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I let W2S and GIB Control My Twitter

May 30, 2021
Boy, oh, someone's at the door, I think I know who it is, I think I know who was waiting for you, Mary, here we go, we have to think about the neighbors. I'm vlogging today. I just thought I'd let you know in the past. day back to the daily vlogging routine, so what do you mean my shoes are coming out tomorrow? We're filming this the Friday before this. I received the phone. I received the phone. Let me address that movie. Nobody cares. Yes, it's our time to talk. Hello. ladies and gentlemen dad, your cancer and your ex girlfriend, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I have something else and we are going to offer you guys, don't talk, we are going to be talking, we will be the promotional powerhouse for your little shoe company .
i let w2s and gib control my twitter
It was like this? No, none, in many ways, not far, in two ways, no, anyway, it will become a thing if you don't keep saying this, when is it coming out tomorrow? Oh actually, it's coming out right now because the video is coming out, okay, the first youtuber session. Looks good, okay, we told you we're the promotional powerhouse, this is a business meeting right now, okay, and with every good business meeting we need food, so delivery is okay, come on, you know, Every time I take a deep breath like it's not like that. It doesn't work, I can't breathe fully.
i let w2s and gib control my twitter

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i let w2s and gib control my twitter...

Are you kidding. You could have at least tied me up like a T-shirt. No, I'm so wet. Oh, that's not the problem. I told you, I told you, no, this is ours. Problem bro, how small is your text, this is crazy, what the hell will the tourists get? I want to finish this video today, guys, shut up, let's order our food and then we can start talking. I'm going for the Ruby chicken. yeah ruby ​​chicken you know you tied this up okay no one please please wait how are you? I'm actually feeling quite claustrophobic at the moment, like I'm not feeling so good, bye, business, yeah, oh, we've got £51.
i let w2s and gib control my twitter
£51 on delivery. ordered food 25 to 30 minutes down stairs down stairs food is ordered now we can talk business so what do you need when you are promoting sneakers? Because it's just a matter of numbers, you really want a lot of YouTube friends, too easy. shouldn't he go for his friends ah I need a new promotion that's what we need you're going to tweet at other people no no don't tweet personal DMs that way they can really understand where you're coming from look we can tell by your body language right now that you are anxious about how well they will work I know these are our hits I don't even know what to say I don't know what to say I don't know what you're going to do because it could all be sarcasm let's ask other YouTubers if they would promote your shoes for you yes yes yes a little more uh harry donald's side mission of uh yes I have a little I have something because I want to do a little bit of instagram well I know what is absolutely amazing cheers we have


right now leave that in the next promo now same, we need to delete YouTube, it's a block of wood, yeah, yeah, that's what we're doing.
i let w2s and gib control my twitter
That is what we are doing, what are we going to do next Monday? You have a lot of anger to get out, don't you? Oh, let's go that way. Who is not familiar with his gothic? Who wouldn't want? to start is the question we have to talk about me and harry yes bella was born hey bella long time no talk oh my god hey belle has some new sneakers coming out soon i'm a little anxious to see how they're going and i would love a promotion this is really bad they're totally fire put the fire emoji she could do it you know she could do it she could do it but it's the most pleading thing I think I've ever said in my entire life and I did it Don't say no, we don't smile that much.
Yes, oh, yes. Hello, Big Mike. I love your and Lana's videos. Yes, I love videos. I love munchies. Guys, won't you hurry? Oh my gosh, you're having a great time. okay, look at the photo again, yes, yes, yes, yes, this is firepicker, it will follow me, okay, so we have a photo, so we have a post on Instagram. We sent two direct messages to some big names on YouTube. I'm going now. to check how your post is doing on Instagram, thanks you linked to Jeremy Zoom, cool yeah just wanted to get you involved. Your photos, do people really believe it?
Yeah, jawline, check hairline, surgery, question mark, okay, so I'm for Jeremy Corbyn, I've met him. He says Hi Jezza, he shows you about the elections. I voted three different times under a fake name to try to help. Can you promote my shoes? Please, I hope you enjoyed the Zoom call. Yes Yes Yes. a little embarrassing oh no, that's really bad. He wants to make a video called teacher. Take the bills from him. He weights. He wins a hundred thousand dollars. I'll give you 10,000 dollars. Yes, we are giving you video ideas. Hi Jimbo congratulations private island finna be next jeffrey epstein lol jokes stress face anyone who has an idea for a video I have some new shoes tomorrow if I give you a 30 off code For the website, could you make a funny video? takes off and doesn't always make 750k, let's see, I feel like we have to take a different route now, I think amazon, why don't you treat yourself?
Why don't we treat ourselves to an orange? because you are quite rich, you just bought it. I'm not rich, yes, and that's the reason I'm not rich. I just thought it would be smart. I thought it was a good time to tell you eight minutes and about 35 seconds of this video are on sale right now, literally. Right now I uploaded this at six and they've been on sale since six, so if you missed yesterday's video, new, no two ways the dice are rolling right now, link in description, good luck for everyone trying to buy and yes thank you I will continue. with this really interesting video oh look it's past purchases it's a broken condom extra small department store I think we go electronic electronic electronic where is the delivery always on the way come on locks why why why why just go down the stairs oh thank you so much my feet are tied I owe you a slight apology a slight apology when I say slight like really low things that just happened in that hallway weren't supposed to happen because I forgot your legs were tied you forgot my legs were tight you pushed another fight there you go, it's a big day bro, not a wave promotion day, come on and now we are going to celebrate the launch of these by buying items on Amazon, you can have many samosas, they are very good for us. you have that samosa in the palm of your hand you're clutching that samosa like a tennis ball I don't want that one I can have the other one okay avoid how fancy you are you I'm I'm big I'm It's always the right one for you I don't like Twilight.
I'm missing a big round. Know. Advice. He's kind of healthy, not the healthiest for me. So I ordered it right. I'll ask you for seven cucumbers and 50 bananas before you take a sip. yeah, two notes away, no two ways, thanks harry, thanks, we're on Amazon, yeah, and you get rid of electronics and you've asked me for 50 diamonds, you ask for something, man, you've done, you've done the job here, you think it is? like anything you want if I was in the slaughterhouse I think why are you trying to throw me under the bus? This whole video I'm almost in front of us, yeah bro, we're not playing an evil character, we're already over the characters, bro, you've already done it. status, are you okay?
Yes, that's taking the tape off. I'm the only one keeping him alive. At this point, he would be dead and broke and his shoe company will be in the mud, let's tick it off. something's right so this is the plan I want you to like it make them light up on your face like you look happy with your new crepes just push it away slowly push it away just be smart and smile wait go dance around from your ears, come on. oh my god no there's no two ways about it baby close now we're just waiting for the numbers to come in.
I think it's okay guys, thanks so much for looking, if you head over to no, the shoes are on sale. now anything in the description subscribe if you want to see more of my content lux I am very proud of your new shoes I will kill it the first youtuber to do it thank you do you know my address please send me a pair

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