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May 10, 2020
Hey guys, welcome back to my YouTube channel, so guys, I'm not actually


, okay, but I'm going to be


for 24 hours, so let's show you what I've got. I'm going to wear this pregnant belly and I like the straps around my waist and basically wear it for 24 hours experiencing everything a pregnant woman goes through. Obviously, this is nowhere near an accurate representation of what it's really like to be pregnant. Oh yeah, I'm going to wear it. that fake pregnancy belly and wearing it for 24 hours being pregnant, you know, girl, y'all, I look like I'm 12, so this is good, this is going to be a lot of fun.
i m pregnant
I know some people will be very confused, so let's understand this. tied thing in the break, you can't put my pregnant belly on me, guys, it actually weighs a ton because it's supposed to be like looking at my arm muscle, no, so Brent is going to put this on me, oh my god, this It's really strange because the belly shows. It's very real and by the way, guys, this belly is like a seven month old, so this is literally what it would look like if it was born in two months. Well the first thing I have on this beautiful day is a maternity photo session so I have a photographer coming in a few minutes and we are going to take some photos well guys so I put on a little white dress and a jacket up for the maternity photo shoot and I think I cried afterwards so I'll go downstairs and see. his reaction What do you mean?
i m pregnant

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i m pregnant...

I am using What is this? Lexie's mom. It hasn't been that long since I last saw you. She is my baby. No, this is my baby. Ben. Yes I know. It's false. I am pregnant for 24 hours. okay, okay, it's like soft, right?, are you surprised?, yeah, what, but no, I look great, you're saying it's not real, it's not real, I like to listen? mm-hmm no, I feel like she's breaking your back, I feel like she is. It's so heavy I can't even see my toes, so basically Ben, I have a maternity photo shoot right now and a photographer is coming.
i m pregnant
Can I do it with you? Do you want to be in my photos of me? I mean, who is the father? My second outfit. for the session, this is just look, if you want, I'll have it, you know, I can't wait, keep your face straight and closed, oh my God, I'm so happy with us, okay guys, so my grandmother is here and I just want to I understand your reaction okay so I invited a friend who I probably haven't seen since the end of the last square so it's been like all summer obviously like the blow when it really would be this big if it was just summer, but who knows.
i m pregnant
She could still fall in love she probably will Hey girl, what do you mean? Let's see what the hell, but that's what I know well, you haven't seen him in a long time. This is the new meaning. She doesn't believe it, guys, she doesn't believe it. Okay guys so we came up with an idea and I told Kalia to text her boyfriend and be like Lexi is pregnant and see what he says and then hopefully she can talk to him over FaceTime, you can see me and we'll get their reaction. Since Kalia didn't believe it, wait, you're going to make her angry right now.
I'm pregnant, dog, no, literally, pregnant, you see, so Kalia and her boyfriend didn't know how to believe my prayers, but thank you for her participation. I guess it's okay, guys. Now I think it's time for me to tick. I don't know if you've seen this one before, but okay guys, so now I think it's time for some yoga, maybe you already know something about sitting. You are so out of shape with this game, what is it let alone doing yoga? Okay, now I'm going to try it. This is the first time I've sat in the car today and it's so strange, this will help me if we crash. so we just got here and you could back it up.
I'm like starting to sweat, it's really hot, it's actually really hot, I feel like I'm overheating and I know, it's really hard, okay, so now we're at I'm going to the grocery store and we're basically going to get a bunch of girl cravings. pregnant, so I eat a lot when they're pregnant, and then they have really weird cravings. I'm so embarrassed that this is like my local supermarket. store so to speak and I feel like I'm going to see people and I'm going to look like that. I brought my sunglasses. I'm eating for two, so the first craving I saw was ice cream on toast, okay?
The last thing we need is our pickles. He's actually thinking about this guy in the cracks laughing. This is ice cream on toast. It looks like butter or not. It looks much better. Yes, a lot of butter. Why is it so good. It's not my. God, this honestly looks really gross, yeah, okay, so Ben is leaving now because he has to drive all the way back to Los Angeles, thanks for hanging out with me today. Horace, okay, bye, Ben, okay, guys, it's going to be around 9:30 soon and I'm actually. I'm eating dinner right now because I had those disgusting sandwiches not long ago.
I'm not really hungry, but I'm eating some sushi. Oh guys, I looked it up and it says you're not supposed to eat it, so I'm sorry. my baby, I hope he or she forgives me, okay guys it's now 11:15 so apparently you can't sleep on your stomach and you can't sleep on your back either so basically I just have to sleep on my side. Better go to bed because it's been a really long day and I also think I'm going to end the video here. Thank you all very much for watching me fight today. This was quite an experience, as I said before.
Obviously, this wasn't even close. an accurate representation of what it's really like to be pregnant. If you enjoyed this video, be sure to give it a thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already. I have only been to the channel below if you would like to subscribe. for him and if you are looking for a photographer, you should check out Teddy. I took some great maternity pictures yeah thank you so much for looking and I'll see you next week bye oh they're going to kill the baby. What are you doing but he's oh oh?

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