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I Can't Believe I Have To Say This...

Jun 30, 2024
I can't


I had to make a video like


, a health guru claimed that smoking cigarettes is linked to a longer life, but now he's trying to extinguish the controversy. You heard


on Dr. Mike's podcast. Dr. Steven Gundry appeared on the ccka podcast. with Dr. Mike and claimed that cigarette smoking was linked to a longer life. In fact, let me stop you right there. It's probably because he smokes that he's doing so well. Dr. Gundry sent a cease and desist letter demanding Dr. Mike remove a previously posted Instagram clip of the interview. mes you're wrong, but how are you wrong I thought it was pretty well known that smoking is unhealthy and shortens life, but clearly there's a story here to tell, so let's start the podcast earlier this year.
i can t believe i have to say this
I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Steven Gundry. Uber, a popular cardiothoracic surgeon who became a New York Times bestselling author and who makes some pretty controversial claims about nutrition and health. I was actually very happy to


him on my show for two reasons, one for every podcast I attended, first of all. million views, but you would make an extreme claim with limited or no scientific backing and the podcast hosts, instead of challenging it or at least approaching it with skepticism, would do the same thing every time it's a secret, it's the secret, okay, There you


it, wow, wow.
i can t believe i have to say this

More Interesting Facts About,

i can t believe i have to say this...

Oh my gosh, no, really not at all, this is interesting, at what second did he know that I didn't agree with some of his theories and yet he was still open to having a debate on those topics. It is quite rare nowadays, since most people prefer the other type of interviewer. that just ooze and Oz made claims, especially if it helps his podcast get views, the podcast went pretty much as expected, with one important exception, several times throughout the interview, Dr. Gundry noted that the People who lived longer lives might have done so because they smoked cigarettes.
i can t believe i have to say this
I mean, I harped on this quite a bit throughout the interview, it didn't make sense to me that a thoracic surgeon who has to know how destructive cigarettes are to our health and life expectancy would somehow glorify smoking, to be clear, Dr himself Gundry even stated that he doesn't recommend people smoke nor does he smoke himself, so the situation was really confusing anyway, during a section towards the end of the interview, we had a very heated discussion about that very topic, our team. decided to cut that section and turn it into another. in a short and for fear of being fake we didn't do any of the dialogue in that section we started smoking we ended up smoking actually here's that clip you live longer by consuming a high grain diet in the lion heart study and you're arguing against those things and you live longer if you smoke in some of these areas, but that's not because if you smoke it's despite smoking, no, you're wrong, but how are you wrong, you know that smoking proinflammatory nenic acid is one of the best mitochondrial in the British doctor's study is not good, we need to at least put an end to the British smoker.
i can t believe i have to say this
British doctors who smoke have a 30% lower incidence of Parkinson's and because they die from 10 other diseases sooner, oh man this is so problematic, even Dr Danielle Bardo is preventative. The cardiologist who also joined us on the podcast was more than surprised that the statements made, first of all, let's be clear, smoking is a proven risk factor for cancer and cardiovascular disease and is the leading cause of preventable diseases in most industrialized countries and this translates very clearly into a shorter life expectancy even in the study by the British doctor that Dr. Gundry mentions in the video confirmed the association between smoking habits and many serious diseases, including the suspected relationship between smoking and 12 different types of cancer.
The authors actually found that men who smoked cigarettes continuously died about 10 years younger than lifelong nonsmokers, although they quit smoking at age 60, 50, 40, or 30 and gained about 36 n 10 years of life expectancy. respectively, interestingly about Parkinson's Dr. Gundry is somewhat right. There has been some research, including the study he mentioned, that shows that smokers tend to smoke. have lower rates of Parkinson's disease, but we don't really know why even the researchers who analyzed the study wrote very clearly that the study findings support the protective effect of smoking on the risk of Parkinson's disease; however, the results do not provide a mechanism. by which this effect occurs, so it is premature to assume that there is a direct causal relationship between tobacco consumption and a reduced risk of Parkinson's disease.
Correlation versus causation two things happened simultaneously or they caused each other and even Dr. Robert Clark, who published in the medical journal Neurology on the subject, said that current smoke is the leading cause of premature death and disability worldwide and that such dangers would greatly outweigh any potential benefit of current smoking on the risk of Parkinson's disease, but Dr. Gundry also mentioned a protective effect. for dementia, so let's look at Alzheimer's and dementia. In fact, I wonder if the Alzheimer's Society in the UK has answered this question before. Oh yeah, they have science, okay, maybe that's just one source.
Let's ask the people at Alzheimer's Research UK. They write a recent review of 37. Research studies found that, compared to never smokers, current smokers were 40% more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. It's pretty clear that smoking doesn't help and can actually increase the risk of Alzheimer's, but what about dementia? Well, a 2019 Lancet commission that actually focused on dementia prevention ended up ranking smoking third among nine modifiable risk factors for developing dementia. All of this means that smoking is unhealthy and actually shortens millions of lives; It should not be glamorous and any potential association with benefits cannot be used as a rationale for smoking, at best, could be used to study disease mechanisms and improve the search for new treatments.
Clearly, Dr. Gundry doesn't agree with me, but he doesn't want you to know that either, since after I posted that clip on Instagram, his team immediately sent us a Seas yth help to remove that clip. They said something like: We made it sound like he recommends smoking. Let's be clear. Dr. Gundry does not recommend smoking, but it is quite clear that he


s that some live a long time because they smoke. I hope the information I just provided made it clear that that is not true, what a mess. I hope the takeaway from a situation like this for all doctors, especially those on social media, is that it's okay to make a mistake, it's okay to speak badly but it's not okay to double down on misinformation and certainly not use the legal system to silence others. those who are only interested in the accuracy of the information.
Despite all this, my battle against misinformation continues, so click here for a YouTube channel spreading misinformation about weight loss. always stay happy and healthy

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