful directions so I just need to make some small easy changes. I only need to remove half of my entire structure because we don't need to cut the gems and then we'll be. I'll just land everything on top of the pallet, since pallets seem to gather everything together anyway and don't make them a loose object, at least that's my theory, so any gold land shouldn't count as loose material, it should be glued down tight to the pallets.
So far so good, oh I forgot to remove the hook from the gem polisher so that will go away now that we don't cut gems anymore but here goes, yes that works. I didn't really think about how quickly it would happen. they accumulate, but everything is accumulating on that palette. I'm pretty sure the game is already lagging a lot, but I managed to turn off all the drills. Iron is still difficult, but in a second the game will pick up. then we can investigate those pallets, what happened here, why am I on the mountain, doesn't matter, we're back to where we were waiting for the game to respond, but I just put a bunch of stuff on pallets, the game shouldn't be struggling so much if They weren't counted as Zeus materials, so putting them on pallets doesn't help, but we're not done yet.
I think I still have a way to make this work with even more drills because if you can put material in a casting it will automatically smell and then it won't be a bunch of loose materials it's just money soup we need to run it probably better than this , but you get the idea, we'll probably have to introduce some kind of funnels and then also when we clean it up. the raw resources go and the soup remains that's money and I don't know what I've done now but I still hear the engine running but there's no engine here, it's just air and I think in particular I'm going to need one of these, the bigger , better, gold package, note that some drills have been installed, but what is that?
There is some dirt in our path. Whatever we do, maybe we'll use one of these. It's a pretty big hill, but I think if I take just a few small bikes. having the space we need this really makes life a lot easier I think we're getting closer I hear water on my back perfect with the rock here as a witness we're going to turn all of this into a mega transporter and finally it's all going to land right here. I need to make sure this setup works so I'm going to go ahead and put a few of these in to make sure they actually get to where they're supposed to go smoothly and that's really perfect. so I think I can increase that a billion times and this will still work fine.
I'm really excited to see what happens after all this is done. It's really not that visual, is it? There is an interesting problem here. I'm stuck in my stuff holding my pick so I can't pick anything up or put anything down or move anything and I haven't actually counted how many there are, but there are a lot, but now I know what you're thinking: you can do it. I don't turn on all the drills at the same time, but I can actually be the super annoying first stepdaughter. This is turning them all on one by one, but you'll notice that they don't do anything yet because they don't have any dirt on them. like they're individually giving me the go-ahead that they're ready to do this.
I'm almost ready to do this. I feel like I should have a fire extinguisher ready, but this little shovel is the key to this. All drills are on, this can add dirt to each drill at the same time, so without further ado let's see what happens, it didn't crash right away, that's awesome. I thought for sure that I would just die instantly. I mean, he doesn't love this, but he's doing this. the screen goes black and i think it's crashing it looks like you can overload the game with just conveyor belts listen to the sound it makes when i run that's crazy so new plan we'll do this again but we'll use it .
Half of the drills, which I'm pretty sure about, there's still a lot of drills left, so we'll see how the game goes. It's better to watch the actual movement of things for a couple of minutes. The game still seems to be slowing down a bit. little, for some reason, again, it seems there are still too many transporters, we may have to reduce the number a little in retrospect. I probably should have done this the other way around, starting small and scaling up, it was a lot. It's fun to put them all in, okay, so we'll just start with 10 drills, that's all. 10 drills have their dirt, which should still be a lot of dirt.
The drills are acting pretty strange so I really don't know what to do about it. that, but I'm not that surprised, there we go, it's a cute bear hawk, oh, I don't think it's reaching the funnel correctly, the funnel is disappointing me greatly, not a big surprise, it turns out that even 10 uh. the exercises are more than enough to overload absolutely everything, it just pours out too quickly, the game can't just handle all of that that way, it's crazy to me that it's six trails that turn them into transporters, so it was probably a little excessive.
Whatever the case, it's time to find out how much our iron bar is worth. It's a little demoralizing to call it an iron bar after so many hours of installation and work, but we made forty thousand dollars in half a second, so mission accomplished. foreign

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