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I Hosted A 400cc Mario Kart KNOCKOUT Invitational

May 20, 2024
Hey guys, here it is Troy and today we are finally at the



tournament after a series of 20 episodes and 40 events. We have a list of fierce competitors from the Bodaci nation ready to see who is the


champion, but before we take care of that matter, we have the tiebreaker tournament, so uh flag k's here omori, the new car consumes and let's see who enters the


tournament right now and then we have 32 tracks, there will be double elimination for the first eight races and then it will be quadruple elimination. elimination for the next two GPS and then they will be the last two for eight races.
i hosted a 400cc mario kart knockout invitational
The 400cc bonus items will carry over throughout each race, so it will be a very fun time and there was already one elimination that just fulfilled your dreams. destroyed forever was new car they wrote do not consume use their last bonus item is the last lap let's see who goes home with first place in the tiebreaker before the invitation throws the red to the flag k but the hedge maze is You know, the road was too dense, that red couldn't get through and it seems like this is going to be a rap flag. He'll take it home 5k using his last bonus, oh my god that was so close to hitting the wall and I thought the flag was going to lose but like that flag hey he gets the spot 5 consumption is alternate and the tournament will start in 30 minutes, but for you guys, it starts right now, what character vehicle are we going to use after 40 events that I participated in all of them?
i hosted a 400cc mario kart knockout invitational

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i hosted a 400cc mario kart knockout invitational...

Hit up Bowser Jr's mock bike today and we'll try to keep it running throughout the event. I hope to go far and I feel good about this. I set the time to 400 cc. It's all about consistency. Let's take a look at the winners. the competitors and we have quite a room here, very excited and we have already randomized the tracks. Matutino has to choose which graph we use because he got the most points of everyone with six. The correct connection is not perfect in the room so I just hope there are no disconnections, here we go, first race at the Waluigi stadium, okay, good start, beautiful, I managed to skip the ramp and the booster completely and I really like it a lot of the simulated bike on this ride, okay, that was too high and an unfortunate moment there right in the fireball, absolutely crazy.
i hosted a 400cc mario kart knockout invitational
It was crazy how I bounced off the invisible wall. I thought it would surely be a much worse outcome. Oh, that was almost as good. Okay, let's jump over the sign and pretty, we get the second drift. Beautiful. That was crazy. The morning ones are in first place. Lets see if. We can catch him well, second place, Matutino, and I got away, but it seems that there were no disconnections, which is great, and after the first race, Matutino and Hafer, with the bonus items, we played eight races before two first eliminations, so, I have a little breathing room.
i hosted a 400cc mario kart knockout invitational
I actually like being in second place more than first on this track because of the angle. Oh, too much momentum. I was actually trying to get less initial momentum, so that didn't happen, but it didn't quite work. Okay, I'm in a bad place right now, I have to focus, every race counts, every bonus item counts, everything counts and it's going to be very scary in the later events. No, what did I hit? Oh, I just had Mario Kart physics so bad. I'm on the last one, this is brutal, although I'm not using a bonus and I hope we can save some points here, but probably not, oh we're going to get one, two, someone else fell on the line so I got two points . and peck is eleven, i heard he's twelve, yeah i hope he's zero right now, that's really bad, but we're good at fourteen, we're in fifth place overall, six to go good, race three and I know he always says 200 cc in in the top left bottom corner, but it's 400, we have the my stuff folder, we're using that function with ctgp to add the speed bonus so we can still use cgp and not revolution, which is cool, okay, Let's try to get some positions here.
It's a track where people make mistakes a lot, I've seen it. It would be some good warm-up races here, but I have to make sure I don't fall too far behind in the points. It's definitely a track I'd like to be on. Quacker, it's difficult with the simulated bike because speed doesn't really help, yes, it's very difficult. The quackers like to have just the right amount of speed to get past that section of the cave, but we're passing some people and making it work there. come on, come on, we passed people, perfect 7th place, nice, beautiful, maybe I can get six here, okay, it looks like I got 7th place, but it was pretty solid, such a difficult track on a simulated moto, I felt really surpassed i didn't have a chance but um leia perry got her first point paddy ricks is in trouble we're in the middle right now we have the


circuit three the police went first with the classic dragster nice i love how he's using it oh my god hey to yoshi it makes sense people like the offroad staff but we have bowser jr offroad here oh that was so bad that one hit put me from first to six it was like that he destroyed me there i think it was hateful there could have been been mpx, am I'm not sure it happened so fast I can't even look at people's names.
There we go still in the fifth. Good room. Third, it was very good. I lost to two yoshis, but third place is solid considering I started seventh and when you. You are not using items and you are just trying to accumulate bonus items. It's a little difficult to pass people. You always have the risk of getting hit and you saw what happened to me in the first round, so I'll take the 10 points. You are one away from getting our third bonus. The links are in a lot of trouble losing to Yoshi's mockers. Okay, so we got our second bonus.
I'm not going to use any bonuses, although not for the first GP, if I can afford to accumulate them. I can get up to nine total no that's really bad okay so now we're in a middle place fifth place it's very easy to see who the police are because of me and that didn't work there come on okay I'm in third place. Maybe I can come second here. The yoshi is quite far away. I'm a spam hack, but I have nothing. I'm going to cheat here to get past the obstacles. I didn't have enough speed. Oh my God, my God, too much speed here I am. a slowdown, yeah, I literally like to let go of that whole immediate section before the last U-turn because it's happened to me before where I'm going too fast and I actually pull past the U-turn and shoot.
I got into the other zipper and backed up, so I was very careful not to go too fast and it was okay to get third if that was the case, but we still got second, which is surprising. We got four bonuses. We are absolutely sure. I'm not going to use any bonuses looking at Paddy Rick's lab period at the bottom of the leaderboard, but Malware and Calm are still in a lot of danger and Montetino already has six bonuses. Wow, here we go beautiful, try to get 15 points here if We can get a good break at the beginning here, I don't know how we do that.
We're going to hit this on purpose, slow down, miss that mature arc break, and swerve really hard. Okay, it wasn't perfect, but we'll take it straight to the checkout. but somehow it worked, okay, that's good, that was very strange, okay, I have a very strange and surprising place to get shot in the first place, okay, I feel amazing now, wow, bonus items are awarded in everywhere, let's look at the scores right here. The ipari is definitely in a lot of trouble they need a first place, the patty rick malware is struggling right now. This is interesting.
The 400cc lines are really rubbish as muscle memory is pretty wild for them trying to remember them and a lot of them too, you don't want to do too many wheelies. this game mode because you get hit and you fall and you fly like crazy I definitely don't want that to happen I have to play it safe and go to the side here I don't want to get cannonballs shot at me we're fine we're fine we You're fine, beautiful start , beautiful, I slowed down, bad landing on purpose and we avoided hitting the wall, what an incredible first lap.
Come on, I'm in the first one. Wow, I have too much speed, big waste of time. Thanks amiibo for pointing me in the exact direction. I want to go, let's go crazy, okay, we're okay, let's slow down here so we don't hit the roof. We have learned the hard way, hitting the ceiling is bad. Look, he wastes a lot of time every time. The time I went from first to fifth or second to fifth, it was a very close race right now, people are good at Bowser's Castle. I'm impressed. I remember the beginning of 400cc transmissions.
No one had figured out Bowser's Castle very well, but that has changed. Amazing second place, we got another second place. I think I've gotten second like three times so far, so we're at 68, we're second overall and Lee Purry is out, we're at 11. I can't recover, see what? it said it on the screen, then that message appears when it is mathematically impossible for a contestant to advance to the next round because Iperia is down by 16 points, that is too many. I need to redeem my shortcut attempts on this track, I think. I'm going to try it, oh I got it, but it wasn't that good, yeah, no, I don't know if I'm going to risk it without mushrooms because the best I can do is use the mushrooms right away. then when you're on the off road it's not really worth it, I'm in second place it seems like the first place to use mushrooms so it wasn't like it's not worth it but no I don't think it's worth going to. because unless you have a mushroom to use afterwards, it's an awkward position to be in with the simulated bicycle matsutino eight bonuses and first of all matutino is a force to be reckoned with in this format, he came out of nowhere in the In the end, he always he was in second or third place on the leaderboard, but then he's been dominating at the end here, scary, right now I'm everywhere, third place, someone took the shortcut and passed me, uh, baby Mario, we'll see who it was and believe.
There was a koopa that also tried to pass me, but that player might have been a lap behind, so we'll see this is the end of the first gp and we're in the final 10. He'll be a four elimination jeep, uh gp. after this, the points will be reset, so here we go, morning, first of all, no surprise and the malware is removed. Consumify survives, wow and flies. Who was the other wildcard who managed to get to sixth place in the first GP, which is very good? I have seven bonuses and I'm going to use one right here because I want to get a first place on this track and not have to worry about points and this is the exact item I wanted beautiful and we're going to spam like crazy it should be nice to get at least the first two places.
It looks pretty good here, you don't even have to jump on them in this cc. I think I got the first one. There was a Yoshi right behind me. He was Matatino. I think I got first place. It was totally worth it because resetting points will always be about burning my bonus items at the start of the GP and taking advantage of the fact that I have them while other players aren't in first place. 15 points, four huge eliminations in this GP, so, eh. if the gp ended right now paddy ricks mpex consumer 5k would be eliminated so this is going to be scary and it will only get scarier in this elimination tournament this track is tough I think I'm going to have a hard time on this one against the charlatans.
I'm going to try not to do too much of a wheelie after this first right away okay I'm already breaking down yeah brutal okay I'll use the best amazing item I could have come out with. I'm going to hold this as long as I can. Montatino is definitely. first if i use it it will take me to the first one right now but i don't feel any desire to use it yet i am using it now this is a really good bullet oh my god this is an amazing bullet it is taking me so far. okay, okay, still good, still very good, guys, I think I got first place, come on, come on, it's matatina and I got away with that one, but the bullet spike was amazing, it lasted forever, I used it in I think fifth place, so I knew.
It would take me to first place. It was a perfect moment and it gave me the opportunity. I got my bonus back. I already have 30 points. I'll be safe. This GP is almost certainly going incredible. Machichino took second place again and, uh, come on. look at the mpex pump leaderboard calm down paddy rick's flag cake consumer fight and many problems are still in the single digits six races two go eight bonuses right now I'm using them I'm going to get them back it's a good feeling I'm going to keep using them like crazy I'm not afraid to use my bonuses guys you'll probably use one in a second I'll use one right now I'm not going to use more than two go go this is a great strategy guys this is a Great strategy, I found out that my strategy is to just use the bonuses and then recover them.
It's working amazing so far. I'm already sure, I got 45 points and Matutino got second place every time, so Matutino has 36. MPEG is very necessary.lap three absolutely to get the record, but I'll see if I can catch it. People make mistakes on this it's a very, very difficult track, but Matino knows what he's doing, so I think. We're going to lose this first one, he destroyed me, even though he destroyed me, yeah, he's not broke. I'm going to have to take this shortcut here guys, you're not even close okay, so that's race one and you have to win five to win.
The whole thing, so I still have plenty of time, but that's a horrible start. He brought me back from the brink in a place I wasn't ready for. He really shows that you have to be careful. Okay, I'm going to use a bonus right away. We'll probably see how this start goes and make sure I don't get pumped. Well, a mushroom again. Interesting. Okay, it's fast. That sucks, so now I have to decide what I want to do with this mushroom and see if I can catch it. he kind of here had to use it I don't think I can do anything yeah there's nothing I can do even if I have an item the only hope would be a blue shell but I'm going to keep my bonuses yeah well played.
Playing through one more time didn't give me any chance to catch up, well the chain bite isn't a problem at first so I got it with my red shell and I have a green shell right now and six bonuses which is pretty good. I have to make sure I don't make any stupid mistakes here and I'm curious to see how many he uses or what he has in store for me, but that red shell was huge and since we both took the shortcut, it slowed down a lot. because of the off-roading, of course, and that's how I was able to take advantage of that situation.
I don't think I'm using one. I think he's taking the lead on this one. I see nothing. Look at the mini map. Should be good. perfect, here we go, he yells at the red shell and it was very safe because whatever happened to him next, I don't know, he could have hit a bite, hit a wall or something because I got such a big advantage from a red shirt, I wasn't expecting that, so he deliberately didn't even get the initial push, see that guys, so he pulled out an interesting red shell, he's throwing reds at me, no, that sucks, yeah, it was.
Good enough, that shortcut was too far away, I shot so far and burned like a million bonus items, but it was worth every single one of them, yeah I'm going to use one right away, I sure have to in case pop a red shell again yeah oh my god the game loves me yeah I got my banana yeah let's go three to two the banana yeah okay gcm


I like how we're both in the same vehicle , so there are no similar disadvantages for each track, that's really good. But, my God, let's change things. Four bonuses are enough for three races.
I potentially don't want to use one here if I don't have to. Actually, that sucks. I'm going to use one because if it brings out more reds. and I lose the leadership that's why I'm going to be very angry, so I think it happened guys, I think it burned. I don't think he was pocketing, I'm not sure, but I don't see why he pocketed. This track so that's my theory the pressure is getting to him guys we gotta capitalize no low check horrible bonk four to two one more maybe I don't have to play bc64 if I can win this one I can finish all this right now.
I've played so much Rainbow Road, let's put it all to the test, okay as long as I don't fall there, that's the scary part. I'm going really slow here, that sucks, bouncing off an invisible wall and retaining almost none of my speed. Okay, that was good, I'm not really looking forward to getting a bonus item on this one, guys, I'm being completely honest, that was amazing, that was really good, guys, that was really good, beautiful, I'm getting it. I'm getting them, right? now okay, we're going to have to immediately break break break break we have the break and now we have to make sure we get this thing that's not called get it that was horrible oh my god oh my god where is matatino going to answer this is happening the uh, That's horrible, guys so bad, that's so bad, okay, I think he just missed, that's good, yeah, he missed, we hit him on purpose, oh, it's a battle, I'll use one now because he's right next to me, That's the best item I could have gotten, too. maybe like a blue shell I'm not going to fall here I'm fine yes yes I have red shells and they are threatening right now this is amazing is having to deal with triple reds I just have to make sure I don't fall right here oh my god oh god mine oh my god oh my god oh my god holy moly no no we both fell in the left corner oh he's going to pass me now oh my god flounder I tried to go in that was too risky I I should have just gone out and I would have won but I thought that he was going to pass me, I thought he would go crazy and he did.
It was probably for both momentum panels, he flew off the edge and I thought he was going for both panels. I'm going to be sneaky and paid the price, so now we have to play bc64. How many bonuses does Matutino have? We'll find out right away. Two walls are everywhere. I'm going to throw this back. I do not do it. I don't want this article, let's see if we can get something better. It's much better. It was incredible. This is going to be good. I'm going to hold this one out though this extra item I'm too far behind at the moment oh my god I keep hitting these damn walls every second this is like one of those tracks where I wish I could change the charlatan but Matsuchino is doing it. a very good job holding the lead and I'm just not going to be able to catch it, so we have a jump-off race to decide it, everything is fine, this is going to be a lot of fun, good luck to Matatino, he definitely deserves to be here.
In the last race there is going to be a battle. This is a very good survey, but also not really. It's confusing me to play a little more risky. Now it's not going to be enough. Even making that shortcut, it's so far away. and honestly the mega storm cloud really screwed me over because I hit so many walls and didn't even buy time to make the shortcut, I'm still not giving up even though anything is possible, he's there, he was shooting so high it just was It's not enough, I almost got it. Good games, morning, well deserved and, definitely, the 400 cc champion.
Honestly, it was really impressive to see how much you improved over the course of the tournament series and the good games today, and congratulations on winning three of the four gps and ultimately the entire tournament

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