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I Finished As Many GIANT Candy Bars As POSSIBLE In 48 Hours!

May 12, 2024
For the next 48


I am going to eat the biggest chocolate


in the world. I give myself two days to eat unlimited calories from just




. This year I consumed over 30,000 calories in eight


. I ate too. Over 40,000 calories on my birthday but I have never tried to do something this crazy before so who knows what will happen but before I start this challenge in just a few hours I have to run to the store and buy some essentials after take the Gist, it was time for a pre-challenge physical, after doing so, it was time for a pre-challenge weigh-in, starting weight 170.3 pounds.
i finished as many giant candy bars as possible in 48 hours
I'm just going to warn all of you right now about how much chocolate you consume. Watching this body enter is going to be absolutely ridiculous for the next 48 hours. I'm going to eat as



chocolate bars as humanly


. My strategy for consuming as


giant chocolate bars as


is simple, avoid flavor fatigue. As much as possible, that being said, everyone's number one meal looks delicious. I have a half pound of Reese's right here. I have some giant mocha bars and I also have this giant Snickers bar. I have some decaf coffee on the side here and like everyone, I think it's time to officially start this challenge, let's do this or let's start, I have some low carb milk here in case I need it, oh man, okay, everyone, so we have our giant sniffers for our first chocolate bar that I'm going to consume in this challenge and you know, let's make this interesting.
i finished as many giant candy bars as possible in 48 hours

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i finished as many giant candy bars as possible in 48 hours...

The number of minutes it takes me to eat this Snickers bar. How many miles do I have to run tomorrow morning? What can I say? I like pain, delicious pain. Alright everyone, it's time for the 48 Hours to officially begin in three, two and one, thank you hmm, one minute and 41 seconds. This is incredible, absolutely incredible, almost three minutes. Well, it looks like it took us about five minutes and 20 seconds. Looks like tomorrow morning I'll have to run five miles, that should be very interesting. This is the Oreo Mocha Bar. Okay, that chocolate bar was absolutely amazing.
i finished as many giant candy bars as possible in 48 hours
You know, I just want to show Milka some love right now for making the right size chocolate bars. this is the chocolate and cookie, oh god, that sugar brush just hit me like a freight train man, dirty chocolate bars, oh no, that's so sad everyone. I really wanted to eat them in their original form, oh actually, it doesn't matter. It's not that bad, it's been a little hot here in San Diego so these melt upon delivery, it's kind of racist. I guess, where are my racist people in the comment below? We have our first W oh, you're dumb, mom, man, this. the coffee tastes absolutely amazing, oh, it's probably because it's in the signature Eric the electric.
i finished as many giant candy bars as possible in 48 hours
Hard carbs are only available at Eric the Electrical Store. Lincoln stacks what I had to do a little Shameless plug. Okay, that was absolutely amazing. I'll Regret This Tomorrow 100 Food number one is complete, the star of the show just has to be that Reese's Peanut Butter Cup looks like this. It took me about 23 minutes, almost 23 minutes, and I completely blanked out before the meal and forgot to show them the date and time. So it's currently October, what day is it? October 22 What time is 7:45 p.m. m.? Now everyone, it's time for me to go take a hot shower, get some sleep and then it's time for day number two, meal number one complete.
I will regret this tomorrow. 100 full five mile run okay everyone so it's time for meal number two it's about 12 30 23 October we're about 17 hours into this calorie challenge let's get into it it's time to consume the largest chocolate bar in the world. video so far, this, my friends, is a five pound Hershey's bar right here. Alright, this thing looks absolutely huge. That's what she said. There are 11,200 calories in this Hershey's bar. Here there are also 1,280 grams of sugar in this chocolate bar. My God! OMG, believe it or not, this is actually not the biggest chocolate, what do you think about this?
You see this chocolate bar yes, I see it well, I definitely see it. You always told me that size matters. The size, believe it or not, they all weigh five pounds. The Hershey's bar is actually not the largest chocolate bar I plan to consume in this video. I have an even bigger chocolate bar that I'm going to try to get down, but before I get to that I have to get this one down, oh my gosh. I think it's appropriate that I eat this like a normal chocolate bar. I didn't know where to start. I'm going to take your chocolate bar.
Wow, this chocolate is delicious. There really isn't much more I can say for everyone about what we have. Let's say about 20 bars of chocolate, oh man, the thing about chocolate is that it gets very rich very quickly. Did you know that the most popular chocolate bar in the world is this Snickers bar? More than 400 million Snickers bars are sold each year. I love Snickers bars. but Reese's are my favorite, what is your favorite chocolate bar? Leave a comment below. I would say we have been in the chocolate bar for about 40 years. Wow, yes, it gets progressively worse and since I'm eating a giant chocolate bar, I have to ask everyone.
You're a very, very important question, how many of you are on the milk chocolate team and how many of you are on the dark chocolate team? Personally, for me, I think chocolate milk is the best song. In fact, I'd say I'm in my early 50s. with the chocolate bar, but there's so much flavor fatigue going on right now that I'm going to have to save this for later today, so we'll put it in there. I figured what happened. I came prepared to the party. I brought extra giant chocolate bars, like the legit ones, these are giant chocolate bars and they will come in handy because I need some nuts in my life right now. nuts in the form of a chocolate bar, is probably the wrong one. way to say that but hey this is Hershey's almond chocolate bar now it's time to move on to Hershey's Symphony bar to be honest I have no idea why this is called a chocolate bar it seems a normal Hershey's, a foreign part of me, yes.
It just tastes like sugar at this point, now it's time to go to friend Mr. Goodyear, if you've never tried a Mr. Goodyear bar, it's chocolate and peanuts, excuse me, well, we've had one, two, three big bars of chocolate and then I mastered the Hershey bar, should I do it? Yes, I always make room for extra nuts and I really had to think through those statements before saying them. That was meal number two, so it's currently 119 and it's still the same day, almost at 6pm, unfortunately. I wasn't able to consume this chocolate bar at this meal, so I will most likely have to come back to this later, now that number two is complete, now everyone it's time to do some carb cycling, believe it or no, this is actually It's not the first time I've tried to ride a bike after eating ridiculous amounts of chocolate while feeling like I was about to give birth to a baby named Hershey.
Somehow I managed to walk 52 miles already done, that's about 4 45 right? This is usually where I have my second meal of the day, but everyone eating so much chocolate is just brutal, so what I'm going to do today is just two meals, so I'll finish walking my dog ​​Apollo and then it's time. to continue with the rest of the video, so it's currently 7 33. I feel like eating this chocolate bar as is would be too basic, so I'm going to add some Health to this challenge. Like I have about three pounds of chocolate left to eat, believe it or not, the texture is the hardest thing, so microwaving the chocolate is actually better.
About 27 seconds later, I had my


product, so you're probably wondering, Eric, why? grab a giant bowl of melted chocolate while everyone grabs chocolate covered strawberries, you're probably just shaking my hand, but hey, you know what it feels like to have some strawberries, chocolate covered strawberries, right now, I'm actually not feeling that evil. The only meal I've had today was about seven hours ago, so the extra time between meals has helped my digestion quite a bit. Now everyone, it's time for meal number three before we get into this, although I just have to say it tomorrow.
I have a ridiculously gigantic bar of chocolate to consume and yes, I really hope I can get through this in one piece, that's all I'm going to say now. Oh just look at those tasty strawberries, look at that some vitamin C, some antioxidants would be perfect. and some low calorie cashew milk to balance out all the chocolate, wash them down, yeah, proving that's okay, I'm 100 years old on the strawberry curtains. Oh, I feel like Willy Wonka's chubby kid who fell into the chocolate river. Don't excuse me. Well, the bowl of chocolate is down, oh God, I feel like I'm chopping down a tree.
It is made of chocolate. I feel like I won't want to eat chocolate for the next three years after this challenge. Right now, the taste fatigue train has paid off. He's going to pay me a very serious visit, so you know what I'm going to do, so I'm going to get into some of these new Cheetos minis right here. I'll take that friend, dad, he's going to get a man, that chocolate bar was ridiculously dense, it's currently 807 at this point we're about 24 hours and 45 minutes into this ridiculous challenge. I have the biggest bar of chocolate you've ever seen in my kitchen and I have to somehow fit it into my body tomorrow, so I'm going to get some rest I hope I can get it down tomorrow, you know, full number three, a few more hours late, it was time for a mid-challenge physical check.
I would say I look seven months pregnant, but I experienced this weekly, so it's all good. After finishing that, it was time to weigh myself halfway through the challenge and at the halfway point I had to gain about 13.4 pounds by midnight that night. I found myself doing what I do secondarily while sitting on the Porcelain Throne. The idea occurred to me. For me, how much sugar is really lethal, so I googled it and the result surprised me. Apparently, eating 13.5 grams of sugar per pound of body weight is almost instantly lethal. I reflected on everything I had eaten so far.
I had eaten 2,214 grams of sugar so far, suddenly I felt like my life was flashing before my eyes. I was only 86 grams away from the lethal dose for my body weight. 2300 grams of sugar, but then I opened the article again and read the fine print about the sugar. to consume everything at once, the crisis was avoided. I hope I went to bed and it was time for day number two, okay everyone, I'm about 38 hours into this calorie challenge now and around 10 o'clock I have the worst headache right now. Last night I slept for about two hours.
There is no way I am going to run or do any type of activity that involves standing. What I think I'm going to do is I can't even think. Right now I'm going to have to do some kind of activity, so I think I'll get on the bike for a bit and then it'll be time to dig into the gigantic chocolate bar I have for today after two. plus hours of sweating pure chocolate. I managed to cycle 43 miles after completing that, it was time for meal number four. Are you ready for the reveal? I know you're probably like Eric, what do you think?
Can't. I think I'm about to do this, my friends and my family, that's not going to be enough because I have a nine pound bar of Toblerone on my table right now, this thing looks absolutely huge, that's what she said , this top bar here is. over 23,000 calories of chocolatey goodness just for size reference purposes just look at how big this bar is compared to a normal Toblerone bar like this it's absolutely crazy everyone so I have a few hours left and I'm definitely going to have my I have a lot of work because it's a ridiculous amount of chocolate, but I'm going to go for the gold and try to knock down this entire chocolate bar.
If you think I can take down this chocolate bar, go ahead and drop an Emoji chocolate bar below currently at the 42 hour mark right now it's 1 57 October 24 with that being said everyone, it's time to move on to meal number four , let's do this no I'm not eating this chocolate bar okay it's reveal time and in case you're wondering why there's a chunk, I had to get a juicy miniature before I started this meal. Okay, time to get started on three, two and one. Tastes like a giant Toblerone. I have nothing else to say. um foreign bar down I have to say the hardest part about this is just the fact that chocolate is very hard so uh yeah, I hope I take care of that oh yeah, much much better, that's what we're talking about, These triangles are getting sugarier and sugarier, now it's time to bring some reinforcements to the party bacon, that's all.
I've done a lot of crazy challenges in my life. In fact, I should say that I have made many reckless dares in my life, butthis is. I'm definitely going to be considered one of the most reckless. The glasses are so delicious you're like you're sweating chocolate. The chocolate bricks are devouring my soul. Oh, thank goodness for this bacon. It's like it's not full. It's just the chocolate. These are such overwhelmingly rich people, I think I'm going to give it all up for this meal. It seems like I have one, two, three, four, five, like three quarters of chocolate triangles left with her in 43 hours.
Oh, I'm not going to lie to everyone. In fact, I'm ready to quit right now. I'm so overwhelmed with the amount of chocolate that has bombarded my taste buds that I don't even think I can go any further, but my challenge is meal number four. Not complete at this point I felt like my stomach was about to come off my body so I went for a walk after about 30 minutes. I realized I was going to need something incredibly important for the day after this challenge, but I couldn't decide between Ultra Soft or Ultra Strong. I decided to go with Ultra.
After finishing at the store, it was time to get home and start meal number five. Desperate times call for desperate measures at this point in the challenge. I had never experienced flavor fatigue at this level before, so I decided to mix some of the Toblerone Barra with some decaf coffee and some cashew milk. It looks like we're 35 minutes away from 48 hours and all I have left is three blocks of this huge Toblerone bar along with a bunch of melted chocolate, so it's 6 49 right now. Don't waste any more time, I have to get into this, this is meal number five, oh I must say there are smoothies with the decaf coffee, definitely a nice touch.
Americans eat about 2.8 billion pounds of chocolate each year and the average American eats about 11 pounds. of chocolate annually first take us aside the chip exists here in the United States it appears during the holidays chocolate covered potato chip you've never tried it before you're really missing out I'm making it myself, right? now with a melted top bar where i have about 21 minutes left, i think i just need to put the pedal in the middle, oh it will be a long time before i want to look at another top round bar, oh just above the wall about 15 left minutes oh I can taste the chocolate it obviously feels like my blood type is now Toblerone oh my god I don't even know what I'm doing anymore but if you're still here with me and believe in me go ahead and Comment below you crazy and don't forget to subscribe for more food challenges if you're not already subscribed, chocolate is already down.
I have 10 minutes left to get this last damn triangle down. The second shake is below, oh I just have to say it and dedicate it. this last piece for all of you, so, you all have three minutes left, the challenge is complete, well, you know, I guess I can let it continue, you know, number five is complete, now it's time for me to show you all my subsequent challenge. body weight after the challenge was over I stepped on the scale weighing 196 pounds which is a total gain of almost 26 pounds and then it was time to check out the soda a bit, this baby food was almost as crazy as the which I had in my 50,000 calories. cheat day challenge, check that out below if you haven't seen it yet along with another calorie challenge that will be on your screen, it would mean a lot to me if you give the video a like, subscribe if you haven't already and Los I'll see everyone at the next Food Challenge.

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