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I got 4 new tattoos! | sophdoesvlogs

Apr 29, 2024
oh it's a little high let's move you down um hello this feels a little strange vlogging again because I haven't done a vlog in I don't know how long but hello. Hello how are you? I thought I'd do a vlog today. because I'm going to go get some


and I'm going to get four at once. I say this like it's crazy, it really isn't. I'm getting the smallest


in the world, but I'm really really excited so I thought I'd take you with me and today is a really nice day, it's like 20° outside for some reason.
i got 4 new tattoos sophdoesvlogs
I just feel like doing more vlogging when the weather is nice, however before I go get my tattoos I need to do them myself. ready, I need to take Pinky for a quick little walk before I leave, because since James isn't here today, I just need to make sure he gets out before I head to London, although I don't think it'll take me long. the appointment is at 2, it's currently 11 minutes past 5, oh I don't have my watch: by the way, if you're wondering what I just used life proof dry shampoo, which is really really good, really expensive but really good . this is the ke oil free ultra facial gel cream which is really nice if you have oily skin, if you are looking for a dupe it is quite similar to the verse dupoint cream which is another one of my favorite moisturizers but the other day I dropped it. this pot upside down on the floor and when I dropped it, half of the product went everywhere, like my dresser, on me, all over the carpet and went like under my drawers and then I had to try to clean it up.
i got 4 new tattoos sophdoesvlogs

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i got 4 new tattoos sophdoesvlogs...

Everything up, but there were just chunks of this moisturizer lying all over my room. I have to thank you guys for finding this tattoo artist because he was going to put a little letter P on the inside of my finger, which, um, yeah. Didn't you know that my dog's name is Pinky and I thought it would be a really cute idea to put the pinky on my pinky, however, I can't put the whole word pinky in there because my pinky is quite small, so I thought It will be like a little fine print and I know with finger tattoos you have to press harder to make them stay and they fade faster than normal and can fade more than normal tattoos like me.
i got 4 new tattoos sophdoesvlogs
I know the facts about finger tattoos, but I still want to get them anyway. I basically posted on my Instagram stories if anyone knows of a tattoo artist that will tattoo your hands or fingers if you're not heavily tattooed yet because there are a couple of local places. I won't tattoo your hands or fingers at all unless you are heavily tattooed or already have tattoos on your hands and fingers and I'm pretty sure it's because they don't want you to regret it and then not be able to get a job tattooed because there are certain places where you still can't have visible tattoos.
i got 4 new tattoos sophdoesvlogs
I think it's much less common in 2024, but apparently those places still exist. I know in some like airlines and stuff, and I guess like corporate jobs. That's one of the reasons why they don't want you to then be like unemployed if you just get a tattoo on your hand and that's like the first tattoo you get and I guess if you're heavily tattooed then you're less likely to have a job to reject you for having a tattoo on your hand if that makes sense and then I think the second reason is also because they are known to like to fade easily and blend and they like the ink to run and things like that.
They don't want people who aren't heavily tattooed to get tattoos on their hands and fingers and then come back and complain that the tattoos have faded or gotten weird and then I guess if people look at their finger tattoos and he says, oh well that tattoo is a bit because it's faded, where did you get that? They don't want the bad name to make sense to them, so I think that's the reason, but I just want some urine, that's all. I didn't want anything crazy, it probably still won't be visible like when my hands are closed anyway, but I wanted to do four at a time to get the most out of the cost because most tattoo shops have a minimum charge.
So I didn't want to have to pay £100 just for one card so I thought I'd get some done in one go because there are some tattoos I've been wanting to get for a while so I posted. in my stories about does anyone know of a tattoo artist who did his fingers and then B? A bunch of people recommended me to the London social network, which I had seen their Instagram before, so I was literally stalking their page and then one of the artists on the London social network messaged me on Instagram and He said: Hey, I just saw your stories.
I can do that for you. She said I can send you some examples and stuff, so I went back to her and said, "Oh, I really want to get it." four tattoos like could you give me a quote and then she contacted me and I booked it all so that's where I'm going today, to the London social event at Angel and my tattoo artist is called Meg Alice tattoo her tattoos look like this. perfect for what I'm looking for, they are very delicate, very delicate, she does a lot of fine line tattoos and that's exactly what I'm looking for, so the last tattoo I got was this one that takes me to the There are lakes in my dad's writings , but the only thing I regret about this is that I don't regret it because I still like the tattoo and it's in my dad's writings, however, when I was getting it, obviously my dad had written it. in her handwriting with a very fine pen and then we wanted to make it a little bigger so that it wouldn't be too small to put on my skin, so she enlarged it a little more, however, obviously when you expand it an image is going to make the outline thicker like the thickness of the lines thicker and stupidly I didn't clarify that she put the template and it seemed good to me and stupidly I didn't clarify or reiterate that I wanted it to be as delicate and fine as possible, but I think she I used a thicker needle and obviously when I was getting the tattoo my arm was behind me like that, I couldn't see the thickness and then I looked in the mirror I mean I loved it.
I think it's a cool tattoo and I'm still happy with it on my body, but I just look at this and wish it was a little more delicate, so the ones I'm going to get today are all of them. I'll be fine, so I'll put the PE on my finger. I'm going to write the phrase Never Grow Up somewhere on my arm. I'm thinking here, in line with this, I put it there or I could get it like here um, I think we need to take a little look at the locations, but I'm pretty sure I want it like on the inside of my arm so that when I like, by the way, sorry for my bunch of packages so when I have my arm like that like you couldn't see it from the front, obviously, Never Grow Up is a song by Taylor Swift, it's on talk now, which is my favorite album by she, um, and also my dad has always said this throughout his entire adulthood since I met my father, he said that his brain is still 23 years old and that his brain stopped developing at 23 and then his body just got older and so he feels like he never really grew up, it's like his body is aging and I mean I know I'm only 27 but I feel the same way as my dad and I've seen some people talk about this publicly online.
I feel like we shouldn't have to force growing up in a way that means we stop enjoying the things we did when we were younger and I mean for example being a Taylor Swift fan, people have opinions about that and it's the same with anything, I guess, like people who are super into Disney like Disney adults like they are, they're just having a great time and I mean, fair, let them do that, you know, and there are things that I like to do in my life. As a 27 year old woman yes, I still have responsibilities and I do adult things because I am a grown woman, but there are still things that I enjoy from my youth and my childhood that I don't want to leave aside because why should I like that we are just here? once, if there is something that you do or love since childhood and you still do it now as an adult, I feel like you shouldn't be ashamed of it because we are all only here once if you enjoy something if you love something if you are passionate about something, let it be , don't feel like you have to get rid of everything you loved when you were younger just because you're older, it doesn't have to be that way. so I liked the message behind never growing up anyway I thought it was a cute quote for each other as a fine line tattoo somewhere on my body and I thought it would be quite appropriate so also getting a little 13 on the inside from my elbow here, hopefully, if my eczema isn't playing too much, because I think we can avoid it.
I've really been trying to moisturize my exes, you can't even see them. camera. I've really been trying to moisturize my ECA patches this week and make sure they fade away and do my best not to scratch because I get it on the inside of my elbows, but you know what it really looks like. well today, so I'm thinking everything will be fine, no explanation needed for that, hello, hello, um, I'm just coming for you, makeup, free me from the future. I was filming my Tik Tok and then I realized no. In fact, I think I explained 13 to him, the number 13 is obviously related to Taylor Swift and that's her birthday, that's her lucky number, that's the number that looks like anything related to Taylor Swift, but also Another cute and fun thing is that James and I got engaged.
September 13th, which by the way he didn't plan to be the 13th, it just ended up being that date, um, but I think some people thought, oh, he planned it on the 13th as something to do with Taylor Swift, but it actually wasn't the case, it was kind of random but yeah it has a double meaning, it was the date we got engaged and also obviously Taylor sft related so what else do I get? I'll get Pinkie's. Ears like the outline of her ears on the back of my arm, which I'm really excited about and you know, I've been planning this tattoo for years, probably since we got our pinky.
I knew I wanted to get her ears tattooed somewhere. because she has a very distinctive ear like one ear up and one ear down and then James because he now has a half sleeve on his arm when he was at one of his tattoo sessions he ended up getting Pinky's ears tattooed on his arm and I was like bro , that was my tattoo that I was going to get, you just stole my tattoo idea, so I'm going to get the same thing, but I think mine will be maybe a little more delicate than yours because everyone quite likes it. thick tattoos I'm pretty nervous but I'm very excited.
I don't find tattoos particularly painful, but that's because I only have small ones like I currently have. I just got this done on the back of my arm. I have another little one here, I have this one here and then I still have my elephants on my ribs, so yeah, they've all been like little fine lines, no shaded tattoos, and I think that's why I did it. I don't find them painful and I actually quite enjoy it, it's quite an addictive feeling so I'm very excited. I'm going to London in a minute and I'll catch up with you in a moment.
That's how bad I feel. I'm into vlogging. I sat here propped up my Vlog camera and then filmed some Tik toks but I forgot to make a vlo Vlog of anything so it will be on Tik Tok this will be on the Vlog so naturally being me I was too scared . I vlog in public, but I took a couple of photos of my feet and I felt very comfortable when I walked in, they were playing two Taylor Swift songs in a row and this is where we ended up. Hello, I'm back from London. I am about to. drive home but I got my little pee, the other ones are like covered in duct tape that's actually coming off because I had to hold on to the tube and it's like I'm pulling on the tape, oh you can't even see why it's covered my steering wheel, but I'll show you properly when I get home.
Oh, I can't even tell you, although that was the best tattoo experience of my life. I highly recommend them. I'm going to go because there's a kid screaming. I'll see you in a bit Hello, welcome to the kitchen, let me take a tour of the two things I bought at Tesco. I bought eggs because I really wanted to make a carbonara, but when I got home I realized we have eggs. I can't tell you how many times I've done this where I thought we needed to buy something and either of us bought it like a few days before to make a carbonara and then I saw they were in the small reduced section for 86p, some buns Belgian chocolate shoes and they're a little squished, but I thought, you know what?
I really fancy one of them so I bought them too and then I have my lucasa, which I take to every tattoo or piercing appointment I think I've ever been to, someone somewhere once told me that Lucas a is good to drink if you get tattoos or piercings or like injections, and I don't know why that is. but I always carry a Lucas with me and it's like my little vaccination drink with tattoos and piercings and then the tattoo place, which is the London association, gave me a t-shirt, oh my god, why is it really cute?
It says welcome to the rodeo fine line tattoos London social February 2024 that's a really cute shirt I would wear and I love how it has a cowboy on it. I'm not sure why they gave me a t-shirt, I don't know. They give you at-shirt to every first customer I like. I'm not 100% sure, but that was really cool, so thanks everyone, but I just want to talk about the whole tattoo experience. I didn't film any clips there because, as always, I don't want to take out my camera because I'm already nervous. I'm sure the good tattoo person probably isn't nervous because they do it every day several times a day, but I feel like I can't breathe when they tattoo me because I don't want to breathe and then I mess up one of the lines so I just sit there. holding your breath.
I don't want to take out my camera and ask if I can film because I don't want to make things awkward or make anyone feel uncomfortable. If you want to see Megan in action I think she has a few clips or tons of photos on her Instagram but oh my goodness she was so lovely it was the best tattoo experience I've had so far it was so unintimidating because the shop is very bright, very modern. I walked in and they played two Taylor Swift songs, back to back, followed by the new Sabrina Carpenter song. They also played like Perry Edward's new song.
They were playing Chapel Rome red wine. Supernova. They played School of Rock songs. My entire playlist was what was playing when I walked in, which was great because it made me feel comfortable and everyone was super friendly. All tattoo artists are young. There were some young women who were tattooing and generally liked it. It was a very comfortable experience and yes, you obviously pay London prices for tattoos. I'm sure people up north would be horrified at the prices of tattoos in London. Obviously, everyone's tattoos and quotes and stuff are going to be different, but I think. because mine was so small like, for example, the little PE that looks like this, it's literally just a little pee on my finger.
She didn't wrap this one because she said she'd probably fall off anyway, she said, just be careful. and she told me to leave the tape on for 2 hours and then take it off tonight, let them breathe for about 24 hours and then start moisturizing them with cocoa butter tomorrow night, so that's what I'm going to do do. but obviously, again, I know that everyone has different methods for healing tattoos. I'm just going to follow her advice. I just lost my train of thought. I don't remember what she was going to say, oh, because my tattoos are pretty small. so wait, let me show you, let me take off my cardigan again, that one is already off great, there's a delivery.
MK just received a delivery and it's a box of Strawberry Banana Prime. In fact, I'm going to try this because I think so. I'm not going to lie, I think it sounds gross and the original Prime um hydration drinks are not my favorite. I find them too sweet. James loves them, but I really like his energy drinks, but strawberry and banana sound bleak like in a smoothie. Yeah, but in a drink like banana drink, oh god, okay, weird, it smells worse than it tastes, that's so weird because it really smells like artificial banana, but it tastes more like strawberry, let me try not to breathe while I drink it I drink.
You know what I thought was going to be disgusting I wouldn't choose it but it's not that bad but I prefer to have my lucasa anyway this is always the worst part I find is taking off the tape because I'm a furry ouch it's just not very comfortable God, I remember removing the tape from this tattoo was amazing because that part of your arm is a lot more sensitive than you really think, let me see what this looks like, oh it feels really sweaty. down there because it's been so hot today oh how nice, okay you can't really see it, there we go, there are my little ears, they're so cute and then this one, there we go, we focus on it, the little one will never grow up, I love it.
They're exactly like what I wanted because I feel like my other tattoos ow ow ow okay oh ow oh my gosh that one is really stuck in there this one is so cute and delicate and it's so cool I love it it's probably not the best Turn on the little PE, yeah , I have to say that Meg was so friendly, so talkative, she made me feel so comfortable. Obviously I sent her pictures of Pinky beforehand and then she would like to draw a little design on the iPad and then she had made this one, showed it to me with a few different fonts and then we decided on the font and the size, and the same with the letters here, like these, she had a few different example fonts, but I really liked the ones that she chose it and then printed them in different sizes, we tried them in a couple of different sizes, in a few different locations, honestly, they were totally fine, I mean, they're so small and thin anyway, like all my tattoos, like I said before.
They don't have any shading, they don't have super thick needles, so they've all been pretty much painless, like a 1 out of 10 on the pain scale I would say, but I appreciate this because all my tattoos are like small and relatively quick, I think I was There for about 2 hours and in total it was 300. I gave him 50 because I wanted to tip him because I was very happy with the results. I was searching for it on Google like I'm supposed to. tip my tattoo artist and generally what I got is they don't expect it but if you're really happy with the surface then of course they'll appreciate a tip but she originally said I think.
Her shop minimum is 150, so if I had bought the letter P it would have cost me £150 for one letter, which is a bit crazy, so she said, obviously, because these two were so small, she said she wouldn't to collect How much would be the total? It would have been £600 but obviously that was just what they asked me for these tattoos and everyone's experience could be different. I just want to clear that up, but yeah, I had a great experience. Now I want to have more. Now that I've seen his style and I know that tattoos can be done like this guy from Fine Line and that there's a place in London that I feel very comfortable going to, I want to get a lot more tattoos and I want to book in with something else, but I could leave it until probably after the wedding, just in case, I don't know.
I'm of the opinion that if you're tattooed on your wedding day, who cares, who cares, that's fine with me. and I feel like some people have opinions about tattoos on your wedding day and some people have said it to me in the past like oh no before the wedding or like oh how are you going to look on your wedding day. I'm just I'm going to look like me because tattoos are a part of me and I want to get tattoos and I'm going to look like a softie with tattoos in a wedding dress like I don't know something I found since I planned a wedding.
There are so many expectations of beauty and expectations in general around weddings and I like what you should and shouldn't have and a lot of people have opinions but I don't really care about a lot of things I was going to say, maybe I should but I don't think so that I like that there are so many little bits and Bobs that people like oh, aren't you going to do that? oh, are you doing this? I just don't care, I just want everyone to have a good day. I just want James and I to get married.
I want us to eat, drink and have a good time. That was the biggest tangent of all. Those are my tattoos. I'm going to let them breathe for a while. I'm going to cook my dinner where's my dog ​​oh are you tired hey rose I really wish you could talk to me and understand what I'm saying because today I got two tattoos for you she no I didn't look even when she's sleepy she has the one up one down I love you girl I'm sorry I bothered you I'll leave you sleeping I just went up to brush my hair and just to see the pink ones, but in the mirror I think I love them, I think they look so cool.
What I quite like is that my tattoos right now are not visible from the front, when I turn my arm and that hides my little pink ones, so lately I've been making carbonara so often that I'm going to show you how I do it because it's the easiest and quickest thing in the world, so I used to cook it using a recipe one of my friends sent me that included garlic, however James found this other recipe on Tik Tok that is just like old. Italian boy, you literally need pasta. I'm going to use spaghetti, you can use another type of pasta.
It was very bad timing when I gave the cattle some diced Panetta palan. I just buy the one that's already grated and then eggs and then just. salt, pepper and olive oil, so when boiling the pasta I added a little salt just to add a little extra flavor while the pasta cooks through, technically you're supposed to use, I think it's two egg yolks per person, or not? The one egg yolk per person recipes vary a bit but I actually just make the whole egg and I don't really notice much of a difference if I just cook it I would just make one egg and I think that's fine. but I mean, obviously it depends if I'm cooking it for myself and James, so I'll probably do like three eggs.
There was a time when I separated the yolks and then I had the whites left and I made chocolate. mousse with the egg whites and oh my god it was so good. I just put my egg in a cup like that and then I take my cheese and I don't even weigh it at this point, I just do it until it's the consistency. I like that because I have done it several times. I know how cheesy I like it, but it really depends on my personal preferences. Well, I usually take my egg and then fill it with cheese until there's a little bit left. of some amount of cheese and then mix it in and until it's kind of like a medium thick, medium thick paste, which I actually think is pretty good, the nice thing is if it doesn't have enough cheese when you taste it, you can add more cheese.
I don't mean try this mixture, I mean, once you've added it and in the meantime you can, that didn't work, you can cook your Panetta. Actually, I don't even think I'd use oil for this because, since the fat in La Panetta melts anyway, you just want to make sure it's fully cooked and then when it's cooked, the past will probably be cooked and then I'll be back. I'm so glad Perry was finally released. this song because I've been singing it for weeks because I like their tick toks, oh my god you know that tape when I came out it ripped my skin off too, oh my god today I've been playing this on repat too with my manager.
He sent me a message saying that YouTube shorts have come up with work for this song that I have to finish tomorrow, so I was like: yeah, this is my next favorite part, that burns me a little, this is the kind of consistency in deep in my neck. dude alright it's good for me take your pasta there's probably a better way to do this to be fair Alexa oh god you want to give it a good old fashioned blend with the oils oh my god this isn't going to work . Panetta oil okay like my camera battery just died so I'm going to switch to my phone because I want to show you this damn recipe while it's still hot do you want to add your mixture oh my gosh I just put it all over parts.
On the other hand, I've made a mess of this and then you want to give it a good old fashioned mix, you can add a little bit of pasta water if you want it to be a little bit thinner in consistency and then you can add pepper and I forgot to say for In this part you should making sure you turn off the pan so you don't scramble the eggs that you just want like the residual heat of the pasta and the pan and then once you've served it, add oh great, that's it. It's not very well done, oh my god, why does it come out in groups?
Okay, that doesn't seem like the most visually appealing thing in the world, but this is the last thing. Ok I just loaded my camera while I eat my dinner it's so good oh and here come the little pink ones every time I eat she comes and sits next to me by the way if you're wondering why I eat alone James is at work, so I'm cooking. my own delicious dinner, what do you think? This is a bit of a strange angle and I've changed it once again. This is maybe the third. I think this is the fourth time I've changed today. um, because I ended up spending a portion of my night jumping on my phone in the garden because a last minute job came in for the new Sabrina song that I was literally talking about in this Vlog, however, they need it for tomorrow, which It's a little unusual because tomorrow is Saturday, but I think it's over now. an American agency, but it's just the trend that you do this, so this is Sabrina.
I mean, obviously, I mean, obviously, I wasn't jumping over my phone to go to the beach because I had one night to film this, so I haven't actually filmed it. I liked the first part, but I filmed the second part where I was wearing a nice summer outfit because it's actually been a really nice day today, so I think I'm going to tip mine like summer. comes and this is a Summer Bop, which it absolutely is, but I counted it. I was filming it with a cap cut and it's a little tricky to film because obviously my phone had to be on the floor so I could jump. but these are all my different attempts.
I counted them all and jumped on my phone 34 times, my legs actually hurt quite a bit so I did it. I took this little munchkin out for another bit and then sat here watching the ultimatum, which if you haven't seen the ultimatum on Netflix, um, because I haven't binge-watched Love is Blind. I love having something to watch on TV in the evenings and it's actually very bad. I haven't played Fortnite in a long time. few weeks since, my God, look at that, sinceSince I downloaded Travel Town, I haven't been playing Fortnite, which is actually quite bad since I'm completely addicted to Travel Town.
I play it several times during the day. I just like watching Love is Blind. Weirdly, I watched season 6 because it's the most recent and I thought it was a great season, it was very entertaining, but also, Jesus Christ, it makes you appreciate your own relationships even more because everyone there is trying to fool themselves by saying that They are in love with people and oh my god, what was that couple? It was Chelsea and it was Jimmy or it was a different guy, they were so toxic that they clearly liked each other, they weren't a good couple and throughout the show it was frustrating that they were constantly saying, I love you, I love you, I told you, I love you. and it's like it's okay, but you tell them that you love them, but you don't actually show them that you love them and then you say that we're definitely the stronger couple when they weren't at all, but it was very entertaining. and I loved season 6 and I don't know why I skipped season 5 but then I went back and watched it and I personally think season 5 was the worst Season of Love as it was just a spoiler alert if you haven't seen it .
However, I skipped 30 seconds, but I found it a little boring how only three couples got engaged and then one of them was completely wrong about each other, the whole situation was really strange and then only two made it to the Altar and only one of they ended up getting married. I just found the series a little weird and didn't seem as genuine compared to the others, but after Love is Blind I thought, what am I going to watch now? Then I started watching Ultimatum and It's crazy, but it's been very entertaining anyway. I'm going to shut up now and try this.
I've actually never tried one of these before. I just thought it looked really cool. It's basically like a giant pital. I think, oh my gosh, it's pretty. a giant profit, that's all really good. I'll sit here and watch the ultimatum and play some Travel Town. It's probably for my night, to be honest, that's it for my day, it's not a usual day for me, but um, it was. A fun one, I got to go and get some cute little tattoos and I'm really happy with them so yeah I'm going to leave this Vlog here but thanks for watching if you've taken the time to watch it.
I appreciate it, thank you. She said: I'm going to have to go get something to eat, like a candy or something, because I think she's a little jealous. I have that shoe bow, but obviously she can't eat anything because it's chocolate, oh, you're so cute. I've kissed them, but I hope they're okay, thank you very much for watching and the next time I see them it will probably be my reaction to the Department of Torture Poets, which comes out next Friday, so today is an exciting week, so now I will see. You then I think Pinky wants to say bye bye bye

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