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Jun 03, 2021
okay I'm ready a couple of months ago maybe even less uh I decided we're all going to bring back the trash robots so we'll make it, we'll do it right, we'll make it acceptable to be a trash robot I saw a lot of murder mystery newbies 2 dressed up as a trash robot it just made me angry I hate I still hate that package but now I have good memories attached like I still hate how it looks but now I don't I don't think anyone is a newbie when they use it I think they are using ironically, as a joke, so now it's okay if I see them, no, no, I don't scream in anger and then turn myself in. a heart attack my blood pressure doesn't go up the moment I watch a trash fighting game we have 220,000 people it took one game and we teleported each and every one of them to another game to attack it so we did it and In fact, I did it at the same time that the little Noz that we could have. ruined the event to some extent yeah here's someone who I think worked on something you should see the faces of over a hundred Roblox staff engineers wondering what the heck was a junk box raid and why is it causing their event crashes basically, so there's the story behind it, there's a little reminder, so it took me a while to do this for them to do it, they did a very good job on this from what I've seen, they have a command of




, okay, oh friend, there are There are so many things that appear or have more than 40


s that can ever cause problems, okay, wait.
i got custom junkbot roblox admin commands
I can make my own junkbots so I don't want to draw too much attention to myself so I'll just like it. I'm going to kill like a kid or something, my car will leave no one in your car, come with me, okay, I'll try the laser on her, thanks for inviting your friends, what do you mean inviting my friends? Heaven is that god sending a damn message hey, you really invited your friend to heaven. Good job, I don't understand why I got rewarded for Spider-Man. I need help follow me I just need to try them first.
i got custom junkbot roblox admin commands

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i got custom junkbot roblox admin commands...

I really like it. It starts destroying the entire server. Spider-Man is just chasing some girls right now. What is Spider-Man? I literally need help. That's not a real girl. I'm starting to get the feeling that you're not the real Spider-Man. Who cares? Okay, okay, I'll kill her right before your eyes, look at this, the big guns you look like, oh, I've killed two women, what's your reaction, Peter Parker, oh, okay, here it goes, buddy, saved him? about to save the day look at him, see, he has time for people, he has to think about life, he has to clear his head from time to time, barrel, what is the barrel doing?, oh God, oh, oh God, oh God, later, what did I know, who threw it. that over there throw a barrel at you the house I didn't think look at Spider-Man's burning body oh look at a mother and a daughter look at this hey look at this are there happy families here who just feel like nothing could go away? wrong in life I would like to prove you wrong she still tells people to get out of her car come with me no it's okay you've learned your lesson it seems I've become a lot more violent since the last time you saw me . right, let's try a lamp swing, look at this, look at her, she's just hanging off her foot, has she been driving like this all this time just asking people to get out of her car? wow look at this hey look mom hey can you stop that okay you're actually making me angry I'm going to hit you and your son mom and daughter stop eating eating so much red meat it's very bad for you I told you that's how Bad for you, it's not right.
i got custom junkbot roblox admin commands
I'm going to keep doing this, so okay, who's ringing the doorbells? Stop, hey, stop, this is the best day of my life. I love this so oh wait wait wait wait I can spawn trash robots how? Should I make that announcement? Look at that, I have a little, I have a little baby, Little Woods, okay, I'm a grown woman and these little kids look at this, I just hit the entire server, I just hit 10 people, oh my god, I have 11 robots trash, okay, how can I get them to attack?, okay, who are they going after? This is a beautiful look, oh god that's not good, they just go after random people, oh god dude, they just go after random people and explode. that uh oh oh yeah oh that's bad, I'll just add 30 of them, okay, oh hey, stop making that taunt, okay, what's the taunt doing?
i got custom junkbot roblox admin commands
Let's see what they do to him. They just like to bother you. I'll add 30. more, yeah you all are meant to make fun, go make fun of people, these guys are, oh God, okay, they attack, oh God, okay, most of them just exploded the moment they I pressed that die, Spider-Man, okay, toggle rocket, how do I do it? What does Rock Toggle Rocket do? What do I do now that I have this rocket? There are robots around, oh yeah, look at this, Spider-Man, come up, Spider-Man, oh, oh, Spider-Man, fireworks, so I love how Spider-Man's blood just rained down on all of us.
This is the real new york new years special the fireworks watch this fun moment yes bye bye do you want to be friends oh god hello homeless child why are you crying maybe I can help you do you want to see a cool fireworks show what became your hamster? a ninja look at what look at what your hamster has become look at this look how angry she is I've never been so angry in a long time when I started singing and dancing yeah okay look at this funny oh there's hers body her body is exactly what it was that look she's not crying anymore yeah what do you mean yeah whatever's fine let's see what happens to that mcdonald's now oh god that was too cold stop pushing me are you stop pushing me that was completely your fault here we go look at that guy sliding down from above oh god he's going to die that's why he's dead what a nice home being destroyed what are you doing here die?
I love these, do you have any? comments or questions, abby, what's up with these guys? Hey? Like I spent all my money on the house, it's still there, there's just no front door and there's no window and the fish, the fish have risen, pests, the need to need water, so I honestly did you a favor attack Aren't they actually exploding generating more or having more than 40 drug monsters once they cause big problems? Well I see where the problem has been caused, so you guys are so lazy, I'm literally pressing the attack, thief one, give me money, Roberto. what is the cat doing, buy my kill the animal, oh, I really just wanted to kill the animal.
I'm going to attach an animal to a big firework, adopt me, sure, animal fireworks, animal fireworks, animal fireworks, let's shoot me good, whatever you say. Frank, I'm sorry you don't feel very well, but is that enough for you? Name Frank, I'm really glad I could help you there. Frank, animal fireworks. We are there. I can help you with something? Someone was shooting, please put an end to that nuisance. Alright. Did that thing really bother you as much as honestly like you were all the way there you walked towards it name frank name frank name frank name frank name frank

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