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I Built an Impossible FAKE Shortcut to Troll my Friends!

Jun 16, 2024
today on zap kist i


a map that definitely has no


s anywhere, that's what i called the map and that's how it works this hint actually came from comets and you can see it's a pretty normal map, we start from the beginning and we worked our way to the end, going up and down some hills in some corners and dodging some rocks, but of course this is a pretty diabolical map as there is a


straight from the comments. I had a comment suggesting we put a huge, obvious


shortcut under the map and leave photo mode on but of course there's no way to get to this shortcut, although they'll think there is, so you'll notice that if we actually look at this map, there's a starting section and right here we have a big section of rocks and the idea is to make people think that some of these rocks are


because if you go into photo mode, you can look across the terrain and you'll notice that, wait a minute there is a tunnel here so there must be a way to get into this tunnel and it must not use clip rocks so that's the idea and then of course by continuing in photo mode you can see clearly that this tunnel is, in fact, a shortcut through the entire map and just to get more things done. difficult just in case because I was worried that maybe someone could find a way into a tunnel, even though it shouldn't be possible.
i built an impossible fake shortcut to troll my friends
I put an invisible block here because we're not trying to have shortcuts, we're just trying to see if I can confuse my


and confuse the public lobby and of course I have these three invisible walls here so you can't just skip this initial section . I'm trying to get the Juke people to think there are shortcuts where there are shortcuts. There isn't one and then of course making them think there's a really obvious shortcut and they're going to waste a ton of time trying to crash into these rocks to find it, so let me know what you think in the comments below. and let's jump right into a public lobby and see if I can confuse my


, there we go perfect, it worked, it's a hint, yeah, hint, yeah, yeah, so there's definitely a shortcut somewhere, there's definitely a shortcut somewhere place, there is no shortcut, just go straight, go straight.
i built an impossible fake shortcut to troll my friends

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i built an impossible fake shortcut to troll my friends...

At first, with your arms up, go straight through the rocks and you'll make it. Definitely, definitely, no shortcuts anywhere, yeah, but it's the opposite day, so possibly yeah, shortcuts somewhere, okay, whatever you say, bro, I believe you, but you know the name of the song definitely No. shortcut anywhere, so yeah, but as you know, you know, I'm just saying, like last time, what could you be a shortcut? maybe you know what maybe maybe maybe by chance why what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing Look, dapp, what happened, okay, you guys listen to the way he's talking now, it means there's something, yeah, he's worried , he's worried, actually it's like they knew he was worried.
i built an impossible fake shortcut to troll my friends
Found something, oh, I already got the fastest time, that's cool, I have a checkpoint. I definitely will. I'm going to lose it real quick, but at least I got the fastest time. What do you mean? What is it? What is it? Oh yeah, I lost it, I already told you, uhoh, well, you already lost it, oh yeah, what did you find? Did you find something? Dapper, right? I'm very worried, you hear that. I just wonder. I'm just curious. My friends ask. You already know. Lovely. Yes, asking for a friend. Asking for a friend. Did you find something?
i built an impossible fake shortcut to troll my friends
Yeah, oh my gosh, I tried putting cheese on it and I turned into a. pretty wall, what do you mean what did you try to do at first like Jump The Gap but on the star, oh yeah, well that was kind of like I


the track and then I thought it was a cool track and Then I thought, oh , you could just skip it and then you know, so you gotta make sure there's no shortcut because the track name is definitely not a shortcut, that's very true, so there's definitely a shortcut somewhere, you gotta make sure there's There are no shortcuts, you have to hit every wall in there, yeah, mhm, mhm, or if that's what he wants us to do, you know well, imagine if he made teleporters, that would be


, oh, that would be terrible, that would be horrible, an invisible teleporter. somewhere oh pH mode is on yeah unlike you Dapper I'm not worried about photo mode it's okay because there are no shortcuts because there are definitely no shortcuts anyway check it out H yeah I don't I know, man, something like that.
Sus, what about the tunnel under the track? He was about to say what are you talking about. I don't know, man, what's up with this tunnel? What are you talking about? What about what's going on underneath this place? Don't know. I know, I don't know what, what, I don't know what you're talking about, no, I don't watch any shorts, you know what I think, I think there's a drop-down menu somewhere in the H section of Rock, you know it's That's what I think, what do you mean? I mean, I mean, I think there's a drop down menu like in the on the Rocks like what at first, yeah, yeah, you think you drop it, you drop it on those rocks, I think you have to go. a certain speed off the edge and you'll like to land on the drop or something interesting but there's a big box where you can land so unless he likes it he did that but he blocked it he wanted people to find it and he wanted that people did it.
I waste time trying to enter the tunnel, but in reality the tunnel exists but there is no entrance. Why else leave photo mode on when there's clearly a big tunnel to find? I see, so I am. I'm actually starting to think. There are definitely no shortcuts anywhere D, that would imply I have an IQ of 600, you know what I mean, yeah, but the fact that you know everything you're saying has no merit at this point because you just keep playing. Your mind game is true, yes, no, of course, yes, I know. I arrived this week with a hug.
You can be as self-deprecating as you want, but at the end of the day, but Cosmo, what if he wanted us to think he was alone? bait What happens if we keep going down more like Rabbit Hole? Now I know that they know that they know that they know that there are no shortcuts. What if that's like a ruse and there's a completely different shortcut? I just haven't even revealed it yet because there's still 6 minutes left H, sure, yeah, but then I'll find it with photo mode, so how do you feel about that? What if I hit it so well that you have invisible blocks in photo mode? doesn't care about invisible blocks, right, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, very its very its indeed unique s are you exploring photo mode now?
The only thing is that your is that you I have to figure out what's going on here okay, interesting interesting, I feel like my IQ was a little bit higher than all of yours combined, so I should be able to find it combined. someone asks in the chat what bait. Interesting no, no one said above that it is a bait and then they ask what bait. bait oh oh I see I guess they probably found the tunnel too is what you think yeah someone said so it's a bait check photo mode it's what bait mhm interesting problem is that macki is still extremely fast, yes, nothing has changed there, that's for sure not. no, Maggie is still very fast, oh, that's a horrible line, no, no, stay low in that gravity.
Pool Boys, you know what I'm saying, yeah, I'm like I'm trying to do that, but I'm like I'm so slow. Still, my best time was my first race with a 468. Everything since then has been terrible. Maki has silk fingers. How is it, probably good. Maki will probably never get any airtime. She'll probably never burn tires. Oh yeah, that's how you handle that stick. Stick Meister interesting, well, so you guys already found out, yes, the way to the tunnel, yes, mhm, yes, you found it, yes, it's through the tunnel, okay, yes, I'm glad, I'm glad you found it have found because, as you know, it really was.
I'm worried that yeah, yeah, you know what happens if I don't care about photo mode because, as you know, it's like an invisible object or one of those clipping through objects that even in photo mode looks the same as any another object? Invisible tunnel, yes, yes, yes. Now he knows that people stopped trying to find shortcuts and he's trying to give us clues that aren't really clues. Look, he says he goes to the rock field and tries every damn rock you like now that he said so. Of course, I'm going to have to try every single damn rock, you know, but as a freck man, uh, yeah, there's like there's a group of people that just go and crash into the rocks, that's what I'm like. doing, yeah, that's why no, that's what I do. you do it right, you just pick a rock and send it, that's cool, that's cool, wait, I have a way to check it, because if there is a hole, then wait a second, then there has to be several pieces of grass, interesting, interesting, there are multiple pieces of grass which would imply that one of these pieces of grass could be intangible intable interesting interesting I like that all the people are crashing into rocks now, but I still stand by the fact that there are definitely no shortcuts anywhere, but you know we have 2 minutes left, so look I see I see, I think it's not the rocks that are intangible, I think it's one of the grass pieces like a chessboard of grass blocks, oh interesting, like that that you have to land on the grass between the rocks exactly, oh someone in the chat asked if it's a fake shortcut and then someone said ooh interesting H, it's kind of like that Battleship game where you just try to hit like a coordinate that's just a rock coordinate, imagine I just make a board of coordinates and then only one of them gets clipped and you have to go through the whole map like launching into a different one, you make a big equation of poles and whatever and you have to solve it.
I did it once, but it was too easy. I guess I have to do a more difficult math equation. Bad math, don't you have to do math to like doing this game with all the physics and stuff? I guess you just let Unity do the calculations. Yeah, I just hit the Create Game button and then Unity says, well, what? Do you want it treated? I say it and they say Fox Racing and it's like there's no problem. Here is a game. I can do that and then like the rest of the months I say I'm working on the update.
I'm like hanging out, yeah, just chilling, hanging out watching Star Trek, you know, the K vibe is about to take the shortcut, right? This is the only minute I have left. I have to take that shortcut, right? I will follow him. KH that's what I'm going to do better follow me like I think it's just bait they follow me like oh look oh he's got oh yeah there he's going to see he knows exactly where to go yeah he's a little off right right, yeah, yeah, it's a little bit to the right of the center and then it goes to the right and then he does the I found a place, but I can't get in, yeah, yeah, sure, yeah, what if the entrance is? not under the grass, but it's higher up the road no one, it's true, true, yes, yes, mhm, mhm, mhm, yes, yes, yes, I'm about to have cheese time, oh, do I did you do?, yeah, okay, cool, mhm, I'm really glad I got it. thanks, someone is doing it.
I don't see a good tunnel, liar, this is so sick, yeah, the tunnel is cool, right, wow, yeah, yeah, this is fire, yeah, it's a good tunnel. I can't even get close to these 44 people, they're so fast, sick tunnel, I got a 46, I'm in sixth place, uh, I got there, there, guys, there was definitely no shortcut, there definitely was. They baited me, they baited me, it's not the kind of bait I would have liked to have, but it's okay, yeah, you know you just had to drive down the track, there was no cut, it was, look, people in the chat are still arguing about the fact that there is a cut, look, there wasn't, there was no cut, there was no cut, find out how someone in the comments too much someone in the comments suggests just building a giant fake tunnel shortcut and letting people think there is a shortcut and of course there was no shortcut, but you know Cosmo figured it out in like 10 seconds, too clever.
Oh my gosh the problem is I've known Cosmo for way too long so he just knows yeah he's like a brother but anyway yeah let us know what you think in the comments below check out the tracks from other guys that I will put. links in the description and uh, like, subscribe, see you all next time, bye, yeah, bye, do a barrel roll, okay, I'm doing it, do a barrel roll.

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