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I got harassed by the mob at my local bar. They had no clue who I was. Then, 7 minutes later...

May 16, 2024
They gathered around the five and made them stand up. Let's go to the docks upon hearing that the five. He started to panic, please, anything but that mafia like you,


better leave for the sake of society. You've been mistreating civilians for too long to face the consequences. We will never do it again. Please forgive us, help us, please. too late to say anything now you should have reflected in the bar it's too late no, it's not good, take them away at that moment the door burst open Sam, the one who ran into the room was Nancy, the owner of the bar with whom had been before.
i got harassed by the mob at my local bar they had no clue who i was then 7 minutes later
She must have come here right after we left, she already knew this place and is familiar with the members so it was easy for her to come here once she knew where we were please not at the docks but Please forgive us, the men continued to beg for mercy. Nancy looked at them and said, please let them go. maybe her words gave them hope the five men abruptly stopped begging Nancy for a victim why would she ask that these five be forgiven why should she forgive them you were hurt too but


didn't do anything that bad they said some harsh words and broke things but they didn't hurt physically to no one, that's just this one time, if left unchecked they could harm civilians one day, they probably have in the past, please Sam, let them go, on what basis, none, but they do know how scary it is you are, everyone would stop.
i got harassed by the mob at my local bar they had no clue who i was then 7 minutes later

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i got harassed by the mob at my local bar they had no clue who i was then 7 minutes later...

It's not a reason I was about to end the conversation, but Nancy persisted, please Sam, stop this if I let them go, the Narou will be taken lightly, we control all the mafias around here if we overlook the mafia attack civilians, another mafia might start doing it too, you know? right, because of the narou mafia, don't mess with civilians here, I know, but I still ask you to stop, why I don't want you to hurt anyone else for me anymore, his words left me speechless, Sam, stop hurt others for me, memories of the past resurfaced memories that I wanted to forget but couldn't during the frequent conflicts between the Chinese mafia and the American mafia coalition an incident occurred a civilian family of three was caught in the conflict I was not who laid hands on them but I decided to attack the Chinese mafia that day in a place and time when many civilians knew the risk of involving them.
i got harassed by the mob at my local bar they had no clue who i was then 7 minutes later
The parents died, leaving only their daughter. That daughter was Nancy. I regret that day ever since. That's why I've been financially. By supporting her, I transformed the narou into one that protects civilians, does not harm them, and made him an important power that controls other mafias. I thought this would be my atonement for the deceased parents and for her. I know you've been trying hard for me, but that's enough, I don't want to see you hurt and even if they are gangsters, I don't want you to hurt anyone else. Hearing her say this, I had no other option.
i got harassed by the mob at my local bar they had no clue who i was then 7 minutes later
My intention and punishing the Sill leader was to set an example. to them and other mafias about what happens when you mess with civilians, in fact my actions so far have deterred other mafias in the area from harming civilians, but if she doesn't want that


maybe I shouldn't continue. Hello guys, I said: the five gangsters who had caused problems in the bar yes, what is it? Can you make a promise? Can you promise not to lay a hand on civilians again? Yes, of course we won't do it at all. The other three also chimed in promising, you know what?
It'll happen if we find out you've messed with civilians, of course, it's straight to the docks, isn't it? Remember that we will be watching you. Yes, you got it, that settled the matter. Brown, yeah, let them go. I understood that after freeing the five, they were grateful. us and quickly walked away, this solved the problem with the five Mafia. Sorry for asking too much, Nancy told me as she walked her back to the bar. No, I'm the one who should apologize for bringing up painful memories, it's not something you need to apologize for Sam, but Sam was still startled by his sudden loud voice.
I turned to her, please forgive yourself, your regret and apologies have been more than enough, don't apologize anymore, okay,


come to the bar again. I'll be waiting, yes. I will visit you again, see you then and with that Nancy and I have parted ways since the day I inadvertently involved civilians in a conflict. I think changing the mafia world was my atonement. I protected the civilians and showed no mercy towards the mob that hurt them, but maybe I need to rethink my approach now It was a night that made me reflect on this Months


I was drinking at the bar in New York as usual, the place a Once destroyed by the five gangsters it was now completely renovated.
I had the S leader members offset all the repair costs and Replace everything that was broken, everything has been replaced, even the old stuff, so it is much cleaner than before. Nancy said with a smile. Since that day I have been thinking about how I should live my life and I finally found my answer. I have taken a decision. about something what is my way of life I'm going to stop hurting the mafia to prevent them from harming civilians it's like that, but I can't just let the mafia that harms civilians go unpunished so I'll make sure they don't hurt to civilians. but without violence it doesn't hurt anyone and it still protects civilians, how are you going to do that to intimidate them?
Intimidate those windowsill eater guys. They have been much calmer since that day. I realized that intimidation can be effective enough, so I've decided to go that route from now on, that doesn't sound much different from before, do you think so? But if it's something you're comfortable with, Sam, then maybe it's a good approach. My sins will never disappear nor will I be able to recover what I have lost so I will spend my life atoning for my sins.

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