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I'm 27, Living with My Parents, and Delivering Pizzas...

Jun 08, 2021
Christopher's in Charlotte, North Carolina Hello Christopher, how are you? I'm fine, how are you doing better than I deserve? how can we help you? Oh yeah, I was just going to ask you if you were in my position, what would you do? I'm


. at home I'm 27 years old I deliver


I have around 9,800 in student loan debt and I have around 29,000 in savings you have 9,800 in student loan debt you have 29,000 in savings and your only job is pizza delivery yes I have a list on uber that I have made from time to time and used it to help pay for my car, but I'm not going to do that anymore now that my car is paid for, I don't want to use up all the miles.
i m 27 living with my parents and delivering pizzas
In that, then, what are you going to do with your life? I would really enjoy going back to school with my degrees right now, they are not marketable for a good career. I would love to go back to school and study human resources, this program. I have it in mind and I've just been saving for it. What is your degree in psychology and political science? So what can't you do with a psychology degree? I feel like I could definitely go down the HR route, I think over time, although to get a better advantage I think getting a master's degree would have a lot more credibility, absolute shit, you don't believe it, so it's okay, I run a company of 250 million dollars, no one in my HR department has a master's degree, no joke and they are all going too far with the way they are cool and I don't think any of them even have a degree in HR.
i m 27 living with my parents and delivering pizzas

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i m 27 living with my parents and delivering pizzas...

Armando, could you be our human resources director? Could I not know my original HR manager? you have what it takes to get in there, you get your foot in the door and if you want to take some classes, some one-off classes and attend some classes, just get some HR knowledge, that would be advisable, but I don't think you need to go back and get a four-year degree in human resources plus a master's degree to be able to be in human resources. I need the game man to get into the game. Yes, it's time to get into the game.
i m 27 living with my parents and delivering pizzas
I would pay off my student loans yesterday and move the next day, yeah, and go get a job in HR, I'd go get you and get my foot in the door, entry level position recruiter or something else, and HR, would start and start. a company that will pay part of your tuition and start studying at night instead of



with them paying for it my sister is a recruiter she is doing very well the recruiter is my bank she is amazing she knows the business she knows okay but she has a bachelor's degree and she's 10 times smarter than me so you gotta get in the game dude a master's degree in human resources no she has a bachelor's degree a bachelor's degree yeah I'm just saying yeah it's a rock star, but she tried hard, she works really hard and you gotta get in the game bro, yeah, yeah, yeah, you, this is a um, you got a perceived block, a blocker here, that's not real, right, it's not a real blocker, Christopher, so, but go.
i m 27 living with my parents and delivering pizzas
Get your foot in the door and get started. Wait, I'll give you a copy of Ken Coleman's book, The Proximity Principle. And if I were you, I would start tomorrow tomorrow. All that. I will pay off my student loan today. make plans to move you have a lot of cash you are in good shape go get yourself you know you can work part time if you have to pay bills for a while until you get the job but I would go get an HR position somewhere that you would love to work on and, again, use types of material. king coleman can help you get that job there are all kinds of options to get the interview, get the right resume, everything is free and downloadable and I'm going to give you his book so we've given you everything he has and he can help you get it safely, but you know, Christopher, if you listen to what just happened, Dave Ramsey just called your bluff, he just called his bluff. man, and now he's taking all the excuses off the table, well, you know, I'm just stuck on my degrees, no, it's over, buddy, here's the book, here's the resources, here's the five, go get 'em and I'll tell Dave. the human resources department here is extraordinary our human resources department are excellent they are excellent at what they do they are there maybe 17 of my master's degrees I don't know, I really don't know, but they weren't hired for master's degrees and they didn't I was prevented from doing anything because of a master's group, I mean, I can't think of anyone there who has a degree in human resources let alone a master's degree that they might want, but um, but uh, I mean, you know, we're again in hr. about taking care of the team, loving people, loving the team and hiring the team, waiting, recruiting, taking care of and loving the team, and you know, a degree in psychology, I'll help you with that, a big heart will help you with that. caring about people will help you with that and then God help you somewhere along the way you will also learn something about the law, but the rest is you know there is no technique they are going to use. teach yourself a master's degree that allows you to be one, unless you want to work in a cold and toxic corporate environment, then you may need a master's degree, but I don't think that's your goal; you need to get jobs where you are going. and look people, here's another thing Christopher can do is when he's


pizzas at night while he's trying to get some, put his foot in the door in another position, he can take those 30 seconds, those one minute exchanges and learn to reading someone learning how to be nice to someone learning how to make someone's day when I worked at Burger King at the cash register I learned from a very young age that it takes about 10 seconds to make someone's day or ruin it and that lesson like A guy from 16 years has traveled with me all the time to treat people with dignity, to know someone so quickly, to honor someone, to give them what they need and to go back to those kinds of small personal skills, those investments and people who love each person with the that you come in touch with that will make you a great HR person in the future, beyond any other programmer six four years

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