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I Built a Secret Room in the MALL! Ft/ Ben Azelart

May 08, 2024
okay the bowling alley is here they're here I'll be here let's see what's going on wow this is huge okay no they're not here they're not here they're not here come on down the stairs come on come on open your eyes baby we'll find them , we'll find them Yo Ben, I've got the pizza, come on, hey, check it, check it, open it, open it, open it, open it, open it. yes Mr. Pepperoni and they didn't catch you uh-uh they didn't catch me listen we are very close to winning this challenge there are 10 minutes left your parents won't find us we are locked up we have it let's go, let's go they have to be here somewhere, this place is Huge, I know, but we gotta find 'em, baby, time's taking, we gotta find 'em, oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, look, look, there's a kitchen right there, I know, but no There's a way they're going to allow them to go to the kitchen, which is a perfect place to build a



, do you think?
i built a secret room in the mall ft ben azelart
So I'm going, okay, I'm going to wait too, have a slice, have a slice, brother, 10 minutes and we'll win this, no. more tasks for exactly one week, greetings, no more tasks hello, we are looking for two children, have you seen two children here? No, it would be a huge safety issue, so there aren't two kids here, it's not like I've seen her, okay? Sorry about that, okay, thanks, thanks, have a good night, bye, you haven't seen them, huh, I guess we'll have to find them ourselves, bro, it tastes like victory, doesn't it? We are definitely winning. we won't fight us in 10 minutes oh come on we have to hurry we have to find them somewhere are you sure they are up there yeah they have to be here somewhere trust me wait what is it This is the ball


, is this so big?
i built a secret room in the mall ft ben azelart

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i built a secret room in the mall ft ben azelart...

The place is huge, we'll find them somewhere.okay baby look quick under the tables under their tables table under the table they are here they are here no no no keep looking keep looking keep looking nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing here here here here to run you're here nothing good time is Tick it, we have to continue, we have to continue, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, we don't have much time left, okay, let's keep going, we have to find them soon, honey, come on, we have this , Oh my God. I can't let them get away from this.
i built a secret room in the mall ft ben azelart
What a day? Come on, how do you block? uh, trying, let's go up, let's go up, let's go up, we have to hurry, hurry, hurry, let's find them soon, okay? I have to find them soon Yes, we will, we will. I'm very nervous. Okay, I'm going to have a drink. I'm also a little thirsty. That? Hey, look at this. Wow, what's inside? Wait, wait, wait, wait. on hold, on hold, on hold, bang bang I think we found them okay this has to be the


room okay I'm coming in you go first I'm you go first I'm following you oh my god, what's going on?
i built a secret room in the mall ft ben azelart
They're here? Hey, Ben, look at all these stairs, wait. I see lights, baby. I see lights. Are you sure, baby, baby, baby, come on up? I don't want to do what we do. we do it brother there's nothing we can do now just hide they found us they found us no not just hide you just hide you hey we're going up we're going up bab we're going up we're going up you concentrate on there I've got it it's you yeah yeah go on Ben Bon we know that you're here, look at this, what a B oh my god, look at this, hey, come on, we gotta hurry, come on, baby, come on, baby, you gotta hurry.
I should have taken the shoes, are you serious? B, come up, are you serious? How did they build this? I can't lie to you, but this is very creative. However, you lost the challenge and had to do housework for a whole week and Ben has to do it. With you too, don't stay, royalty, we leave in peace, Roy.

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