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I Built The WORLDS BIGGEST RAINBOW in Minecraft Hardcore (#97)

May 09, 2024
But I think it's over here. Oh my memory is so good and we go down here and go into the chest and yeah, that should make it explode now like we've done with all the other colors so far. We're also going to get some colored wool and some glazed terra cotta so let's see if I have any light blue dye which is the


thing we need and we actually have some but we'll probably still want to get a bit more so which means we're looking for a swamp biome unless all these blue flowers here give you a light blue tint.
i built the worlds biggest rainbow in minecraft hardcore 97
Actually, I do not know. Oh, that's just blue dye. Well, it doesn't matter. AHA. Swamp biome. The biomes are home to some very rare blue flowers that give you a light blue tint. Did I mention they were rare? I don't see any. Oh I see them, here we go, here are the flowers, give me some of you and we can create them. more perfect dye, but in order not to waste hours of my time searching for bogs, I'll just take these flowers and combine them with bone meal. I've never seen bees attack mobs before, but I guess that just changed right in front of my eyes oh, they're angry again oh my army, come on oh this is amazing.
i built the worlds biggest rainbow in minecraft hardcore 97

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i built the worlds biggest rainbow in minecraft hardcore 97...

I didn't know bees could be so useful and here we go, but I feel like this is too harsh, this should go. here and go to the dark blue and we should have one more light blue block right here, that was a lot of math but I hope you'll follow along so the question is what is the most popular light blue block in Minecraft that I'm missing, just there is one. Answer to that question, what if I told you that our construction was going to contain diamond blocks? Yes, I said it. I don't think he has many diamonds.
i built the worlds biggest rainbow in minecraft hardcore 97
Yeah, I'm right about that, but what I do have is a fancy Fortune pickaxe and a lot of time, so let's go grab some extra food, grab a shulker box, and fly to a bunch of random caves to collect 1.72 28 diamonds. Well, it's been about 1 hour and we only have about a stack on three diamonds. so unless I want to spend the next week and a half of my life mining diamonds, we should probably take the L and use a different type of block, but hey, on the plus side, at least we have some extra diamonds in our inventory history , why not?
i built the worlds biggest rainbow in minecraft hardcore 97
Don't we use perfect light blue concrete? I could have saved myself a lot of time by just checking that chest, but okay, you guys know the drill, let's make ourselves a light blue


stripe, no sheep get out of the way, this is important and after that, I grabbed some generic blocks of dark blue color and I also threw them into the


. Okay, now we are left with our last two colors, purple and pink. Now, obviously, we'll use many of the same blocks that we've used so far. wool terracotta concrete, but there is one particular block in the background that would fit perfectly.
Crimson wood of the lower trees. What are you doing brother? I don't know what I found, but I don't like it, but I'm getting back on track. If we fly here to the place where we got all of our nether warts, we can take this whole strip of wood and get this beautiful purple block. Stop, let me record my video and get back to work, let's see if my friend is still here, Mr. Noisy. oh I think it's gone, but okay, for the purple we're going to do the concrete, we're going to do the wool and now our crimson stems, I should probably have a fourth purple block, why don't we do some like magenta terracotta or something like that, so hopefully last time we'll make a stop in the Mesa biome.
Wait, magenta terracotta isn't generated naturally? I guess I thought so but I was wrong as I tend to keep most things in my life perfect and not wasting anyone's time, you know what comes next, pink wool, pink concrete and pink terracotta , but just like our purple layer, we are going to have a special block that will make all of this come together and look amazing pink cherry wood, which I know exactly where I can get a bunch if we follow Cherrywood Road into the abyss, it will take us to two sheep I don't know why they are here, we have to wait, where are we?
Oh, we're fine there. I was very confused, we have a cherry blossom biome, yes, highlighted by our Cherry Man Mansion, which by the way I miss a lot, this thing is the coolest build ever, but enough about enjoying my building. Gloria, let's get some Cherrywood and be done with it. This rainbow ladies and gentlemen boys and girls, it's officially time for us to complete the last layer of our rainbow, epic music with no cheats, no hacks, no respawn and no, I'll be building crazy things, that's what I show. I can't believe I can. I'm finally saying it, but I own the world's


rainbow in the history of Minecraft and the best part is that it didn't even have to rain, but that'll be it for me, so make sure to subscribe, do all the good stuff, and I will talk to you.
Guys, next time, until then, bye.

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