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I Made $16,854,535 Spinning Gears For PROFIT

May 07, 2024
This little piece of equipment is going to make me a lot of money, don't blame me as long as it works like this, just click on it a few times so you can get some money and then once you have enough money you come here and buy some upgrades. so it spins on its own of course it doesn't spin fast enough it's making a dime every second we'll just click on it a lot more times so we can increase it even more and then once we refresh it again, we'll start making a third of a dollar each time we'll be here for a while and now we're at point four we'll just increase it one more time so we can get half a dollar every second that's a good number and then if we look here, there's a big old machine that the game wants us to connect to, but we need more money so we can buy more


, so click and now we can get the gear and place it a little bit aligned with the machine, like this. now they are both


, we get a dollar every second because there are two of them


at half a dollar per second, so next time you get a spin speed boost it goes up 0.2 each time, but the spin speed is no longer is the optimal improvement. they are simple


and just to make sure this is always aligned now we are about to get two dollars per second, although that is just what this number says, we are actually getting three dollars per second, so combined with the power of my clicks and that just


a noise so we can get the upgrade for money per turn, but the gears are going to be the best thing right now, although to be fair, our gears are a long way from this machine here, I don't even know.
i made 16 854 535 spinning gears for profit
What it does is it just has a little tube. I would definitely like to get more money per turn, so let's get this upgrade right now. Now we are spending six dollars per tick. I don't really like ticks but it's okay because these text messages make me money, another next update unlocked where we can get better money per click, let's go with the team for now, so now we are making seven and a half dollars per second , but hopefully we will increase our turning speed to accumulate one tick per second. Well, now we can afford better money per click.
i made 16 854 535 spinning gears for profit

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i made 16 854 535 spinning gears for profit...

Will I get that or better money per shift? I'm doing a lot of clicking. We're going to increase some money per click, so now we're making an extra 15 cents per click. I'm not sure it was worth it. It's very quick for us to get 300 now, which is a decent start, but nowhere near the million I want. Let's increase the spin speed and now, according to the game's calculations, we're getting six bucks per second even though we're getting seven. and a half every second, although it's a good base to start from, especially if I change another gear, so now we're making nine bucks a second and with that I could give my arm a break from all the clicking just for a little.
i made 16 854 535 spinning gears for profit
Although I have to get that money, I have to get that money quickly and then also see what things this machine will hopefully give us. Oh, now we can get more money for single marches. I still want to increase the turning speed just to match it to one. per second and then just get lost in the hypnotic turning of the gears over and over when they will stop, no one knows and we will reduce it to level 10 with the turning speed, so now we get one tick per second and then increase the cost needed for a thousand money, wow the game doesn't really want me to get much more than that okay, although that's all I wanted to get for that upgrade anyway, so now that we're back at it, one turn every second we can increase money. per shift and now we're getting 12 per second, my click seemed a little useless at the moment and I really don't want to get another upgrade if it's only 15 cents increase, no thanks, I'll just get another gear and Since I'm getting so many gears, too you could get the simple gear money upgrade so now we're getting $15.2 per second, not sure what kind of increase that was but it doesn't seem like the right one instead.
i made 16 854 535 spinning gears for profit
It will be the money per turn that will give me extra dollars and the only equipment we can afford is still the simple equipment. Ah, but now we can get the big team if I wait a bit and get a thousand money. There's another thing. That showed up down here, another crazy machine, how far away are you? Yeah, you're pretty far away and I'm not even building towards you right now. I still want to see what this one does, although the big gears should help with that. Like a little bit, oh wow, that got us to 24 per second, so this works out to five dollars per second.
I like it, so the next update here will probably be the big gear money earner, so let's make sure we have some big gears to help out. With that we are now doing 29 per second, although they are getting expensive pretty quickly, so I think single gears are the way to go and it's very hard to tell how much progress I'm making because there's just a gap between the machine and the gears, but now simple gears cost a thousand, let's increase the simple gear money again and I guess since I can pay it all the time, click money, now we're making an extra 30 cents per click.
Wow, my click seems very useful, right? Now yes, let's get more money per shift, that's making the numbers. Now if we increase the turn speed again, we'll actually get more money per turn, so it's not a one to one, it's one to two and then maybe later on we can. We'll get three to four, but now we'll get another gear. Now we're making almost fifty dollars a second. Another march and it seems we are getting closer. I think my gears aren't perfectly aligned, but what? It doesn't matter as long as we plug it in and get more money with all the simple gears we have and our game 55 per second and I don't really like that this update is always available so it's okay I'll buy it and buy it again before I see what it does and maybe once again, so now it's over a thousand, how much money do I get per click?
Oh, two dollars, now I'm fine with these two dollars in a penny, I have to count those pennies. and hey, I was right, the next upgrade to unlock is the big money boost or the big gear money boost, which currently gives us five for each of them, so if you upgrade again we will get a little more, not as much as I expected. because many would have preferred to buy another gear Although our money is constantly above a thousand now it seems that we should be able to do it in a short time like this oh 64 per second I like it now let's increase the speed of rotation a little more and now we are making a good amount of money and then we buy another gear and increase the money per turn, we get close to 100 money per second, which is what I like to see and I also like to see these simple gears. giving me more money and then we can increase the spin speed a little over 98 dollars per second, so with another simple gear, we get a hundred dollars per second and now we can afford a big gear to get better money numbers and we are In fact, we're reaching the cost of things pretty quickly, we can reach it even faster if we increase the turn speed and we're once again at the point where my clicks mean absolutely nothing, so let's just increase the money per turn to 156 dollars per shift. second every once in a while, if we put a big gear lined up like this, about one screen size away from the device, so you can see the edge right there and then down here, the rest of the gears are right there, which is Quite a line that is forming right now, I must say that we can also afford more money from the big teams, so we will do it very quickly now that they are giving us a good amount of production and they are also responsible for 40% of the production, which is It's interesting and then if we increase the spin speed one more time, we'll get one and a half rotations per second, which will allow us to get the updates we want much sooner.
In fact, I can wait a few more seconds and then get another big gear and Now, if I go ahead and increase the money per turn and the single gear money and then buy a single gear, we're about to get to the machine, but I'd like to see a better turning speed, so now we're going over a quarter of a thousand per second, which is good for me because it means I can buy these big gears much sooner and check it out, we can see the gears that are turning and the device you are trying to connect to at the same time.
It only took like 20 years to get to this point, not that I'm complaining, we're making a lot of money doing this and we can get better money right there, almost 300 per second, and if we increase the money per turn, yeah, that gets us to more of 300. 326 actually that's what I like to see and another simple equipment for my problems. I really wonder what this will do. I feel like it's going to be more passive income because that's how these idle games usually go, but for now we'll get better money from simple gears and if I should buy better click upgrades, I think I'll see what they get for me, so now our money from click is level 10.
That gives us four dollars for each click, which really doesn't matter what we're making 350 a second or maybe it does, you can see the number changes artificially when I do this, you might be wondering why Why don't you activate the automatic control and I say you're asking too much. I'm just going to activate the spin. speed and I think this will take too long if I keep buying simple gears, so I will wait a little longer and get the big gear which actually already represents almost half of our production and if we increase the money


. of the large gears which give us approximately 48 of the total output, although it is a bit strange that both numbers do not add up to one hundred.
I guess my clicks make up the extra percentage. Let's increase the big gear money again, there is half of it. of production and then whatever that number is doing and now that the money per turn is at level 10 we are at over 500 per second, that's very good because these gears are getting expensive and it's a shame to do click like this don't make the turns go up faster, it doesn't matter, even if we level up our money for simple equipment a little, hopefully we can reach level 10 because level 9 happened very quickly and that level 10 is almost as much as a money for big team.
Upgrading I'm really not sure what affects the inflation of these upgrades, but it doesn't matter too much because now we are level 10 and we are making $327 per turn, so now we can put on another important equipment. Oh, they're getting expensive, but. the machine is there it's okay we'll just buy whatever gears we can because now we can see the target and increase the spin speed a little more and then throw in another simple gear let's think about this the big lugs are about that size and the gears small ones are about that size so if I had I would say five or six large gears I can connect them and then it would take a lot more small gears to get to that point so let's go that star with a big gear and increase the money of the big gears because now we have 10 of them and increase the turn speed as well, that's level 19. and then bring the turn speed to level 20. so now there are two ticks every second and then we'll just increase the ear money big again and money per turn.
Oh, we're almost to the next money per second milestone and I'm wondering if we improve the simple team money again. With this level of income, it might be better to start purchasing some simpler gears because I can import it right now and the next price is only thirty thousand, which I can pay right now and each gear also helps our income and then one more. Simple equipment, huh, a thousand money per second and I think if we get one more large equipment it should be enough to fill the space here, it's just that everything is very expensive to unlock now, but it's okay, we just have to wait a little longer . seconds and now the last gear can be moved into place and perfectly aligned with the machine.
Aha, now what's making extra money per shift? You will receive Yeti on each turn of gear for 10 seconds. Oh, well, then let's go ahead and do it. I don't think I can do that, I guess because this bar needs to fill if I click, will it fill faster? I honestly have no idea, but let's let this little bar fill up to 100. Oh, and now it says I'll get $52 per turn of gear for 10 seconds, but you can level up again. Oh, I can't wait to see it. I bet it fills up faster if we increase the turning speed too and I can unlock the BFG which of course remains. for a big piece of equipment that costs a hundred thousand money, oh my goodness, and then it will take the same time to build up to this machine, oh my goodness, but now this bonus is level two, so now we will get an extra 200 per turn of equipment.
Let's just increase the spin speed a little more. I want tothis gets to level three and then I activate it and every time it levels up it seems like the cooldown increases as well. I see, let's also increase the money per turn. I can make the most of this bonus, so now the bonus is level three, which is about 400 extra per gear change, let's go ahead and turn it on, oh yeah, full throttle, 2,000 money per second, oh, like and It was a really fast 10. seconds, it's back to normal numbers, but now we can afford the BFG.
I don't even know what kind of numbers this could do, but it is indeed a huge gear. I'll go ahead and point that out directly, oh yeah, that really boosted production. That alone is responsible for ninety dollars per second. Also, look at how fast the small gear turns. It's ridiculously fast. It's doing that weird reverse spin effect. I don't even know what it's called, but that's what it does, so why not? If we go ahead and activate this again because the cooldown would be faster, I'm not even sure it's really going, but it seems like it's going into overdrive and the money goes up almost 2000 in a second, so wait a little longer and we can get a second BFG.
The second BFG acquired, let's line it up with the machine down here. and now we're getting fifteen hundred a second just those two gears are responsible for over ten percent of the output, that's crazy to think about, it's also crazy to think about how expensive they're getting, gosh, maybe. I should see what I can do by increasing the money clicks to get it to level 17, which gives us ten dollars per second. Okay, it's not that bad. I don't know why I said ten dollars a second, it's ten dollars a click, but now I really want to take this to level 20 and see what kind of things it does, luckily it doesn't take long, level 20 and that gives us 16 per second, Although that doesn't really give me the boost I'm looking for, that's what this machine does.
It's to think that if I activate this once I'm at level three, I can afford that BFG once time is up, although that might have been a long shot, this doesn't look good anymore, even with my extra clicks it doesn't help a lot. I can't afford big equipment right now, although there is the BFG money upgrade which is only 6000 cheaper than other equipment, oh my goodness, well let's go ahead and increase the money per turn and again and then put more than these big gears to be able to close the gap much faster and then increase the amount of money those big gears generate.
I'm really not sure what kind of machine would have such a long chain of gears like this and then I have two giant ones around the main small one, but it doesn't really seem to matter because each of these gears spins at the same rate, it looks like the big gear gets more money once again and so do the small gears. Now the big gear money is at level 10. 2000 per second ok that's the simple gears for 2000 money every second and then we increase the bonus and now we get 3000 per second oh yeah I would love to see it and then do all that.
I can handle these 16 per click, although all those boosts don't really help me get to this other device here and it would be faster to just get a bunch of these little gears to try to close that gap, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to though. try it and these simple gears are the most


able route now because they are generally cheaper and a level 2 bonus every now and then is a very good addition and this big year really likes to spin. own and then it resets, at least I will buy simple gears and until they are priced close enough to the large gears because then it will be a bit more of a wait and then I will be able to buy a large gear and what is also interesting is that a level a bonus will give me an extra boost of 100 per gear turn now instead of the 90 it was before so if I just wait for him to get to level two he's already at 400 oh my god I want to see him get to level three now luckily I only have a little more waiting left and I can do that and go for an extra 700 on top of everything else and increase the money per turn very quickly, yes four thousand dollars per second, with that we are getting to the point where The simple gears are almost responsible for a thousand dollars of production and look now they are a good job.
Simple gears proud that you do it so well. I think it will give you an increase in money. Oh, and what if these other gears were starting to turn? It costs so much that I can afford a BFG instead, which is good for me now that this device is starting to come into range of all gears and now a level three boost from here gives almost a thousand more, but a bonus. 800 is pretty good too. I actually wonder how high the level bonus can go. I think I'll worry about that later, though right now I just want to see an extra thousand dollars added to everything, yeah, five thousand dollars a second and that's We're within range of another BFG, just a little more waiting and that's What these games are really good at doing, making you wait.
Oh, that's so close. You might as well start clicking on this so you can see some kind of faster increase. Thinking I can get one more BFG here and then just focus on the big ears because I think this one is going to cost a million next time, anyway a level three bonus here looks pretty cool right now so I'll leave so that goes for a moment maybe click to give it a little help and now there's a lot less waiting for the next BFG we can put right there oh another one would close that gap but like I thought that one costs a million my god mine, and it looks like the extra gears are actually making the extra charge faster, very interesting.
Now all we would need to achieve this is two larger gears, let's put one in and that definitely makes charging faster, so everything should be. Taking now is another level three boost like this that gives us five grand per second and just a little bit more weight waiting around, especially since a simple gear definitely won't reach and that would be annoying, okay because we don't need to do that. and bambo another machine connected yes now we can complete the demo like this so it looks like this other bonus would increase the extra ticks per second and then we can activate both for a lot more money but we were able to get up. at three thousand dollars per second just by doing it, you know normal things, so that will be enough for the idle gears demonstration.
If you enjoyed the video, you can add the game to your wishlist on Steam and thank you very much for watching. submit in turn I would also like to thank the members of the channel, including bread Mr one old Elixir one Corby Farm bladed Archer Dakota C donamoto deviant

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