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I Made an UNSTOPPABLE Disease to Ruin Humanity... (Plague Inc)

Apr 02, 2024
And what if you created literally the worst


imaginable with literally every symptom, every form of transmission, every level of severity and just brought it to Earth right away? Sorry India, you'll have to be the guinea pig I call this


. the Black Death multiplied by 10,000 or wait, that's a hundred thousand now normally in this game your disease starts off very weak. I don't think that will be the case this time, so like I said, I'm literally going to give it my all. imaginable and just see what happens. I'm pretty sure you don't want to play this game this way, but I still want to see what's going to happen, literally, the gravity and lethality are already maxed out.
i made an unstoppable disease to ruin humanity plague inc
I am like To increase infectivity all means of transport will be used i.e. water, bug injections, mosquitoes, livestock, birds and rats. I think this is going to be very anticlimactic because basically the first guy will just die and then our illness will disappear regardless of what we did. Insanity total organ failure uh dysentery seizures skin lesions uh immune suppression everything you can imagine we have so as of right now there are two people in India who have this really horrible bacteria. I feel so bad right now that I hope I'll be able to pass it on to at least one other person before I die instantly.
i made an unstoppable disease to ruin humanity plague inc

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i made an unstoppable disease to ruin humanity plague inc...

I'm pretty sure they will die instantly. Please, do not do that. Okay, three people, oh, seven people got it. I'm surprised. Just that, you have more than 15 DNA points saved, use them to evolve Black Death multiplied by 100,000. um, we have a lot more than just 15. And yes, we literally have nothing else to spend it on, so thank you for that aspect of the game. in the story of the evolution behind everything happened on the 8th of uh wait, how does this date system work in this game? That's why I'm so angry that we haven't come to a unanimous decision with dates we don't really need.
i made an unstoppable disease to ruin humanity plague inc
More DNA points, but I guess I'll accept it, we know it's April now because we're above the number 12. A diagnostic team in India has identified a new disease and I'm surprised these people managed to survive. I actually infected a thousand people, so it might take some time. Look at these graphs. I've never seen anything like this before. It is shooting immediately. Yeah, so I guess lethality and severity take some time, so these people won't do it. i have these symptoms immediately I wonder what will happen if I like to transfer everything right now that would be funny what's crazy is that even though we did this as a Mega Death bacteria um it's still possible that we lose this the doctors in India found us instantly they are already going to start a cure, although how can you find a cure for something like this?
i made an unstoppable disease to ruin humanity plague inc
There are so many symptoms. There are so many ways of transmission. I would be very surprised if we lost this game, but I wouldn't be surprised. 5,000 people just reached 15,000 people, okay, people are starting to die a little, the first death has already occurred. I still think we're going to run into the problem we thought or okay, they're dying by the hundreds right now. We're spraying person to person from India, okay, we need to make sure that the problem maybe reaches the middle of the road where there are fewer humans and that's when the severity and the lethality will really start to affect the people who actually they are infected on earth okay India just exploded literally okay I have never seen that before the amount of explosions happening in this country exists or even makes sense to burst the bubbles.
No, I don't think there's a point, okay, the bubbles are bursting everywhere, uh, and the red is spreading everywhere, okay, yeah, this is even in Triple mode, it's literally like this, like this We are quickly spreading across countries. Look, we already have more than half the world. is infected, how is this so contagious? I thought well, this is what a lot of them have been fooled too. Now I don't even think countries around the world have enough time to close their ports, maybe we'll find out. Look, that would be one way to lose this game, but this is spreading so fast I'm not sure if they would have time to do it.
Well, it looks like this ship is going to move forward. I think he's going to Indonesia, but. I would like it to come to Australia, well we already


it to Australia, we


it to the US, now Iceland has already closed their airport, but there is still a naval port we can get to, oh man, yeah, death it is. is really building up, we'll actually see the contagion part slow down significantly because we have fewer hosts, fewer hosts around the world, although you'd be surprised if I'm still seeing a lot of craziness around here. spreads to Morocco.
I'm pretty sure it's spread far beyond Morocco, but that's okay. Black Plague, 10 times a hundred thousand. I can't even say the name of my thing, but I think we've almost destroyed all of India. We've already lost this game, I think unless I magically float like a bird in the Caribbean because yeah, they closed the naval port. I feel like Cuba has made me lose more games in Plague Inc than the known offenders. like Madagascar or Greenland uh look, here's the problem with France uh people are complaining faster in France than those who are being infected oh yeah, actually friend Europe is surprisingly doing very well even though they are surrounded by Red , we are almost there. we're not going to get to 100, we already know we're guaranteed, not 100, how come Iceland still has, seriously, Iceland, how have you not closed yet?
I'll take it, thanks, we made it to Madagascar, um, so we're down to just a million. infected people um I think obviously we're not going to win this game. Wow, the research team literally only got to three percent. I guess it's because they didn't really have enough time, they started on April 6th or wait no, that's when they were going to finish it, it's actually only been two months since we started it, two months and we caused all this damage. I guess a bird won't float to the Caribbean, unfortunately, medical researchers around the world are completely focused on developing a cure, the problem is There probably aren't any more crazy doctors left to be able to have something so powerful but still be defeated.
Look how fast this will literally be by day 30. It's just crazy. I think this is also at normal speed. What if I do it like this? Okay, that's just ridiculous, so the first one was with bacteria. What would happen if we tried a virus? And since Cuba is the reason we lost last time, I'll make sure we start in Cuba this time or in the Caribbean, whatever. Now I know how. I would have to play if I really wanted to win, but that's no fun. I like to have everything right away. The Cuban flu has infected its first human being.
Okay, thank you very much for my 99,999 DNA points. The thing about virus infection is that we are more likely to have random mutations, the problem is that I will have everything to start with, so the mutations will help us a lot anyway, I'm still going to unlock everything and see what happens now, because This time I'm starting on the west coast, do we have a better chance of getting all those who are hard to get into the island nations? One place we have to worry about is New Zealand, okay, here we go one more time, we've got everything, let's see what happens.
Now I guess it's technically possible for us to accidentally kill everyone in the Caribbean because I may never leave the Caribbean. It's possible, although we are super contagious. No, we just have to get on a boat. We have one hundred thousand five hundred thousand. people infected, ten thousand people died, it's spreading throughout the Caribbean, we haven't gotten to the Dominican Republic yet, we haven't left this island yet, which is a little worrying, but it's okay, they shut down some stupid fluid that was It's getting scary. You could say that again, wait, wait, are we going to be in the We're not going to leave Cuba?
Is it because we closed the ports? There was no way they closed their ports, so now we had the craziest disease, oh my God, we had the craziest disease. Cuba is always a genius, they literally sacrificed themselves. I'm saying it's Cuba, but it's also all the Caribbean islands along with the Bahamas. They literally save the world. Honestly, they don't even realize what they did. This is the most powerful illness I have ever had. I had it under my control and yet this is the most depressing loss I have ever suffered. We literally lost in about three days.
Wow, no one will know the severity of the Cuban flu. What if we could use one of the strangest ones like the worm? That's like it infects your brain, are we going to make zombies? Okay, now we know that starting on an island isn't the best idea, so maybe let's not do that. I'm going to try the Amazon rainforest because I feel like something really weird, like a crazy disease, would do it. Get out of that now the brain worm has drastically different symptoms which should make this a lot of fun to unlock all right away we have things like perception changes aggression Mania Obsession literally like straight up Insanity cognitive confusion schizophrenia oh and we're also giving them blindness everyone Wait, will we be able to kill people?
It's not like everyone is going to be running around like a crazy person. Wait, what's this weird path you've taken me? This is a brain hemorrhage, oh okay, that's what will probably kill people. There is a strange transmission that is like brain eggs producing eggs that are injected from the host brain into thousands of increasingly infected people. I don't even want to think about this, but we also have Trojan planes. I think I can do it. send people to other countries to infect them intentionally, that's fine, we have everything for this little worm here, let's see how fast we evolve or spread.
I guess I should say whatever, no more football for Brazil. Now we'll see the rate of increase as a little bit like it'll be exponential it'll probably still be exponential like we're used to okay at least we've infected all of South America we better be able to get to the Caribbean this time Brazil is absolutely exploding oh yeah this is this is Okay, great, now I can send people to give directions. Yes, we immediately want what is more difficult, probably green. Do you know I can go directly to New Zealand? I'm going to go straight there.
Let's send that guy. Thank you very much now if you get enough of those you can probably get maybe you should have gone to Madagascar uh we're Sprite we're losing people really fast right now 82 82 million have already been wiped out well we're getting there. I need another one of those that's really useful, I mean New Zealand was my big worry now, when you close the ports, can we still have a crazy guy flying a plane and just fly it and land in the Sahara Desert or something? I see China already closed the airports, oh well Ok, we have another one, uh, what's worrying?
I'm going to Madagascar here. Oh, Japan looks like they're going to be a problem. They also closed an airport. The problem is that I think we have to wait for the island to collapse. and then I get this function back, you know? Aren't we going to travel abroad? Because the only option we have is to use this little thing as a manual. Okay, this is a problem because the UK just dropped out. We'll figure it out later. Technically speaking, this is kind of a problem because we still have everything uh, we might have to do it right, wait a second, we have another option in case it gets here, oh, so can we still go?
Please tell me we can still go. Okay, so we could win this one even if you closed your airports. I'd still like a crash landing on your island. Oh, that's perfect. Now the only concern here, even though we didn't infect enough people, I think we still need to. make sure we don't kill everyone too fast, too fast, somehow we will get to France, how will we get to France right now? That's crazy. I don't know how we got to France when I don't know, I'm not going. to ask any questions please give me more even though I need I need a lot more okay let's go to Cuba just to get it over with because France will probably infect the entire eastern hemisphere thanks France you mean another one of those guys and then we can get to I still need fly to the Japanese islands, fortunately the Philippines hasn't closed yet, okay, we're now spreading all over Europe, very good, now there's a 15, uh, they're close to a cure 15 wise guys nice I'll take another one of those uh, too I could go to Greenland, we'll start cutting down all the difficult islands right now.
Technically I can still get to Iceland because their airports are still there and then Greenland's. right here, just fly something over there please, I need more crazy people to run around and you know, cross borders illegally. Okay, I'm going to end Japan here. Okay, so the problem again becomes whether we kill everyone in the Eastern Hemisphere. so I don't have any more planes to fly byAfrica, will also be an issue because as far as population density goes, I don't know if the game takes that into account, but maybe this is surprisingly difficult, we're just chugging along.
Well, I have to go to the Philippines because they closed. Well, now we are expanding to more high population areas. We arrived in China. We arrived in India. We need to go to Africa. Africa has been a problem for me. the past in this game because look, now there are no more ports, we have to physically land. I think in Africa we also have to go to OK. Well, we got to sub-Saharan Africa, that was my concern: where to physically go to Iceland. I thought we had already arrived in the Philippines. Didn't we actually go to the Philippines?
Did I miss the click or what happened? Amazonian brainworm uh put on guard ready uh who would have thought it's entirely possible that we're going to lose this yet? Oh, are we infecting people too quickly here? I wonder. I don't believe it. No, we killed all the Green Lanterns. Physically we have to fly to all these islands these last few. The islands everywhere are definitely dead, we'll get everything else if I can get two more of those planes we'll be fine, we might not get two more of those planes, although I think I'm going to fly to Australia next. look how many DNA points we have on us, we have like we have two hundred thousand, yeah the problem is we don't have oh, zero infected, we lost, man, that was really hard, we were like we were moving forward, I was trying to force our way through .
Everywhere we didn't do a good enough job, it's okay for this last attempt because it's creative mode and you're supposed to be a little more creative than just unlocking everything at once. I just want to do a cold 2.0 that we have. a cold, yeah, how about a cold too? I'm literally going to unblock the cough. That's right, why would you try to find some way to solve or cure it? I'm on the other side of things, which will make it incredibly infectious, so it's incredibly contagious, it's incredibly difficult to find a cure. I'm going to have him do it like genetics.
I'm supposed to shave to save these genetic rearrangements, but whatever as research, why waste time on this? Honestly, it's just a slight cough like just Let it go, oh wait, I forgot it's going to automatically mutate, um, nausea too, maybe not, how about I give it back to you? No thanks, take it. No, I just want to cough. I don't want to hurt humans. I'm human. Give them a little cough and we'll move on to the next person we're a healthy bacteria uh if someone closes their ports I'll be mad I can't stand a little cough I don't see much about people or things like that.
The doctors carry it. I really don't think they do it well. It's just a cough, how can they even realize that's something to worry about? It could just be a cold. They have no idea, even though it's cold too. At a normal checkup, a doctor in Egypt. I found a new disease that has also been called gold, those doctors in Egypt are very creative. Okay, there are so many red bubbles. I can't, I can't keep up. Luckily, they haven't started investigating or anything. Cold 2 has now infected more. people in the world than the common cold, come on, the sequel is better than the original oh, we keep mutating, although it stops mutating oh, they actually mutated twice no, not only would I cough, I would just cough, it's okay, fortunately no one has closed the ports, uh, very good again, there is no even research being done on this, I don't think there is national news, there are probably a couple of funny headlines mentioning the fact that this name was also cold, making fun of the Egyptian doctor who invented it.
Sorry, Egypt. I don't even know why I chose you for that. I just don't know that you were right in the middle of the screen. Brazil begins to work on a cure. Are you serious? Leave it alone without further funding. It is expected to take a long time. You can't find a cure for the common cold, you should be able to cure the cold too. Okay, it's 2043 to cure the cold too. We are happy to have infected everyone. Finally, it will be very cold. 2 needs to evolve to no, that's not the goal here. I'm trying to play a healthy game of Plague Inc.
You guys don't do this. I want to leave my mark on the world. Every time someone coughs, they think of me. China has become the first country to try it. to eliminate the spread of cold too, that's strange, why ask a healthy person on the planet recently? In fact, am I giving it to people permanently? Now I'm fine, can I transfer this and mix genetically? Oh yeah, I can't. Right now their research efforts are at five percent. What if I just mess with them? Give back and then evolve. Well, wait, it went up a percentage. How did that happen?
I think I have to change. I need to be something else anyway. I have infected 100 people in the world. It's actually very tempting to just kill everyone right now. India started sending research teams to infect countries you can literally go anywhere. I have over 400,000 almost half a million points okay I just want to see if I can get to a million if I just like to transfer all this and then buy it back. Would that help me? In a couple of days, Germany, the rich country has a high level. Quality medical care to spread faster, you might need it, we're already there, okay, uh, the cure is at 20, okay, yeah, we reduced it by seven percent, we spent so many points that it was only a seven percent, wait, what someone actually got rejected for. just with the cough I didn't think that would be possible oh wait how is this happening? wait, wait, it evolved accidentally, what did I do, oh it did, oh when did this happen?
Oops, sorry, sorry, I forgot, we're playing healthy. We're playing healthy, wait, death will stop overnight without what happens if I just return this? It's not even a cough anymore. We are as if we were asleep in everyone's body. That's a little creepy. up to 18 technically I can do that, I can just transfer this and look, we're chilling, why do they come up with a cure? We are inactive, no symptoms, I just feel like I am being attacked personally, you still are. trying to fix this when I'm not even hurting you anymore, you should know that I'm incredibly tempted to massacre everyone, also like there's an automatic mutation that keeps happening and that's the other problem, if nothing here, nothing, just leave us alone , the cure is. at 25 why what is there even to investigate that's what I wanted if we don't even have a cough oh we're almost at a million I didn't know you can get a million points in this game I'm tempted to let him score really high and then get it all at once time and see if we can get everyone to stay like at the last second, why are there still moving red dots?
We have infected everyone. I accidentally killed 180,000 people, but they really should stop. Wow, it was an accident. It was not my intention. We are at three million points. Now the cures are at 90. I'm going to unlock literally everything and see if I can kill everyone super fast. I won't do any genetic rearrangement either. I just want to see if 10 is enough time for us to kill everyone. Well, they have to find a cure and then give everyone the cure. That's what's good, we have everything, let's see what happens. The problem is that it will grow exponentially.
Wow instantly when I got it it falls back down oh because oh the more you unlock the more they have to because we just accidentally evolved it whatever it is um well we can still take into account how fast we did it . uh, when did we do all these evolutions? Wait we did all this on July 24th now it's a month later and we actually pissed everyone off and they only got to one percent so we probably could have killed everyone in 95 because I forgot like we were ripping off too the doctors who are working on the cure, so it's impossible, okay, it took like two months, maybe once we unlocked all the interesting stuff, okay, good to know and important things for my clients that I forgot.
I will kidnap you, the next date is March 19, 2023. Boy, I love the orange Eritrean grandma Argentines.

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