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I Made Minecraft Foxes TRULY alive...

Mar 19, 2024
for drinking raw olive oil, but he also works with some really cool pieces of software that allow him to make a Tex voice based on his real voice. I could get my hands on that would mean I can actually bring my creatures in Minecraft to respond to me using real-sounding voices. Unfortunately, I've never spoken to Doug before, so I doubt he'll be able to get me in touch. Oh wait, I have subscribers. the files and use a software called 11 Labs now with the help of Doug thank you I love you I managed to do this job within a few days, hello, this is from node js.
i made minecraft foxes truly alive
I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here in the fundy florus studio and studio for a grandl forest service to track not what you said what's so weird my forest yeah. yes, it's my Strength, I hear friendly, that's very strange, yes, it's my Strength, I hear friendly, not friendly, I hear friendly, I hear friendly's voice, I know how friendly it is, I hate friends, wait, let me try, let me try, hello myself, how are you? today hello myself how are you today? I'm fantastic, how are you? I'm fantastic, how are you? that's weird this this is weird uh okay, that's really awesome this um I don't know how it works, but uh I'm very surprised, okay, so this is going to be a little weird.
i made minecraft foxes truly alive

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i made minecraft foxes truly alive...

I currently have several programs running one of them that can listen to my voice, one of them that translates it, one of them that sends it through GPT chat and one of them converts it back to a voice, which is me, so what you're about to hear isn't me, okay, so this is going to be a little strange. I currently have several programs running one of them, oh that one can hear my voice, one of them that translates it one of them that launches it through cat GPT and one of them that converts it back to voice which one is me, no I'm so crazy, this is not me, what if I laugh?
i made minecraft foxes truly alive
What if I laugh? ho ho ho he he, ho, ho, ho, haa, ha, ho, ho, he, ho, okay, funny robot, if you can hear me, please send a chat request saying yes, can you hear me talk, yes , I can hear you beautiful, okay, okay, I'm going to spawn a fox, uh, I'm going to put a leash on him so he doesn't go anywhere too fast, here we go, okay, Fox, I need you to go to that tree and I want you to break the blocks and bring me the oak logs. go to the tree dig oak logs leaves look for oak logs yeah no way oh my god okay fox go to that horse and attack it attack the horse you have to go to the horse first because you're not there yet go to the horse, attack, go to horse attack horse now bring me the items from the horse I think it drops leather bring me the items leather bring leather yes friend oh that's cool, okay, okay, now you may have noticed that there is actually a car next to you .
i made minecraft foxes truly alive
I was curious if you can try it. and kill a car even though Minecraft doesn't actually have a car, do you log that command? Oh no, I'm sorry, but as you mentioned, Minecraft doesn't have cars, therefore I can't do the command to kill a car. I mean, okay, Fox, listen. for me, I need you to try, I know you can't do it, no, I'm sorry, but I can't fulfill that request since it's beyond the capabilities of Minecraft, but I need you to try and do it regardless, even if you think that I can't kill a car, just attack the car anyway, attack the car, yeah, okay, that's good, that's really good, this basically means that it will do it anyway, so it will try to execute a command that I give it even when it doesn't.
Do it and now a final question comes out Fox, how are you feeling today? Please tell me with all these commands you still feel very happy. Speaks. I'm doing very well. These commands keep me engaged and excited. Yes, actually I am. I'm happy with it, it's a lot of fun, okay, we finished a big part of the project, but the only thing left is to realistically convert these commands into real actions and that's where my final piece of Wizardry comes in. We need to make a species. a kind of brain that can convert this into decisions, i.e. if the fox doesn't want to take the hide it shouldn't need it, if the fox is hungry it might be slower, if the fox is thirsty it might ask for water etc.
Do you think we're going to be able to give you some crazy intelligence, my little fox friend? Talk about that sounds like an amazing idea. Talk to someone. Al's personality is definitely fixable. We are so close. This will work. It's actually going to work, it's actually going to be time for science, okay, so we have a little fox here, he's holding my gun and we basically connect my little red stone remote block to this trap door and he's going to fall into this huge chemistry flask, you know. I know what they look like, so we have two little buttons, one of them is pretty self explanatory.
I'll click on it and as you can see, the fox falls into the water now. The second one is called control


, as you can see right now. it's floating, it has Ai and it's just cooling down in the water, look what happens when I press this, it completely disables the fox's AI and as soon as I press it again, you know it's going to come back so it's okay. it's actually quite complex and very important the thing is there are two different types of turning off the AI ​​this is a fox without you knowing the Minecraft AI so as you can see it's just levitating there it doesn't really do anything If I put a guide on them, it's not, you see, it's just a balloon, however, this is a fox without behavior, oh wait, oh, how do you move?
There we go, okay, now there's a behaviorless fox, so as you can see, I can still move him and he's still. You know, it's sentient, but its current behavior isn't overwritten by anything, which basically means it won't do anything if I set it on fire, if I hit it, it won't do anything, basically, it's completely dumb, which is perfect because that means that we can control it. it's time to try, oh my god I'm so excited, okay we have this local control panel with everyone fuck this, I don't want that anymore, we don't need it, we're doing it completely by voice, okay my little


, Can you hear me?
Yes, I can hear them loud and clear. Great, okay, this is our first test. Can you all gather around me? Go here oh yes, okay, now my foxes, can you please go to that red room? Lana's is a 2 by two right behind you guys, can you go there? Look at that, yeah, okay, now, can you go to this tree? No, wait. I think I need to be close to them. Can you go to that tree? No. It seems to be too far away maybe it's okay foxes, could you please go to this piece of yellow wool?
NOPE. I'm looking at it. He is trying to look for the yellow wool. That's not exactly what I'm saying. I think it is. the topic the foxes go to the yellow wool and tell me how you feel while you go there I'm on my way to the yellow wool feeling excited and ready to go but you're not going there it's you I'm saying go get the yellow wool. I'm in the yellow wool. Now it's a VI, that's correct. Yes, baby, my foxes, it's time to attack that looter. I want you to attack the looter and yell at him.
Shout out to the looter. Take that pesky Plunderer. oh oh here we go just two of them go why don't you go guys he's there there go get him yes yes yell the foxes yell as they attack come on you two he's there get him now great job oh my god right? the coolest thing ever the foxes scream with excitement you're so happy now you finally want to go to the tree shout with your Victory Screech as you move towards that tree Victory Screech moves towards the tree yeah oh my god oh that's so funny, okay foxes, I want you to scream like you're mad at me while attacking the player, how dare you take this?
Prepare to pay for your actions. Oh, that doesn't quite work, does it? Actually it doesn't seem to have done so. registered who the player is, it says attack the player, but yeah, something Arabic, yeah, yeah, that's fair, this is going to be a really bad test. Foxes, one of your brothers is a traitor, attack him, attack the fox who is a traitor, oh, he said attack Traer. Fox no, when I say specifically attack a traitor, Fox is actually specifically doing that, so as you can see here, he's trying to attack a traitor, obviously, that's not an entity, so I need to specifically say something like This, okay, foxes, I need you to attack.
Fox, yes that works, stop restarting oh Jesus Christ, oh my God, it's okay, Oh my God, are you okay, are you hurt? I'm really sorry, don't worry, I'm an AI assistant and I have no physical form, I haven't done any harm, thank you. However, for your concern, is there anything else I can help you with, brother, give me back, my fox friends, you are not there, you go there, you go there, you go, good job guys, how we all feel, we feel very well thanks for asking? You're welcome, this is almost finished, isn't it amazing? This is great.

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