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I Built 3 Secret Rooms Impossible To Find!

May 11, 2024
bedroom these walls look a little empty we're going to do it with photos God that's brilliant friend we're never going to


him friend he could be in that building over there and that building is like twice as tall as us being on another roof looking at each other hello guys Nathan told me to give them this what is this the house they had this the whole time yeah it was in my pocket? Now they're giving us this guys, we're not friends anymore, you're lucky. I know what this is, friend. I'm going to kill them. We have to get in the car and hurry if this is what I believe.
i built 3 secret rooms impossible to find
Is it still there? It has to be, we have to do a proper photo shoot, yeah, take a photo, oh creeper, this is how I take miniatures, so this house, huh, buddy, this has to be it, this is the only house I know that it looks like this. So we have to hurry, we have to


him now, okay, simple rules, you have downstairs, I went up, okay, it's fair, he's not going to be like here having breakfast. I have to look at every detail of this house. Hello, I don't know. I'm getting something. It's in the aquarium.
i built 3 secret rooms impossible to find

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i built 3 secret rooms impossible to find...

Vibrations right now. There are many sea creatures in this place. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm going to autograph each of these and you. You can purchase them on our website Yes, I think you should wear one to your bed. Yeah I can do it that's like lying down yeah it's just said on your minecraft pillow okay I took it there's always a trap door under the rugs I don't hear anything the floor is solid oh man there are no switches of light, no way, look at this, look down the hallway, see? nothing, hello Nathan, where did we just go?
i built 3 secret rooms impossible to find
What the heck is the strangest closet for a different room I've ever seen? I found Gizzy's room, what is this? How do you find a place like that? so good I think they have some snacks oh my gosh of course James quick bro Lightning McQueen oh my gosh my eyes dude this house is creepy. I walked through a cabinet with clocks and entered a new dimension, open the refrigerator, oh friend, this is the biggest refrigerator. Have I ever seen him in my life oh Taco Tuesday, yeah, he was looking for a snack, but oh, it's, yeah, there's no snacks, but he was too scared to go there alone, so you know, I get it.
i built 3 secret rooms impossible to find
I have you. It's like a hospital in here it's just brilliant, well I found the snacks it says to push, oh, oh mate, no way, oh snap, there's a lot of refrigerators, you think we're going to have to go through each and every one doors, what the hell is definitely not here, buddy, the glizzies are? creepy Gabe Gabe I don't know what I did, I found a cow, the cow is trying to make her moves on me or something, do you think they have desserts here, desserts, these look so good, a real work of art, that's what is it a bedroom? all about right memories, memories with your friends, your family memories, too bad James and Gabe will never find this place or if they do, I'll be long gone because I booked a flight in about 5 hours, you'll ask the statue, oh. left us a clue thanks statue I don't know it's an ugly photo of Nathan although this is the direction we should go to wait yes, yes, wait, wait, okay, I have the photo, put it back, put it back and let's go .
Come on, you're hungry, bro, yeah, I could eat, I want some food, what you trying to order, oh, nuggies on the deck, bro, that's been there the whole time, yeah, come on, if you insist, bro, it's this Polynesian sauce, oh yeah, this is lunch and dinner, so eat up. fun fact when I was little I had a mini refrigerator in my room and it always had pizza rolls in it oh yeah this is the right ad oh man that house is a mansion this is the biggest house I have ever seen my life this is the address 100% let's look for Nathan I guess well I hope we find him because we don't have much time left oh we're on camera now oh my god buddy shut up oh it's unlocked oh maybe I should call You heard that first too right , yes, you heard that, yes, no one responded.
Okay, do you think we should split up, uh, we can, if you want. Okay, I'll go this way. Well I do not know. Meanwhile, James and Gabe. I think they might be getting closer. Remember that


from before? But I have a special


and under my bed is the secret entrance to an entire trampoline park. Okay, I'm getting a little bored. I think I want to jump on some trampolines. I'm excited to see this place, guys, here we are, this place is crazy, we have trampolines, we have dodgeball, two obstacle courses, we have slides, all these trampolines and here that's my bedroom.
It goes together pretty well, there's just a bunch of Black Walls back here, time to have some fun, although p p Park staff supervision is required for this attraction. You want to try it first, no, brother, you got it. Put me in fast mode, okay? That thing is kind of fast, yeah, you can. Don't understand me now, what are you going to do now? James and Gabe will never find me robes, are you ready bro? I don't know if we're supposed to be here. This looks like the master bedroom someone stayed in here. One point, oh my god, dude, look at this bathroom, oh my god, what the hell?
The only way James and Gabe can come to this place is through that entrance there. We have to keep an eye on him at all times and places. it's closed no one should come here they have two giant slides here that almost go straight down it's safe to always tie and secure long hair here goes nothing oh god I just saw two cars pull up I think they're random people I want to be safe and get back to the room just in case Nathan D, that's a good bull, oh god, I didn't think we were going to swing like that, maybe I should go slow, how the hell are you supposed to do it?
I'm done with the obstacle course, it's really not for me, I'm not athletically designed to accomplish this, okay, no, you got it, come on bro, I'm swinging, you just have to do it right, look what kind of snacks they made. Here we have to be very careful because we are right next to the front. I've given these newbies enough clues to get here. Oh, they have the fruit blocks. Come on, they knew we would come. The juice blocks. The fruit blocks, you can get. these at every Walmart it's time for basketball honey it's actually bouncy for a basketball this is like a basketball court with a trampoline before I go back to the room I have to do at least one trick shot oh but I'm not done with yet what the Perfect friend makes it look easy I'll make it look indescribable yeah I'm just going back to my room I don't think there's anyone here this is the right address it's a nice house it has to be where Nathan is hiding oh man he's here I'm going to crush his head there's a towel on the wall he had to be here I want to have a Nerf War I give you the big one the first one to get hit loses my gun my gun is broken oh your gun is broken oh you better run boy, I'm left Out of ammo, gotta reload, oh you got another Oney shit, oh you got another one, I'm a 360, out of range, why are you running, no, no, I'm out of ammo, hey bro, no, no, I have so bright. what's wrong with that ceiling fan, you call it a fan that's not going to push the air, oh dude, dude, dude, dude, what, oh my gosh, yeah we're in the right house, yeah he was here at the 100%, what does this mean?
It's just a bunch of screenshots from our videos, you're telling me this guy was laying here and looking at himself, everyone has trampolines, yeah everyone has a trampoline, so this is our next clue. trampolines trampolines trampolines trampolines is that a sports store yes, I know what I know, I know what a trampoline is, but what does it mean? The only thing I can think of is that it's in a trampoline place. Let's check it out. We'll start with the closest one. Come on. I just saw. Two cars stop. I think they are random people. I want to be safe and get back to the room in case we need to do something about this hole.
I think a kid threw up in here. I'm not even kidding, I guess. we need two shock weapons woo par that's good, that's good, ladies first, go ahead, that means no, come on, you said ladies first, buddy, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, I know I lost my turn, but I have, I have this. We have to find it, stop at the nearest place, the closest place where you want me. Hit it through the front door sure if you want, the crack in the door doesn't even work wait wait wait wait wait wait oh yeah, it's definitely been here. blocks fruit blocks get to your pace type Walmart right here he is here yeah but where is his distraction going to work because I'm definitely going to drink this I want some it's good oh yeah sorry we should be the only ones here if I should go Look, no, I shouldn't go, look, that would be silly, what I'm going to check up there, look under the slide, I'll be back for that, oh, that's deep, someone could definitely be in there, checking the phone wells eh, I thought about it.
I would be less bouncy. I want to take a look below. You see it? Isn't he in that telephone area? No. I feel like you would have screamed if I had jumped on him. He's not on the slide. I see nothing. At least we probably would. Look at him if he tried to leave, buddy, he's not here, maybe if you jump on that side, he'll be on that side. You think we're going to find it here. I mean the juice blocks were here and the last clue was a bunch of photos of the trampoline we're definitely on the right track are they are they are they are here Gabe is right there why is it closed no wonder where am I going to hide Ya I'm hiding I'm in my room we have to hide in your hideout friend, they weren't supposed to get here so fast.
I think he's in one of those tubes up there. He's not up there. Should he go to my hideout? Brother, they won't find me. He's still inside. that same corner you're doing just bounce it I thought it was harder than that they're going to check this place and they're going to go somewhere else I don't think they're going to find me brother I'm trying to listen to what they're saying Where are you? It would be too easy to be under all the diving boards, right? But you have to check it. This will ruin all my damn plans if they find me.
I have so many secret bases. ready after this I have to go out I have to go out you have to help me out you're just going to be playing and things like that we're running out of time this seems like why it's a wall I smelled it and it smells fresh it smells like walls that smell tell me that's not it fresh it smells like it was just cut they're going to find me brother they're going to find me you have to go I'm oh hey I found it that's how you get in oh Dude, what the hell, hurry up, it's smaller than you think, hurry up, have you ever dragged before in your life, brother, stop pushing, get out my way, get out of the hole, well I'm out of the hole and I'm in on the friend?
All I see is Bruce, stupid, oh wait, wait, dude, we gotta go out, we gotta go check it out, okay, hey, Ethan, how's it going? It's been a long day for you, huh, not so bad. These idiots found my room, but they did it. You can't find me Are you just trying to move the bed? Do I gain anything for finding you? Do you win? No, they have to find me, not you. Oh, okay, yeah, hey, chicken boy, I'm here, chicken boy, what kind of insult is that? pretty boy, come get me, I'm here, I feel like this is like a scene from Home Alone, are you ready, look at this, you're going to go get it, take it, it's going to slide, oh no, buddy, I'm screwed, Gabe , I told you.
It would be on the slide jokes about You've got the fugitive You thought you could delete our channel Sending us on a wild goose chase It's been 3 days Did you give him a goo goo? You win, you win, we don't have to get rid of the channel we're saved gab they been running for too long yeah

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