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I Called A Girl Beautiful and Ran Away From Gamestop

May 30, 2021
It's been a while since I told the story, so go ahead and climb onto my lap here by the fireplace and I'll tell you a story, as is common in most of my stories that I've told on the channel. during the period of my life where I thought it was cool to be a mysterious anime character, this was like my first few years of college, as you can probably imagine, my ability to socialize during this time was absolutely pathetic, having a conversation with a magic eight ball would be It's been more fun and engaging than talking to me back then.
i called a girl beautiful and ran away from gamestop
Those poor souls who spoke to me back then probably instantly regretted it because having a conversation with old Charlie was like talking to Alexa. If she overdosed on xanax, it was difficult. Why is this important? However, because this is setting the stage for a story I haven't told yet, I've told a lot of stories when it comes to all the strange and creepy interactions I've had with women. It's all my fault, of course, only because I was so incredibly socially inept, like it was hard to put into words how bad I was at recognizing social cues and how to be acceptable in society.
i called a girl beautiful and ran away from gamestop

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i called a girl beautiful and ran away from gamestop...

I bought one of those fake cigarettes once, you know, that kids would buy at Spencer's when they were 12 years old. I bought one of those things when I was 18 because I thought it looked cool and I hated real cigarettes, you know how sad that is. I'm surprised I didn't buy one of those colorful propeller hats and started twirling it to try to show off. cool or something, it was hard, so what I'm saying is that socially it was the worst thing you can imagine, but that didn't stop me from trying to have conversations with women, I tried to fake confidence, fake it to make it and all that. that and today's story will be in that stadium, so this story takes place in a place where all the good social interactions take place at


, so let me take you back to when my social interactions were shit, this is


2012 2011 somewhere in that stadium.
i called a girl beautiful and ran away from gamestop
Of course, I was virgin boy Charlie, if you can believe some say I lost my virginity before my dad, but the truth is I was actually a pretty embarrassing virgin and I was doing what all virgins did using reddit to get some tips and reddit is one. one of the worst places when it comes to seduction and just general advice when it comes to human interaction because it's the blind leading the blind, the people giving that advice, they've probably never talked to a human being before, they're probably getting all their social experience. signs from the same place where the anime was, so I was using anime and r slash relationship or something, I don't remember which subreddit and these two things collided and I thought: you know what I'm going to take?
i called a girl beautiful and ran away from gamestop
They both like it a little. unholy fusion dance and becoming this ultra chad, product of great advice and great animation and I was going to channel this and show you know I'm getting more confident flirting with


s in public and I chose my first rodeo to be on gamestop before going to gamestop I had decided that I was going to walk into gamestop up to the counter of the


who worked there and call her


right in her face I was going to look her in the eyes I was going to say mom you're


you're beautiful I don't know what I expected to happen next because I didn't have a follow up maybe I was fantasizing like one of those dream scenes where suddenly like in an anime the girl blushes and then calls her three twin sisters or something like that, they all fall in love with me, I don't know, but that was it my game plan and I was promoting myself, I was like a football player in the locker room before the championship game, butting my head. lockers I put on a necklace and I never wear a necklace I found like this old gold necklace probably from when I was a kid but my neck is still the same size as the boys so it still fits me I put my hair up and I drowned him. in gel and I mean drowned in joe I looked like a newborn baby covered in amniotic fluid up there and I felt like I cost a million dollars today was the day I was going to tell a girl she's beautiful so I got in my batmobile and I head towards the game stop, I get to the door, I open it and it's like everything else melts around me.
Time froze and there she was, behind the desk, the only employee at this particular game stop and she looked miserable, probably because she was working. at a games stop, but I was going to make her day better by being the only man in Gamestop history with the confidence to say she was beautiful, you know, I'm sure she doesn't hear that every day from other socially inept slime balls, so I was going to be the first trendsetter, really a pioneer, so I wandered around a bit just to make sure I was gaining enough confidence by going over the lines in my head, the line I was going to use was when she finished calling me.
I was going to say thank you beautiful and then wait to see his response, see what he says to this, hoping not to call the police or have security come to tackle me, so I finally choose a game, some used game, I'm sure. Since I really liked the games used for a long time, I slammed it on the counter because I'm ready. She starts by asking me a couple of questions. Am I a member of the Gamestop Power Plus Ultra program? Well, no, no, I'm not. She's going off script. I wasn't taking this into account, it's free form now that the dialogue is over.
I'm getting a little confused in my head. I'm getting nervous. I didn't expect her to question me today. I am not a member of this gamestop program I would like to be well would it help my chances with you? I don't know. I'm going through all kinds of scenarios in my head. It's like a visual novel. There are a lot of different paths I can choose from. I'm panicking, I'm breaking down a little, my composure is starting to fail, there's sweat on my forehead and a tingle in my jacket, I wasn't prepared for this at all, then he asked me if I want my receipt, another question, no I was.
In anticipation I say thank you beautiful, now no, that wouldn't make sense because she asked me a question that I can't just answer with one I have to answer the question everything is falling apart at once it's like Salvador Dali's painting where the clocks are melting I'm running out of time. I don't know when to say this line and no, I really don't want this receipt, what am I going to do? Wipe my ass with it. I paid three dollars for some garbage. Use the game. I tell him. no thanks you keep the receipt and that's when she says it a phrase that could wet the pants of any man even the strongest men she says thanks for buying at gamestop I freeze I don't know how to respond I stay there for what it feels like hours watching to the ground wondering that now is the time and then I decide to gather the courage within me, the strength to keep going, I say thank you beautiful, I'm still looking at the ground when I say this because I haven't earned it.
I still have the right to look my game queen in the eyes and then do what any sane man would do to him. I slipped


, running


before she could respond. I started running with the bag in my hand as if she had just stolen the game. from gamestop but I heard her say oh I know for sure she said oh when I turned my back to run away I ran to my car hearing that in my head the whole way I got in I closed the door and I thought to myself Charlie, you did it, we just made that employee extremely uncomfortable and man, do I feel that way?
It was a good lesson to learn that it was probably already like the fifth or sixth time that lady had been hit that day by Weirds like me, she probably just up and quit that day, that was probably the last straw, no. I know because I never went back. She was so damn embarrassed by all of this, but I imagine she quit that day, but yeah. I have told you this story in the hope that people will learn from it. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Don't be a weirdo. You do not know? Yes, that's basically it.
That's what it's about. See you.

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