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I Broke EVERY BONE in Among Us

Apr 10, 2024
Everyone, we are


doctors, guys, welcome to a strange mod. Wait, let me explain things to you first. If you've ever


n a


, hit the like button below the video. Second thing, look at this. I'm going to do it. have some ointment, so this is as you can read in the title, uh, breaking all your bones or something, how this works, first of all, I see on the top left that it's my skeletal makeup, uh, and not my anatomy like a mogu, but I can also transform, look at me, my job, we are all running to break all our bones.
i broke every bone in among us
Look, this is how many bones we've


n. Once I break a bone completely, I unlock a new skill at the bottom left and then the final one. The skill is crazy, you'll want to stay until the end of the watch, it's pretty crazy, oh let me untransform, here we go and also like I always say, hit the subscribe button, leave a comment saying uh, more mod ideas and let's do it. okay, look at this, the first thing I want to break is my legs and hey, oh, okay, my light, oh yeah, look, my leg is getting redder and redder, does this break my leg too?
i broke every bone in among us

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i broke every bone in among us...

I'm not swinging on a swing, I'm swinging. on a swing hello welcome sorry do you want to fix glasses by chance uh I don't but my left femur is red oh god hey can I ask you something why are we trying to hurt each other I don't know but you know what I'm going to have some fun okay have fun , uh, oh, a car, oh, can you, yeah, I'll get in that car in a minute, what is this skate park? Let me do this one right there, oh, what did that thing do that hurt my ribs, oh look? on my back oh someone has an ointment I need an ointment what is this ah wait interact hey look can you catch me if something bad happens can you catch me I'll catch you don't worry don't worry my legs are breaking oh no like I said as I go up as I I start breaking more bones first I'm trying to break my legs this mod is weird I don't think I told you okay let me go on this perfect I'm going to give you crutches also let's give them zod here's that danger and guys I mean crutches Hey look, I don't need them, neither do I, because how does this work, we're all running around trying to break all of our bones, whoever can break all of their bones first wins or


one has as crew members


one has to break all of their bones. bones uh together but I'm trying to stop them I hurt my face sir here I'm going to give it to you I'm going to fix it I'm going to give you a field doctor.
i broke every bone in among us
Does it sound like ping pong balls or what's going on? Yes, it worked. I finally healed Gary with a field doctor. He's, oh, he doesn't have broken bones. Okay, I'm going to keep breaking bones. I have to break my legs. there are other abilities that I have unlocked right now without broken bones, moves, no, it doesn't seem right, cool, let me, let me stretch and I'll take off my invisibility, I've transformed like this and I need to break my legs, oh yeah , and I also forgot to unlock the final ability. I also have to do all the bone breaking stations.
i broke every bone in among us
This is a weird mod, oh god I'm sorry, hey can you catch me? Zod, zod, catch me, catch me. I'm going to push. Try to catch me, you didn't catch me, son, what do you want me to do? I mean abs. Yes, you are the crutch of the joke. You know I'm going to jump on these crutches. That's not what the doctor prescribes. Yeah. I don't know what you were expecting, it's not a good idea, yeah, okay, now I have to break my legs, how else can I? Oh my legs are breaking, how can I break my legs faster?
Whats Next? Well, there's a motorcycle, the car, a trampoline, the helicopter. wait there's a guy running around what's that wait hey sir can you break my legs sir oh oh gary nice oh oh he hit me in the throat don't worry I got it I got it oh yeah what's up nerd are you going to hit? boy, oh, sorry sir, do you have any ointment? Oh God, to win this game, I'm not an instant winner, how I'm breaking my legs, are you looking at it? How would we interact right here? game, wait, if you interact here you will win instantly, how did you drop a cinder block on my face?
Look, okay, I'm going to turn invisible, how am I here now, I want a million dollars, you're not really. You're supposed to do that, you're not very good at this, okay, I need to break my legs. My legs are almost broken. I'm going to keep jumping out of this, son, you okay? Oh, my left leg is broken, is that right? How is your right leg? your right leg oh it's okay it's okay don't worry I just have a lot of broken bones there's a fire I can use the fire hydrant no way this works my life I broke my leg so bad because one time I completely broke a bone I unlock another ability wait, oh let's break my legs come on break my leg my legs are broken so my first skill unlocked im going to use this on zod bone glue you're going to catch me you promise okay i can't jump anymore I'm currently without legs for five minutes.
What's wrong with you? I'm going to give Nico milk. Ah, there you have it. Oh, I'm drinking milk. My boat is there now. Nico, for the next minute, can't break any of his. bones I'm holding them back let me give him crutches to sizzle okay let me check the list of bones uh who is it oh no hakio he's got a hundred and sixty I have to give him a minute of field he's down there okay how do we give him a field? Doctor, give him a minute in the field, feel better, that's who he is, he's healing me, here we go, I just healed him.
He was at 160, now he's at 60. I just have to keep slowing him down. All my cooldowns are out of time and very long. cooldowns so I have to go back and forth Hey guys, I need to break my next bone. What do I do next? Oh God, oh God, watch out, watch out, look, they're not very good at this, very good at this too. Both my legs are broken. ooh, what is this helicopter? Should I do helicopter after helicopter? I think it takes two people. I'm going to do the car. Yes, come on, let's take the car.
Am I out of cooldowns? Let's do that. Everything is still on cooldown. I just have to move on because this. It's a race oh here we go I'm fine oh hey you're a bone breaking asmr why does it sound like that there you go oh god it sounds like grilled cheese mixed with onion cracking what kind of grilled cheese do you make right? Don't make that kind of grilled cheese. I'm going to ride this. I'm going to grind it. Oh, what broke? What broke? What broke that? Oh look, I broke my face, look at my mouth, I broke my face.
Give me another ability I'll make sure no one's around okay transform I have a bone pickaxe now what's that oh let me go invis phone pickaxe oh I leave it right where I want you to hear the sounds listen to the sounds are you okay yeah? you look weird no, I'm going to give you oh, I can give milk to someone who has a lot who has a lot of broken bones sigils or sigils are sigils he's still breaking bones give him milk what's going on what's that what what are you supposed to be that It doesn't make any sense he has milk he can't break no bull okay I broke my face I broke my legs now I need to break my skull my ribs and my back like I said this is a weird mod okay okay let me put another pickaxe let me block someone, I'm going to block Biffle, you've got to be kidding me, go, uh, hello, Mr.
Bone Doctor, uh, I don't think I have an appointment with you today let me go to work on what else can I do, frankly, like this It's what you sound like, why, what's wrong with you? They have been laymen for nine years. What is happening for 300 seconds? So far you know what's right so I punched him oh hey you just threw that at me that's not how you're supposed to do it okay listen I'm a professional hockey player I can I can do this , here we go, here we go. come on here we go I'm warming up warming up I'm warming up I'm warming up I'm warming up my soccer ball that was a fastball dude that was my classic fastball you know what I'm so mad I'm going to ride off into the sunset there's something else broken oh my back is almost broken hello zod that's not how you ride a motorcycle as soon as that becomes normal I'm going to break his legs again okay let me do it let me let me give someone crutches crutches two sigils here we go I'm in viz let's make a skewer of bone look um no, he missed it, shit, okay, I'll leave it there and go see who's broken uh 170 in sigils oh, hit it's sigils I'm going to heal scissors with a doctor I would help you if I could I just healed you I'm going to give you milk myself oh oh okay they're both stuck there all my skills aren't cool let's keep breaking bones let me break uh oh the zip line what breaks the zip line I have to break something with a zip line uh come on I broke myself oh russell zoom in why is there a spleen bone hanging from my back oh god oh there's something else I have to do before I can unlock the final ability let me look at the map done what I punched him in the face I already did that I did that I did the car those two I have another helicopter, will my helicopter break? skull and my spine, let's go for a walk guys, hey, can you, don't hit him, please, this is him, he needs attention, you know what he said about you, what do you say, uh, you said your foot and I had to beat him up, oh me?
I'm going to beat him up, come here, yeah, don't call me man, oh ah, he just cracked my skull. I think you won. I now have a femur hanging at the top of my skull. How does that happen? Anatomy does not allow it. it happens yeah but you're a monster now I have the next skill oh someone's in the helicopter I'll do it a minute let me use these skills and then I'll do the helicopter and hopefully I can break my ribs then we can do that here we go crutches on piffle Spike on hugo uh oh wait I have to do whatever, evil man, no, that wasn't it, I didn't know you could throw this, okay, I apologize, you're not evil, you're a great doctor, one of the best doctors in the world, that's a liability he's stuck there until someone frees him oh I have a skeleton army too and then I unlock the final ability once my ribs are broken let's make a skeleton army with sigils there was a skeleton army Oh.
I can't, oh, okay, I can't save Gary anymore. I'm sorry. What is what? Why do I control it? to bring him here I'm going to bring him up there wait wait I have an idea if I bring him there once my spear is up I can lock him in his place forever here where no one can find him he will work calcium would you let me go get him grab him wait yeah i click on the skeleton osteoporosis why now i can't move he's stuck there forever you'll never beat me who's hot oh hockey oh hockey he's got a lot of bo bret pat he's got a lot of broken arches i gotta fix them pat come here it's okay i just gave him crutches pat and then I have to break my ribs heal pat stop doing that no I don't want to break my heel 85. yeah oh perfect I have to break my ribs now uh in invis there we go uh I'm free hi gary listen I heard you're a helicopter driver professional I don't have hands but I'm an expert come on so if I get on the helicopter with you It'll be okay, yeah, make sure you put your back on.
You're supposed to put on your parachute. I don't have legs, how am I going to put on a pair of shoes? It's not a pair of shoes. This is the strangest thing. I've done it well once. I need someone to break my ribs. Gary, this is Gary. If I let you out of here, where this came from, I have no idea, but from the right side, if I let you out of this, will you break my ribs? I just need my ribs broken, fine I'll do it myself, wait no my ribs aren't broken yet. Okay, there you go, Gary.
Okay, help me. You have to take me on a helicopter ride. I need to break my ribs. Gary again. Break me. ribs oh oh God did that job good no, they're almost there gary wait okay, I'm going up wow gary my ribs are broken I did that you helped now all my brother's bones are broken I'm like the hero of the story, yeah, wait, when you talk to this guy, he really heals you, right? you're the one who fixed me I thought he was that guy yeah drink your calcium gary my legs oh my god my leg now I can't find the helicopter.
Let me check that I do everything? check, fire hydrant, check, wait. I did it right, I made the batting cage, I've done everything, my final skill let me find gary, hey, gary, get away from me, gary, I'm going to need everyone's bones, I need all the bones, bring gary, oh God , when did you become peanut butter? hit the like button hit the subscribe button we did it

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