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I Bought A Lamborghini Countach!

May 17, 2024
Today's video is brought to you by cars and bids on my online enthusiast car auction site that recently sold this and this and this and this and this this is a 1983 Lamborghini Countach actually it's my 1983 Lamborghini Countach yes that's right , sensible and reasonable Doug


a crazy vintage Lamborghini today I'm going to explain why and I'm going to show you my new car and I'm going to show you some of its quirks and features, the Kos, and I'm going to start by asking the first question that I'm definitely thinking about. More importantly, why would Doug get a Kos, especially if you're a regular viewer of my channel?
i bought a lamborghini countach
You probably know me as somewhat reasonable and cautious and maybe even geeky. There were all these Doug is the type of guy memes. about how nerdy I am Doug is the type of person who would put a band aid on a bruise Doug is not the type of person who would buy a Countach and he still did, why am I going to start with a little confession I


my Carrera GT ago about a year, but I didn't start my search looking for a Carrera GT. I love the Carrera GT, my dream car of all time, my favorite object.
i bought a lamborghini countach

More Interesting Facts About,

i bought a lamborghini countach...

I've wanted one for years, but when I went out looking for it. a supercar, it was a Ferrari F40, the main reason was that I realized that, given my budget and the evolution of F40 prices, I was about to miss my window to buy an F40. I was this close and I knew the F40 prices just kept going and it was now or never and as much as I love GT racing I kept thinking this is my only chance to get an F40 so I went looking with the cultivated collector Matthew Ivanho, he helped me try to find an F40 for the better part of 6 months and we just couldn't get my small window to buy one.
i bought a lamborghini countach
It turned out that I was a little late. The prices were already higher than I could afford and I didn't end up with an F40. I changed my I focus on GT racing, I bought it and I love it, it's the best driving super of all time, it's the icon of my childhood. I'm thrilled to have that car, it's incredibly amazing and it's tremendously special, but since I got it. There was always a little hole in the Carrera GT, there was always a little voice in my head that wanted a crazy 80's looking car with a big wing that everyone would look at because no one really looks at the Carrera GT, the F40 would have been that car, but I didn't buy one and I always thought I'd still like something that catches everyone's attention, that's totally crazy, exotic and ridiculous.
i bought a lamborghini countach
The problem is that many of the really exotic cars that really turn heads stop Cars and Coffee. Holy shit, there's something here, all those cars have gotten insanely expensive. Ferrari f50s cost 5 million dollars. Enzo there are 32 Mercedes 300sl Go Wings. They all exceed one million. Porsche 959 is a $2 million car. Now everything has gone crazy, even Lamborghini Diablo se30. They're approaching a million dollars, so I spent a lot of time thinking how can I scratch this itch. I have the best driving car, the professional GT, how do I get something that drives me crazy, ridiculous and absurd, but still doesn't? crazy money a million dollars seven figures I don't want to go down that road again what car combines those two things and therefore the kunach and there is more to the Countach too like everyone else I had a poster of one of these on the wall from my room When I was a kid, I think it's really the ultimate overtake in the sense that it just prioritizes insanity above all else.
Any form of practicality was put aside to make this the most ridiculous, crazy, absurd sounding car with driving sensation, it's the ultimate supercar and to me, it's a little crazy that you can buy the ultimate supercar for between 500 and 600 $000, considering what everything else costs. The F40s cost 3 million dollars to run. The GT costs 1 and 2. The Lamborghini mura costs 2 million. This car actually seems like a good bargain considering how iconic it is. It really is and if I'm honest, another reason I gravitated towards the Countach is because I think the price of this car is going to increase.
I think these will only become more valuable in the future. A little story 5 years ago I bought my Ford GT for $225,000 and the same week or month Matt Farah bought his account for $260,000 now I remember thinking I would love an account but I can't stretch anymore, it's too expensive and an extra 35 Grand can't do it well. Five years later, my 4D GT is worth maybe $325,000 and the Matt Ferris Countach has easily doubled its value. The market is really starting to appreciate these cars and I think the only place they are going to go is 13 years ago when I was graduating from college. mura Lamborghini mura was a 700,000 A6 car and I remember that on the forums someone had a really impeccable one, a special or low mileage version and they asked a million dollars for it and people openly mocked this person.
I remember reading it openly like you never would. get a million dollars for a Mira which is crazy, well nowadays murus sell for a million 5 at least, the good ones can go for 2 and 1/2 to 3 million and in my opinion I just don't see how that doesn't happen to the Kosh this one. The car is an icon, there is more and more interest, more enthusiasm and that will lead to higher values ​​in the future. This car is just so special and you can already see evidence of this growing interest in the Countach if you just take a look at my fellow YouTuber Harry Metcafe, who runs the YouTube channel Harry's Garage, my favorite YouTube channel, including my own. , has owned a Countach for years, but some others have started looking into them.
Stradman recently purchased a Countach. Also White Hooie from Hovie's Garage recently purchased one. Countach and of course Matt Farah have had their Countach for a few years now and these guys don't seem to be doing it for the views, most of them aren't actually creating much content about their Counts. I suspect they are doing it. because they're coming to a similar conclusion: a new McLaren may be fast, but you have it there and it has an automatic transmission and a rearview camera and it just doesn't give you the same old-school analogue thrill that this car claims the McLaren does.
It's faster, but you walk in there and there's a touch screen and perfect air conditioning and I think we've all come to the same conclusion. This is an experience that simply cannot be matched. This is the ultimate supercar and of course. I think these car YouTubers I just mentioned have reached a level of wealth that you know before most people in our millennial generation. YouTube certainly helped with that and that's why they went out and bought these cars, but I have a suspicion that as the years went on. Move forward and as Millennials make more money, start businesses and become more successful, they'll want to buy cars like this that provide this specific experience and the Countach is kind of the king of that and as a result, I can't imagine that.
These will remain forever at their current price. Now I know what you're thinking, that prices in May kash are sure to increase, but aren't they tremendously temperamental? Won't it be difficult and expensive to own this car? These are known for having all kinds of problems and costing all kinds of money just to keep running and my answer is, let's find out that yes, these cars have a reputation for being temperamental and difficult, but a lot of that reputation was born in the late '90s. .and in the early 2000s when the internet was just starting people were starting to talk about them and when you could buy a Countach for $70,000 and yes that's a real number in that time period it was easy to find a Countach. for 50 60 $70,000 there is absolutely no problem and at that point, when you have spent that amount of money on a car like this, a service bill over $30,000 can be a huge amount of money, it is half the value of the car and that's why a lot of people talked about how incredibly expensive These were owned by the standards of the time, but the thing is that now that the Count routinely sells for 500,600,700,000, a different type of person is buying these cars and the People who are buying grips now are ready for those maintenance costs, both financially. and mentally many of the people who buy these cars have multiple houses and boats and huge car collections and they know what they are getting into with an exotic vintage car, they don't go out of their way to spend every last dollar on a 70 grand car .
That requires a $30,000 service. I think the service and repair costs won't be particularly surprising to people who are buying them now, plus another important thing to mention. I know some people who have well rated kashes and they tell me It's really not that bad once you dial the car, it seems to be a pretty easy to handle and ownable experience once you dial the car which isn't always easy or cheap, but when you get to that point, the people I know with these cars say pretty positive things about the ownership experience and again, the people who buy them now are more willing to spend the right money on the right things to get the right dial these counts, which was not always the case 20 years ago.
I mean, I think this is going to be it. I bought this car from someone who has a large car collection and this was the only vintage car he had bought because like me he had a poster on his wall when he was a kid and he wanted to try it out and he sold it because he wouldn't admit it, but it's true that he sold it because it simply wasn't as easy as all the other modern supercars in his collection. Pagani and McLaren, you just throw yourself into them. The automatic I-door is pretty easy, getting in is simple, you press a button to start it, a backup camera appears on the touchscreen, the climate control works and if you have a problem then poof, you send it. back to the dealer for easy service, they will take care of it.
You'll notice that the Hamilton Collection, a sort of famous social media collection of many exotic cars, just sold their Lamborghini Countach after spending a huge amount of money to brand it and make it perfect. and then they sold it and that was the same as some people who have a lot of money. I don't want to say that they are not car enthusiasts, but in today's world, driving and owning a supercar can be easy with many things. Of modern cars this takes work it requires patience it requires effort and not everyone wants to make that effort unless you are a real enthusiast really committed and dedicated you might think why put up with all that Countach when I could just jump in my McLaren Senna, I turn on the Bluetooth, press the axle lift and the driving is nice and easy for me.
I look at this car and I think that's what makes it special. Well, a Porsche 918 is a car that anyone can buy if they want. You're rich, it doesn't take any special effort to own it, you don't have to learn to drive it or fit it or take on any challenges, put it in your garage, none of that, it's a hybrid and an automatic. and it takes the experience of a Supercar and it makes it easy, it's like a sanitized Supercar for rich people who want to buy something that rich people buy, but it takes real dedicated and committed enthusiasts to look at a Countach.
The Countach is the car. Supercar enthusiast it may not start it may break down it may smell like fuel it's hard to see it's hard to fit inside but I think that's all part of the fun of this car and I think that experience is disappearing in so many modern vehicles. Vehicles The next generation of supercars will all be fully electric and will all do 0 to 60 in 1 point something like seconds and I have a feeling that speed will no longer be interesting or rarefied as these cars come out of hell, the Kia ev6 . It goes from 0 to 60 faster than my Porsche Carrera GT, speed has been democratized, it is available to everyone for not a lot of money, but what is increasingly difficult to find is for old school fans to feel the experience of a car like this when speed is available in a Kia crossover it doesn't matter anymore and then you start looking for other experiences that are rare and hard to come by like this one so with all that out of the explanation of why I chose the count let's talk first of my car.
The white color with white wheels is perfect, it is correct. I always buy my cars in the color of the poster, the color of the press ads and for the Countach in the 8S, that was this white, white, why, although this specific version of the Countach there are several? versions that were made for about 15 years, so here's the deal: the first Countach models were called Periscope and are tremendously celebrated and desired. I think they are beautiful, free of frills, simple design, really cool, but they are very small. hard to fit in Lamborghini only made about 150 in total and they all cost over a million dollars, so one wasn't for me.
I also didn't want a 25th anniversary model that was the Countach that came at the end of production and by then, they had added all these vents and closures and lines to help make the car look morefaster, cooler and, frankly, more modern than it was because the design had been around forever. By then, the anniversary cars just don't look as good compared to for the previous models at least in my opinion and in the opinion of the market because they are the least desirable and least expensive, kacha, they are still cool cars, but it wasn't what I wanted, so I didn't want an early one, I didn't want a late one. one wanted a Countach that was right in the middle and one also wanted a carbureted car.
Initially all counts were carbureted, but then they came out with fuel injection largely to get the car emissions certified to sell here in the United States. Fuel injected cars are fine, but to me the Countach is a carburetor car, that's how it was designed but that's also how it smells, how it sounds like the Countach, which is part of the carburetion in this car, although some say that makes it less reliable to me, that was also part of what made the Countach, the Countach, the smell, the sound that comes from that carbureted V12, and so on, after looking around.
For a long time I bought exactly that mid-production model, white with white wheels and with the carbureted V12. I checked all my boxes and let me show you a couple of interesting details. I'll start with the wing, everyone knows that the Countach has a wing it's part of the appearance of this car part of its history it has this huge rear spoiler the Countach everyone thinks is a winged car except it's not here's something that will leave you jaw dropped not counting came out of the factory with a wing when Lamborghini was creating the Countach they couldn't get the wing to pass the regulations for obvious reasons it blocks all rear visibility so the cars came out of the factory to pass the regulations without a wing and then some of the cars were immediately modified by Lamborghini. supposedly in a parking lot next to the factory to add a wing and the result of that is that this wing is Factory or maybe not Factory, there is no record of which cars got factory wings because technically none of them made them in the dealers. they added that Wings dealers removed Wings, it really was a pitched battle and to this day Countach owners still add and remove Wings to suit their tastes and here is another great Count story from those days, you can see my car is called 5000, but This model was not originally called 5000, but 500, which came after the previous version, the 400, the lp 400, so why did they change it from 500 to 5000 because 5000 sounded better? 5000 was more, why call it 500 when we could? call it 5,000.
I'm not making this up. Only a few hundred 5,000 models were made, some of them were 500s, some were 5000s, but that's the reason for the name change, it just sounded better. The other thing that was really important to me for this Countach. He wanted a round belly, so the count came out for the first time. He was free of wheel arches and wings. It was pretty simple and over the years they added things to the design to make it less simple. In the late 80's they put these strakes on the side of the car, which I personally don't like very much.
I think it ruins the whole look of the Countach and cars without those strakes are called round belly cars so I didn't just want to. a mid-production carbureted car from Countach, ideally white, but I was also looking for a round belly rather than the side bang, so there were only a few hundred cars that really matched what I wanted, it was a needle and a stack Hy, but I got lucky and found this one. I was also lucky because this car has been driven, it has almost 60,000 kilometers, like 35,000 miles, a lot and that's what I wanted.
I wanted to buy a car that I could drive and use guilt-free and without having to. Think about whether this mile is worth the depreciation in value. I wanted something I could use and this car is because it was already used. In fact, this car was used by only one owner from the time it was sold new in California in the early 80's until the end. As of 2020, an owner had this car in Virginia and kept this huge stack of records showing all the work that has been done on this car over the years and this is exactly how you want to buy one of these cars now , the downside is that the owner of this car obviously grew old with the car and in the end he was quite sick, he wasn't actually using the car much, he died, the car was sold in 2020 and since then it has been sitting for the last 3 years .
So it hasn't really been driven much in the last 5, 6, 7 years, which isn't really a good formula for buying a car and wanting to start using it, and I suspect I'll have to do a lot of expensive repairs and maintenance. do and catch up so I can use this car as often as I want now, inevitably that means this car will spend some time in the next few months in repair shops and people posting on social media haha. I told you it was going to break, you're so stupid for thinking it wouldn't, but I just want to point out that I know this car is going to need some services in my first year or two of ownership and actually quite a bit after that.
I thought at the purchase price it made sense to buy this car where it is, I hope to be able to drive it for a few months, figure out what's going on with it and then send it in for a lot of work to be done, so I'm fully expecting that and I think that's normal For a car that's been sitting around for a while, but the good news is that we're not there yet, which means I can take this car out and have some fun with it. at least for a while first, so let's do it, let's drive my new Countach, this is cool, okay, drive my own Lamborghini kach, this is cool, it's a dream come true on the road, it feels great, this car It feels fantastic.
Great, it's great now, as you can see, the headliner is falling down. I'm making a list of you know some things that this car is going to need to be at the level that it needed to be at. be but right now you know there's not much the previous owner had the car go through pretty good it was years ago but pretty good um so I'm just cruising through it this is cool man I'm a sto by how much I like this experience you know I'm not like that that's not who I am I like the 4D GT I've always said that I buy your supercars from a company that makes normal cars because they have to make them just like the Ford GT, they test it like a Ford and a Porsche GT racing, they test it like a Porsche, this car is obviously the exact opposite, no testing, they just threw you at the Wolves, but I don't know, there's something interesting about it, I can't believe I'm driving a kage wo , this is great, I can't see anything, it's lovely, the thing about this car is like I was saying before, a 9918 is an amazing machine, it really is, it's so special and cool, but like there's something about this old visceral feeling that you just don't understand, you just can't get it in any kind of modern car, the sound of that V12, it's furious, it's angry, it's so cool, the driving experience, the feel of this car, it's just It's very analog and you know what you look like when you drive it, which is crazy on a totally crazy level.
It's just one of the coolest damn things in the world. People really get scared. It's a woman in a Volkswagen Kwan. Not who you'd expect the Freak Out person to be, but you freak out when you see this car, you just go, oh man, this is so cool, this is probably the most excited I've been about a car I own, maybe ever. drives well. I'm also going now I mean I have to go 75 mph here no problem uh it's stable it's solid I mean this car has had a really good job done so I hope I can get away with it without doing too much or I don't a lot at least for a while.
I'm kind of obsessed with this car. Everything you do in this car feels great because of the way it sounds and the way it looks. I mean, there's no such thing as not being cool at driving this car until it's time to get out of there, then everyone looks like idiots, maybe you'll hear there's a fan behind me that's a little loud, that's another problem. which is on my list of little problems I need to take care of, oh this is so good it doesn't lead me wrong either. I think the real key to Kach's story is everyone saying, "Oh, it looks amazing, but it's like driving a junk car, it's not true at all, like the feel, the sound, it's not incredibly fast by modern standards." , but I have cars for that." all the Countach owners right now get a Corvette a Corvette C8 if they want to be fast that's it how it feels how it looks how it drives the sound I'm obsessed I'm obsessed oh and the shifter closed hear that click, click and be shifting driving on your own V12, how cool is this and it's amazing.
I can't believe it's mine, like I want the CR GT forever and ever and that's an amazing car and I love having it, but This just has something to do with doing something crazy like this, it's crazy and so true, I forgot to mention this video, but it's worth noting that I had the opportunity to buy a stadium, it's not incredibly easy to get it at the dealer. He offered me an assignment and I told him: I love El Dorado. I love it. I want to be your client. I'm going after aach and I'll drive this here today.
I'm glad I heard that status. It didn't sound like that. I'm amazed at how cool this is, I definitely don't like dangerous but I love it, this is one of the coolest cars I've ever owned and it could be that everyone freaks out, it could be that the coolest car you can have and that's my Lamborghini Countach. This car is definitely a starting point for me. The oldest car I've ever owned. The one who looks the least like me but gives me everything. The best driving Supercar. The Carrera GT. The easiest and most usable Supercar. The Ford GT and now the craziest supercar, the Countach, is a great bunch and with cars like that, who really needs an F40?

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