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I Made a Flying Base with Create

Apr 27, 2024
So a recurring thing on this channel is that I try to make a helicopter and then fail horribly, oh oh, but since then they've updated the Clockwork mod and my friends, I think I'll be able to do it this way. First, take a look at this, the wonder, and the wand. We marked these books here, oh, that's satisfying and then we got the Gravitron and just assembled Boop, look how simple it was, look, oh, it's still the most satisfying thing one can do in mode. Minecraft, but okay, putting things together is a lot easier now, that's cool, but you know it doesn't really help with the whole helicopter thing.
i made a flying base with create
This does nothing. My helicopter would still stink even though assembly was


easier. I'm sorry for pointing this gun. Well, the reason I'm excited today is because of this thing here, the gyroscope, and I mean, oh, look at it, oh, this thing supposedly acts like a crazy gyroscope, I know it and it stabilizes your ship, and my biggest problem when manufacturing helicopters it has been that. It's not stable so I really want to try this. It is a physics object. Yeah, okay, let's drop it and place it here. What if we put a propeller here with windmill sails attached and then activate?
i made a flying base with create

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i made a flying base with create...

You'll fly away probably not? Because that's too slow, let's make it a little faster. Oh, there we go. This obviously works perfectly. If I turn this on it's going to go up in a straight line and if we turn it off we're going to go down in a straight line and don't quote me on this but if we press f3b we have the center of I think it's the center of mass so what you call it It's in the center anyway. where the propeller is and that means we move up if I add blocks to the side you can see it starts to move and if we turn this thing on now first it might not even go up.
i made a flying base with create
I think we need more speed, yes, but when it goes up, it leans to the right and that, oh no, no, no, no, stop, stop, stop, stop, I still need you. I think this is a loss because we've lost, no, there we go, okay, so as you saw, the center of mass is here somewhere. It's not a good thing, but then we added the gyroscope and I don't know if I have to do something with this power or something. I am pretty sure. Well, you may need to feed it from below. It's got an axle down there.
i made a flying base with create
I see first no power I guess I press oh no wait why can't I choose several that's weird let's just do the center right and then see what happens here right? It's not working right, that means we obviously need to turn it on. let's go from the bottom, give it a creative engine with I don't know at full speed and then, oh yeah, look it's spinning, oh, that looks so sick, okay, let's see, can you go up? Please work, he's leaning a little, come on. a little to the right here, but yeah, it's doing a solid job of keeping us mostly centered, uh, and as we say goodbye to this helicopter, although it's tilted a little bit, it's not falling and hopefully that should mean that eventually I can do it. a helicopter, but you know, I thought about that for a while, you know, helicopter, I feel like I've tried to do that before, it's a bit of a boring idea, so today I'm not going to do a helicopter, today we're going to get rid of this and I'm going to make my first




yeah I'm basically building a


house that's cool starting with how I


this here oh my gosh so what I want to do now is get the wonder. one and then see if we can put this together here uh oh okay, it seemed really big there for a while, but it looks like it worked, the house is now locked up.
We need to get rid of these blocks, obviously, but that shouldn't be the case. a problem, okay, let's see what happens if we go ahead and put it together, oh, it looks like it's working, we have, yes, in fact, we have a whole house that goes to this staircase. It's impossible here, we have to jump, but as soon as we jump, we can just Run, what if I stay inside and pick it up? What's happening? I let go of the house like 10 seconds ago and I'm still flying. The house is break dancing. The man talks about break dancing.
That still exists, but that's okay. I have the house and we can pick it up. I'm just thinking of so many ways you control people using this mod. I have so many things I want to do with my friends, oh no, I just realized I'm the dumbest person. exists, so we need a propeller and I want the propeller to be centered, but there is no center block. It is a central building of two blocks. I really enjoy the fact that you can build on this thing when it's assembled, it's still so big. thing I like, I can't wrap my head around the fact that I'm building on a physical object that I can pick up, soon we'll put a propeller on it and it will fly no, no, no, no, no, okay, here we go, the house is now three blocks this way, it looks a little strange, but that also means we have a Brook center, is this it?
Yes, it is, so now we just need to place it. lower a propeller bearing here get some sales here put a book in the middle with a log and there we go, let's make it a little bigger, it looks too small, okay, I want to see this place fly, come on, come on, come on, wait. hold on for a second because this doesn't really look like a foundation, right? It's just an empty room, so what do we have in a


? We have a craft table oven, a blast furnace smoker and then maybe a barrel over here, check this out, wow, a solid stove. let's get some glass over here so we can see, that's nice, imagine cooking dinner on the smoker looking out the window and everything flies by because you're on a flying base.
Hi, if this isn't the coolest thing I've ever done. Well, I mean it all depends on whether it flies well, we have a good place to sleep, a kitchen to cook, but this presents a couple of problems, number one is that the center of what is no longer in the center is displaced , which should mean that when I turn this on, the house leans this way, obviously because this is the heavier side, so let's see if we turn this on here, we have a speed of 16. I think we need a little bit more, let's do 100 maybe and then we go to the right.
Click on this, here we go, okay, the propeller is spinning, will the house start moving? Probably not because this is too heavy. I think we need a little more speed. But I really want to be careful with this. I don't want to lose this. house look look at the propeller struggling it's probably just because the propeller is too small for the heavy building I mean we have stone bricks and the vision blocks why is it floating what propeller at full speed bearing hit the house is flying stop stop stop, stop, I can't get in, I can't get in, it's pushing me out, oh no, we're, uh, I think we're in the ocean now, that's a good thing because that means the house is stopped, okay, It's nice, so the house flies now.
We know that house flip house flip house flip okay, stop yelling, I'm doing it, I'm going to get the gyroscope, where do we put it? Although in the basement, maybe under the floor, yes this is a good place for a gyroscope, but it is necessary. to get power, might have to put it on the floor though, horrible sad day for gyro and joers, as shal is burying the gyro in the floor, there we go centered and hit, that looks horrible just the way I like it , this is crazy. crazy we're blowing up a house oh you're hungry you just have a heart don't worry put some raw salmon in the smoker there you're going to cook salmon H my friends, why are we heading south?
What's going on? The house is just oh it's just the other one I made is the other gyro I made they all head in the same direction no that's really scary why are all the gyros heading slightly south? W, okay, let's get the Gravitron and the movie back, come on and look, go up a block, why okay? So I sacrificed some of the comfort in this house and added this thing in the back. This may seem a little complicated, but it's basically a propeller to return and that's why this. it's up and down from side to side and then I want to add left and right as well, but I added the controls for this one because I can test this while we're on the ground, so let's see if it works.
We've got some Redstone bindings here and everything, yeah it should work when it's on so let's turn on the propeller there we go propeller is now on and then we just need to bind this controller here so I'm not sure which is which but one. one of these is going to be forward, so I'm going to link it to W and one is going to be backward. Let's try it. I'm not sure if I did it the right way, but let's activate it now, as you can see. In the menu here we've linked the Redstone controller, so if I hold W, it turns and we move forward.
No, I don't know yet, but I think the direction it turns should be forward, to the right. Actually, let's go up. the heavens and see if it works we can do this at a slow speed so we just start floating up let's go up okay, we're going up this is okay this is okay let's see activate the controller hold down s and okay start moving forward if you hold no, it goes either way oh no, it doesn't matter which one it does, it just turns in one direction, that's very sad, okay, let's go into the water again, take the Gravitron, take the Gravitron. up oh no oh oh what's happening what happened to my house it's not on the ground oh there it is I'm going to make sure I don't step on the house while I'm carrying it because that made it go crazy, no, so the problem now is that the propeller is moving in either direction, one goes forward, oh wait, they are both driving the gear change, we have a clutch here and the clutch causes the propeller to not always be spinning and then we have this gear change and the gear change only activates when a one of these things is going on, but when I press W it activates and when I press s, okay, it goes up, let's press w w makes it go forward and if we press to go back, we have a house that can go forward and backward, everything What I need to do now is add controls for the top and side propellers and we will have a functional flying house.
I'm going to start crying, welcome, welcome to my house we are limited in space but we are not limited in Flight if I right click with this magic it should be here and I hold space slowly we will start crawling towards the Sky if I then hold W we will start Let's move on this is the maiden flight oh, here's a miniature I was working on. This looks fake, like we're actually flying. I have a very low render distance. We're actually flying in Minecraft right now. I can move. I don't have to sit still. I'm going to crash. towards a tree it doesn't look good, but everything works here, we can go left, right, back, up, down and also these sails go through the ceiling and it is in the distance represented.
I might be late, but who cares, we're flying a plane. Alright, let's go a little to the left. Well, I'll try to land on this little mountain. This is by far the craziest thing I've ever done in a game. Well, let's see if we can land here. I can't make the plane go any higher, well, plane, it's a house, let's see, we have to stop. Slower, slower, is it slowing down? Yes, a little late, maybe it's better if we land later. I'll try. to slow down and go down, go down a little too fast, well we haven't landed where I wanted either, but we did land, look I'm getting really late because of the render distance, but look at this, the house is right here and This is where we started flying Hello, thank you very much for watching, don't forget to subscribe, I'm I'm.

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