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I HIT My Dad In Front Of My Family! (PRANK)

May 24, 2024
Is the camera recording or not? Yeah, okay, just keep recording, bro, this is crazy, this is bad, just get out here in


, okay, I'm coming, I'm coming, wait, oh my God, yeah, what's up? No, no, no, apparently there is something. passing by cyrus cyrus cyrus oh my god me cyrus cyrus wait, wait, wait, wait, stand back, rub, rub, rub, rope, brother, you'll understand, you're good, you're good, like what kind of brother, what was that ? It was that brother, it seems that I don't want to interrupt brother, but is it you brother? What was that man?
i hit my dad in front of my family prank
We've just been practicing to make him look realistic, but obviously he would never hit my dad, any of my parents. I have full respect for my parents, as you all should too. Yes, I can tell you that he is always respectful to me, my children are already respectful. Obviously, if I hit him, it would be a completely different story, but today we're going to have the reactions of hitting my dad in


of my friends and


. We said to yell at our mom. This time we are going to take it to the next level, I mean, did you believe it, yes, I believed it for sure, I definitely did it right, that was pretending that we put the cameras right now in a certain place and then get the reactions, okay, let's go down , keep it in the story.
i hit my dad in front of my family prank

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i hit my dad in front of my family prank...

I'm stuck with what I have to do because you're not doing it on time, so once you have any of the other brothers, well, everyone has their own responsibility, don't put your responsibility on anyone else, so what do we do? now with the hose? If you have. to save it you have to leave it that way everything you do you have to save it okay, I told you that calm down you always think it's my fault okay, well, yours is yours, I'm tired of it, wait, you just hit me now Hit your Father Cyrus What kind of son are you?
i hit my dad in front of my family prank
Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. He hated me. I just got angry. You know, he's not angry. No, are you okay? You are not wrong? But hit me very hard, almost almost. I broke my head, I can't do that, next level on this one, okay, that's good, hey Maddie, he's with me, yeah, okay, we still have your mom and the brothers, you've never seen him, I know disrespectful to me, no, okay, then. one, the right reaction to me, okay, you don't know Twitter, not now, he's a stepdad too, bro, it has to be done, he's always a believer, can you believe he doesn't listen to me?
i hit my dad in front of my family prank
You always tell me that I'm not listening to you. dad really yeah hi what are you doing what kind of songs I'm sorry why did you do that what's going on it just gets on my nerves I almost broke my arm my legs you never know what's going to happen you know but you guys pay attention you know I mean , that was the right reaction, you guys emerged and separated us. The best thing we can do is be an active spectator, not just a normal spectator, be an active spectator, break up the activity, good job, not far away, I have two more people to do everything.
Okay, come on, where is he yelling? Why did you say that about me? Why did you say that to Greg? Well, because you're not listening. Therefore, about your son. Yes, because I am the father. You have to listen to me. It doesn't matter the age it's okay because I want the best friend it's ridiculous can you believe he did it? let me lower my voice you didn't even know what he did why would you do that to me? no matter what he kept your voice down, keep your voice down no, it's okay, that's not fair, you're taking me away from life like that, no, I would never do that, I want the best for your life, it's okay, no Yes, but first you have to talk to me. key why would you worry don't pressure me don't pressure cyrus what the hell are you doing can you believe this is happening father for God's sake what's wrong with you is your father don't touch him okay mom you can now tell the camera it's filming right now yes, he didn't hit him, he was joking, you didn't hit him, no, I just want to know your reaction, I'm actually surprised you didn't try to slap me back or something, I was too far away. away from the broom oh no he was joking it was just you guys you are the most respectful kids.
I know they wouldn't do that, but I thought they were out of control. No, no, that killed him. That was good. That's pretty realistic. It's bad to make this joke right now because it feels so real. Did my neck veins pop out? Yeah, you were yelling pretty bad, you're pretty upset because it's unreal, Steve, good job on the time, bro, you can catch the same time as you are. Damn ninja here bro, they didn't even see you behind you know that, so I gotta outsmart you. I think Dory is down there in the garage. Okay, just make sure you go to the outside of the perimeter.
Okay, keep the camera. I have you brother. let's get it right let's go so dawg is working on his car right now Steve take your angle probably from there where the tree is okay and then me and my dad are going to start arguing okay and I think we should do this a little more. You know, tough dad, okay, okay, Steve, we'll see you there. Okay, no I didn't, yes you did. Now we have to ask Dary and see what she thinks. Can you believe he doesn't listen to me? He just always does it. I don't know, he's just saying things behind my back, he just doesn't listen to me, I ask him not to put your stuff here, be organized, don't wait for anyone else to do your own work, but he never listens, yeah. but he's always getting tired of it, always harassing me that's not fair without stars you know you're making me feel frustrated with you now I don't want to talk to you why are you doing that I I I calm down, can you please?
No, let's go defend your father, no, brother, I know you knew he was going to go far, that's fine, brother, honestly, that's the reaction we wanted in the end, but no less important, I love you, you know, always protect the


always protect the kids yeah we would never do that or respectful be there for your family at all times there was a good reaction im happy with it thanks for watching guys make sure to like and subscribe until next time time we'll move on to the next level baby, hey, love is the strongest, spread. I love you all yeah one more thing one more thing be sure to subscribe to Doberry Cars.
It's a good thing they came here because I think I forgot a very important part of my car at the race track and I have to go back and check. make sure it's there, okay we're about to go get it right now guys do it love your family never fight fighting is never the answer violence is never the same you just saw him go from a fight from two people to one of three. person fights but always protect love and your loved ones everyone be safe out there I love you so much okay this is just a joke right it's a joke bro come on how do you think it went bro?
I mean, I think he came out pretty well bro. Looked like you hit it good, yeah, thanks again guys for watching that. I felt bad doing that, but it's for entertainment. The reactions obviously never would. We have respect for our loved ones and even saying I hate you, that was like. I don't know, okay, yeah, exactly, that's all I love here. Much love guys. God bless you. Thanks for watching. Make sure to subscribe to all channels. Thor Brothers Luke's and Marcus Stover Cars. We love you guys so much. Take care, never give. up in your dreams

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