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I Bought 250 BANNED Amazon Products!

Apr 15, 2024
all the way oh what the hell hit my fucking balls? I can make the bows feel a little better, that might be indestructible, but they're silly, Sean, so I


something forbidden. from Amazon check it out buddy you look like this yeah you look a little bigger let me know if you guys like this. Bubba, does Bubba like the new fish? Yes this is a super portable oxygen tank and to test it let's see which one of us can hold our breath Alan Alan for the next product we have a tortilla blanket but I'm going to turn it into Pig a blank blanket pet , pig, pet, Min Pig, he thinks it's real food, taking a blanket, guys, look at this. pig in a blanket and this pig in a blanket inside the next package we have, oh, is this a Dilly St?
i bought 250 banned amazon products
No, plug this into your car and it's actually air conditioning, but for your balls, ooh, that feels good, wait, is there a suction mode on this thing? The next Amazon product we're testing is this fork, It has an extra tip so you can eat faster and try it. We're having a food competition without Tanner, yeah, where's Tanner? Oh he said he was at a buffet so I have the man fork and Alan has a regular fork come on come on what did that mouth do that Ohan won with? Damn, did you hit me? I was hungry, but that mouth doesn't work, whoa Sean, what a mouth he has inside this box.
i bought 250 banned amazon products

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i bought 250 banned amazon products...

We have a period simulator. Oh, in that case, I'll try this song to further experience the hardships that women go through in three twos. wait, wait, wait, wait, wait ladies, remember I'm doing this for you, okay, there, okay, here we go, wait, that's not so bad, actually, yeah, I knew the girls were faking it that, yeah, what, no, okay, I haven't turned it on yet, oh wait, what. Here we go, now I feel like I had to suffer from bad diarrhea or something. You agree with me. It's okay, Caleb. How did you feel? Honestly, it was almost as bad as a cold.
i bought 250 banned amazon products
I agree? What do you mean by that? I agree. I'm leaving, I'm leaving here, you guys are stupid, the next


Amazon product we buy is a gun, are you going to lose weight or what, Tanner, hey, I'm just kidding, it's a flux torch gun, look, what? why do you point it like that? oh oh wo oh that's cool oh wow oh dude it's hot, did you find that hot? and we also have a candle that Shawn gave us, you don't like that smell, so there is a special message inside this candle. Sean said, let's read. what it says when this candle is lit give me that wait it doesn't even rhyme what the hell is this I guess this is another band product on Amazon too okay let's light it Wait I'm not lighting this oh you actually smell it smells pretty bad well if you like that smell then you're going to like this what not i was just trying to get a close up this is a thermal camera used to capture heat signatures and other things like like Caleb you farted that was it You, no, no, it wasn't me, hey, we have instant replay on this thermal camera, that's one of the things they can pick up, why do I see this green gas coming from who the hell is that wait? what was that wao is wait what wa oh now I'm leaving here give me that ass I need more I give more on Amazon you can buy all kinds of strange jerky but the one we


is earthworm jerky oh oh my God hell no, and of course We are going to try it, we are going to trick our friends into trying it.
i bought 250 banned amazon products
Well, Sean, we have some jerky for you to try. Are you sure this is jerky? I swear it's actually jerky, are you sure this is jerky? It's earthworm jerky, oh hell no. I prefer to shake my own earthworm and eat it. Actually, this is KFC's fire log. Creates the smell of a 12-piece bucket of fried chicken. Let's try it, this is literally just a log of wood. Why is green okay? The trunk is finally exposed. It smells like a tap. Wait, it actually smells like KFC guys, right? That smells like chicken pot pies. Chicken pot pies with extra sauce and no veggies with a side of extra fat.
Finger licking fried chicken. tner, you just ate five minutes ago, actually, wait, wait, don't do that, God, that's why they


me, because people would do that for the next product. We have, oh wait, what is this hot dog soap? M I'm going to use this to wash my buns and this to wash my ass, hot dog soap in prison or we have it regular so if you drop it then you'll get the hot dog actually drop it I'm not going to leave, let the drop fall, let the soap fall. drop it now, pick it up, pick up the soap, I don't want to pick it up, pick up the soap inside the next package is a wig, but for your dog, okay, let's put it on him, bro, he looks like a human and apparently this product is dangerous too, huh , because he looks dangerously handsome.
Now new hair is good ladies, for the next product we bought a real tattoo gun and I am going to get a special message tattooed, you know this is going to take a while. I'll move on to the next product. I know you don't want to go back to prison and I know you're also trying to start a new life, so this next package we have is perfect for you. What is this? A fake Barack Obama ID. no it's actually Obach Obama anyway Bo you're now officially one of the most powerful people on planet H you'll never know true power until you've tasted the testicle of a man who does wrong anyone know who Tanner is wait Caleb, what is it? which is a queen of hearts because all of you ladies are queens in my heart, the next band product we bought were edible insects, what are you going to eat them, why a handful of each, oh, what rubbish, oh man, oh god, it looks so good you could literally lie to someone and tell them this is chocolate, oh my god, it smells so bad, eat it, eat it, eat it, oh show that to the camera, what's in it the middle?
What is it? There are only errors there. Yes, it's actually very good. kidding, no, actually yes, you're just saying that, so try it, in fact I'm trying right now. 3 2 1 ew D you're eating well P just think about all that protein in there, how was it, it was good, so it's getting really late, which is perfect because the next item we buy is an instant bed, Let's see how fast we can set it up, okay wow dude, in less than two minutes, yeah that's a crazy pillow and it comes with its own pillow with covers, yeah look at that guy who knew I would make it.
That's it Tanner Tanner Tanner, how did you sleep, buddy? I felt like someone was tickling my balls. What the hell, Sean, what was that thing you were doing in my butt? No, that wasn't me, so who was it? It was my nose, what? W that was good the next banned item I got is vegetables How are vegetables banned? It is prohibited in your diet. Have you ever seen him eat a vegetable? Why do you always have to call Alex a fat cat? Take it too far. Sometimes do you really love me? to try this yes try some corn 3 2 1 what the hell why is it sweet this is actually something sweet friend this is bad although it is bad no no don't throw up on me no hey this mushroom is good it tastes the same as chocolate, it's actually chocolate , I bought it from Tanner's refrigerator, the next Amazon product we bought is this watch, what wait, that's boring, just a watch, what the hell, yeah, it's just a normal watch, dude, we should set something on fire and in I actually have a flare.
Here, oh yeah, I've got flares on me, what do you mean? What the hell is so cool? Wait, why was it banned? Because in reality it would spontaneously catch fire due to the butane it contains. Yes, so don't put this watch in your pocket. Inside this package is probably one of the nastiest ones you can buy on Amazon. First drink, Caleb, you have dirty soda. I don't want to drink this pickle flavored soda, oh no, and the worst for the last one of mine, what is chocolate soda? No, that's the best. I Got Dirt d mine smells so bad oh man mine smells like chocolate it smells like pickos hey hey Loki I don't like this I don't like this so disgusting let me try the pickle soda okay I'm going to have a YES the dirty soda, oh I can see why they banned them for the next product we have to do is the dog selfie, all you have to do is put this on your iPhone and you can take the perfect photo with your pet, let's try it, he He is watching. the ball he is looking at the ball this works look this is a perfect photo that is the perfect image what do you think this product is a stuffed animal it is a tissue holder in the shape of a butt? oh look, wait, I could use this as a mask what the fuck wait the fuck how do you breathe that's not a mask when that ass smells so good apparently on Amazon you can buy a package that contains all the ingredients to make the pasta explosion biggest elephant teeth in the world I love it I, a good science experiment uh-oh, if you twist it, it will actually spill out faster, oh, come on.
This thing is already exploding, oh this is good, this is cool, oh no we're about to make history in 3 2 1, shake it up. Shake it Shake it Wait, you said elephant toothpaste, they sent us Coca-Cola and Mentos, well that's why it's banned, let that mouth do it.

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