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I Broke the Diamond World Record in Minecraft

Apr 15, 2024
Recently, Miles





for the most


s in Minecraft. It's taking you more than 100 hours to get more than 28,000


s, but I want to get more than 7 times that amount, setting a new


forever and now you might be wondering, how do you plan to do it? break the


record and while I could spend literal months in a Bo Tunnel or a year mining, I chose to use a machine that will literally mine blocks and I want to run it on a 2000 x 2000 block area which will give me around 500 million blocks, so we should easily have the world record with them, so to start I started marking an area 2000 by 2000 long.
i broke the diamond world record in minecraft
Note that my render distance is only about 3% of this entire area, but I can't just take on a massive project like this without preparation, so I've set five steps to beat the world record and each step becomes more difficult as we go. Now the easiest part of this project will be the main trench where our diamond mining will take place. The machine will be able to sit and we will be able to dig using pumps. I forgot how slow these flying machines go, but by dividing the 112,000 block long trench into four 500 block sections we can make this project go much faster.
i broke the diamond world record in minecraft

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i broke the diamond world record in minecraft...

I know if it's just me, but the Smooth Wall trenchers make this look great and as I was building the bomber for the next 500 blocks I realized we ran out of something at Redstone. Furious, you know, I never said I was the smartest. Okay, and now continue. In mind, this trencher is only 25% full length and I can't even carry the whole thing anymore. This project is absolutely gigantic. I made it about halfway until I hit the worst water imaginable and unfortunately we have another one. underwater cave system that has serious implications when you want to destroy land en masse, so my strategy for these underwater caves is to put up cobblestone walls and then use sponges to get the remaining water because I would love to use them as sweepers or something, but with the leak and everything.
i broke the diamond world record in minecraft
The strange cave setups just don't work very well, but other than that minor hiccup, everything else went pretty well for digging such a huge chunk of land, which is great because now that the main trench is dug we can move on. to step two and yes, this lasts 2000 blocks. I would be flying here for a while to show you everything and now this mining machine not only needs a place to sit but it also needs a trench in the bottom so it can move horizontally and eat the whole lamp and to do this we are going to use another machine that probably You have seen before in other videos, a tunnel and now this tunnel requires around 20,000 items to build in the full 2,000 blocks. some of which include slimy pistons, piston watchers, sticky pistons, and lots of coral.
i broke the diamond world record in minecraft
You know, this is the most coral I've ever had to collect. It's ridiculous and now with all the materials collected I can start building the machine. Unlike many other trenchers this trencher actually has a built in system to help prime the TNT this way all I have to do is place it on the coral and then press a bunch of note blocks so now it's Time to see if this works. Okay, nothing like the present and everything looks good, oh, that's not good, okay, well, if I hadn't


n, everything would have exploded, so, hey, this looks perfect, very good, sweet, Now we can start digging and the only thing I have.
I really have to be careful with the lava because this thing is gravel proof which means I don't have to remove the gravel and there are a lot of diamonds to grab so your kids will be very rich after this so yeah, The next best part of A month I was sitting and mining and watching football, the montage. Yeah, I just got a little tunnel here, nothing special. I also built it at the perfect height so that any naturally generated lava like this doesn't have to be removed because there is a large lake. This way there is no chance for me to delete this so I didn't so now you may be wondering how many diamonds you actually got from all this digging, not too many relatively speaking because honestly there are too many of us however still I have a A couple of diamonds we're going to get many, many more and now with two trenches down we only need three more.
It's not as bad as it seems because there is a machine that can literally block my mind for me. What do you think of that, Greg? I'm starting to build this thing and I really have to be very careful because if I lose one block, this whole machine could start moving on its own. Basically, the way this machine works is that it sticks a bunch of slime blocks to the ground and then starts moving. On the earth there is a TNT bomber that destroys the rising earth and this thing can even go through water and lava so it is very useful and let's hope we built this thing correctly.
Now, when you open this fence, the door opens. it should boot up now with the TNT running, it seems to be working pretty well, everything is up and running, great, now I can tell this machine is slow, it's in poor shape. I've R this thing for over 100 hours and it's not even finished yet. I got stuck a couple of times, there's nothing to see here, but other than that everything went pretty well, but before I continue with this project, I just want to let you know that if you're watching this within the first few months after I uploaded it.
I still have a chance to subscribe before I reach 100,000. I'm closer than ever to reaching my goal and I've been working on this for over 4 years, if you want to do me a big favor and help me be part of the first 100,000. If you want to follow me, be sure to subscribe, but now that it's done, this trench looks great, although I feel like if it were here in real life it would be super claustrophobic and although the three wide trenches can pass through liquids, it's better to have these. sure, so the diamond mining machine doesn't like to break me, so I just have to repair the walls real quick.
You know, I really underestimated how much water was here, although after about an hour it looks a lot better now that we have it. giant spots of red, but hey, there's no water, so I repeated this process two more times to complete the three trenches we need, but now comes the fun part of building the actual mining machine, since this hole will be 2000 blocks long , actually I can't. build just one of the mining machines or quarries because that would completely slow down the server, so instead I'm going to build two 1,000 block long cories and what are we looking for materials?
Well, about 162,000 oh, gosh, this is going to be fun. Times like these where I'm so grateful for all the farms we have, you know, I don't normally use autoc crafter to get slime blocks, but I think 60 boxes of shulker slime justifies this now to be able to create over 20,000 pistons required. a trip to the raid farm, the iron farm, the cobblestone farm and look for wood because for some reason we don't have a wood farm that has a lot of wood and after creating thousands of pistons, creating the observers was not a problem, I also had to collect tons of packed ice glass, Redstone honey, and a lot more coral, and although I need almost 6,000 endstone, I just found the fastest way to collect endstone.
Now, you may know that endstone is notoriously difficult to collect and although you could blow it up. with TNT or grab a Wither. I don't think this is going to work. If you open all the doors and look around and go through the one with the piston on top you will find a well located quarry with the storage full of endstone you will thank me later and now comes the fun part where I can move 160,000 materials in 4,000 blocks with this type of projects in motion. I always like to start at the top of the list and work my way. down get the hard stuff out of the way man I don't know what I would do without the Nether and with all the materials finally collected let's start building this now this is just a beautiful site that will take us to the fifth and final step but first we must appreciate the scale of this for a second.
Before this, I need to check that there are no blocks above y = 125. The problem is that I built it in a very mountainous region, so after doing some quick calculations on a creative test world and then building some bombers, if I leave them running for a couple of days it will cover the entire area and reduce it exactly to y = 125 and the reason I'm doing this is because all the diamonds are at the bottom and I don't really care about these mountains, to be honest, too will greatly decrease the quarry run time, which already takes approximately 2 weeks for both quarries to go from start to finish and now one.
One of the last things we really need to do is build storage which would seem like something important, however I don't know how to build storage so I just left a couple of chests and called it a joke. I called my friend bandre. that he has a huge brain for storage. I told him my situation and he agreed to make me a storage system. He's a little crazy, oh yeah, I love you, I love you, I love it. Now this storage system is divided into two different parts. the main part you're seeing here handles everything that comes out of the core, it will sort and burn all the cobblestones while it sorts all the diamonds, granite and a site etc., and now the reason there are two is because when you have 200 millions. deep site storage can sometimes cause problems so we'll just split it up and for deep state storage we just go for a single segment going from about y55 to max height, why I don't know but it looks cool. and now you might be wondering, well, you just built two storage systems, how do you connect the lower one?
Basically what we're going to do is when the items come out of the quarry, we're going to throw them into the portals and I'm going to build where they come out here, but first I need to link some portals to make sure everything goes where it's supposed to go and here It's where everything went wrong. No, no, oh, no, no, I would actually create a new portal like By the way, I've made a big mess. It turns out that linking portals that are next to each other is a lot easier said than done, so I ended up not building that portal now, the last thing we need to do before running this Beast. is to clear all the blocks you can't eat and outside of this whole land area I need to clear all the moving blocks like chests, obsidian generators etc. but the problem is I don't know where they all are and I figure.
There are a lot of them in such a large area, luckily for us, although jkm has coded a script that will basically do this. Each of these Beacon things is either a chest, a seed, or a chunk of obsidian, so I've got my work cut out. for me because I have to deliver mine each one of these. I'll go put on a couple of movies and watch them in a moment. Oh, I've been doing this for at least 8 hours, but I'm almost done if we check the map here. I only have this corner left for the first quarry.
I'll have to do this for the second quarry too, but let's not think about that now. Oh, finally we are. Done, there are no more beacons or markers in sight. It's a good day, but I'm not going to worry about the other half. I'm going to start running the quarry because it's about time we do that. Actually, I scratched that I forgot something I need. get empty shulker boxes to fill the storage so we can collect all the items and I think this is the shulker entry here and in total I need around 145,000 shulker boxes so now in each shulker box you have two shells so which means I need like 300,000 shells now luckily we have a shulker farm and holy why are there so many shells here over here which includes this very juicy looking spruce farm and now down here is where we can use the farm.
There's supposed to be a mine cart here. Great, let's place the tree here and turn on the farm, so now. this ranking system can't really keep up with all the fir trees, so I'll have to sit here and continue collecting spruce logs and crafting them into chests. There are 80 shulkers left and that should be enough for all the chests we have. I have a double chest and a half of chests and now comes the fun part where I get to create all the shulker boxes, yeah this won't be very fun, yeah I think we've already decided on the shulkers, not now.
I know what I would do without stackable shulkers. Also, if you want to take a look at future projects, make sure to join the Discord and then after setting up all the Bots and activating all the respective gadgets, I think we can start running the Quarry now five 4 three isokay I'm bored oh that's not supposed to happen and this is where we start the terrible crusade of failure after failure after failure okay I'm on my alt right now but we finally get this quy working and this just says it everything and if we go up to the warehouse we can see the huge amount of items coming through here, holy deep slate, oh and if you're wondering what I'm going to do with this huge quy sitting in the middle. out of nowhere, yeah, it won't be here for much longer, the real question is though, how many diamonds did we get?
I haven't actually counted them yet, so this will be a surprise for both of us. I brought my other diamonds from the hole down there, but let's make all of these in blocks and see how we get there because I bet this is the first time anyone's PC has fallen behind diamonds, okay, so all these shulkers from here are full of diamond blocks, but I still have these here that I need. To mine with fortune selection, at what point do you have too many diamonds? Because I think this is a reasonable amount. I think you should leave those ni lowy, they look great in order, like thinking about I can't even lie, okay, wait, wait, wait, so how many diamonds did I really get?
You have 24 diamonds, that's the type of that or the Sher box from Wars. So I think it's safe to say we hold the record. I hope you like my house. I just received a couple of diamonds here. We have a smiling face. Life is good. What do I do now?

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