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I dove in a NUCLEAR SUBMARINE (Frozen Ocean)

May 30, 2024
the engine room is standing next to the main engines they are hot we were surrounded by sea ice it was minus 15 degrees outside we were packed in the control room about to make a dive that


rs rarely make down and the




of the Navy I was on began to list if that angle of inclination became too steep, I would risk a situation that is much more difficult to recover from if the ships have sunk to the bottom of the


, wait for the impact, but wait, what was he doing on a Los Angeles-class


-powered submarine? under 10 feet of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean ah, business girl, hello, nice to meet you, in case you're new here, I'm Diana, you're looking at physics, girl, and early last winter I spent two nights in a ice camp 160.
i dove in a nuclear submarine frozen ocean
Miles from civilization, my latest video describes why peeing in the middle of the night at an arctic ice camp is so scary, but the only reason we were there was to go on a jet submarine nuclear for these exercises that the Navy only does every two years. This is it, this is real, we are on a submarine in the Arctic Ocean and we are sinking and we were invited to ask questions, let's dig into it. The things I really want to show you are one of what it was like to dive. Surrounded by Arctic sea ice, the officers on board told me that the stationary dive we were going to do was much more difficult than a normal dive and I had the feeling that it was more dangerous.
i dove in a nuclear submarine frozen ocean

More Interesting Facts About,

i dove in a nuclear submarine frozen ocean...

How do submarines work standing there in the submarine about to dive? Submerge yourself completely under water and sleep there overnight. Sorry, I'm sorry, I realized I didn't know if there's compressed air that they put in the tanks or something. Where is he going? How fast do they sink? How well can they control this six thousand ton ship? Three us. I learned that the submarine was 50,000 pounds heavier than anyone expected on its first resurfacing, so they had to go through some of those complications when we resurfaced, and finally the story of why the military yelled at me when we disembarked from our


BNB and why the military probably doesn't invite YouTubers to their nuclear submarines too often, it was probably about 20 more minutes and you guys will be ready to come down, have a cup of coffee and enjoy your day, let's back up a bit to get there to this submarine.
i dove in a nuclear submarine frozen ocean
I had to cross, you know that line on Google Maps that separates the land from the


and fly with the Royal Canadian Air Force and land on a floating ice camp that is floating and I mean floating because when you walk in a circle your GPS tracks spirals. Because the ice under your feet moves slowly, Levi, we haven't moved 0.1 miles in the last 35 minutes. It is so amazing because of that ice that you get on a helicopter for more than an hour that drops you on more ice where you see nothing but infinity. ice with a small gray cylinder poking through it and you realize that there are men walking on that cylinder because that is the USS Pasadena and it just arrived from a voyage to the Beaufort Sea with no contact with the outside world and it appeared through of the Arctic sea ice to pick us up and dive 500 feet and sleep through the night and hopefully not die now so that's what you're going to cross take it carefully because if you fall in this water you have a couple of minutes and we have a tip to warm you up and a doctor here in case you follow me, that's you, yes, yes, if you have fallen, who Hill too, Hector, I think I'm not going to let you film while you walk, they are going to put a handrail Oh, you'll be able to grab a handrail, they didn't put a handrail, don't look down, just keep walking, it's okay, we're leaking, I can't tell you how much I had to concentrate. on Left Foot, Right Foot and these visions of 28 degree water soaking my coat and the five layers of clothing I had under my laptop, my phone, my headphones, my dignity, I'm fine, I'm fine, thank you very much guys, we got really quiet, okay, oh my god, that's the scariest wide board I've ever walked on.
i dove in a nuclear submarine frozen ocean
I hadn't seen land for three days and we were about to disappear even further from civilization once the submarine dipped below the surface. I was about to learn a lot about how submarines dive and how what we were about to do was very different from how submarines normally dive. I intend to do a hover dive to the boat at 180 feet of hover dive. They continued repeating the stationary dive. This was the first thing I realized. They didn't know anything about submarines, they almost never fell down and for good reason they warn you, that's what we're doing, there will be some jostling on the boat and some angles you won't see anything too severe except the captain warned us what to expect because Instead of moving forward and letting the moving water flow through the ship and through what are called dive planes in the same way that air flowing over the wings of an airplane controls altitude, we had to descend directly down a pretty clear reason.
Norma will be going, you know, about eight knots as we dive, sort of a downward slide, but you know, with ice in front of us, behind us and around us, we hit a cube of ice and that's why We dive in arctic water. She required a lot more control using the ballast to sink the sub and I think our captain mentioned that he had only had to do a dive like this once or twice before because there is usually no reason to do it and it is much harder to maintain the sub. level this way so it's riskier but danger is my middle name Diana is just my name a fish type of narrative control maneuver hey sorry dive stations log beds four open events I think we were about 14 degrees or something like that and it stayed like that for a long time and we were standing at that angle not knowing what was happening.
Open that fence, open that fence, open that fence. Shoney received fragments of that shot in bed. Something was happening and they didn't give us much information at the time, maybe we didn't know exactly, but the captain then explained to us a couple of reasons why the process took longer and what they saw yesterday was new to us, actually It was new for the Arctic operations specialist and every time we do this we learn something new. We had a significant amount of ice build up in our four main ballast tank vents, so when we vent all four tanks not as much air escapes as it normally does and it's not like the ice would ever freeze the vent, which It was a concern of mine, but I was assured that hydraulic vents are relatively fail-safe, but ice can block part of where the air is supposed to come out and that slows the process down quite a bit again, a problem you don't have to have. sort out. deal when you're not in the Arctic one more thing I learned that confused me when the sub is at an angle.
One thing to note is that the front and rear ballasts now have different pressures. in the water which made sense to me, I've scuba dived and you know the deeper you go into the water the pressure increases but could the pressure be that different between the front and the back? The submarine is about 360 feet long, so at a 20 degree angle the difference is 120 feet deep from one end to the other, that's three and a half atmospheres difference, so We're talking tens of thousands of pounds. The lower end in the water now has less buoyancy, so just take that. account so that that end doesn't continue accelerating downward faster than the other end and that's why I was worried about getting to too steep of an angle, but I was told it would have to be an extreme angle for you to worry about this and No.
They gave me a number because it's probably classified, but 14 degrees wasn't a big deal and it was at that point that I realized I had no idea how these tanks worked because I didn't know if they were closed. For the ocean, this type of effect would only matter if the submarine shrinks when it sinks or if water can flow freely in and out of the ballasts, but that can't be how submarines malfunction, but first, a quick message to the sponsor, thank you. To 3M for supporting the physics girl and sponsoring this video, have you ever wondered how they make cars quieter and give the doors that solid Funk sound when they close?
We talk about how life-changing technology is all around us, but there are some technologies you may not know about. You even know it's there and you can't know it because you can't see it, it's literally on the walls. Well, I recently visited the 3M Innovation Center at their headquarters in St Paul to see some of this cool technology. I have two identical gongs here. and I'm going to hit them but one of them has duct tape and the other one has a mystery tape here's the first foreign duct tape gong and here's the gong with the mystery tape what is this I swear, these are identical gongs but what is this? this mysterious tape?
Well, it's called vibration dampening tape. It's thinner than duct tape, but it's made from this mixture of aluminum and a viscoelastic material and it absorbs metal vibrations so they can't be converted into sound. It's such a strange noise. Damping tape is just one of thousands of innovations that 3M has pioneered that are relevant to me. It's in our cars, it's in airplanes. 3M science is all around us and aims to improve every aspect of our lives through science, from creating treadmill that makes our commutes quieter and more enjoyable to helping solve bigger problems like climate change 3M constantly innovates to improve our lives every day.
You probably have 3M products within your reach right now. Thanks to 3M for helping make this video possible. Going back to the Arctic, this is how submarines work, obviously they have to change the buoyancy of the submarine because submarines are built a lot like ships so they will float, so how do you make them sink? You have to change the density or weight by filling them. parts of submarine with water I know we are thinking the same thing so how do you safely get water into the submarine? Well, they have these compartments called ballast tanks and they literally flood the diving compartments, which makes sense.
Add water and you get heavier and then blow the water out using compressed air to get to the surface, but where are the tanks? When you are standing in the homes, you start to wonder where they let the water enter the well. Almost the entire hull is a tank, it is the main ballast tank that travels. along the entire length of the submarine outlining the hull and all of that is flooded when the submarine dies and there are additional tanks at various other points to more finely control buoyancy and angle of inclination etc., these are called tanks compensation, now those tanks are completely closed from the ocean and are adjusted using compressed air the other giant main ballast tank along the entire length the hole is open to the ocean at the bottom there is a grate or something preventing entry I don't know dolphins or jellyfish probably, but it turns out that those main ballast tanks are not affected by depth because they are completely flooded with water when you dive anyway.
What is affected is that the hull of the submarine shrinks significantly when you go to great depths even though it is made of high yield strength steel. So submariners have to adjust tens of thousands of pounds of water in and out of those adjustment tanks to deal with shrinkage and that's how submarines work. I also learned about other parts of the submarine, the part up there where they are standing next to it. the Periscope that thinks they can get out of the Periscope I see that's actually where you stand when the ship is sailing in the middle of the ocean.
I got you, the Periscope itself has a speed limit because when the water goes over it, but if the fairings are up you can go. I understood it a little faster, so it is more rigid, more supportive, part of the sale is always active. I was also learning to talk like a sailor, well this is an amazing place to learn about a submarine so after a bit of nerves. -The harrowing process of diving under the Arctic Ocean we were ready for the coolest sleepover ever before we knew it was time to return to land or I guess it was more solid water.
The crew found a place to get out through the ice. How they did it? I have no idea it was classified well. Well, I have some clue here in the Arctic. It's a little different. We actually have to find relatively thinner parts of the ice to map, so we'll essentially drive around using all the data we have. We can collect to look up with our sonar andvisually with the camera to see what is above us. Yes, once that is met, we have preset ice thicknesses and dimensions of the feature itself that we have to meet. If I stand over here, I hear more of a crunch. above the ice and down here there is more running water.
It turns out that it's not just diving in the Arctic that's complicated, surfacing is also much more complicated because it's one of the only places in the world where a submarine traverses a crystalline inorganic solid vertically. In service, we're getting an angle on the submarine of about four degrees so that all the hundreds and thousands of pounds of upward guys that we have are concentrated on a very specific point, the ice, and just breaking it up, essentially having to use it. . the sail like a battering ram against the ice to break through using only the speed they gain by increasing their buoyancy without any forward movement, but the captain explained to me that in the Arctic they might have to deal with the unexpected weight of the submarine. 50,000 pounds more than it should, what we saw yesterday was that it didn't match what we expected, basically like I said about a 50,000 pound change in buoyancy when we were surfacing the other day 50,000 pounds 50,000 pounds and obviously you're not adding 50,000 pounds of people.
No change in the submarine's buoyancy made it 50,000 pounds heavier than they expected. Which would cause that when we surfaced the day before our buoyancy. As we went up, we became heavier and heavier due to the fact that the selenia changed and the temperature changed, so as we went up, in We are actually expelling water from our tanks just to maintain an upward velocity, because we are ascending in the Arctic, where the temperature at the surface can be drastically different from that of the water and the salinity of the water changes due to the presence of freshwater ice At the top you get unpredictable buoyancy and along the way it turns out that a 362 foot submarine can mean a difference of tens of thousands of pounds, but we start to get lighter and heavier, that's going to change, we can speed up or we can slow down, set it up, set it up is bad because then we won't get through the ice.
Accelerating is bad because we're going too fast and can cause some damage, so even in an unpredictable environment it's essential for them to get their climb speed right and that's part of the reason we were there and then bam! We actually broke the ice. it was pretty calm waiting for impact, hold on, but six zero feet 10 degrees up 0.56 up impact impact I think you slept through the whole process, so when you board a nuclear submarine the way you have to behave is tense you just do what everyone tells you to ask you ask questions respectfully and not just out of respect because these men are literally in charge of your survival in an extremely hostile environment uh where are you from sir?
I'm from Texas, okay, so when? You just break the ice and they tell you Diana, go up to the top of the sail to shoot with the drone you wanted, you obey, yes, I was very excited, but then something happened and I received my first real orders, so Levi, this is a A licensed drone pilot operates the Drone and something about drones is that they often have a set distance from the takeoff location that will allow you to fly that way, you cannot fly the Drone out of range and calculate this distance based primarily on GPS, but as we saw at ice camp, when you're standing on ice, the GPS shows that you're moving because the ice is moving.
Now our dream photo was to raise a drone to see me standing on top of the sail. but we were told that drone batteries only have a few minutes of operation in the extreme cold. Some staff even tried to use their own drone at the ice camp and it just fell out of the sky, but we were determined that we had to move quickly seconds later. After reaching the top of the submarine and seconds before Levi raised the drone to see me, the military personnel at the ice camp started yelling at me on the ice and told me, "get off the boat, get off the boat." now and I turned to one of the men who were on the sail with me and told him that a minute before the captain himself had told me to raise the sail I had no idea what was happening but it turned out that the submarine was starting to move. and the ice was scraping the hull and there was a danger of the starting board falling into the ocean and they still had one of the most prolific pun users in the world on board, so we quickly had to grab all our things and I mean Pushing I frantically shoved the camera equipment into anyone's backpacks and was taken out of the submarine and had to walk the death plank again, but this time I had a smile on my face.
He had a DSLR safely in my hand, not in the ocean, except missing me. Our dream filmed for just a few seconds wasn't even the worst part you remember from before. The importance of GPS for drones in the Arctic. The ice had moved enough that the Drone would not return from the other side of the submarine. You can even see it in In the first part of the shot, the Drone will not cross the water, but if we speed it up a few moments later in the clip, the Drone will now not even reach the water, it is moving away and has all our strength.
Pictures of the trip on it and it is about to crash into much thinner


sea ice and the military told Levi that there was no way the Navy would rescue us by rescuing the Drone, so as I said goodbye to the strangest pictures and only ones we saw. We have captured and the scientists had the idea to land the drone on the other side of the submarine in the ice, restart it and then put it at full speed towards us. Levi doubted that it would not take off again, but time was running out, the Drone's batteries were going to run out in a matter of minutes after it landed, it was able to take off again.
Levi accelerated at full speed and came flying over the submarine. He tried to stop over the water again, but our hero grabbed him. We took it out of the air and saved the day when we got our drone back. We have to keep our amazing minus-me images at the top of the sale, but we came very close to losing it and it makes you think how quickly things can go wrong. In the Arctic, I mean, we only had a few teams to follow and such a small Kink almost caused a big problem and that's just for a drone.
I can't imagine having to do checks on the submarine and being responsible for keeping people. Living in such a harsh environment, it was cool to see these guys and how they live and get to experience just a part of that for a moment, but it was also intense knowing that they experience isolation from their families and the world. and they don't hear anything for weeks, sometimes months, so if you want to know more about my experience sleeping in the submarine and learn more about Cool Tech that I didn't get a chance to cover in this video like you.
Learn about the nuclear reactor and more about what life is like on a submarine. Be sure to stay tuned and watch my upcoming videos on what it's like to sleep in a submarine and how submarines move. Insinuate that it is not GPS. Thanks so much for looking. and happy physics

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