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I Made Indian Street Food At Home

Mar 27, 2024
I don't know how many have eaten that was a lot of liquid. Hi, I'm Beryl and I've decided we need more



on this channel. Well, I decided because many of you said, "We need more."



on this channel so we'll start with my favorite street food and go from there so in the comments tell me what your favorite street food is and where you're from. That way, we have material for you. future episodes, but today we start with my favorite, like I said, pony pory and now there will be two types of viewers here, the first one will say and the second one will be like what is it, what is going to the bathroom, poor thing, so for the last one review what is it. panipori, one of the most famous street foods in Nepal, is panipuri panipuri is an Indian street food which is called in many different frameworks in different regions of India panipuri means paneer which is usually seasoned water, it tastes in a way or another and puri, which is generally a fried dough ball, you start with the puri, which is the fried shell


of semolina and flour, you have to make a small hole on top of the puffed puri, the bread and fill it with potatoes and chickpeas spicy, then comes the interesting part. part where you dip this in the different paneers or waters first you have a spicy green water which is


of mint, coriander, cumin, black salt and tamarind.
i made indian street food at home
This for me is the most important part. The most important part for me in a bunny is the candy. chutney I think balances the spiciness and I just like things to be sweet and not too spicy. Now take this little ball that is dripping water right now. Open your mouth wide, close your eyes and pop it in one go and then wait for your food to arrive. The universe will change now that you know what we are going to talk about, let's start with the video, of course, first I want to say that today's artist is Amelia Strong, she is a Chilean illustrator.
i made indian street food at home

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i made indian street food at home...

I loved your illustrations, some of them honestly completely made me laugh. I'm going to leave all your information below now, of course, I could wax poetic all day about panipuri from here in my living room, but that won't be enough to tell this story. I hired my good friend Kadar, I say friend, but he is sincere. more like a brother to me, we have filmed numerous stories together, we have traveled together, he filmed my documentary that will be out one day, we did it together anyway, he knows how I feel about Panipori Yard, it will be fun, yes, he is in Hello guys my my name is kedar I'm a filmmaker street food in India is really huge and there are so many varieties and so many customizations that you can do all over India it's crazy pani puri is a very special street food for us for me especially for I will take you to one of my favorite places in Mumbai to eat panipuri.
i made indian street food at home
It is one of the oldest places to eat panipuri and yes, I hope you enjoy it, so let's go to Mumbai. Welcome to Mumbai, India, the sixth largest city in the world. For 19.8 million of us, we've come here to find panipori, which won't be hard to do because honestly, it's everywhere. What is your name and what do you do? My name is Smith and I manage this store Punjab Sweet House. This store is. It's been about 43 years, the year 44 is running, yeah, and I'm the third generation here. This shop is famous for panipuri for two reasons: one, the hygienic part and the pani is very cold here, so we sell around 200 to 300 plates of panipuri every day, it is 6 pieces in a plate, so that pani puri is a setup like there is a small puri and we fill boondi or sprouted moong and fill it with tamarind chutney and the normal panipuri water.
i made indian street food at home
The traditional way to take it is through matka where a person serves you. a bowl in your hand and he's breaking up the puri, filling things up and dipping his gloved hands in the mud like serving it to you and it's ten times more fun than having him at the restaurant. Panipoy is believed to have originated in northern India. Around 100 to 125 years ago and many of you who are familiar with the dish right now might say, hey, that's not what I call it and it's true that this dish has many names, let's look at them in Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. call it panikipitashi in delhi people often refer to this as golgappa in gudrat people call it pakori in assam they call it pujka or and here is a fun fact, in fact on 10 march 2005 panipuri was officially added to the dictionary of Oxford English because they often update the dictionary at the same time they added pony pory, they also added such notable words like baked panini and unibrow what a time to be alive pani pudi I think it is the most popular dish in India because it is famous all over the country only the procedure is a little different, but the concept of panipate is famous throughout the country.
Yes, I can't say that all Indians like panipori, golgapo or poochika, whatever you want to call it, but I will say this. I put a notice on my Instagram and my YouTube community. page to see if anyone would be interested in talking about panipuri for this video and we got a lot of responses. Panipuri is not just a street snack, it is a street food experience, it is a kind of emotion that means a lot to anyone who has tried it. You can't just stop at a pani puri. I eat paneer every other day and if I had a chance, I could eat it every day.
It's like a poster of flavors when you eat this. I'm sure you would never have eaten something like this before. I haven't seen similar dishes in other cultures. This is something you must try. Is incredible. There are no words that can describe the experience of eating pani puri, so you have to try it yourself to find out. This video made me realize that, um, I need to go make some, this is actually a very easy dish to make, if you have access to an Indian grocery store, you can jump on this pony pory train like this, so let's prepare it, so this is the pack of pony poury that I bought at my local Indian supermarket.
Sometimes it comes in a cardboard box. You can see here that the purees are in perfect condition, no cracks, ta-da and it comes with the sweet chutney and the spicy chutney. In fact, I like to buy this brand from ndh. but the ones that come in the package are fine. I have boondi which is fried chickpea flour and of course potatoes that have to be peeled and then boiled while we wait for them to boil. I wanted to talk about what panipori is like too. a big part of


pop culture one of my favorite scenes is this one here with shah rukh khan in the movie robney banadi jyoti i think you mean it rabine banadi jodi yes rajpatna kul kapa competition and the two here are having a competition to watch who can eat the most, which actually makes me wonder what is the most anyone has ever eaten.
Quick Google Search 128. What, yes, it is possible. I checked with the guy and he confirmed that he didn't want to be on camera, but he confirmed it. He actually ate 128. I wonder how many he could eat. How many could you eat? I've seen one person eat 11 dishes, funny friend, in my store and live. I've seen it live. My score was 15. I can't do more than that. I've never counted them, but I'm sure I can eat more than 10 of these. I could easily eat 15-20 panic poodles in one sitting. My record has been 24. 24 to 26 puris, I think.
I'm going to eat around 50. I'd be very full, but I can certainly do at least 15. So I personally can eat a lot in my environment, but that's only because I'm fat. I remember one time my friend and I uh we had a little competition about how many panipuris can we eat and I ate more than 106 pani puris in one setting which is my personal record and I love that okay it's not like I'm a channel of mukbang, but maybe that's what we're going to do. Let's see how many pony puris I can eat once I'm done making them?
So you're just going to drain the potatoes. Cut some onion. Crush it all together. I'm going to put some masala chopped into pieces and a little bit of cooking. this for my spices now I'm just mixing the two waters and honestly you're done okay the party starts pony pory so I think my favorite trick is you have to make two cracks you have a big hole here papa a cup of boondi I think I'll be able to eat 15. It's so good it makes my eyes roll. My goal shouldn't be 15. I actually think I can eat seven.
Here's like a word of wisdom when you shop. These are from an Indian grocery store. It's possible. They aren't always super fresh, so a good trick is to put them in the microwave or oven for a couple of seconds and it will help them crisp up again. I learned that because To be honest, I've had a lot of rancids in the United States. I have the sweetest chutney. I don't love it that much. I like spicy. I think this one is definitely the best. Oh, look at that one. I'm not full yet, myself included, when I travel I'm always super worried about having water because you just don't want to get sick, like who wants to go on vacation and be in the bathroom all the time, literally no one and the problem with panipori is this water is city water, you know how true this is, I don't know, but I have had a good experience with it, is that you can find pony pory stores that use mineral water instead of tap water, okay, I need it. dripping all over my poor table pony I put you in my belly poor pony you don't make me feel funny I love you it's always fun to have street food at


like there's something special I don't know, I'm serious It never tastes the same, but it's still very fun.
I've been to a place before where they filled them with whiskey and I've seen people, you know, like extravagant versions of panipuri. I mean, maybe it's good, the whiskey was terrible. I couldn't recommend it. okay, I don't know, I'm full, I can't do it, I'm waving the flag, this is the kind of video I'm really excited to do again with another street food, leave a comment, let me know what it is. should be and let's keep doing this see you in my next video, I'm going to get out of here

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