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I Busted 100 Myths in Blox Fruits..

Apr 17, 2024
initially but now I'm not taking damage anymore so this myth is true and while we're in Portal this next myth apparently if you use the escape parallel portal while you're on a boat it will throw the boat. I'm going to use Parallel Escape while trying to sit at the same time, so let's look at Parallel Escape one more time one more time P escape and yeah, none of that works okay, this myth is false and continues even further into the portal, miss. apparently you can't use World War and teleport when you're during a law enforcement raid.
i busted 100 myths in blox fruits
Now I'm going to start this raid by fighting the law like this and then try to teleport to the Cafe. Oh it's true. Next, if you use the move Best Friend Love while fighting a Sea Beast, the Beast WILL target the best friend instead of you, so we have a Beast C. Now it's our time to shine, let's see if it targets me best friend or me. we start hitting him, oh he's talking to my best friend, look he's shooting straight at my best friend, he's not even shooting at me, he's ignoring me, so this myth is actually true, although with that myth eliminated we have another one. apparently a second CC beast gives more fragments than a third CC beast, so first we have to go kill the C beast we have here, here we go, let's go, and the SE beast below, we have 250 fragments for a SE beast, now same.
i busted 100 myths in blox fruits

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i busted 100 myths in blox fruits...

We have to go to the third SE and check how much we get from that one. We are now at danger level three CB. Should Spa ever talk about the devil? Talk about the devil. A CB over there. Okay, bet, bet, bet, here. Whoa boom and oh boy, this only gave me 150, so that myth is surprisingly true. The second CCBS gives like 100 more, the next myth apparently, while in Mink V4 you can use Super Dash to go through walls, there is actually a place in the castle in the sea. I think it's like up here, you could go through the wall if you try, let's see if it works here. that again boom yes sir you can go through walls with these two dragons using draconic claws on each other they will ruin the game okay I have my boy here we are going to hold the draconic claw and then when I say go he will will leave.
i busted 100 myths in blox fruits
It goes and we're both going to use it at the same time 3 2 1 there we go and damn that was like the Trident pointy move we did bro It threw us a little okay that myth is true but what if do we do in the air? Let's see the next myth in the air, let me tell it to go away. Or, that bothered us a little more below. myth, you can't go up the stairs to the Temple of Time without there being an active full moon, here we go, now we have to talk to this guy right here, mysterious Iosa Force, now we are in the Temple of Time, now this you.
i busted 100 myths in blox fruits
You can enter without a full moon, but if you open this lever, go through this small door and cross the hallway. You can see that there is another entrance here and you can see that it is completely obscured since you can't see. No matter how much I climb these stairs, I will never end up reaching the top because there is no full moon. Now you may be thinking that the myth is true because of that, but it is false, my boy Maras is currently up. there, although there is no full moon and that is because he has his race completely maxed out and has all the gears, if you have those two things, you will be able to go up there at will, whether there is a full moon or not, so this The myth is false, you don't need a full moon to go up there.
Number 82. The unawakened ultimate magma does more damage than the awakened version. I'm going to try to aim well so that they all hit the magma meteors too. Boom. Okay, here we go. doing a lot more this time 3,597 now let's do the awakening version and compare awakening volcanic storm boom me yeah yeah that's very damn 7,365 that's not even close this is no competition bro awakening magma wins by far the next one apparently if you have a skill while trying to go through a portal he won't teleport, there he goes, he goes there as soon as he enters, I'm going to do 1,000 attacks, there we go, oh it didn't work. anything, wait, wait, that was weird the first time it didn't teleport me the second time it did it one last time this time I try it with D yeah there it is, completely wrong when you hold a move like that then it starts to fail, okay so it's true, that myth is true and speaking of not being able to hold moves, if you hold a skill while teleporting through a raid it will bother you, there we go and now what I'm going to do is 'I'm going to activate it , except I'm going to have a skill right here, holding it should teleport me at any time and it didn't do anything, that wasn't true, but since we're on the Phoenix raid, let's go ahead and Make the next myth, apparently the regular NPCs of The Phoenix raid have a higher level than the raid boss.
These guys are here on the first island, level 3.55 and let's see what level. The raid boss is fine. The boss is about to appear. Let's find out, guys. Alright there goes, let's go ahead and go in there and see he's level 237, he's actually low level for NPCs, bro. Now, as you can see, I am sailing back into the danger zone once again and the reason is because of this. next myth, you can make a terror shark disappear danger level four the terror shark should appear any moment, here we go guys, a terror shark just spawned, okay, I have to act fast before my ship and I die, like this which apparently all you have to do is just press Dimensional Rift right when I enter my Dimension, it should be gone when I exit, if this works this would light up bro, dealing with unwanted teror is very annoying so let's get out now and he should have left and oh.
No way it worked, the myth confirmed, man how cool, this also works for any event, too, you guys can see a ship, just SP dimensional Rift and let me go back out and the ghost rate disappeared 88, similar to a myth that we had before. apparently if you eat a fruit and reset it while you're eating it won't activate. Okay, so let's go ahead and eat the frozen fruit and then let's reboot and see if it activates, it's still activated, that myth is false. It doesn't work like the other one where if you exit the game it doesn't activate 89 if you take out a smoke fruit while transforming into kitsun a it will turn invisible let me get all my Tails real quick boom boom boom here we go what?
What I have to do is take out a smoked fruit and while I'm transforming, quickly change and voila, guys, the invisible kit soon confirmed it 100%. Number 90 for this one. I have to talk to this luxury boat dealer and get I'm going to get a boat like the lantern boat. Now I have to go back to the portal and the myth is that if you sit down while you try to do World Warp, it won't teleport you, so let me go ahead and do this there. Come on, I'm sitting in the chair and I have the Gateway portal menu open, let me try to teleport to the port and as you can, wow, that's weird.
I didn't think it would work like that, but it looks like I'm sitting down. denies being able to teleport now we all know that the leopard form makes you immune to taking damage from lava, as you can see here, I don't take any damage, but apparently if you are activated in cyborg V4 for some reason, that makes you immune to Lava, which I think is a count, but let's figure it out, here we go, let's activate the V4 cyborg, now let's transform. I have no idea why this would cause me to take lava damage, but let's try it and this is false.
Don't know. don't take any damage let me go here like I did with the dragon form oh wait okay I can suddenly take damage from the lava so the myth is confirmed huh that's weird bro the pilot helmet kit It's faster than now to discover this. We are going to do the same method as we did before. Let's run from the beginning of this bridge to the end. 3 2 one and we're good, okay. I'm using my scorching donut, damn, I'm going to dust myself off. this is indisputable this is indisputable brother pil but kitsu is much faster kitsu may be faster than the dough but he is faster than light although the next myth let's compete against the light again countdown husky let's do this 3 2 1 and all good I bet maybe I aimed wrong I may have aimed wrong but oh he's already ahead of me he's already ahead of me he's already ahead of me yeah kitsun is faster than light 20 in Kit's favor, lastly , but not least guys, I have one I have more things up my sleeve, it may have been faster than light and D, but is it faster than spring?
What beat the light before also in the last race, spring versus kit a, and everything is fine. Got the spring jump, let's see how it stays that way. oh I'm actually in the lead, I'm actually in the lead, I, the spring actually won, so the spring is actually even faster than the kitsen a pilot helmet, that's wild, so the last one is broken, the hull kit a is not faster than the screen and while we Apparently you are in the kit for this next myth, if you ally someone allows them to mount you as a kit and then an ally the kits will cause damage to the person riding on them, okay, I got a form in my kitchen, let me do a transformation.
Tell my boy Mar Mount, pause, okay, here you go. He rode me. Now what I'm going to do is undo it and now I should just hit it with M1. Yes, I'm hitting it with m. One time, he's literally riding on me and I'm hitting him, bro, that's wild. I could Lally just kill him if I wanted while he's on my back, even he's shocked in the chat he was like what the hell so yeah that's confirmed if you have a curse. The enchantment after you run out of sky jumps will give you more sky jumps, so let's go ahead and use it. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I'm out of sky jumping, I can't jump anymore, let's hold a curse charm by holding it for a while, let's see if this works and it didn't regenerate my GEOS, so that's fake now , that didn't work for kids, but I think it works for leopard. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 now you have to wait for spiral kick, you have to hold it for about 10 to 15 seconds and it will give you back your GEOS.
One of my favorite glitches in the game. I hope it hasn't been repaired. A moment of truth and let's see, no. They patched me up, bro. It doesn't work anymore, oh, both


were false


. 98 Spamming M1 while holding Ken Vander grants you some airtime. Okay, I'm going to jump really high and just spam M1. real quick, oh, you can get some float time in the air, okay, you know what I'm saying, we have flow time, we have hang time, you know what I'm saying, okay, that myth is true, myth 99, the The lower your health, the less damage you take from the lava, okay, so right now I lose, I really don't know how to lose, I don't know how to count that, but like I lose a ton per second, like I die in a matter of seconds. of seconds so let's go ahead and do a stat point reset here we go a defense and see how much I take then oh yeah you take a lot less oh it just fits your health okay so that myth It is true and now, the final myth.
The number 100 now, as you see in the human V4, affects the terrain and there are like small rocks or particles that come out of the ground now apparently if they transform into Buddha, these rocks become bigger and scale with the size of Buddha, oh, look at that look. In that look, look at the terrain, bro, look at Terin, bro, that's fire, that's the ultimate myth, if I do say so myself, anyway guys, that's 100 myths


in one video. I spent a ton of time putting this all together, so I hope all of you guys. Enjoy it

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