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I Built an Entire Clock Mechanism to Prove this is Possible

Jul 04, 2024
Hi, can humans work like gears? So I'm not actually going to make myself a gear, but rather a dove-looking gear, and when I say dove-looking gear I mean the teeth will look like doves. The pigeon is my soul animal, so it seems. meshing unlike the involutional gears that are Perfection, my pigeon gears wouldn't just magically mesh together, so we actually need to deduce. I don't know if I'm using


word correctly, but we need to figure out what would be the magical way we MH our pigeon gears, so if we connect two templates in a 3:1 reduction and extract the negative space left by the pigeons, theoretically we should get the perfect mesh gear for our pigeon gear so unfortunately it wasn't as accurate to draw it by hand so let's do that again on the computer and as you can see it's a lot easier and more accurate and I can get the negative space that they leave the pigeons.
i built an entire clock mechanism to prove this is possible
I'm just rechecking that the poter gear actually meshes correctly with the pigeon gear and it looks pretty good, so let's print it out and make some templates with it. Sorry, my cats ate my homework. You might be wondering why I'm only cutting one or two pigeons in


case and not the


team. The thing is, this is just a template to guide my cograph machine. With this template I can cut very precisely. Okay, it depends on the skill of the user, which is me in that case, but we can cut endless pigeons. looking at the teeth so that the template is placed on the panoramic graphic, now we can prepare the cylinder head and we should cut the gear in no time.
i built an entire clock mechanism to prove this is possible

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i built an entire clock mechanism to prove this is possible...

St. I broke it, I broke it, at the last second I tried to clean the spokes with it with the pantograph, I don't know why I went ahead and made a new one, it's a little thinner, so now we can do parenting, now we can make the companion, uh, Gear 1 2 3 4, so we have the two gears and they look great, you may have noticed that I have drilled holes that will accept this Arbor onama template, what do we need to do now ? Oh yeah, I made a depth tool pretty quick, it's not courtship, it's not the best, uh, the most you know, snip snap is actually pretty smooth, yeah, very good proof of concept confirmed.
i built an entire clock mechanism to prove this is possible
I made a dep tool. I definitely have some intentions now. I would like to make a complete watch, but I'm not going to. that I'm going to do something, uh, close, I think, uh, but it's not going to tell time so well, uh, let's make a closing


, yeah, come on, now that we have the pigeon equipment and the partner equipment for its account. "You're kind of boring just spinning, so let's make it a little more interesting. Hey, wait mate, that's not so fast. First we have to assemble everything on a plate and then we give it some power with a weight and a barrel or some guy at this point." the weight will just fall to the floor, so let's add some escapement and a pendulum and we have a




that doesn't tell time, so yeah, BB is your uncle.
i built an entire clock mechanism to prove this is possible
Oh, and let's not forget the


hand that is obviously going. to be a leg, first I'm going to start making the escape mechanism. I already cut the escape wheel similar to pigeon gears, which may not have been the best idea, I'll get to that later, so let's move on. On the exhaust fork, yeah, I've been playing with this for quite a while and as you can see, it looks pretty good until I realized that I put everything backwards and I've already shaved it off quite a bit, eh, but now. it's not tight, but it makes more sense now, okay, it looks pretty good, I'll call it look, I'm not a watch maker, suei H, I think it's good, prepare a, how do you like those pencils? tman Airlines serves my hands are very dirty so you may have noticed that the pendulum can't swing because there is a column in the way and the pendulum is too long but I have a solution to be honest with you and I will be perfectly honest.
I knew it. It was going to be a problem, they usually have three legs, so the pendulum can swing between the legs anyway, but yeah, I have an idea that I thought would be cool, so yeah, let's try to do that, what do I do? with this? that was a fair, that was okay, okay, we can fold this here, oh my goodness, well, maybe I don't need the pendulum itself, actually, this could be easier, okay, I think we have it, yeah, me to check my green sock, right? Remember I made the exhaust fork backwards. I decided that although it worked, it didn't work very smoothly, so I decided to use a steeper, curvier exhaust fork, a different type, so that works a lot. better, yes, as you can see, this works more smoothly, without the weight, it doesn't give a very good idea of ​​how it's going to work, but it's a lot easier, so I didn't initially intend to wince at this. clock in quotes well, I didn't plan on making a full clock mechanism either, so here we are making a clock face.
I have no idea how I should do it and this is one of those things where I do something quickly and then I hate it. I do it and then I do it again and then I like it more, but yeah, I'm going to need to figure this out. I think we're done. He looks very good, he looks a little like a child, but hey, that's how it is. Not far from the truth. I don't like this at all. It seems that I do. I have decided to make the dial again with a much more forgiving piece of brass.
The round stock is a different material than metal and therefore the engraving should look a little better and more machinable it doesn't look too bad the nine is somehow very oh I know why the nine is so low no it's well it fits I guess it fits the abidine paloma I'm pretty sure I've used a six backwards and that's why it's so incredibly low. Yes, I'm an idiot. See if that's going to work. It's okay, it looks good. It's not about the dials, but about the clocks. So finally I'm going to make the clock hand which, as I said before, will be a leg and I'm going to try to blue it, which is traditional for hands.
I guess when it comes to watches I'm using stainless steel so I'm not sure. how well this is going to work, it's clear that it clearly didn't work as expected and as you can see it's not blue at all, so let's try this again with just mild steel. I don't know why I tried stainless steel to begin with but yeah let's give it a try, okay it turned out much better, it's quite difficult to video as it's very reflective, I don't know how the spring click does it but it's blue , it's blue, so a little bit of purple, okay, I think so.
I'm ready to go and honestly I haven't tried it yet so it's not very accurate but anyway yeah honey it's 44 seconds and it stopped why did you stop? Why did you stop? Oh yeah, wait, wait, get to the bottom of it, okay, thank you. Thank you so much for watching H I love you guys see you in the next I don't know what to do with my hands thank you uh in the next video I'll see you in the next video thanks for the patreons for uh doing for paying for this don't forget to sh. See you in the next episode.

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