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I decided to speedrun Duck Life: Treasure Hunt and became the richest duck in the universe

May 30, 2021
today we are running full speed through the





, hopefully we can earn as much money as this


and the story of this game is that the fire duck from the previous game was defeated, the volcano


dormant , the city returned to normal and a group of An adventurer came to the volcano cave and was waiting for a


and of course we are one of those who personally identify with the blue duck. He has a nice jacket, but first we can start the game by customizing our duck. I'm going to stick with the normal look, I think he looks good enough already, so let's go over that and call him joe, that seems like a pretty good name and now it's time for a


to get rich, but before enter the


, I want to thank monster legends for sponsoring this video monster legends is a free app available for both ios and android in the game there are hundreds of different monsters to collect, you can breed two monsters and turn them into a completely new one and let me tell you that this game has a lot of monsters, they have a lord beast, a dream one, a messy bear build one, that's not a youtuber, I thought it looked funny, but yeah, like I said a lot. of monsters and each of these monsters will have a different set of skills and you can use them together to make your way through the pvp mode of the game and the pvp mode is where the game really gets cool, I mean you probably already know how much I love it the murder.
i decided to speedrun duck life treasure hunt and became the richest duck in the universe
They have several different battle modes. You can play by choosing to fight in real time against your friends or their dungeons and adventure maps to earn even more rewards. You will want to constantly level up your monsters and rank them on the monster. The laboratory also creates stronger creatures and there are new events every week so you can unlock more things and experience new adventures. Be sure to click the link in the description to get a special in-game prize. This includes 50,000 foods, the Noah no Orion monster. norian something like that 300,000 gold and 10 gems thanks again monster legends for sponsoring the video and enjoy the speed race we can start our speed race as soon as we click play right here we will get an explanation of how the city works for the mayor, but I don't really care about that because I'm just trying to go fast and you can also notice that we skipped the scene that says three two one, basically every time you enter the cave you have to look. a shortcut scene that goes three, two, one, but we can skip it by pressing tab and then space, and I mean, I'm trying to speed up, so I'm not waiting for those three seconds.
i decided to speedrun duck life treasure hunt and became the richest duck in the universe

More Interesting Facts About,

i decided to speedrun duck life treasure hunt and became the richest duck in the universe...

Now you may also notice that this game is pretty much just jet pack joyride, yeah the creators of duck


are like "hey why don't we turn duck life into a jetpack joyride clone?" which I mean it works pretty well because it's a pretty fun game, but now it's an interesting fact. What we're going to do here is buy one of these bonuses, go ahead and what you just saw is that we got our first artifact, which was a diamond, basically two progressed in this game, you have to get a bunch of artifacts. and each one will get to the next thousand meter mark, so the first one was that thousand meter mark, then we'll get the next one at 2000 meters and that will continue until 6000. and you.
i decided to speedrun duck life treasure hunt and became the richest duck in the universe
You're probably saying why not all go there at the same time, but unfortunately that's not how the game works. It won't let us get them all at the same time for some reason, I'm not sure why, but it makes the speedrun faster. It's a little annoying, but whatever we're going to go through, I'll get that bag of coins right there, it'll die and we can move on to see what these people are like, they're like, hey, cool, we're fishing and I guess we like it. . this artifact for some reason so I'm going to buy another perk to move on to the next area you know it's pretty simple it's the same thing over and over again now one thing that's really interesting about this game is that you can see behind me duck, there is only one egg that spits out other eggs.
i decided to speedrun duck life treasure hunt and became the richest duck in the universe
I really don't know what the point of this is, especially since my duck flies alone. I guess they really wanted to make this game as a jetpack joyride, but it's a very interesting idea, but whatever. we're just going to go through it I don't really care and here's the speed run part where we're going to start introducing power ups basically as you go you can find these little areas and that's going to give you a power up now two of these power ups they will help you go faster and the other two are there, they are not really useful, you can use them if you want, but they will not be good for you. the speedrun now, this powerup we're using right now is actually the best powerup we can get, as you can see by how fast we were, so now we can die right there and get our next artifact.
I can see, oh, they're bones, a lot of people really like bones for some reason, I really don't know what's going on, well, we're going to have five advantages right there, so we don't have to worry about them for the rest of the game. career. Continue using our super jetpack and yes now it's time to reach 4000 meters and this is where the game really starts to get difficult as you progress in the game your duck will go faster and there will be more difficult obstacles so around 4000 meters is where things start to get a little scary.
It's still not the scariest thing in the world, but I really don't want to die, but luckily we have these power-ups and we actually just got the best power. for the second time in a row okay we're having a lot of luck right now I don't want to lose this race I'm going to be very careful oh there's all this dragon stuff okay guys stop it uh that wasn't surprising okay we have a pretty good run though , we're getting pretty far, we just have to get to 4,000 at the moment and this race is shaping up to be an amazing race, I just have to have a little luck, so I'm going to stop by, I'll try. so as not to get hit by these missiles, they are very annoying, please pass me on, we can get another one of our power-ups, which is one of the bad power-ups, this guy doesn't really do anything, I don't really know what's going on. his arm but he can help us move on to the next part and we can get this thing right here that will be like a bronze sheep.
I don't really know what it is and we also have this key thing, whatever it doesn't do. I don't really care about that, but you can see that some people really like the bronze sheep. I still don't know why, but I'll accept it. You know, it makes someone happy. It's probably making me a lot of money. That's all. matters in life, so this time we are going to reach 5,000 meters, we have already gone quite far, we can take care of that duck, he can fall to the ground, I don't know why I have to literally intimidate the Other ducks are trying to get in here , but I guess it's my treasure, not theirs, so I can't let them have it.
I don't care how many people I have to murder, they don't get my stuff, but here we go, another one. power-up and this is another one of the bad power-ups, you can basically jump and then fall very quickly, it doesn't help us much so we will die right there because if you get rid of your current power-up That just means you can get a better power up before so hopefully we can get a better one soon but now we have this area where so many things are happening, luckily I was able to dodge it please just give me another power up.
Upstairs, I don't feel safe when I play this game and I don't have a power up. It's a very nice feeling to have it and here comes a lot of missiles. Please, Gabe, just give me a power of attorney. I've been waiting for so long, I just need this. Okay, there's a lot going on, but that's going to be something else and we'll get the good power. Thank you so much. Wow, we're actually having a lot of luck with this race, but that was the worst spot ever, we lost it right away. Well, now I have to be very scared because I have 1,000 meters left to go.
We're running pretty fast. For some reason, there is a lot going on. All these other ducks can just run through these things but I have to dodge them, I don't know what it is but we have another power so we should be pretty safe until we get to 5000. I'm going to keep this power on this period and there we go, we can die right there, get this thing that's like a seed or something, take a hit and now we can move on to the next area. I'm going to skip that thing, I don't really care what you guys are doing, why are you mowing the grass? and here we go, here's the last race.
I have to make my tab space, do that and I really have to hope that we don't lose here. I've missed so many good races in this last little area and I really don't. I want it to happen again. I just hope we have good power and can continue and not die. Yes, my heart is beating at this point. There are so many things to worry about. So many things they will try to kill. me, but we just have to get through this last little area, there's like a shiny treasure chest, I don't really care about that, just please give me a power up and here we go, what will it be?
And it's Flappy Bird, I really like it. Flappy Bird this is one of the power ups that makes you go faster and it is one of the best power ups as it is easy to control and I really like this one because Flappy Bird is not that difficult at least in this game but yeah, they did it. Not only was I inspired by Jetpack Joyride, they also made Flappy Bird. The Duck Life team really likes to get inspiration from apps, I guess, but we can get over all those dragons. Here there will be another one and it will be this stagnant.
I'm just going to try to survive. We're so close to the end that I won't worry too much about my powers. I'll just try to go as far as possible. These things are very annoying. Please don't hit. I wouldn't like there to be much more than two thousand meters left. We are almost at the end of the speed race. I can jump to get over it. There's only a little left. We just reached a total of eight thousand. Oh, that was so scary. Okay, my God. God, what is happening right now? I literally don't even know what my comment is.
I'm just trying to survive. There is so much going on, but we can explode there, we achieve our best score and we should be good with this. I just have to do it a little more thanks for this booster. This is very easy to control and we are so close to the end of the speed race. We just have to do it a little more. I'm just going to do it. my way through this won't even hit me with any of it and there we go we get to the end of the cave a lot of things happened and thanks for playing the timer doesn't end until you see the thanks for playing things so that's it something like that.
It's a shame we don't get to see the end of the game, but we did it, we found a crown and we look pretty classy and that run will take us to a nice comfortable seventh place, it wasn't the best place. the world, but I'll take it, but I would like to thank you all for watching, if you enjoyed this video please leave a like, it really helps me with the YouTube algorithm and I really appreciate it, also check out my other videos. I do a lot of speedrunning type content on this channel so if you liked this you might enjoy it and if you subscribe I would finally like to give a last shout out to the Monster Legends backers as Monster Legends really helps the channel and I really appreciate the sponsorship again.
Their game is free on both iOS and Android, so you can also download it if you are interested. If you click the link in my description, you will get a lot of free stuff. I recommend it and hey, you might even be able to get the weird bear-building monster. What would be better than that? Seriously, why does this guy look so funny? But thanks again, Monster Legends, but enough shilling, thanks everyone for watching. I'll see you next time

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