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I Crafted the Most Expensive Bow in Minecraft

Mar 07, 2024
In basic Minecraft, it could be considered good to One Tap a normal mob like a skeleton or maybe even a zombie that had iron armor. Maybe you're doing 20 30 hearts of damage on Hypixel Sky Block, there are mobs that go into the hundreds of billions and even hundreds of millions in HP, a normal diamond sword or even a netherite sword with edge 5 is not going to be enough and today I present to you the


powerful weapon in Hypixel Sky Block, it is a weapon that is fine. known in the community, highly sought after and


, it takes millions of items to craft and the main component, the Judgment core, has a 0.06% drop chance, which is one in 1,771 boss kills in an Enderman Slayer, an empty Gloom T4 which By the way, takes about 60 hours total, so yes, this weapon is ridiculous, it takes forever to get it, but it's worth putting into perspective how


this weapon is.
i crafted the most expensive bow in minecraft
I'm going to put it in vanilla Minecraft. Turn to start. you're going to need 6.55 million lapis lazuli 49 million nether quartz 1 million ender pearls 983,000 obsidian 655,000 flint 276,000 mithril, which is one more custom to be fair and then we have the non-Sky Block items 25,000 n rough 16 300 tarantula web 1 ,24 soulring 640 Griffin feathers 27 null Adams and finally the Single Judgment Corporation that has more than 15 million items awaits Crimson. I'm playing Rocket League right now. That's so true that you actually look like him. That's by no means when it happens. Come on, let's review. GG, yeah, oh my gosh, it actually happened since April.
i crafted the most expensive bow in minecraft

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i crafted the most expensive bow in minecraft...

You've been trying since April to do that kind of intermittently oh, yeah, oh. I guess I'm the lucky charm. I don't know what I should do. it happened with at least one of us in the VC, oh my god it actually happened well so it's 11:00pm. and my roommates closed the door on me because I made a lot of noise earlier, so I'll do my best not to scream, but I really want to scream right now, yeah, there was a brief moment of oh, what is that? It was like that silver thing like what I'm going to do.
i crafted the most expensive bow in minecraft
I'm probably going to exercise the


self-control I've ever had in my life oh, you're going to save it for and I'm going to take this and I'm putting it here, I'm putting it here and I can't touch it until it airs on YouTube. That's why you set the RNG meter to the rarest item, four, three. I don't know what they're doing. One, have you ever accidentally stayed up until 5:00 in the morning playing Minecraft and your parents came over? Years, how many hours have you been trying to get that like 150? I probably don't even know how to quantify it. like for months I remember I went on a road trip in April and halfway through the trip I bought B and grinded the quartz like in April or it might be tomorrow it's October 71,000 XP oh oh no 750k Yo yeah 750k the meter no No works until yes that's true 750k okay to put it in perspective here's it all oh my god dude.
i crafted the most expensive bow in minecraft
I got 200,000 kills on my Final Destination armor. I called it old. I recommend it. Put wisdom in it. gr six Pro six true Pro rejuvenate five books of steaming potatoes I did the jobs and then I killed a thousand Enderman T just so I could get the armor in the first place I killed a thousand of them I got the armor I pretended I don't even know it's like how many hours only the Final Destination was brought? Probably 20 hours, it could literally be 200-250 total if you include everything like the t1s and armor, and considering how quickly you got the guardian heart this was justified, yeah I think this evens out.
A lot of RNG was carrying parts of this profile and we still have 71,000 XP on the meter to use on upgrading, that's a beautiful thing, so it's Paul and then something and then Marina Marina, what's that? What do I think if it's atrox? that's actually a goat because then it would be Diaz and Finegan back to back, which is my desperately needed sleep, well, chat, you know, on that note, it's perfect, it's time for the stream to end, so thank you to everyone for going through that. It was crazy Hey guys I'm back for another stream and welcome to Hypixel Sky Block and I'm back but yeah we're back and I prepared the materials for Terminator in May and now in October the base rates are very low oh , but there's a clip that's been going around of my um my core crash I finally got one it happened after months and months and months and months of waiting it finally happened and we got an update or too so hell yeah we're back in the game Hello, now I have to focus again.
Two of the two biggest, uh, most annoying falls, especially for Iron Man, are. Let's see, we have Ender Relic, we finally got an upgrade and of course we have the core, which if I show you it's here, I think it's finally there. time, oh, I should probably also show some other things I've been working on because it's been a while since a YouTube stream. I'm working on a 1010 glowstone gauntlet, Vitality, veteran, we're 55 years old right now, not bad if We're going to want to make uh blaz Slayers in the future we're going to need a lot of vitality, combat wisdom isn't that important, but the faster Slayers are good.
I guess Lucky Clover's core jack almost fell off my lamp. I have three of these and I honestly, to start off the stream, they're not related to anything, but I mean, I've been waiting for a while, let's do some lucky shamrocks because why not? I guess there we go, they stack, they don't stack, we have three lucky clubs. I'm going to put the first one on probably a pet cat, honestly, it has a creepy cupcake that's not necessary, let's go with the lucky clover. The other is the Wolf mascot because the books are steamy. I'm going to use the wolf to spawn Blaze Slayers. in the future, so boom, here we go, that's another one and I think the third one we're going to keep for now.
I don't think I want to spend it yet because I heard that uh endermite should probably not get extra magic, either because apparently it hurts your pet dragon's drops or something, so let's leave that there. I think it's time for Terminator to be a special weapon in Sky Block, not only because it does the most damage which should be obvious, maybe not per hit, but the most DPS, the most damage per second, you throw a ton of projectiles, it's absolutely ridiculous, but it also happens to be the item in the game that holds the record for the most raw materials used to Create an item, this chest here should be obvious, so to make an absolute Ender Pearl , I'm pretty sure you need to do it.
Enchant Ender Pearl and then enchant the Ender Pearls again, it's like double enchant. I don't remember how many articles. That's right, but there are a lot of ender pearls, they stink, there are so many that they are like more than 100,000 and base emeralds or something like that or ender pearl emeralds something like that, the enchanted lapis lazuli again double Enchanted four damn stacks of them the soul with a soul The rope is probably easier than uh Arachne No big deal. Griffin's feathers would have been a lot more important if I had gone specifically for Terminator, but I got them while making my pet Griffin and grinding Chimera, grinding tarantula silk, it's like a ridiculous amount of items to make H the same as the Voids nulls getting the quartz was painful, it's always painful, but this time it was especially painful and I also have some other materials prepared, of course, we got 10 hot potato books with baked potatoes, five smokes and we have the Art of War, plus this. book that Soler has five Dragon Hunter five power seven cutouts for infinite equ for 10 overload possibilities 2 I have to raise the overload level I am aware of what we are going to fix soon this will open us to some mode master and I I have an optical lens and Of course, as soon as I get the optical lens, they patch the game so that the other enchantment or um reforge is better spiritual, so that's something we're going to need to get spiritual, but for now we have precision.
The difference between precise and spiritual is how much you can be precise for now, yeah, that's what I'm thinking, uh, okay, so let's do what we do now. I don't know the brewing recipe directly, uh, we're going to have to do it. make a recipe to watch Terminator Okay we need tessellated null blades let's make the tessellated ender pearls first so it's pretty easy it's just the absolute pearls plus the lapis lazuli so let's start with that it may sound stupid but it's one of The things that I like most. I'm excited to clear this stupid page from my Ender Chest, okay, oh, eight tessellated Ender pearls, oh, now we need Griffin's braided feathers.
I don't even know what the recipe is, it doesn't matter, we'll do it from here. we have three stacks of noo voids two stacks of tarantul still three three stacks of enchanted quartz and we have a judgment core now we need to do what is that other thing null blades ah so we need null edges what requires enchanted Mythal which yes I have I need even more D, so much, the whole chat is I was here, this is a moment I've been waiting for too long, okay, no, sheet one, two, three, and here it is, there are so many elements, man, this is just ridiculous, be right there ladies and gentlemen it is the best weapon in Hypixel Sky Block the Terminator 310 damage 50 strength 250% critical damage 40% bonus attack 40% bonus attack speed I didn't even know that wow shooting three arrows at once can damage Enderman, split your crit Chance four, that's the problem with this, we're going to need to tweak the stats a little bit and there it is, oh my god, we've got it.
I've been waiting for so long and I'm not wasting any time. and we're going to update this, we're doing everything we're giving it, so let's start with everything right, SL heex, let's throw this in here books Hot Potato Books time 10 now for Papa Fing books multiplied by five, that's another one 30 in each stat the art of war another five strength now we are definitely going to need some Titanics to apply we might even need two honestly no one is enough Soler 5 Dragon Hunter 5 power 7 sniper four infinite quiver 10 chance four overload 2 that's a lot and we have the more we have more to apply let's see what we are missing cubism of course wow I can't forget cubism actually that does matter doesn't that matter against cudra?
I don't know if it counts as magma. Cube but the mobs are shooting are Dragon try to survive mhm I'm really afraid to enchant this in case something accidentally overwrites something else impale that will be good for the M3's flame, sure it pierces one okay we won't punch it. obvious reasons and there you have it, we still have more to get, but this is pretty good, this is pretty good, don't worry about recognition, let's get one, don't worry, let's see how much dragon essence I have. I have essence creation, I have to dungeon, IE, this, I have to dungeon, see this boom, well, okay, upgrade items, we should have more than enough if my calculations are correct, we should be fine.
I did a oh oh, here we go, I did a lot. from um off camera looking for Essence 500 Essence for only the fourth star yes there are five stars so the critical damage is literally over th000 while in br BR dungeons the damage is like 1,500 on D on Dage on dungeons it might be a good idea to put Hasty in this for now just for crit chance oh yeah how much crit is ok crit chance is literally just plus 3% in dungeons we might need it , let me check with the armor set I'm going to use, so the critical chance will be +13 plus 22*3, so it's like 66 plus, so it's about 80% critical damage on top of what I have now, which is 140 something.
I think that's okay, so we'll still have like 220 divided by two. means like 50% crit chance, yeah we are, that's why Happy silenced, chance use on Maxwell, 136 crit chance, oh boy yeah, but most people use that with overload, it's good, well, I don't have overload, okay, let's check. My stats now include the potion, though people are right, so let's see, with Hasty we'll get 100%. You definitely need Hasty to only get enough crit chance if I use e drag, which increases crit chance a lot, does this give you anything? We also don't need to put any setpoints on bonus attack speed, so I can put all of this into critical chance if I really had to.
Okay, we'll call him Hasty for now. Optical lens. I'm going to leave it aside for the moment oh yes, my enrichments have a crit chance. I already did it before the broadcast Rich Grand deadly unreal Hasty okay now let's look at the 78% crit chance in dungeons let's look outside of dungeons just out of curiosity uh combat stats crit chance up to 345 Still I'm not at 400, which means there is no 100% crit chance outside of dungeons. Recon, we don't have one for now. We'll get it once we get into the Dugan today, which is pretty soon, we should probably throw a party.
So this is my plan now that we havethis, this was all that kept me from playing M4 and M5 and m6 and M7. Are we going to get to M7 today? Probably not. The chat also brought up a good point. Waxed gear, which I have some waxed collar and belt pieces. There we are going to make a waxed assassin and a Shadow cape. That wouldn't be a bad idea. Let's check our CR probability now that it's close, it's close, so this part is going to be necessary. To be quite strong, if you are not strong in this party, you are going to suffer because today we are going to test from M3 to M6.
I mean, for the fun of it, we could try an M7, but I have a feeling I know. how is it going to go, let's try to push the limits here now that we finally have a terminator, this is what we're going in with by the way, spirit mask, half nekron with maxor boots, i need a recommendation for this too. spiritual mask, so at least we have those, so if we're going to start with the three of them, we might as well have a professor head in our inventory, there we go. I guess during the boss fight I'll switch to that so I can do more damage.
Okay, done, so let's see the difference between the old me using a ju guu. and I'm new to using a term, I'll have to be Archer or burs, so I'd prefer that we don't double Archer or triple Archer okay mister dead oh shipwreck oh by the way the right click AB or the ability to don't left click it's called a save it can be cast after landing three hits it shoots a beam that penetrates up to five enemies very good the beam always crits oh that's pretty good actually i mean it doesn't matter because you're always going to get it anyway crit if you know what you're doing I'm fine, it's time to be a DPS, let's do this, how fast can I assassinate this thing?
Oh to be destroyed, that was night and day against the ju guu, oh my god you have help, well how am I supposed to know? Otherwise, there are five people. and only four Guardians, so how am I supposed to know if I had to guess? I'm doing quite a bit though, I mean, look, you could say right there that I just did 200 million damage like I literally just did 200 million damage in half a second I think I think we're okay, okay, this one's mine, no one's doing it. Here, this is mine, this is my keeper, so I can prove it in the chat, I know what I'm doing here we go, oh leader, 30 solo dead, yeah, we. we're going to make an M4, we'll do it now.
I'm so excited to do this, by the way, I've been wanting to update this stat for so long, the amount of XP that's on the table, man, the amount of XP. what we're sitting on and that I can easily get now M7 I don't know if that's possible it could be a carry I'm not too sure we'll find out I guess let's just leave 30 Arch alone oh this is going to go wrong if that's the case. Well, let's see how much damage we do. Bye bye. Oh, that's beautiful. Hold down the right button. Left click spam would appear to be correct for the term.
Yes, my goodness, man, I can see why people say this is a requirement to play Master mode. I 100% see it, this is crazy, it's everything they promised me, yeah that damage, that's just not even fair, we didn't get a s+ sadge, but it's okay, we completed the GG floor, we just got some Sky Block XP right there, yeah, feed me. More floor five completed, let's do it maybe I should leave out the spiritual mask. Yes, I'm going to leave off the spiritual mask. I don't think we really have to worry that much about the damage. Okay, what color is it?
I still can not. Damn find out it's you there you go yeah that was just nothing to fight honestly honestly we might be able to do M7 we'll see how survivability goes so far the only challenge has been the livid blood room or whatever. the blood room scarf is the only mob that managed to assassinate me so far on this trip so honestly we could do it and that was my fault for being stupid so oh wow okay that did damage yeah these mobs They hurt, these mobs definitely hurt too. What did I miss? What was the oh right here?
What the hell is good? Yes, I'm going to make the claim here. M7 probably isn't a good idea, we could do M6, but alas, that was a big deal! I need CLE levels now, honestly M5 might be the option now that I think about it, once we complete it we should probably go back to m5 and just spam them for XP and Recons, that sounds like a great idea ok so far, the boss. The fight doesn't seem like a big deal, this thing is so worn out. I know, isn't it great? Yes, this is not a problem at all.
Honestly, the m6s are probably on the menu after three or four more levels of tasting. 300,000 cata XP, hell yeah. delicious, okay there you go, that's an M6 completion, well now here's a question for you. Can I complete each level of cudra? That is my question. I should probably use three fors Terror with a guardian helmet or something, no time T4 T4, oh. God, oh 30, follow me, where are you? Hello, stand here, this is one of the safe places, it looks like the place I would go anyway, I'll immediately pick up the supply when it appears, well, like I said, um, the advantages, Max, so here we go. go, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, please, please, please, please, please, please, no, no, aren't you standing in the right place?
I don't know, man, that mechanic is one of the worst I have. I've ever seen in this game, if I'm going to be honest, we won anyway, but I barely feel like it was a victory and then there's this 100 XP, just okay, it's the safe place. Can I put this block? Add new Waypoint, okay, give me, give me the supplies, give them to me, I'm on the edge of the block so it's probably not safe, it was, oh yeah, we're dying, oh, we're taking damage, oh no, no, no, a drop fleet. The ships are getting closer oh well that means our death is not like that.
I think we are dead. We failed. I love Kodra. Now, the scenario where we died last time. I believe the ballista has been built. There are also many enemies approaching that will do so instantly. kill me if you get a chance stop killing mobs please okay okay I'll stop what am I supposed to do come here sure come here sure where is here oh here DPS I see one oh oh no oh we did it I'm so confused I'm so sure what hell it's happening down there oh boy I haven't seen this before oh oh there are explosions so many explosions I just avoid it and try not to die what's what's the plan here what are we doing do you understand hit or die what I don't know what we are what we're supposed to what should I do DPS when you do that probably Rex was definitely killed by cudra that's a good sign that's a very good sign oh boy well we survived most of it literally like two more shots dead that was horrible ah Mana regen 4 which would be nice to pair with an Aurora piece I'll get in the future.
I'll take the one of all the people that died in that race re die M7 time chat, you saw how much I had problems, you know, honestly, at this point, well, screw it, let's make an M7, you know, I don't care, we can get S, we don't need s+, all that matters is completing the potion, here we go, let's do this, oh me. I'm going to take it real slow with super high oh boy my damage is not good oh this is going to be scary someone already died but it wasn't me oh no wo woo the spirit mask saved my life now it's time not to die okay?
What just happened? Well, first of all, that was 30 seconds. Second of all. What was it that killed me? The room was empty. I'm fine. Well, that race was a disaster. Oh, I forgot. This is oh. I do not know how this works. The Green Dragon appears. Do I have to kill him while he is in the green circle? Is that how it works. I do not know how it works. How does it work?. No, they're shooting at him. I guess I just keep shooting him. Okay, then okay, you have to kill him in his box. I see.
Assuming he's in the box, here we go. I understand a pretty simple concept of what color that is. It's so red. He just died. oh he was out of the box so I guess we'll try to kill him instantly. Okay, wait, oh, this is so weird, dude, oh, this is weird, they're dying right out of the box, yeah, the Beast is exploding right now. the red box thanks oh we did it imagine CH oh for a brief second that would have been a lot of fun uh no no no no no no no so clearly the gun is strong I do a lot of damage but the problem now is that I am a cannon of glass on things like M7 infernal cudra.
I still die very easily, so we still have a lot of progress to make when it comes to survivability in the catacombs. uh, catacombs XP is number one by far, so I guess that's what I am. What I'm going to do is just do M5 Master mode floor 5 hundreds of times because I need all the drops anyway to progress in the game and it will give me a pretty good amount of Sky Block XP which should eventually make my cupping level high enough that I can survive M7 and then we have master stars and recom and all that good stuff and as for cudra, I think better attributes and putting more stars and my Terror armor is the way to go, also get a piece of equipment with speed would probably help, so I got to that 200% speed for the maximum damage of the guardian helmet, so there is a lot of progress to be made, but the key was Terminator.
I couldn't do these things before. Now I can, but it's a little hard for me, so I guess what we do next. We are going to try to prosper in these activities. We are now at Sky Block level 347. What does our Beast look like? Oh friend, we need three more levels and we get the million Sky BL or Sky BL, the million combat XP.

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