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I Created Youtubers Their Own Fortnite Skins!

May 10, 2024
This is me, a typical amazing player with his own Fortnite skin live on the street, it seems somewhat official. The list of YouTubers who have


own skin is very short and I think some typical players are missing. It is definitely one of them. I've been playing Fortnite. every day like I said I'm sure four nights they could be watching this whole movement I gotta give it an icon look I don't know I think it's safe to say for these guys it would be a dream come true to have


own look . idea of ​​getting my own


skin oh my god so since


isn't giving them what they deserve I took it upon myself to make their dreams come true and to make it even harder for me I only have seven days to do it.
i created youtubers their own fortnite skins
The first day I started collecting some references. Looking at Tipple's player thumbnails, we can see that he quite likes a hat. First I tried to recreate the red and black texture of his hat. This was easy enough, but taking it to the next level I decided to animate it. I took a hat and added the Tipplegamers logo to the front and then blended the texture. I just did something about this. I find it very satisfactory. The next step was to create his head similar to my last video. I decided to create the head from scratch starting with the shape to make it look like tg, then texturing this process is extremely difficult as I have to make sure I keep the cartoony look for that look and make it look like tg.
i created youtubers their own fortnite skins

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i created youtubers their own fortnite skins...

I achieved this by playing with the different brushes and techniques in Photoshop and Blender is end of day number one. I think we've made pretty good progress. We have the hat made. The head is ready. We are on track to finish this on time on the second day. I spent all day building a crazy medieval bridge in Minecraft which looking back didn't help at all finishing the


on day 3. I started with the body. I wanted to make it something similar to the other icon


, so I started with a hoodie that has their logo on the front, then I selected some interesting areas on the hoodie and added the same pattern we used for the hat to these parts of the hoodie.
i created youtubers their own fortnite skins
I gave him cyberpunk looking straps around his shoulders which, honestly, I don't even know if it makes sense to put them there, but it was too late to think that I had a skin to finish, so I added some pants and even more cyberpunk straps because, hell yeah, cyberpunk is cool and it doesn't need to make any sense. he just needs to look cool, i added white socks along with cyberpunk looking shoes because cyberpunk is so i re


the dt 1990 pro biodynamic headphones which are the exact headphones he wears. Okay, looks good so far on day 4.
i created youtubers their own fortnite skins
I decided I wanted to give it a try. and make some emotes, the idea is to have a player sitting in a gaming chair playing with a controller and it would be a cross emote, meaning you could move with the gaming chair, so I grabbed my motion capture suit, which I need to record my movements. I grabbed my gaming chair that I'm going to sit in, I grabbed my controller which I need to perform when I'm playing, I grabbed my sunglasses, I don't need them they just look funny and then I started recording some shots for the emo, I probably should have closed the blinds, imagine someone looking out my window and seeing this, gosh, I hope no one saw me doing that through the window, we're almost halfway through the seven days, I think it's time to Let's start with Ally's skin.
While doing some research I found one of his old videos where he said that if I could have a skin I would want this amazing power suit from his comic novel, for this one I think I will create two different looks, one more casual and then a crazy superhero robot that a once again i


the hat this time with the ali a logo and fun fact, ali a actually sent me this exact hat about a year ago and i had a great reference, the head once again was completely custom made and sculpted in shape . texturing this one was actually much more attractive his beard has a pretty specific look and achieving that wasn't easy I added his blue eyes eyebrows oh oh oh in my defense the hat covered it so I didn't do it a-5 I gave Ali a sweatshirt hoodie with blue stripes on the sides to match the logo on the front, I added more color variation to make everything more interesting.
It seemed too simple to me so I added a quilted jacket and also gave it matte colors and ended up making the jacket a selectable style. I just finished the casual style and now it's time to make the robot version. At first I didn't really know where to go with this. I made some rough concepts, but they all looked horrible. On the sixth day I finally had a clear idea of ​​what I wanted to do and started sculpting the robot. I really need to sculpt things, so it took me quite a while until I mastered it.
At first it seemed a little strange, but over time I changed the colors and brightness of each part. along with his cool mechanical arms which added some robot parts on the shoulders and arms and after some tweaking I ended up with something I really liked and then I recreated his iconic 3D logo which I placed on the front of his belt after to model. small additional pieces and then texturing them, as well as adding small surface imperfections on the edges, all that was left to do was the helmet, it's the end of day six, we still have to finish everything, a robot and the controller gesture is not completely finished.
Well, yes, there is still a lot to do and we don't have much time left. Day seven, the last day is still far from over. I had to hurry. I was full of energy and motivation, so I went back to work. my Minecraft brick, I'm just kidding, I decided to create a simple built-in emote where Alia tears her logo off the chest of her hoodie, throws it in the air and assembles it like in her meme intro, then lands on her belt causing all armor. piece to fly over her body beginning her transformation into a robot, just a small additional gesture for the whole set.
I process the data from my motion capture performance and the animation looks really solid. There was a bit of cleaning to do, for example the hands fail on the inside. the controller or arms go through the chair, I decided to show the emote on both skins by creating custom gaming chairs and controllers in the main colors of the typical gamer and other things by engraving the emote, I decided to also make two simple emotions, it is simple expression of celebration and then basically one of disappointment. I added those exact facial expressions to both the typical player and Ali, which along with some blinking every now and then makes him feel much more alive.
I decided I also wanted to show the electronic mode in-game now, as I can't actually see it in the game I decided to record myself in replay mode and follow the exact camera movement in Blender, which means I can then rebuild the entire environment that way we can get more realistic shadows because they actually interact with the floor, all that was left to do was put tg with the emote in the scene and then press render. I also added some interesting elements and that meant that the pov game mode and the pov replay mode were over.
An unusual player who makes this electronic mode in game before I show the


the skins let me show you all the cosmetics starting with the tg skin we have the ali a skin also with the jacket we have the alley a robot both the emotes and we have the ali a emote transforming into her robotic version which honestly might be my favorite of them all i really like how it looks let's see what you guys think i was literally about to message ali if he would be willing to react to the skin which I did and he's literally only 23. minutes ago I posted the announcement of his official look dude I'm so happy for him he really deserves this but it's such unfortunate timing man okay uh I guess we won't show it okay maybe we can get tipplegamer's reaction okay guys typical gamer. it's finally live, it's currently 4 50 in the morning, I've literally been up all night so far waiting for it to go live, let's finally go ahead and donate and hope you watch this game, okay let's just say hello, I created you. your own set of Fortnite icons including an outfit and an emoji.
I hope you like it. I'm going to do 25 that way. He has to see it. He didn't see it. I've literally been waiting here for an hour straight. He hasn't seen it. Seeing my donation, I'm only going to donate through the super chat. I'm making fifty dollars. The message now stays at the top of the chat for 30 minutes. He has to see this. Look, people in the chat say my name. Okay, all the chat. he's spamming my name now please look at this oh i think he's looking at it shout out to trimex hey ggg i made your own fortnite icon for your skin emo concept oh dude let's go big cheers man i really appreciate it with the 50 donut too thanks man, you saw it, you saw it and you're raising it right now, so this is the trimex icon series set concept.
Oh my gosh, honestly, he nailed it. That's a little sick, though chat, the fire skin looks so good. oh my god that's so good look at the chat dude can I use this as a thumbnail even though he wants to, he wants to use it as a thumbnail? This is crazy, could you copy this game? Everyone loves it, that's crazy, look at that. really cool, I love it, oh we also liked a similar video in person, look at the icon of that outfit, serious and typical equipment, honestly it looks like something official, I love how it is like a shiny professional, that's so cool, that It's so cool, you did it bro, oh this. it's my, this is my locker emote, that's cool, honestly, it's actually a really cool concept, look, he actually put it in the game, hey, come on, dude, he likes the emote too, that's it savage, you always kill it with these, man, thanks.
That's perfect. I appreciate that it looks so good. I'm creating a skin for five random subscribers for my next video, so be sure to hit the subscribe button and comment below on how your skin should look good. I can finally finish my Minecraft bridge.

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