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I Built a Prison Where Being Alive Is Optional - Prison Architect Island Bound - Ad

Jun 07, 2021
half below there will be showers hmm I guess the old canteen shower is fine so let's add our serving table, what the hell are we going to make two serving tables and then along this back wall nothing but benches and put some tables right here in front? okay great and now for the other half of the entertainment aka showers and let's put a basic kitchen in here everything is going according to plan now isn't it everyone hanging out here seriously. Now's your chance, just swim out of here. I can't believe this is finally happening. Are we about to witness a peaceful meal?
i built a prison where being alive is optional   prison architect island bound   ad
So here's something we haven't seen. Yes, the


ers' schedule, as you can see, there are hours to sleep in the cell, free time to shower. and it also depends on the level of security they have, we have quite a few minimum, medium and maximum security


ers, so let's go ahead and separate them so they don't all eat at the same time. First, let's start by making sleeping something you enjoy. do it all day no matter what and now, for minimal security, your meal time is 8:00 to 2:00 everyone else, that's their shower time and then that will reverse.
i built a prison where being alive is optional   prison architect island bound   ad

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i built a prison where being alive is optional prison architect island bound ad...

There we sleep during the day perfectly balanced for nine hours, even eat a meal over the course of seven hours and then shower non-stop for seven hours. a prison sentence. Wow, this is actually getting a lot more civilized than I thought. These people don't even have trays. They're in them just for show. Does it work well throughout the main activity center? But you already know everything. things consider this to be pretty civilized, okay, stellar, we have food, we have friends, we have whatever is going on here. I think we can consider this a done deal. I also forgot to mention it, but I have a helipad here.
i built a prison where being alive is optional   prison architect island bound   ad
I swear it's under all those corpses that deliciously We can land more than one helicopter at the same time, but in addition to bringing us vital supplies like bacon, having the helicopter also allows us to summon emergency services like some firefighters, some elite applications and some paramedics we could probably desperately use, so let's see what happens when I click on them, oh boy, here they come when they come out like Oh God,


do we start? So I think we can highlight them individually and send them here to see if they can do some good, they say hey we're here to help just hang out


the real fun happens oh look they're magically curing that guy now Gascon go get yourself something of food, well you guys are great, how about I send this vehicle without you?
i built a prison where being alive is optional   prison architect island bound   ad
You are now a permanent fixture. I also forgot to mention it, but this whole time the guards have been trying to get the bodies back to the ship, you know, so they can get them back to dry land. The problem is that when he leaves he doesn't take all the bodies with him. I think you missed a couple, so now I have a group of emergency paramedics and firefighters. My favorite thing is if you walk these guys around their hoses, stretch them out forever and not only that, but I can hold, uh, to shoot these things. manually oh hey can I shoot the power system?
Oh, oh, I can, that was a bad idea. Oh God, game. Sorry, I need an adult please to take care of me. This guy is like I don't know, I don't want to know. I just want to go home at the end of the day. Well, this is what we will do with these elite agents. I think we're supposed to call them when we need them, but I think I'll just place it in random places in our prison, so firefighter, you live here now, look at the arduous path you'll take to get there and there we go, a resident firefighter who You've covered your hose in the most logical way possible.
Well, let's put the rest of you on the same page with you. paramedics, better yet, as if this wasn't uncomfortable enough, now everyone has wires in their rooms, okay, I don't know about you, but I think it's time we let these 300 families come visit and I know where the place is exactly to place them. I don't know how else to describe what's going on in this place other than pure cacophony, they're building a building on top of fire hoses while a bunch of inmates just watch in silence, you know, when they're not showering, okay, ya It's done and although You know, I didn't realize it was going to destroy the wall between the two buildings, but hey, I'll take it well, we'll designate all of this as visiting and set up some nice visiting tables, all a little painfully close. each other, okay, super, time to bring some visitors, oh my god, here we go, the civilians have arrived, yeah, don't worry everyone, this is perfectly normal, just walk across the yard, past all this dangerous machinery and all these inmates running around. and now is the time to greet your loved ones.
Can you imagine


these civilians here? It's just a foot away. They are the inmates taking a shower. I honestly can't even say if the inmates will come visit them. I'm sure these guys are here, but. I think they're just hanging out at the tables, okay, no, I take it back, look, the inmates are talking to them. I like these three who are waiting to visit someone while looking at this guy bleeding and unconscious on the table, okay, the shower. The water will take care of that help. This is practically the prison of our dreams, right?
But I also feel that all of these inmates have suffered enough. I wonder if there is a way to help them stage an escape. What if here you just remove a couple of walls, give them an exit from here and also to make it even easier, let's use some of these steps. I like how the builders have to come build it like they know it's ready, they just don't care, okay? Now I'm going to fire all the guards and now we're going to take down the fences, okay guys, now's your chance, go, yeah, see, now we're talking about what a prison break, a complete fugitive, who else wants out? from here, eh, anyone? anyone, freedom right up there, oh I see you're too busy sleeping using this wounded man as a pillow, well the doors open if you change your mind after all, at this point it's just you, all these unsuspecting visitors, no guards present at all and everything. delicious food you could ever want look at this is what happens when no one is there to escort them they come in via the escape route and are now part of the general prison population I hope you had fun I know, I want to thank paradox Again for sponsoring this video, the



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