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I Built The Ultimate Luxury Camper Van For Less Than $10k | Full Build Start to Finish

May 31, 2024
When I


ed van camping it was all about saving as much money as possible, whether you traveled frequently and wanted to stop spending a lot of money on hotels or you wanted to live a frugal lifestyle it seemed like it was all about spending as much money as possible.


possible. and enjoy the world around you, but lately things have been different, everything and not just new Vans, due to the growing popularity of the Van Life movement, it has become almost impossible to find something that is affordable, so all this makes me think if it is possible.
i built the ultimate luxury camper van for less than 10k full build start to finish
To make a truck as nice as these hundred thousand dollar Vans for


than ten thousand dollars in 2023, we're about to find out, thanks to me, a


truck should be a truck you can stand up and walk in, so I bought a 2004 Sprinter that is tall enough for me to stand on today. I'm


ing what I consider a



van for under ten grand including the price of the van, let's get to work foreign foreign foreign the subfloor is ready I head straight to the roof to make some holes. I'm putting a roof vent in and no luxury van is complete without a skylight.
i built the ultimate luxury camper van for less than 10k full build start to finish

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i built the ultimate luxury camper van for less than 10k full build start to finish...

Oh, the luxury van has to have a window, but I'm not paying 200 for this one. way out of budget so we got this one right here from an rv junkyard for 20 bucks we got a ton of snow and now it


ed pouring rain but i don't see any leaks on any of the things i just put in , so I guess I did it right, man, that's coming from abroad. I have the truck framed and ready for wiring, so I'll go back to the roof to attach some solar panels. The wiring looks good and I need some lights here. so I'm going to put the roof on first before I make my electrical box.
i built the ultimate luxury camper van for less than 10k full build start to finish
My sister had some extra walnut slabs and I'm going to use them to make a cool little design on the ceiling. Thank you, thank you, so I want to. Next I will


the electrical box, but I need to know exactly how big I can make the cabinet. Actually, I'm going to build the bed first and then come back to the electrical box. Okay, I'm building a Murphy bed. Bed accessories are very expensive when you look at a Murphy bed, what is it? It's actually just a mattress that's leaning against the wall, so what I'm going to do is use about 15 heavy duty boat swivel seats, now that the bed isn't made, but since it's already available now I can remove this from the way and put together this battery box so we can finally have electricity here thank you, thank you, thank you, okay, let's see if these lights are on, are they dimmable?
i built the ultimate luxury camper van for less than 10k full build start to finish
No, there it goes, it's getting dark. Now I live in the north and it's very cold here so we need a heater. We definitely can't afford the brand name version of this, so I'm going to use this Chinese knockoff that I bought for $140. Alien, that's awesome, front, back, left and right side, four cameras around the van and I also attached the cameras to the front seat so while I'm driving I can see the sides of the van if I change lanes or behind me . I'm going to build the kitchen next foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign well, this is my counter.
I know it doesn't look that fancy yet, what I'm going to do is cover the top of this with this laminated sheet, then I'm going to wrap the edge with this piece of walnut, this will give it the appearance of being super expensive and hide the fact that it's actually just a piece of plywood, thank you. Now the kitchen is


ed but there is no running water coming to the tap. I only did the drain part of the plumbing, so I'm going to go do the plumbing on the van so we can get some running water outside.
It would not be a problem. good job without a good leak so let's see if it really works now ladies and gentlemen we have running water now that the water is running I'm going to build a shower because I have the space and the showers are luxurious thank you foreigner here everything The need for a van It's extremely expensive and a retractable shower door is one of those things, so I'm going to make my own and I'm not going to use any hardware for this, I'm just going to use the same wood that I already have and some scraps of foreign marine fabric , thank you foreigner, do you know how many vans don't have a place to do your business?
I mean, seriously, that's probably most of them. I mean, I've


a lot of vans that don't have anywhere to go number one or number two, but this is a luxury van and I don't think it's very luxurious to have to go to a Walmart or a truck stop every time. you need to go Composting toilets are one of the most expensive things you might want to buy for a van, so like everything else, I think I'll be able to make one out of wood. I actually have one of these, but when you open it up, you'll notice that on the inside.
It's literally just a glorified bucket and pea jar and then on top there are two compartments to separate the liquids from the extraneous solids. I have to do that again here I go, thank you, thank you foreigners, there you go. I made the toilet basically the same. Exactly the same as the thousand dollar one, we have a more comfortable toilet seat because the other one is not a real toilet seat. We have a urine diverter. The solids go in that direction and the liquids go in that direction and that prevents the smell down here. fan that vents through the floor to eliminate any lingering odors, which is exactly what they have in the other one, so voila, this is a thousand dollar toilet.
I guess right now we have everything we really need here to survive, but I have this. There's room left here and this is a luxury van, so I'm going to turn it into an entertainment system. I actually found this TV on the side of the road on garbage day. I'm surprised that it works perfectly. It fits perfectly with a foreign look. Pretty. I need to use the Walnut Scraps I had left to make doors for the rest of the cabinets. I want to do this section thanks foreigner, so I'm going to go back behind the bed to get to that wall there because I forgot to


it before, but no.
I don't have Walnut anymore, so what I'm going to do is use some quarter inch plywood, cut it into slats and make some kind of little design back there and just paint over it and it will probably still show. Well, okay, I have some extra space in the front of the van, right at the entrance, and I thought I'd put a place for a coat rack, a trash can, and a place to store shoes, and you know why, because this is a luxury truck. and I feel like those are three very forgettable things that I usually don't even use in most builds, but I have some extra space, so let's do it.
Thanks, all we have left is the floor and some strange fabrics. They are expensive so I'm going to make my own, but the foam is also very expensive and I'm about to go over budget, but my sister recently said that she wanted to buy a new couch. Hey what's up? Sister, Hello, brother. Hey, I have a question. For you I want to give you a little interview okay, so is it true that you said you didn't like your sofa? I hate my couch, what do you hate about it? It's so awkward, oh okay, okay, well how would you feel?
If I bought you a new couch for your birthday, really, yes, really, you know how much I hate my cows, yes I do, so you wouldn't mind if I just took this, right? Yes, we will deal with this later. I need this. to sit down I'll be back next week with this okay thanks thanks so is it possible to build a reasonably priced luxury van in 2023? I think the answer is yes, although I am a YouTuber and I have some of the things I needed for free. I did this to prove a point: you just have to be creative and willing to compromise, and the more people leave these two hundred thousand dollar Vans alone, the more likely these companies will build with cheaper products. materials, more affordable appliances, and


ly lower your prices because if a van costs more than your house, even if it's your


-time home, I think it's time for us to take a step back and consider what you're willing to pay. compromise so this truck isn't actually completely finished, don't worry, I'll address that before I do the detailed walkthrough video for this truck.
I'm working on getting the build plans for some of the things I


on this truck on my website. and you can pay for them if you want and you can pay whatever you want, so it could be zero dollars. Also, more and more people keep asking me that they want me to teach them how to build like this, so I was actually trying to use this. truck to put together a course, but unfortunately I didn't end up finishing it. My dad passed away while I was halfway through building this truck, so as you can imagine, he ended up stopping everything in my life for a while.
Then I ended up going back and finishing the truck and I didn't really record for the course, but I still plan on finishing it eventually, so let me know if you'd be interested in me starting it, uh, I don't know. I like a Patreon page and upload the images I have from the course there from time to time. As I make more content I will post it there until I have the


course and then I will post it on educational platforms like udemy or skillsshare, if you guys thought I did a good job on this build or this video or whatever I would appreciate it if you Hit the like button and scroll down and leave me a comment.
I like reading the comments and it really helps that the channel makes this video seen by more people for now. I'll make sure the truck is completely finished and then I'll post a full in-depth walkthrough video of everything, so if you're interested in that, be sure to subscribe if you haven't already and if you enjoyed this build video, you probably will too. you'll like this one here and if the tour video for this truck is already available, that one will also be available here. when it's finished, thank you all so much for watching and we'll see you next time, stay safe abroad.

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