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I Found Herobrine In Real Life

Apr 30, 2024



and we have an hour to figure out how to defeat him there's a man behind me there's something there it's a Minecraft house look look, do you see it? There has to be some news there, we have to read this Village in full force. a bucket of lava whoa whoa what is this I have no idea oh this is a Minecraft house it's a villager have you seen Herobrine? Okay, I think we're getting somewhere, whisper in my ear how we can defeat Herobrine if we bring him back 10 golden apples. He will help us feed him.
i found herobrine in real life
He knows his weakness. Can we just download a mod? It's a fantastic idea. Thank you. I have good ideas all the time. That's when you're not so fast, bro. Carol by her ankle. I just dodged it. out Herobrine 10 golden apples we have these golden apples they can't be hard to find wait the apples fall from the trees excuse me sir do you have any golden apples? I can't see anything why the ground is waiting Captain Gavius ​​I don't know it could be anything oh yeah, oh, that's a big boy, look at that hole, oh, is there anything else here, yeah, yeah, turn up Turn around and you'll see something you don't like, yeah, should we run, should we run, should we run, where are we running? oh, oh, oh, oh, everyone, where's Nathan?
i found herobrine in real life

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i found herobrine in real life...

Although I didn't have much luck, searching these trees I


a golden apple on the tree, but there are definitely no more. What is this brother? Absolutely not. I'm so scared right now. I'm not even going to lie hello okay I don't see any golden apples here man come on bro I'm just trying to find a golden apple. Can I paint one? Okay guys we only have 45 minutes left so I gotta move why is there a creepy ball pit here Gabe there has to be an apple here swim James swim oh I see, I see, I see, I see.
i found herobrine in real life
I swear, if Nathan doesn't find an apple, we'll kick him out. indescribable for about five minutes Gabe turn up the volume turn up it's gone that fast oh what's up with the other doors? Is it locked? Okay, there's something in here. Oh no, it just hurts. What is it? This sucks. It is not a normal town. Must be like this. right, it's locked, that's good, hey, get it, get it, get it. I'm scared brother. I'm just playing on my website. I'll give you an apple if you let me play. Where did you get that? Okay, what do you mean?
i found herobrine in real life
If there was, I picked it up off the ground before, give me that brother, no, I'm just playing games on my website. I'm Bottle flipping right now on, you can play all these games for free, wait bro, we got. another Apple I think we have enough, thank you oh, that was us, oh, I still have my apples, there is a teddy bear, where are the apples? No apples, bro, wait, you need one of these after that, it's just in bad shape, have you checked that side of the room, what do you mean we're going to check this side?
I went through the drawer and checked there, wait look at this, there's a shovel here, you think they buried golden apples, oh I'm going to need a metal detector for that one. This literally looks so scary right now, man, I'm as scared as any golden apple here. I'm going to take that as no, where can I find these brothers? This place is huge, we can check the


guard station, come on, we have to check. the lifeguard is trying to keep a low profile, that villager is still chilling there, what if he just changes his mind? What happens if we bring him 10 golden apples and he says no, I want 11?
Does this look like this the sauce is okay, it has to Be a golden apple, there is no lifesaver, come show me the golden apple, show me the golden one, I don't see it, I don't see anything here, you must be kidding me, so there is no golden apple, we only have two so far. We need to find James again That's what we have to do What is this? Oh, that's a big deal. You suck at this game of hide and seek, bro. No way, that's a lie. Why should I go check on him here at the house?
Okay, three, hopefully, Nathan. still on the server, okay, come on, I have a big hat, baby, baggy, see, it's a chest, look at this, come on, what is this? Oh wait, it looks like it was dug up from the ground. Oh, there's nothing here, maybe it's empty. There's nothing there, we have to find them, man, I have no idea where they went, we have less than 30 minutes left and I only have two, okay, come on, do you think you can jump that far? Yeah you didn't even close the door you knocked on you were the last one now no don't catch me with the last one he's a living being he's inside close the door oh hey Gabe let's go to the roof the only way is fine our life is in danger right now, you are that a spider look at that do that you're scared brother fuck Herobrine is a spider brother what if it's a cave spider?
It's poisonous I I I I I I I wait wait wait wait that boy has a golden apple yeah, that's what I I'm talking about that, there are three of them, come on, Nathan is there, he is there, oh yeah, right, you guys They're on the roof, yeah bro, what are they doing? I had three apples that fell out of my pocket now I'm Apple, no, Herobrine is coming for you, how many? You have many golden apples brother. I have three but they are no longer there. Oh, that's great. We have less than 30 minutes to find these golden apples.
Okay, I have three. Have you checked the bridge there? I


an apple on the tree, no. I mean the break in the front, in the front, yeah I see some red lights there, oh yeah, there's nothing there, it's gravy, don't pass it, but what I'm saying is at the end of the day we can leave, oh . I'm reaching the roof, bro, it's coming back to the house, come on, come on, Jordan, come on, come on, hey, hey, we ain't got the sauce, bro, relax, look how clean this gutter is, hold it, hold it, no, no , Jordan, what.
Do you want me to do it? Take me, go, go, okay, I found my three apples two, I need my apples, what is this? Look, are you good enough? Am I good at math, brother? The answer is already there, there are two. four six nine one two just take a look at the rooms I'll check this room okay are we parting ways? This is where we die. Oh my gosh, relax with those scary noises. They already resolved it. Look at this two four six nine one two. That's definitely not the correct code. Should we turn off the lights?
Okay, I don't see anything. I didn't check. If nothing. This is how to clean whipped cream. Yeah, well, what does this mean? Math problems. Solving anything. I don't know, just whipped cream. that makes sense in the draft oh man, yeah, that's good, mark, um, no, to be honest, I just looked here


ly dark, yeah, especially alone, I have, I have a calculator, wait, I have this, what are you going to do, hero Brian, you're just stepping on me, you're not even real, obviously, it's real, we've been running from it, yeah, yeah, I thought it would work.
I got this, bro. You know when you're dreaming and then you tell yourself okay, look at the Roomba? a golden apple we gotta get to that Roomba bro okay but first we got bigger problems that was my face they hated me it's like we get stepped on a lot so we're playing around the pole you might want to hurry up , how to reach. or something like that, yeah, you're going to pull out the enchanted sword to make the whipped cream come out, no, no, I've got it, I've got it, I've got it, so we're trying to find X, okay, so basic math, ladies and gentlemen , this is super simple in the end. of the day if you want to solve math you have to have the new merch well I know it sounds crazy but it really helps check this out I know the code yes I'm working on it where did it go?
I can't hear him there he is there I got him good here Brian is still up um I think he's coming for you oh Golden Apple boy look at the end of the day bro you just gotta have the new cool merch these hoodies I just fell grab it before Herobrine I killed myself, ah, come on, let's go out because, yes, the inside stinks. I hate going there, we'll do the old trick on this part, okay, now I'm four, I'm four, me, me, me. It's there, run, I closed the door, I closed the door, we're fine, yeah, it's lunch, can't you bring me, oh, snap, okay, I'll try to check it again.
I'm scared here, this is brother, run, brother, run, Nathan, where? Are you naked, okay here, location echo, there's a golden apple right there, it's locked, you can't get in, yeah, what is this, bro, it's the Apple Store, there's a golden apple, how much is it okay, it's free Yes, I'll get in touch, thank you? I'll send you money with Apple Pay, so I'll actually go with an Apple. I'll try. Oh, you're running here where it's literally red. The last one is this one. Okay, I lied, I didn't see it. an apple, but I saw it's a block of ice, oh look, big black ice, oh snap, is that a golden apple in there?
Gabriel, okay, so what are we doing here? I'll say, grab, Smash It On The Ground, fill me with both hands for the base. oh, that was hot, okay, yeah, that's Boss, that's the last stop, okay, now we just have to find Nathan and pick his apples, not him and they can't be in the Village because that's where We're supposed to meet. um, I lost my apples once. I'm not going to lose it again. I was back in high school. Gabe, calm down, it smells like ax in here, oh, it's got ax body spray again if you use a James promo code.
No, no, no, no, stop. They don't sponsor us, it's okay, I don't see anyone behind this game for the Village man, count 'em one two, bro, don't tell me you lost it, okay, we're good, I just had an extra one just in case. I'm supposed to have five, yeah, I don't know what to tell you, this is all I've got, I'm holding my apples, you ready, okay, one, two, yeah, I've got four, three, yeah, how many are those five? We're okay, there are five of them, yeah, okay, come on. let's follow you I don't believe you why I carry the cold apple where is Nathan I don't know where the man of the moment is when you need him he's not here with us at this time I want to deposit something apples here there is one, there are two, there are three H4 H5 We have a body that will come later he will bring the other five it's that good can you tell us the secret now?
Oh wow, that works, I'll whisper it to you. Okay, you don't know how to swim, the villager. I can't sweat, no, here, Brian can't swim, oh, are you sure, are you sure, are you sure, okay, okay, this is a trick. I'm going to go back and grab those golden apples. Oh, I have another golden apple. Peace, we. I'm going to go kill everyone. The boys are at home. I have the rest of the golden apples. Hurry up, brother, I have five. How many of you, oh, what's up, brother? One, two, three, four, five, you guys gave him five, yeah.
We've been chilling here bro, I already gave the town, okay, we did it ten golden apples in an hour, how do we defeat it? Give us the things, give us the things that he told us with force. Yes, we know what you mean. Know the secret, yeah, what's the secret? Herobrine can't swim, can't swim, Walter, so we push you, O'Brien, in the way that was kick, so kick, hey, just kick, brother, oh, okay, let's come here, what if it goes To do it? get us something better right now, like what if you give us like an enchanted nether sword like something wet, another one right, I don't know what that is, this is the new Minecraft, you don't know another one, no, I haven't played Minecraft in a decade, are you real?
I'm serious, he transformed at all, I'm not going to drop you, kick you in the water, brother, it's possible again, wait, why are you ready? Subtitles not available you say oh my god they're going to eat me and then you turn this corner look at this what's up with that and then we hey hero I got a boom straight to the lake come on bro you like his plan, well, I like it, but how are we going to like Herobrine going in that direction? Well I've got my foot I'm just going to kick it I feel like I feel that but I don't think it's going to work this Herobrine can fly candy I don't know I haven't seen it yet bro there's three of us one of them okay?
I like the odds, okay, let's do it, buddy, let's try it; Worse comes to worst, maybe Brian will turn into Huggy, a Herobrine, come on, I mean, Gabe, I don't even know your name, bro, cookies and cheese, oh, there it is. he's good, that was great in California he's on the dock you see him no I'm gone you see I can't kill him uh disconnect from the server he's fine I'm gone.

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