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I Bought the SAME products from Temu, Wish & Shein.. *let's compare them*

May 08, 2024
What really is the difference between her and Timu? I'm wondering if I can find the exact


product on each website and see if it is exactly the


. Oh my gosh, not to mention everything is priced so differently, who made it first and who. copying who waits, did I just change


? Hello everyone, so today we are making a very exciting video. In this video we are going to be an investigator on a probably useless mission, so I did a very honest and unsponsored review on Teemu a couple of weeks ago and it was like comparing him to Sheehan and I


that video would raise a lot of questions about which one he really is the difference between her and Timu and I


they all looked very similar.
i bought the same products from temu wish shein let s compare them
They all offer thousands of


in many different categories. They're all very, very affordable and presumably all produced primarily in China, but even with all those similarities, they all make different claims about where they're based, they're obviously under different entity names, so I started to get curious even with all of


. these claims that they are different, maybe they use the same manufacturers and that raised the question: I'm wondering if I can find the exact same product on each website, order it and see if it's exactly the same, for the sake of this video. and to see what


appear and how similar they are, we will shop at Xi'an Timu and wish these are obviously brands that in recent years I have tried to become more committed to not buying. just because I'm worried about how ethical they are, but yeah, for the sake of this video, I'm going to buy those items because I really want to see them in my hand, let's go shopping and I'll show you what we have, okay?
i bought the same products from temu wish shein let s compare them

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i bought the same products from temu wish shein let s compare them...

I'm not even going to pretend I'm doing all this searching right now. It took me eight hours to find this, so I'll just show you an overview. Well, the first item I could find is this. textured hollow detail bubble sliders, that's the name at Sheehan on Teemu, they are solid color bubble sides for women, lightweight wear, toe cap, non-slip slippers, soft slide house shoes, for longer and in desire. Combined Beach Bubble Sandal Slippers Summer Home Shoes Soul Bubble Ball Chunky Slippers Men Size 35 48 Okay, I'm not going to read all the titles of each one, don't worry, don't click in the video.
i bought the same products from temu wish shein let s compare them
I'm not going to do that for each one, I just wanted you to notice that each one has bubbles. I don't know why I wanted to make that clear, but they all say bubble, so I'll put them in pink on each site. The next item we have are these palette earrings, here they are on Wish Teemu and here they are on Gian I. I'm really curious as if they are the same photo if you haven't noticed yet, these will all be very random items here we have a mirror vintage heart design desk makeup bag here again is a different product photo this time and here it is on Wish Teemoos winning for being the most affordable here we have a pink fluffy bag Pink fluffy heart bag Pink and fluffy bag fluffy heart shaped now you may have noticed the exact same photo I mean this is definitely not something I would normally buy but it is a butterfly Tiara here it is on Teemu here it is on wish the same dog jacket dog jacket this dog is very cute dog jacket same photo we have some heart shaped sunglasses ok something strange with this one it's on Sheehan it's sold as a pair of three so we can't really have a comparable price because like Teemo it's much more cheap and then we wish for the same difference, but we have this drawstring skirt here, it's again, here it is again, now I wish it was a little bit different.
i bought the same products from temu wish shein let s compare them
I almost didn't do it. Includes wishes because as you can see the buttons are different and they are quite different, but it was the same idea and I really wanted to have a complete set, this is pretty much the same dip as the last one, they are the same. but they're not, it's obviously a black turtleneck, but this picture looked pretty much the same to me and then this one was the same. Each of our cards are the exact same items, I think with just one stipulation about Sheen, the sunglasses were sold in a pair of three and as you can see with the prices, Wish is the most expensive for sure 138 Sheen is 96 and that's taking into account that we're going to buy three sunglasses and then Teemu will hit 64.
Which is so interesting that it really brings up the question of whether they're using the same manufacturer, each one is making a different profit margin, like what's going on, we'll get to the bottom of this before we can start comparing those products, a word from today's native sponsor. I personally started using Native a couple of years ago because I was looking for a paraben and aluminum free deodorant and once I started using Native I haven't looked back. Using this deodorant always makes me feel fresh and worry-free as I can rely on it to keep me going.
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This offer is available sitewide. but only for a limited time so be sure to stock up and save and with all that, back to the video, okay, it's been a couple of weeks, everything got here, there were a few things along the way that were a little strange. Timu's order kept being delayed. and every time they rejected me they gave me five dollars. I mean, I'm not complaining because I guess when an order is rejected it's nice to make up for it, but yeah, I kept getting five dollar emails in my account, so it's Here Now, but she arrived faster and surprisingly even with the amount of gear that was rejected, it came before the wishes, but something really interesting to note about wishing all the wishing stuff actually came in two different packages that if you've ever


I hope you know that usually everything comes in individual luggages, so we have one individual and then the rest came in this package, but everything is individually wrapped and then Teemoos and Sheen also came in their own packages. I'm going to try to do this. in the most organized way possible, but I think it's going to get pretty crazy, let's get into it, so the first piece we're going to look at are these pink bubble shoes. At first glance they look very similar but the colors are a little different in reality. like it's almost a pink to peach shading, they actually all feel a little bit different, oh my gosh there were some major price differences here, the prices will be very general because the prices are constantly changing, like at any given time.
It will be seven dollars and twenty cents and then sometimes it will be 7.90. I think it's something with the Canadian conversion that's always changing. Timu was the cheapest by far, around 7.99. Wish was a whopping 28.65 and Sheen was 20.25. All these prices are approximate. so Teemu is the cheapest, which is the most expensive now let me see the quality the ones from timu are very soft the ones from desire are hard oh my god I'm so surprised I don't think they are from the same manufacturer they are all a little different and look at the pink, they're all a little bit different different.
One thing I also noticed about the base is that these two hold their shape, while the T-movements got squashed in the mail, obviously no big deal. but I'm noticing it. I would say they all definitely look like the picture, but there are definitely differences here. Well, first we have the pear shine. Can I also say that I would probably never be interested in these shoes outside of the video? I mean they're soft, I think they're a little small on me, it's time for the Teemu ones, let's see these are the ones that were a little squashed around the base, okay, I mean, these fit better, they hug. my feet a little bigger but honestly they feel pretty much the same yeah the size difference is a little crazy like looking at them this is like a size bigger.
I ordered them in the same size in the end, but certainly not least the most difficult ones. I wish, oh no, no, no, I wish, no, these feel like Sheen's, by the way, but they're so hard, not soft at all, no, I'd say Sheen's and the team's almost feel exactly the same, Teeny's fit better. on the other hand, these are difficult, you have to try, okay, the next product we will dive into is the tiara. Obviously I wouldn't normally buy a tiara, but this is for the sake of science, oh ooh, okay, there are some broken pieces. desire you can probably tell, but this one was supposed to be here, let me take a closer look at it, oh my god it's so crazy, they're actually different at first glance, they probably look exactly the same, especially from afar, but from near. the butterflies are different and also the beads around them, like pearls, they are much bigger in the Shan than in the timu, even in the wish, it is quite different, but I mean we have to put them on our heads.
Well, first here is the timu. It really goes with my outfit, it looks really cute, I mean I have a big head, it really crushes it, but it feels really strong, okay, now we have the wish, this one is metal too, oh my god, it's so small, why is it so small? it's for a child, this one really crushes my head, to be honest I can hardly leave it on and it's obviously not that tall because all the pieces broke, this one hurts a lot, I feel like this one is just for a child, the last one I I don't know why, but I feel like it looks grander, maybe because the pearls are also the biggest, but this one is from Sheen.
I will say that although it was bent a little in the mail, you can probably tell that this one is pushed inward. There's just nothing that's that high quality. You know one makes my head hurt too. I'll put them next to each other so you can see them, but they are very close. I would say it again. Hopefully, I just want to say it broke in the mail, so okay, next. I have the pink and fluffy bag at first glance. I'm going to say that shine and desire look more similar. This is definitely an outlier, let's look smooth, okay, my first thought is, oh my gosh, wish in the glow would look the same.
I think we might have found our first product, it's the same one. Wait. Did I just change those laughs? I think I did well. Wait. I think we found our first product. They are pretty much the same size. They have the same charm on the back. Believe. the only difference is the wish that one looks worn while the shiny one looks new these are the same these are the same these are the same bag this one on the other hand oh my god wait a minute though it's the same Same thing, the pink one is just different now I'm really getting so Sprout, this chain is what I'm talking about, it's the same in every bag, why do you want so much more?
It is clearly the same product, this has been the closest thing, okay? The next product is these popsicle earrings, now this is probably the one that we're priced pretty close to, yeah, like a dollar sixty-two, fifty, a dollar ninety, pretty close, okay, the first thing I think of, well, the ones I wish they are obviously different because they have a silver clasp. What a flourish, but Sheen's and the team's, wow, the woman was too stunned to speak, the red ones are exactly the same, the stick is exactly the same, these are so similar, legit, the only difference is that the silver and the wish ones have a little bit of a cloudiness to them, okay, here are the ones that look like the photo.
I think the only thing I have with the wishful ones is that they definitely have the cloudiness I mentioned before. I don't think it was on purpose, okay, there are the Teemo. The ones you see like don't have any of that cloudiness, I think these ones are a little bit better and they're also a little bit lighter, which I like, and then there are the ones that have shimmer in them, they feel exactly the same as the team ones that you see. Same thing makes me wonder who did it first and who is copying who. I'd say Teamu and Sheen won this one, though if it were a competition, but they're super similar, this is probably the piece I'm most excited about.
This is the dog's suit. It was 5.99 689 598 very similar and yes,let's get a chip to try it on of course, wow, so similar like even the eyes, so close, slightly different shades of green, this one is a little more emerald, this one is a little darker, this one is the lightest. less there is a discrepancy in the fabric there could be this video is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be good let's try them on the chip and see if they look different maybe it's hard to say although it's hard to say it's Well, it's time to try it.
The suits on the chip I found them downstairs taking a nap he said no I don't want to try anything he's not your show dog okay we'll do the Sheen thing first oh that's okay isn't it? How does he feel? He's fine, he says he's fine, let's try it. The other one, oh, that feels good on your head, that one's cute too, how's the hood?, it's there, it's really cute. Anjali, it's not so soft, it's still nice, although this is the wish, this one is just a little wrinkled, the ears are a little close together, that's how good, although I would say that the team one was the best, okay, a Next we will make the corduroy skirts that we have 20.69 17.68 and she is the lowest, around 13 oh intimate.
Foreign Westing doesn't feel like honest corduroys, they are so thin, although the one on the team is probably the best quality. This one feels a little weird and it's actually a little see-through, one isn't see-through, that one isn't either, but we have to put them on, okay, here's the sparkly skirt, it's really cute. The only thing I think is very, very. Thin as you can see, it probably doesn't make me think of corduroy and when I hold it up like there's a ray of sunlight on me, it would be 100 sheer, which I feel like a black skirt would look like. -Well, here is Teemu's, it also looks very good.
I would say this one is thicker and not see-through, like you don't want a see-through skirt, so this one, in my opinion, is prettier, but yeah, this one is really cute and it fits really well, okay, this is the skirt of desires. Initially I thought she looked better, but the way she's sitting, she looks all squashed. Now I grant that it wasn't a package, but the others were able to come out of the package and they actually drape very well. I will put them all next to each other. I think they are all cute skirts. Do they all look very similar?
Yes, but I would say my favorite is Timu's if I had to choose one. Well, next are the sunglasses. The price comparison will be a bit off because she obviously had a three piece suit. She may have


them in green. I guess I'm sorry, she's going to mess it up a little. There is nothing different about trying to really show off your desires. a little uneven. I'm looking at these trying to find a difference. I see a little difference. Teemu's have a bit of indentation here, that's legitimately the only difference. Oh my gosh, I just took all of these like this and now I can.
I don't remember which was which, okay obviously the chimú ones are green, oh they feel good, very comfortable, look this is what I'm talking about, it's a little different to the bright ones which are completely flat, just here are the bright. Wow, these make it so red I can barely see it, okay now the wish ones, this one had a little broken piece on the bridge but it's still comfortable, the wish ones and the rhinestones are the closest , since these are the same if not I don't want to buy three. I would still wish. Well, next is this heart-shaped mirror.
They look very promising. They have been shipped basically in the same box. Oh my gosh, I think we might have found one that's exactly the same. Same thing, oh this Teemu is broken, it's broken, it's not quality either, like it's plastic, for anyone wondering, it's not like a metal elephant in the room, definitely, Teemu's mirror is broken, is it? you can see that crack there, it's broken, so timu other than that? although the details on the top of the three are exactly the same details on the side the bottom here the base you guys we officially found a product that is exactly the same from six dollars to twelve dollars that's not right, these are the same, okay the last one The product is the black turtleneck 8.39 10 13.70, so Sheen is the most expensive here.
I'm always interested to see what the labels say. No label on this one. No label on that one. They don't feel the same either. She feels slimmer and smoother. They are the same, like with a ribbed effect, but look at the difference in the sleeves, this is the desired one and this is the shiny one because this one is super elastic, this one is not even close, although it is not similar. I'll wear them, but this one. one is difficult, okay, I'm wearing the Wish turtleneck. Can I just say that I am very surprised that this is from Wish because it is very soft and very comfortable.
I love a stretchy turtleneck. It's going to be really hard to top the others, but let me put on the team one, okay, here's the Teemu one, it fits me well and it's really soft actually, but the sleeves are too short, but I actually like it a lot, The rib is very different, although like the other it is like a thicker rib. very small, okay, but let's put the other one, the shiny one. I'm a little surprised because I thought the glitter one would be the best because I feel like Sheen is the most popular because of the clothes, but honestly guys, it's a bit of a sight. -through and secondly, it feels really cheap, like you can probably see how transparent it is, it's also the least soft, like it stings a little around my neck, yeah, Sheen didn't kill this one, I'm a little surprised. report I think my favorite turtleneck was the Wishes, which does well in one category.
Okay, I'm trying to figure out what the takeaway from this video is. I mean, I know many of you were curious to see this type of video. and I was curious too. I had almost convinced myself that Timu Shin and Wish were getting the pieces from the same place, but now I'm not so sure that the mirrors and the hard, fluffy bag give me the most sense of being. produced in the exact same place, but everything else, they all had differences, which then brings up the question of who started it, whether they copied a different brand or copied each other, not to mention everything is priced so differently.
Timu is by far the most affordable and wish is the most expensive yes, now I think I have three of everything, let me know if you know any triplets who like to dress alike. I hope it was interesting. I hope some people were curious about this and this answered some questions or at least it was entertainment anyway. I think we're done here. If you enjoyed this video, be sure to subscribe and I'll see you in the next one, bye.

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