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I bought every MacBook Ever.

Apr 04, 2024



y single MacBook, my bank account hates me, my parents aren't impressed at all, but you're about to see for the first time how Apple has managed to turn the Mac from a laughingstock to what it is for many people. the most desirable computer on the planet and started in 1989. This was a time when the whole concept of a laptop was still new and therefore what we really have here is, more accurately, a computer that happens to be almost portable No mistake, the Macintosh laptop was impressive because it was powered by Motorola's first widely produced processor, the 16-megahertz Motorola 68,000, which was a complete desktop chip that now works anywhere.
i bought every macbook ever
I can't believe this was once a laptop it's like carrying your entire suitcase when you go on vacation wait it's actually amazing luggage press this for repair I was trying to have a nice, small, cozy and comfortable typing experience, but gosh, I want to be fair to them the keyboard feels fantastic, super satisfying, oh yeah, I completely forgot about the first computers that used trackballs instead of track pads to control the pointer. See if this lights up. Wow, check this out too, although it's surprisingly serviceable so you can remove the back and change the parts you want. literally change it, that's the battery.
i bought every macbook ever

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i bought every macbook ever...

I will give up all this for a machine that is 35 years old. I like it aesthetically, it holds up much better than I expected, but the crown jewel here is this screen, it's a super expensive type of screen. It's called an Active Matrix panel, which basically means that each pixel is connected to its own transistor, which actively uses power to maintain the current on or off state of that pixel. It consumes a lot of battery, but the benefit is that it can offer extreme responsiveness and sharpness compared to the passive panel. The Matrix shows what other computers are using, but there was a price to pay for technology like this, eighteen thousand dollars in today's money in fact, so it's not exactly surprising, but Apple only sold them for tens of thousands, so Two years later Apple took another shot at launching an entire line of laptops, the PowerBook 100, 140, and 170.
i bought every macbook ever
And you might notice something about this 100 in particular, it actually looks like a laptop that Apple realized their Macintosh they might not exactly have the most experience. building compact machines, so this time they hired Sony to do the manufacturing, which is strange to think because there's no way Apple would ask Sony for help now, okay, that was a lot easier than the last one, this is So. a big jump from the portable Macintosh and this is such a cool feature it has retractable mounts built into the side and you can see this is where the idea of ​​placing the trackball in the center of the chassis was introduced.
i bought every macbook ever
More importantly, let's see what you can do with it. Wow, welcome to Macintosh. He says domestic machines are quite majestic. A soft hum. I actually don't mind controlling it with a trackball. It's surprisingly accurate. There is quite a bit of ghosting on the screen. As you move. a little less fun to type, sure, oh well this is a cool look, you have dials to manually alter the contrast and brightness, which ironically is much faster than it is now, click on the Apple system software 7.0.1 that they used to use. it calls the trash the trash, oh wait, and when you close an app it ceases to exist.
Now, this generation wasn't some kind of next level power jump, but the fact that they managed to cram in the same processor and two or four. times the ram in a body, a fraction of the size that was the achievement, not to mention that by making the machine much more efficiently, they were able to reduce the price from what was eighteen thousand dollars in today's money to just five thousand dollars in so Just the first generation of powerbooks that Apple was selling in the hundreds of thousands and the hype was starting to build, so what Apple really had to do was capitalize on that enthusiasm, they had to take what people really liked about the power book and doubling it, which is what led us to the power book 500.
It's hard to express how big of a leap this thing is, it feels much more Pro, in fact the hinge has held up surprisingly well over the years, they've Done a great job making the keyboard borderless. look what it looks like inside, they all have a different boot up sound so far, this is where they got rid of the trackball and popped them out like balls, no, I can't say I have a trackpad here, a small one, on that note. In this loading screen, amazing, you can see all the circuits behind Apple. He wouldn't dare put that in now.
The keyboard is a little springy. Oh, did it die on us? RIP, welcome to Apple, tell me how I can help you today. My PowerBook 500 is dead I need to talk to someone wait a second while I transfer you how can I help you? my laptop is dead the MacBook Air MacBook Pro which is not a power book 520c which is a bit old machine I have tried batteries I tried power supplies it just won't boot it literally died in front of me yeah at this point, There's nothing that visible so it's not under warranty, not in 1994, I usually want it to work for a year, I think I


an extension. yes, our extended warranty can last two years, that's incredibly helpful, thank you, bye, oh, you were surprisingly attentive.
I thought he was going to hang up on me. What I find a little crazy about this is that Apple designed this computer specifically with upgradeability in mind. They didn't mount the CPU on the main motherboard, but on a completely separate daughter board that you can swap out and now I compare it to Apple. I guess when you're the underdog you want to do


ything you can to prove how professional you are. -Consumer, this was a time when Apple needed to prove itself, but to be fair, I don't imagine the vast majority would upgrade considering the power of this thing was up to three times that of 100 in the early days. of computers, that's really what the Whole Computers race was about, it wasn't about having the super advanced super differentiated softwares that we have now, it was basically just a competition to see who could get the biggest number in performance.
Apple made a couple of updated versions of these laptops over the next two years, but the next real game-changer came three years after the 500 with the PowerBook G3 in 1997. So at least at this point I was born and that's fine. It might be the biggest thrill ever for an Apple. computer primarily because of what works as its market power and scale begin to grow. Apple is no longer going to settle for using a Motorola chip available on the market and that is why it decided to form an alliance with them and IBM to produce a series of chips called powerpc and this machine was its first commercial debut.
This was the fastest laptop in the world and it wasn't even close. We are talking about chips from 250 to 500 megahertz and at the same time we double the RAM of previous generations up to 32 megabytes recursive. but something interesting was also happening inside Apple at the time, so Steve Jobs, the guy who founded the company and was responsible for a lot of its early success, was basically ousted due to a massive disagreement with the board of directors, but It was in 1997 when he returned as CEO and when he returned he was not happy with what the company had done and began to make many changes very quickly; you could even see it happening in real time by watching the progress of the PowerBook g3 with each supply of them to the point where when Apple launched the latest G3 powerbooks, the so-called Wall Street g3, high-end, at $7,300 in today's money , they looked so different, unexpectedly heavy, this just doesn't look like a Macbook, the fan The screen is so wide and the bezel so small that it feels very high-end, so still, the laptop that tries to do everything , as I wish modern MacBooks had a little bit of curvature, it makes it much easier on the palms, here we go.
Apple's modern sound, so they're finally left with something watchable. This is the computer you should buy to show off. Oh, this is Apple's old-school beach ball for charging. It's such a pretty screen compared to Internet Explorer. We are talking about a time. when Safari was going to see the elephants it went like clockwork for a loading icon look Adobe Photoshop 6.0 actually starts up faster than the current wonders the Apple logo in the corner is the bright and colorful wow remember iTunes sounds pretty pretty well I guess The perfect example to show the transitional phase Apple was in is that you have the old school multicolored Apple logo on the inside and then the new white logo on the outside, but to properly see Steve Jobs in full force you just need Look at what came next, the iBook from 1997 onwards.
Steve Jobs was the CEO and he appointed a man named Johnny Ive as the product design lead and this is where you notice Apple's designs starting to break away from the more generic laptop designs that other companies Apple was using the iBook, so they realized that, well, of course, they could make a lot of money selling powerful, top-of-the-line books to investment bankers. They also needed to offer something a teacher or student could afford, hence this Barbie toilet seat. the laptop was only three thousand dollars, it was Apple's most affordable laptop if you take a picture of me in the bathroom with this.
I really wish there were more laptops that were this experimental. Each key is transparent. You can see the mechanism below. Very interesting looking mouse buttons. Also, okay, it comes to life, so this is version 10 of Mac OS. I'm not going to take a big leap towards what we have today; you can see the skeletons and the fundamentals of those features of the first machines, it was kind of like they knew what they wanted to build and very, very slowly they got there. All icons are three-dimensional. Everything has its own internal and external shadows and reflections. It is very pleasant to watch chess.
I used to play the old game of chess back in my day, but I'm pretty sure the game just crashed, I was just afraid to face a former England chess team player. This was actually a big deal; It was also the first mass consumer product to offer Wi-Fi network connectivity, which was later branded by Apple as wireless networks in airports, this was a big deal and the way it was demonstrated to the audience for the first time will probably go down in history. the history books. Listen to the audience as Steve Jobs demonstrates this by passing the laptop through a hula hoop to really clarify for people that yes, they were wire nuts impressive enough to take the iBook to the number one spot in the computer market.
US portable consumption for a while after launch. Apple has made several updates to the iBook over the years, but what I think is even more. Interesting is what Apple did for professionals at this point. Apple understood very clearly that they wanted to make mid-range and super high-end machines. How do you do something that a professional would be willing to spend six thousand dollars of today's money on? Well, they come out of the titanium in a way that someone could just take one look at them and instantly know that whoever is using it is a high flyer.
This is the PowerBook G4 and it's the first time Apple has properly experimented with metal in the body. It's safe to say. worked all the metal makes a big difference, there's not even a hint of it creaking, and they finally integrated the mouse buttons into the trackpad module, they got a very nice uniform border around the screen, you can see it's starting to look like modern times. I'm pretty sure the bezels here are smaller than on some of the newer ones and the screen is pretty sharp too. I judge it because I can say that the Apple in the corner is an apple that I never thought of.
I would see the day when you can actually see screws on an Apple laptop. I guess you could say that Apple these days prioritizes form over everything else, while this feels very functional even if it's not the prettiest, oh yeah, and the powerful PC G4 chipset basically doubles the performance once again, we are hitting crazy numbers here and as apple is doing well they were now making better and faster and better computers and as a result sales were slowly increasing but there was still a higher ceiling that apple had not reached . it's still cracked and that's where the MacBook came from Steve Jobs came on stage in 2006 and basically said we don't have power anymore, which means of course Apple laptops will continue to get more powerful they didn't want it to be power. focusSince the PowerBook brand was created while Steve Jobs was away from the company this was their chance for a new beginning.
He wanted the Mac brand he had first established to be front and center and represent not just power but just the overall quality of experience, so they launched two types of laptops in a single year, MacBook Pro, even the Basic MacBook is so good that they changed the standard charging cable for the maximum if they added a webcam that they labeled as a view camera and changed the powerful PC processors for Intel Core Duo CPUs and blamed their partner IBM for being careless and not doing that the chips were energy efficient enough, although this is a bit funny because the whole time Apple was using powerful PC chips they just released one sneak peek after another. mocking how much worse the information was until they switched to Intel, at which point they changed their tune to this is hard to believe, but this is what the numbers tell us four to five times faster than the powerbook G4, these things scream or are in In other words, if we are four times more powerful than the last generation, we already have 192 times the power of the original.
Oh, it still has over 15 years left so far and none of this is super impressive considering this is only a Seventeen hundred bucks in today's money, we're even more affordable than the iBook. If this laptop brings back so many memories, this is the one we would have in the school music rooms. I know this one is made of stick, but it still feels pretty high end, it's Max gen 1 for sure, no, it's almost like it's trying to resume from a past state, wait, wait, wait, don't put that off, stop recording, the fans are really kicking us off today, this wallpaper was iconic oh you.
I have the dog that is now hiding underneath. I wonder if this has the same GarageBand we used to use? That's exactly how I remember it. I used to spend a lot of time chatting away making my own Loops, adding too many instruments and just seeing how it sounded to me, this was the first fun computer I used. I need to see what the first MacBook webcam really looked like. Hey, the camera is actually amazing, it's a little bit delayed, but it's good quality and we're talking about a time when I still used to call it video conferencing and then the MacBook Pro, which keeps the same Intel Core Duo, but it's more the quality of everything, the metal body, the fact that it has a 1440x900 HD screen, it actually looks very similar to the Power Book.
I like the LED light on the latch, although fun fact this is actually the last Apple laptop to have a Lurch. Steve Jobs apparently didn't like them. I really like the silver keyboard, it feels very elegant. What is visual chat? The first personal video conferencing system to do so. easy to keep in touch with friends password Astley 69. this is a throwback ichat can't reach account Rick R.I.P they even made a 17 inch version of the pro which is an absolute beast I really wish they had kept it because it used to give you a first class with even more space for an even bigger battery inside.
There is no doubt that the 2000s were the decade in which Apple had the biggest impact on the laptop market because just two years later in early 2008 they would release what would become the best-selling laptop in the world. . This is probably one of the top three Apple moments of all time. Steve Jobs brought a paper envelope with him to the launch, left it on his stand and revealed it to the public. world MacBook Air, a laptop that changed the entire paradigm of what to expect from thinness in a computer, only then proceeded to take the MacBook Air out of this paper envelope, just listen to the crowd look at this and then this presentation was basically round .
Applause after round of applause as he proceeded to show people that this laptop that is half the size of any other still had the entire core of the previous MacBook, includes a powerful full-size Intel Core 2 Duo keyboard, and built metal that Apple had previously kept exclusively. for its luxury line, I mean it wasn't cheap by any means, but you can totally see how, if this was your reference point, how desirable this form factor is, it's so nice to finally hold a laptop that's not a exercise, this is where I first introduced the multi-touch trackpad, which I would say made a big difference in how intuitive it was to use Mac OS.
I use gestures a lot nowadays, you can see how this made people recoil at the time and in the same year the company also released the unibody Macbook, so this is a successor to the plastic MacBook from 2006 and somehow it even managed to surpass the MacBook Air in unibody sales or at least what Apple means by unibody is that the entire laptop consists of just two pieces, the entire body. One Piece, the screen is a second, there are no plastic support frames and everything is made of metal, so it naturally conducts heat away from the laptop.
In addition, it is environmentally friendly. They use this redesign as an opportunity to get rid of chemicals like arsenic and mercury. Now that laptops had such a simple structure, they suddenly became almost completely recyclable. It is resistant. I like it. It's definitely the most solid feeling. the laptop is noticeably faster, oh god, this browser is no longer supported oh, works fine, very good, what the hell doesn't anyone support it? Such old technology. You can see why this iteration was the best-selling MacBook in history. Many people call her that. the first MacBook proper because it now has a completely new design that separates it from the PowerBook line, the design language that the companies eventually adopted also seems like this is the point where Apple realized that, well, yes, many types different people buy.
MacBooks, the main market, were creators, photo editors, 3D modelers and these people also needed proper graphics, so Apple started a partnership with Nvidia and equipped the machine with something a little more substantial, making it twice as powerful than even the 2006 metal it became. Very clearly, very quickly with the sales figures, Apple had destroyed it with this design, which is probably why they gave it the standard Bombs specs over the years, as they do, but they didn't change the concept central for a while, but they realized it. something else, now that they had the MacBook Air which was aimed at the casual user who just wanted to write documents, they didn't really need the book medium, so starting in 2009 they decided to just rename this MacBook to Mac Pro. and improve a little bit of the specs as you go.
The next proper title change only occurred in 2012, when Apple decided that this current MacBook was not enough, although it was quite high-end because the core design was initially conceived as a mid-range laptop. It just didn't appeal to high-end people who wanted something that was purely cutting-edge, so they launched the world's highest resolution laptop, the MacBook Pro Retina Display. Now, Apple had already had the Retina display for two years at this point. on your phones, so this wasn't an unheard of concept, but the Retton display for a laptop is a little different than the Retina display for a phone, for a smartphone, having a screen that your eyes can't see on the individual pixels.
I need a resolution of 960 by 480 or so, but to have the same sharpness on a 15 inch laptop it has to have a resolution of 2880 by 1800 considering it is a flagship model, this is a surprisingly thin laptop, maybe as thin like the MacBook Air, oh the screen is so much better, it's a difference between day and night, the logo lights are on which I really like but it's a horrible way the system battery apparently used to leave a subtle spot of light leaking onto the actual screen and interestingly this wallpaper could have been chosen to hide Apple has made a lot of improvements here, the trackpad feels smoother than ever, they have integrated mouse clicks and they feel firm, the keyboard probably peaked here to be honest, it's better than the current one, let's take a look at Apple's YouTube channel.
We are 16.9 million. it's actually not as far away as I thought we were Apple is a company that spends billions of dollars every year making these trailers and promoting them, they only have 3 million more subscribers than us, our entire team is eight people, others probably have 800 people just to sweep your floors okay this has to be a challenge the editors make this serious 2023 this is the year we surpass apple this is the year eight of us and you all join in and We surpassed the technology company with the most subscribers on the planet and a sub for the channel would be great, that's my audio recorder.
Also, what's cool is that at this point Intel had diversified their chip lineup, it wasn't just the 2Go core anymore, they had the Intel I3 core, the I5 and the i7, etc. Naturally, you could take this up to the top-tier quad-core Intel i7, which when combined with the GeForce GT650M graphics makes it a big jump to 10-15x better at modern tasks than the 2008 MacBook, which is incredibly strange. . it's 3840 times the OG machine right now Apple is on a roll in 2012 the Mac had been growing every year in sales but it was at this point they made some strange decisions like in 2015 with the MacBook yeah I know a laptop completely different, but somehow they've still managed to call it a MacBook, the naming convention makes absolutely no sense.
I've played so many thick ones today I can't believe how thin it is, it's literally like it's barely there, actually there's a lot to like about this. computer, it has a proper 12-inch Retina display, it has a keyboard that you in no way know is like a typewriter-like experience, but they haven't done a bad job considering how little space the keys actually have to travel and they also have given this Force touch trackpad or two different levels of pressure that it can respond to and I have the beefmaster oh I forgot how heavy it was 1989 2015. Amazing you can tell they were trying to go for the same surround reaction as the air first . created if this laptop did well, Apple wanted it to be the hit of the air and they priced it more affordable than any previous Apple laptop, but it didn't, it was too fast and too soon to simply reduce all the ports to USBC. they lost the full size USB and they lost the Magsafe charging, plus part of the reason the thing is so thin is because it's completely fabulous, but to achieve that they had to use an ultra-low power Intel Core M chip and in fact , they notably sacrificed performance unlike the Air it was just an unnecessary machine and people kept buying Air even when it was gone so it wasn't doing a very good job of replacing it and one day Apple decided to kill it and then come back with this.
Apple hit it again with the MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, presenting it as a revolutionary new input device. Amazing Jew, probably could have been, as it solves the problem of normal keyboard keys being fixed by digitizing them. You can make those keys however you want. being at one point definitely feels futuristic compared to where we come from and given that they combined this with the introduction of a fingerprint scanner and a larger 50 trackpad, I can't have been the only one who saw this. The announcer thought: Well, okay, you have my attention, actually I know I'm not the only one because this is the laptop that had more orders online than any other MacBook Pro before and I remember the outrage when people realized that They had removed all the ports except the USB and the headphone jack allowing them to keep it optimized, but yeah, I mean, it was clearly a mistake considering they added them all a couple of years later, the Touch Bar was a love-hate relationship. that I have with this laptop. very cool and very fun, plus you can customize it any way you want, which you obviously can't do with hardwired keys, but in my experience it also introduced a whole different level of software that could go wrong, there are at least two or three times in all my laptop worked fine, but I couldn't adjust any of my settings because the touch bar crashed.
Oh, and I love the fact that the trackpad is so ridiculously large that it also uses a much newer quad-core Intel i7. and a Radeon 450 graphics cardmuch newer, still nothing extreme, but just by being newer we're still 60 faster than the last set, but yeah, the touch bar just didn't vibrate with people Apple usually didn't want to introduce features. and then delete them so quickly, but the truth is that many pro users want to be able to physically press their keys while typing at 3000 words per second and this just doesn't feel the same and while this could be a genuine feature, it's an extra thing that Apple and other developers need to code and who is going to make their app a little better for such a small fraction of the total laptop market that you won't believe what Apple's response was.
The next big flagship MacBook Pro to make up for this mistake and push the boundaries in the right direction, the 16-inch MacBook Pro. I'm not kidding, the last model was the 15.4, they've had 17 in the past, but there's nothing that makes this one special. It's the fact that it's 16.2 inches. I'm half joking, I obviously wanted to see something a little more experimental and exciting, but I think Apple realized that in the Pro user space people don't want gimmicks, people want all the core features. and they want them all to work very well. This was a pretty well reviewed laptop.
At this point, people have gotten used to quirks like the Touch Bar and lack of ports, but it was a pretty substantial improvement in other ways, like the fact that it has a proper six-speaker sound system, although the camera web was still 720p, which is poor in 2019. Over the years, the cheapest laptop that Apple offers has become more and more affordable and you can now get one for around 999, but the 16-inch . Pro it seems like Apple drew a very clear line to definitely separate the price of pro laptops with this thing starting at 2800 in today's money and going all the way up to 7200 when maxed out, but what they did for that was make absolutely sure to understand the basics so you can equip it with up to 64 gigabytes of RAM, 8 terabytes of fast SSD storage, and now not just a quad-core Intel Core i7, but the new top-of-the-line eight-core Intel I9. the graphics were still simple but as a package we are now looking at an extra 40 speed, they are now solid and reliable as these laptops were, it is definitely starting to feel like the whole laptop market had matured and that all laptops high-end no longer No matter what company you got them from, they were basically the same in terms of performance, parts use battery life until Apple released the M1, the company held an event in 2020 where they officially explained that they were at The point of starting to move away from Intel and transitioning to Apple needs stock Mchips that were not necessarily more robust than their Intel counterparts but were smarter, use neural networks, can solve problems efficiently and, because they originated at Starting from a mobile chip architecture where power limitations are a real issue in the laptop world, the battery life claims were wrong. lists and began this transition with a Mac Mini, a MacBook Air and a MacBook Pro, all powered by M1, but this was never meant to be the real MacBook Pro that actually arrived a year later, the M1 Max and this event of announcement was really something that I remember seeing like, okay, it looks cool and then they showed the graphics, at least according to Apple, they said the Max chip was not 20 times faster than last year's Intel chips, but many times faster powerful, not to mention 13 times faster when it comes to Graphics, although compared to the integrated graphics inside the Intel chip as opposed to the dedicated graphics that Apple used to put in some of their laptops, the interesting thing is that if you run a real benchmark will tell you that M1 Max is not more powerful. than the last generation, but it feels much faster, this is the laptop that I still use every day because everything happens so fast and every time I want to add some music to our videos or make a little sound effects pass , this laptop is so optimized for Apple's own apps that for me with Final Cut Pro it just flies like I'm having a hard time lagging it, while literally the Intel laptop I use just a generation before would slow down, the fans would go crazy and I just get really, really horny like I could really get burned by it, oh, and also the webcam is finally 1080p, at least.
I still don't love the fact that it's a notch display in the world of punch-hole cameras. I really don't see why. It should be, but at least the rest of the screen is bezel-less. They now call the display xdr, which stands for extreme dynamic range. Oh, and they updated it again recently with the MacBook M2 Max, which has even better battery life. updated ports and internet speeds and the M2 Max itself is a total 30 improvement over the M1 Max, it's not a huge redesign on the outside, it only is when we look back at where we started, but the real differences start to emerge from of 7.2 kilograms. to 2.16 from 256,000 total pixels to 7.7 million and, most impressively, a total power jump from an acceptable last minute estimate is about 11,000 times to see the last time I emptied my entire bank account purchasing each and every one of the Xboxes here.

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