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I Built a Theme Park In My House!

May 08, 2024
take people's money. That's exactly why I'm going to build it right. let's go to the roof. I am currently sitting at the top of the roller coaster looking down. This thing is huge, bro. I'm nervous because the royal family will be here soon and I really hope this roller coaster works inside the chamber. you upped your con game and it's time to try it out, okay oh god this is so hard, oh oh the good news is it's a con, that's exactly why I


it. The bad news is that it hurts a lot and we're going to have to add something. pads and so on, the velcro wall is up, let's try this to be able to use the velcro wall, you need a velcro suit, goes suit 3 2 1 W worked.
i built a theme park in my house
I'm stuck now help, it was crazy but so much fun, bring on the foot pads, oh yeah the roller coaster is almost done, one last finishing touch before the family arrives and that's painting it, look up there, those are the keys to my car so if someone successfully climbs to the top they get my car but this game is a scam and no one is going to win exactly this game really was a scam and I fell into the trap losing $100 not a not twice no no oh yes three times good and like every other time oh no no this is a disaster the camera had successfully scammed me for $300 this was a bad idea it actually worked I just won $300 With the royal family literally on the way and my roller coaster almost finished, it was time to add some finishing touches to my



, a cool name on the wall, a bunch of decorations and now there's only one thing left: the roller coaster is ready.
i built a theme park in my house

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i built a theme park in my house...

It is done. I can not believe it. We just


a working roller coaster in my backyard, but now it's time to put it in the test chamber. We need your help. What can you bring? Some scissors, brother? What are we going to try? We have to be quick and whenever. are you ready, just let them go, wait what you gave him, scissors to cut the rope, so I can go down exactly, oh God, in three, two years, man, that's really crazy, that damn job, they're here, that was the Craziest day ever, man. crazy let's meet the royal family they're here they're here what's up wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I thought you said we were going to Disneyland bro, who cares about Disneyland?
i built a theme park in my house
This is much better. Just one question before. Is there something scary? right in because I'm not good with that there's no scary RS, right, um, there's no scary RS, okay, perfect, after you guys experience our two



s, you guys will pick a winner and be honest. Okay, they want, they want us to be honest, I want. You guys, to be honest, are you sure? Yes, your feelings won't be hurt, you won't be hurt, just judge us harshly. You know what I want you to come to my theme park first. Are they so sure? Oh yeah, how much money did it cost? you spend 500 dollars on your theme park 500 yes, you're not going to hear it, I saw it, it's great, okay, okay, and it's finally time to reveal our theme parks to the judges, the royal family, the first attraction is my amazing Homemade roller coaster, uh.
i built a theme park in my house
Is this safe? I don't trust the thematic part of this guy. Test it. Why are you throwing me on the bus now? Do you want to try it? Because I? Why do not you go? You know what I'm going to do. it's for you all you got B okay 3 2 1 yeah this looks so Co you guys enjoyed your roller coaster now it's time for Cam's next ride okay get on my plate breaking game plate breaking game I love breaking PL I want to go first I'll go first you go first but wait what am I going to win?
Well you could win any of these prizes, baby, don't break any windows, it's okay, this ain't our


, yeah, plate after plate, everyone makes their way to Cam's amazing prizes, things are looking too good for the camera. I'm terrified, okay, my next attraction is a spinning Prime teacup. I love Prime, yes I do too it's amazing. The camera is totally winning, this is bad news for me, oh my god. I'm getting dizzy, oh my god, I'm getting so dizzy, what do you guys think? It didn't seem that fast, it was the slowest ride I've ever seen in my life.
They don't seem impressed. He also quickly asks what it is. This lyric, even my 4 year old brother can do it better. They finally have some bad things to say about Cam's theme park. I love it, okay, you know what? I have one more attraction that you are going to love, okay? I promise. follow me around here okay my next attraction is the ladder game you start here and go all the way to the top and if you make it to the top you win my car wait what's your car I'll go get the car this looks really easy. before you guys leave I have to charge 100 bucks a shift so $100 no that's it hey wo wo w w if you guys win you get a car they didn't have it but somehow I convinced them for them to do it. we go all the way and and and oh oh this is easy wow she's falling she's falling so close they just lost $100 another try another $100 whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what does she do?
I got it. The camera successfully scammed them for another. $100 somehow they agreed to pay another $100 for another try but this time take the keys oh no it's way up all the way oh oh let's go to a new truck now cam has to give away her new truck. Do you have your driver's license? driver's license I think it's against the rules that you're supposed to have a driver's license could be the rule okay bro whatever here you go honestly Cameron throwing the plate was great the route of The rollercoaster was great, the cup of tea was great, but we were ripped off. in the end I can't wait to see Ben yeah let's go see Ben you guys are ready come on come on come on that definitely backfired but I'm still very confident now it's time for you guys to experience my theme park , welcome to my topic. park, we have roller coasters, lots of food and even some surprises inside that room, by the way, how much was your budget?
I spent $50,000 W,000 wo wo give us a second please give us a second wait it's okay for 50k it better be the experience of a lifetime it'll be better than Disney yeah if we're not thrilled at the end of this experience, Cameron wins, okay, oh no, this is not a good start. How about we start with the velcro wall? Wait, what the heck is a Velcro wall? Don't ask me I don't know the velcro wall bro you want me to wear that you've got to be kidding me you have to pay me $50,000 to use it you have to use it right this is velcro this is velcro it works you jump and you stay ok go ahead show 3 2 2 1 come on, wait, wait, wait, wait, can you come down?
Ben, you're Stu, there you go, there you go, are you ready? He's doing a front flip, subscribe right now, okay, countdown. I'm excited 3 2 1 come on we have balance and turn around oh you told me it was going to stay that wasn't funny they don't seem impressed at all they just say if it doesn't stay this time we could vote for Cameron. he's going to stay this time let's see let's go Calm down you can't do it 3 2 1 come on come on come on come on please stick please stick come on that was close after the attraction get some food come this way come on let's go I'll have some ice cream, some cotton candy, some popcorn, some boat and some prima too, please double that.
Okay, I'll try it. Those are my favorite lollipops. Oh, okay, so you're throwing things. Cas, you didn't know you were. Dropping, there's no popcorn in that and so can I also understand that? Although it doesn't seem like it, he had everything under control. Cameron didn't have food, so that's a plus. There you and Cameron are pretty tied up, that's all. I'm saying, what do you have next? Welcome to my next attraction, come on, Mechanical Bull, what's awesome, so who wants to ride my mechanical bull first? I think you should go first, so you don't think it's safe, no.
Not at all, no, no, we don't think it's safe. None of them wanted to get on the bull, but I have an idea. What do you think of this? If you can ride the bull for more than 30 seconds, I'll give you one of these prizes I have. see the little prizes motivate some with the promise of a prize suddenly they became interested time starts now okay here we go here we go you have this you have this no what are you doing 18 seconds oh my god I'm going to throw up guys Veron you can try it see everything what you have to do is last 30 seconds and you will win one of these prizes time starts now 30 seconds let's go faster too easy oh 3 2 1 I don't know how, but Fon somehow managed it thank you, thank you, it's time for the end, the giant roller coaster, you'll go up first, right, yeah, I'll go up first, yeah, and by the way, if this works, that's a lot of extra points for you, let's go to the top. some bonus points the roller coaster is about to happen I need the bonus points I'm going to use these scissors and cut Ben and he's going to fly okay you're ready I'm ready 2 1 yo that was quick so To judge this topic correctly I'm going to have to go on this roller coaster a fan is going to try it I know it will be very fun and they are going to love it I'm about to go down the roller coaster I'm a little afraid that you understood this oh my god my heart is beating so fast three oh my god two I'm not ready one oh my god and that completes my $50,000 theme park experience it's time to judge ready first can I?
I really liked your first ride, it was very impressive, the roller coaster, I really enjoyed it, come on, come on, I love your name, thank you and I love the fact that we won awards and I also love your creativity, thank you very much, but I what did I do. It wasn't how you scammed us in the end, he scammed me too, really, he took $300 from me and told me he could win his car. He did that to you too. 300 of us too. Overall, we're really impressed with Cam's theme considering he only had $500, come on, thanks, let's talk about Ben Ste Park.
He had $50,000 and I know you guys were impressed. No, wait, I didn't like the bowl because he made me throw up, wait, wait, we're jumping right in. bad things mhm yeah and I didn't like the velcro wall wait why didn't you like the velcro wall because it didn't work well I know you didn't like the bull but I know you liked the bull I didn't I like the bull because I bought one PlayStation, a laptop and two iPhones and he offered me sweet popcorn ice cream chips and all that, you guys are forgetting the most important part, the backyard roller coaster, oh that was pretty sick.
I enjoyed that roller coaster overall. We are ready to tell you our winner. Are you ready? I'm ready. I'm ready. Are you sure? Yes, it all comes down to this moment. My $50,000 theme park versus Cam's $500 theme park, what's it going to be? nervous, okay, guys, ready, ready, 3 2 1, hey camera, maybe next time you shouldn't have scammed us, well, yeah, and we want our money back, please, yeah, give me my money back, Give me back my money.

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