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I Dry-Aged steaks in HONEY MUSTARD and this happened!

Mar 06, 2024
thank you manscaped for sponsoring







its main ingredient is a mixture of mayonnaise, vinegar and spices with




. We have done several different dry aging experiments, regardless of the outcome, we always learn something new and today this experiment is 100% free. Let's get started and it all starts with this beautiful four bone rib roast as you can see it has great marbling and hopefully the honey mustard ingredients will make it taste better and to start the first thing we need to do is divide it in half and that it's because we're going to have a control one with nothing just dry AER for the control, really all I have to do is put it on a cooling rack and place it inside my dry AER for the honey mustard, it's completely a different story , the first thing to do is place some parchment paper followed by a good amount of honey mustard.
i dry aged steaks in honey mustard and this happened
I spread it really well, put the steak on and immediately started on the honey mustard. I made sure to add a good amount to be specific. ridiculous amount, one of the most important things whenever you dry


with anything just to make sure everything is completely covered because once I was done the only thing left to do was transfer them to a cooling rack and let them set. I know that. on my dry Ager, once the time was up I took it out and oh boy things look completely different, the honey mustard color turned almost real honey and if there's one thing you can't notice it's the smell, trust me on This case is not good.
i dry aged steaks in honey mustard and this happened

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i dry aged steaks in honey mustard and this happened...

It almost smells like a skunk, this worried me a lot, but hey, we did this whole experiment, we have to follow it and the first thing we had to do was try to remove as much of the honey mustard as possible and the reason I'm doing this is so I can see what's underneath as you can see luckily there is no way once I finished removing it this is what it looks like you can clearly see the outer bark is not edible it has to go so first I started by removing the bones and when I did it we now had a beautiful coloration which I was very excited about so I went ahead and started cutting the rest and the more I cut the better it started to look now this is what I'm talking about because once I was done with all the trimmings, this is what a dry-


steak with honey mustard looks like and if you just saw this in a supermarket you would never have known what it went through.
i dry aged steaks in honey mustard and this happened
It looks phenomenal. Now don't forget that we also have the control one. It's been dry


properly so it's exactly what I was looking for and just like the last one we're going to treat it exactly the same by removing all the outer film that doesn't look good, doesn't taste good and has to go because once I'm done with it trimming I was left with a beautiful steak. Now this is what I'm used to. The question is, will honey mustard dry edge steak taste better? Well, we're about to find out shortly. Since the next thing to do is go ahead and season them, I really wanted to get a feel for the flavor, so I kept it pretty simple: a good amount of salt followed by freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder and, as always, I made sure to season both. sides and the edges because once that was done I went ahead, throw them in the bag, vacuum seal them and they are ready to sevi talking about that to cook them I choose 135° F and I will be doing it for 2 hours this I will cook them to perfection because in Just in case these bets don't pan out, I decided to go ahead and make us an amazing side dish today and this one will please everyone and the best part is making it, it's super simple to make. and that's how for this recipe.
i dry aged steaks in honey mustard and this happened
I like golden potatoes. The first thing I should do is wrap them in aluminum foil. Baking the potatoes will intensify the flavor instead of boiling them. Any time you boil something, a lot of flavor gets diluted, so I decided to go ahead and bake them at 350°F until completely soft while that was happening. I went ahead and chopped up some garlic, seasoned them with good quality olive oil, followed by salt and black pepper, wrapped everything up and put it in the oven. I went to roast shortly after my potatoes were fully baked. Be very careful when opening them, as they will be extremely hot.
The next thing you want to do is go ahead and make some cuts like this, as you can see at the end. My potatoes are fully baked and nice and soft at this point. My garlic was also ready every time you roast a head of garlic. The flavor becomes milder, it is not as powerful and it also becomes a little sweeter. There's nothing like roasted garlic, especially to accompany potatoes. Speaking of which, the next thing to do is make the filling in a food processor. I added some roasted garlic followed by cream cheese and of course mozzarella cheese.
Mix everything as much as possible and I feel like it's ready now. The next step was to make a simple sauce, so in a food processor I threw in some roasted garlic followed by melted butter, a good amount of salt and parsley. I blended everything and my roasted butter garlic sauce is ready to finish the dish is pretty simple. I first stuff the potatoes with a good amount of that cheesy feeling once that's done I immediately put them in the oven on the rack to get a nice little crust all I have to do is put it on a plate and make sure to add a good amount of that. butter sauce the more the better now this is today's side dish it's going to be delicious unfortunately I can't say the same about today's experiment because at that point my


were completely cooked so I immediately took them out of the bag and as you can see They don't look that good and like all svie fillets the next thing you need to do is dry them really well otherwise you won't be able to get a nice crust because I know my fillets don't look that good. that good right now, but check this out before you move on.
I want to thank today's sponsor, I've got my hands on my new favorite landscaping product, check it out, it's the 5.0 Ultra lawnmower, oh yeah baby I'm upping my grooming game, win these upgraded blades. They are a chef's kiss Start your trimming session using the cutting blade which now has longer, wider, rounded teeth that cuts through hair like butter, tough on hair but incredibly gentle on skin Once you are done trimming, take it out easily and place the aluminum blade at skin level and capture even the finest hairs to achieve that incredible smoothness. The new LED light is now larger, making it easier to see those hard-to-reach areas, and has innovative dual-temperature skin tone recognition designed to fit and flatter a variety of skin types. tones, it also has everything we love about the 4.0 waterproof rechargeable battery, RPM technology, travel lock, USBC charging and three-level battery life, so visit and get the Ultra 5.0 bass today when use my googa you promo code. get 20% off plus free international shipping at checkout so thank you mencap for sponsoring this video but now back to it everyone here today we have our beautiful steak with a nice side dish gentlemen what do you think?
Well even the plate is green, you and I think the same thing, right, that's parsley, wait, parsley, okay buddy, the other day I told you I'm an adult, stop playing with me, so we made a little experiment here, this was 100.% requested by our audience I love your suggestion. Everyone keep feeling bad in the comments below because if it's good enough, especially like this one here, we will definitely make it happen, so I want your honest opinion, not a brutal opinion today, that means. It's not that bad of a video every time he says I need a brutal honest opinion that means it's kind of nasty if you put this up no no nothing nasty okay everyone nothing nasty ah I saw you move your eyebrows bro Please go deeper.
Gentlemen, damn Google, this is a fine steak. You may need two bites. Hey, you still don't know if you want two, bro, sometimes you want to be precise with a knife or other times it's too dangerous to try the steak. a lot, maybe I should go for the thinner piece, you got a little scared, man, enough talking, let's try it, greetings everyone, greetings, greetings, oh, oh, yeah, honey, you feel better now, oh, I feel much better, no, you'll find another one. has two, I want the thick slice, the thin slice, any thickness of the steak, it's still delicious, man, this has to be dry AG.
I feel like svi just makes the flavor stronger huh so every time you eat a regular steak cooked on the grill. charcoal mask the taste a little bit of dry age here there is no masking at all for everyone it's like a big slap wait how what I like most about a dry steak AED SED is that sometimes it's so tender with a dry steak AED because your hair, oh my hair Oh, okay, sometimes it's much better with a dry steak because it sits so long that it loses some moisture, but with the Sous cooking method it keeps it nice and juicy and extremely flavorful.
It's just perfect, but I'm excited to try the next one. No, bro, I have to try this, so this is a baked potato that has a good amount of cheese with roasted garlic, like cut it right in half, dig in, take a big bite, a little bite, a quarter bite, oh man, that smells good. Although I say enough talking, let's try it right now. Greetings, everyone applauds. This is the best baked potato I have ever had. Oh no, that's so good, man. Garlic is perfect. This has to be the only way to make baked potatoes from now on.
The nice thing about this is that you have that tasty richness from the garlic, the butter, the potato and then the cream cheese comes in and cuts out all that rich fat. It's divine this is an amazing side dish guys so cream cheese. bring that tank and the mozzarella brings that wonderful cheesy flavor. Everyone is like a perfect combination. Stop talking. Let's go for the next Sak. Give me your honest opinion on this one. Greetings. Everyone applauds. Oh oh, but it's not bad, no, it's not bad, but it is. different is a bit strange, isn't it?
Yes, but I like it, you, I'm fine, it's bothering me, it's strange that the steak is sweeter than the side dish they asked us to dry the AE steak in honey mustard. I know you like honey mustard. I love honey mustard so I'm really surprised right now. It is very different from a traditional steak. I expected it to be tastier, but it isn't. It has a little sweetness and feels a little spicy. very tender there's something different about the crust it's also a bit like almost powdery I would feel it I don't know it's a bit strange I like it you like it I like it it's not what I expected at all not a bad steak I just think I'd like to control more, no There's nothing wrong with everyone having their own opinion, so here are the results.
Thanks for your suggestion, let me know in the comments below what you want to see next and we could do it. I hope you enjoyed this video, if you did please like it if you are not a subscriber make sure to subscribe. Remember that everything I use is always in the description below. Thank you very much for watching, see you next time, take care everyone, bye.

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