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I Built an Insanely Powerful Slingshot

May 18, 2024
The number of layers you need depends on the weight of the ammo you are using. The heavier ammo requires more bands which are much harder to pull but also generate more power, so to know the dimensions of the bands you need for all the bosses, I'm going to test. I'm using an equation that York created basically based on the weight of the ammo you use and the length of the draw. He gives you the dimension and number of bands you need and to find my draw length, I measured the draw length. with a normal


I have no idea if this is the right way to do it and I added the extra length of the frame with that I got a total of 198 CM which is a lot but I'm using a smaller one to be conservative.
i built an insanely powerful slingshot
Maximum performance belts should also be tapered. Basically, they should be larger towards the fork and smaller towards the bag. This allows the ammunition to accelerate faster and therefore increase speed and power. After that, I can place the bands in the bag and process. It's pretty straight forward, a little spit for the most part. The friction keeps everything from being ruined and in fact you can just break it off and this is what they look like at this point. I can attach the risers to the sling and just like that The build is finally complete, it's done, so now all that's left is the fun and potentially small step.
i built an insanely powerful slingshot

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i built an insanely powerful slingshot...

Okay, so let's try it now before I risk my life with huge balls. I want to know if my custom


works and also if it is actually more


than the ones I tested in my previous video, so I will gradually increase the ammo dimension and number of bands and measure the energy penetration and damage of each one of them. I think Like a monster, I know you're probably thinking that maybe it's too much for this little ammo. I'm actually worried that it won't be enough, but I guess there's only one way to find out and it turns out this works quite a bit. well 125 yes its fast five shot the best I got was 130m per second or 426 feet per second and when you consider that a 9mm bullet travels at around 1200 feet per second thats a lot with the bar 8 mm sealing.
i built an insanely powerful slingshot
The custom slingshot generates 1.6 times more energy than the best-selling one. This is the weakest setup I'm going to try and it already broke the catch box behind the wood panel. I also tried a different brand of rubber, but got very similar results. Now it's time for the second test with the 8mm ball penetration and on my first shot the ball went to the side of the jelly block and I actually thought it was a fluke, not because it was too deep, oh de no way, jeez, but then when he tried it again, the second shot was perfect in the middle and was deeper than the first if we compare the penetration of my old slingshots with this one, this is crazy, the old slingshots are not lethal either with an 8 mm ball, but given this penetration.
i built an insanely powerful slingshot
Do you think it's going to be a number three 8mm ball test lethal damage? So I stretched the risers as much as I could and didn't shoot at all. At first I thought that the ball actually broke the skull, but then I saw that it stopped the The ball went into the jelly but stopped on the skull, let's keep it there too, what's wrong with your nose? I didn't realize that this slingshot is already more impressive than the ones I tried in my old video anyway and this one is literally the weakest. possible setup I have for this one, so I'm really curious to see what's going to happen with the larger balls, but in the meantime, these are all the results I got with the smaller one.
Next, I will shoot 10mm steel balls and shoot. For them, I'm going to use a double layer setup, basically two bands per side, and I expected the 10mm BS to be significantly slower compared to the previous ones, but the speed actually didn't drop much 11 19.1, that It is very out of place. Five shots, the best I got was 124.401 on a larger boss for less penetrating power, but it almost went through it with a 10mm steel ball. I got 13.9 CM penetration before testing the ballistic dummy. I also want to shoot some different targets (this is not part of the official test and I was able to avoid it completely, but I won, so I shot a watermelon, then a coconut, which is pretty hard, but it still went straight through, and then to a sakan and at this point I'm thinking this could already be lethal, okay, no, wait, what is that?
That was anticlimactic. I'm not exactly sure if it bounced off the bone or just went straight there either way. I'm going to try it again aiming for the forehead. Oh, no way, it was one more time. perfectly inside the eye on the other one come on, I'm going to try hitting it again but once again it didn't break so I think the heads were just bouncing off the bones anyway these are all the results I got for the 10 steel balls mm and now it's scary 20mm lead bosses like these are the bands I just used and these are the bands I'm going to use now three huge flat bands per side and for this one I also had to build a bigger bag I'm scared for first time since I started trying this.
Now I'm scared, as a disclaimer. I don't think this is wise. I don't think it's safe and I don't think it's going to be fun. use a monster like that but I just want to give it a try, this is what it looks like with the flat risers attached and with that I am ready to try it and as expected these risers are much harder to pull in comparison. to the previous ones, but even though this setup highlights my technique and the lead ball actively tried to kill me, it was actually working pretty well, what was that 57.9 and that's 79.3 Jews of energy, which is a lot Did you still want to keep trying? for two reasons, first because I know I can beat my previous speed, I just need to develop a slightly decent technique and gain confidence, and second, because I love the distraction this can create and I can't wait to do it. try it   against the targets but then I made a mistake  someone said if you run when you can't walk   I broke the fork that's bad, this has been a very unfortunate turn of events.
I had an allergic reaction, it's pouring and it was It's not even supposed to rain, my slingshot broke on the other side, although I'm still alive and most importantly, although the polycarbonate is very strong, it doesn't even have a scratch on it, so I found a temporary solution so I can keep using it, you know, it is what it is, he just lived long enough to become the villain, so I'm going to wait until the sun comes up and then I'll finish the test, how are you doing guys? Today is tomorrow and the sun is now?
I know why that happened by watching the slow motion of the incident. I realized I pushed my hand down right before I let go of the bag and well, I just have to try to avoid doing that again. I also


a much deeper armrest since the helmet sticking out made it a little difficult to stretch the BS comfortably, so let's see what happens. I'm going to try to stretch it as much as I can, so if you hear strange noises, that's why I wanted to measure the energy one more time and after shooting the target several times I surpassed the previous result 59.6 59.6 yes, that's better , that's 84.1 joules, that's good depending on which side you play.
I think you could get more than that with better technique and more practice, but take it, let's do the penetration test for this test and also for the next ones. I'm going to use the black bands, the yellow ones keep breaking and this test will also be longer lasting. I also remove the wood and acrylic from the back. of the fork and installed the new supports, do you think it will fit more or less than the small ones? Well, none of that happened, my God, did you see that, jeez, this was the best investment you ever made?
It basically bounced off the surface of the gelatin and came flying towards me, that would have hurt anyway before I shot the ballistic dummy, I tested the damage against air and I have no idea where it went, but with the second shot I got it, so it's time for the final damage test and I really have no idea what to expect, but I guess we'll find out. Oh yeah, let me show you. He went through the nose, oh my God, and broke the bomb underneath. Do you see it ready? Then I shot again trying to aim a little. higher and once again the ammo penetrated and broke the bone around the eye so I want to try to shoot another one in the forehead and see what happens and well this time I hit him in the forehead so I guess this is very dangerous . my honest reaction while that thing was filling nothing i didn't do anything now that the liquid is gone it's pretty clear to see what happened the ammo went through the forehead and actually almost came out the back of the head these are all the results for the 20 mm lead ball and thus answer the question of how dangerous a slingshot is.
I guess it depends on the slingshot. I'm going to fix this slingshot and paint it and post the final version on Instagram. Follow me there if you want. I want to see it along with updates on the next videos that I will continue to make.

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