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I Became a Soccer Skin In Fortnite...

May 01, 2020
Alright, it's been a while since I broke a sweat in a fortnight game so I thought that's what we're going to do today, we're going to jump into some solid gold squads so these should be some pretty interesting solo squads . and the goal is to break 20. I would love to get to 25. 25 is my ultimate goal, but we'll see what happens, but obviously we have to go to the battlefield with this aspect. I know I'll only be a target because I'm an elf. but I can't sweat unless it's a football


, obviously I can't go out and not sweat without this


, there we go looking much better and ready to win.
i became a soccer skin in fortnite
Do you have 20 written on my pants? In fact, change it to 25. I guess I said before we jumped into our games. I want to quickly say two things, very quickly. The first is a challenge with time, guys. I don't even have to remind you that you shouldn't do it, but just love these challenges. free battle possible season 8 there's always these lightning bolts like oh I want a free battle break ah they're literally giving it to you do your challenges get a free battle break okay this is your reminder okay you get some cool skin styles and everything that but just trust my boy know some guides if you have any problems with some of the challenges you just have to do 15 or I think you know 13 and then it's been about two weeks since we did the big push with the new crater path support which unfortunately you can't get in the game now if you haven't already.
i became a soccer skin in fortnite

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i became a soccer skin in fortnite...

Just thought I'd remind you that it's been 14 days since we had a huge spike in people using the code, so if you don't currently have it. a follower creator code in the item shop, make sure this happens. You know, if you're buying some, make sure it's going somewhere and of course, as always, if you want to spoil me, it'll be a lucky code, let's get into some solid gold sweat. I'm excited for this, here we go, sweats game number one. I don't think I can achieve this on my first few attempts. I have a warm-up and stuff, you know, well, it sounds dirty, what's going on here.
i became a soccer skin in fortnite
Got it, this is scary, but I want what she has, ah, ah, someone there, I understand you, I'm sweating a lot right now, okay, this is what we did, we realized we had no mats left, you only have clothes thermal, are you kidding me, why? get a shotgun, boys, on fire, listen to me, boys on fire, 70 limp, you think you're leaving, buddy, what you think you're going to do, hey, don't go anywhere, boy, let it go in those DMS, it's okay, okay, game number two this time? we are leaving Viking Village, we have learned from the lost game, we no longer slide into DMS, it didn't work well for us.
i became a soccer skin in fortnite
Oh wow this is not good it's like it's good hammer gun gun yunyoung sound gun it's not a great gun but it is. gone well, there are some good shields, this skin color blends in No, my god, you're kidding, you're kidding, I'd have a chance, a chance and I missed it, game number two is great, seriously. I wish this game started with similar designated slots for each weapon you pick up, because it gets me every time. Where are these people? Just delivered. I think you guys with some bottle rockets just shot me now, thanks for the hundred shields. boys and the good start who's at my house shooting nothing down here Oh, you cheeky trucker mother, okay, it's five for 80, we're on it, we're on a streak, here we are on a streak that could have been a scare to death.
Yo guys let's stop that seven by 60 player here and he's doing well honestly now I'm frustrated by the fact that he shot me it actually bothers me give me a shotgun give me your stuff and you give him a shot , come on. where's yours oh wow technically i got that hell yeah easy to kill are you kidding are you kidding are you kidding that could have been a decent game there the last one could have been decent mom but i decided to throw it away i got Do you want to do it? p90s for this video might actually be meta, yeah I just missed my death.
I mean these games are pretty much over, realistically, mr. default, please don't do that again, let's go. I'll make sure these guys are the same team, but oh wow, I have nothing. They are going to cook me here. This is the power that cooked. A heavy bought me on the side. I activated it, guys, it activated it, if I had died for someone like that, I probably would have cried. So settled in, where is her teammate Mike?, she won't kill him, no stress about the shields, there's a plane in the tree here. Go ahead, full focus, concentration, all that, come on baby, where are your friends?, keep moving the ball, guys, where's next?, all safe, I hit 'em, where's your next friend?
The fact that I lost that makes me angry, I don't know, it died there, you have to move on. the tree that I miss all these deaths here are going to fly around there they should have flown away guys I'm going to give him symbolic pressure to kill his friend symbolic pressure I can't buy it oh I know squad another squad this is a very dangerous operation here it's like three teams at once this is a very dangerous operation that's the problem man, you get a team, you get a team that knows what they're doing and you leave, that was the easiest boom 20 of my life and then that it could have been the 25th now it could have been the 25th got there but all it needed was a couple of players oh BAM oh there's only three people here but honestly a slow start is enough just keep going with the hoverboard. easy dubs what do you think you're going to go for?
Sorry guys, you need that shield. I can hear a friend coming but he won't save them. Come here. I need your shield. I knew that would get him. I knew that would get him. You grenades aren't doing anything, I got you, ah dude, half the lobby is dead, how did I miss that shot? her, okay, how was that just that? Who are you? That's a lot of shield to recover at once and that was risky. Push while Alma protects herself. I'm going to prove that they were more than 110, that they were much more than one hundred and ten.
She was right in her face, yeah, like eight HP left, okay. I thought there were like ten people here and lazy links maybe. More opportunities to frag is here that's lovely thanks to shield boy huh it was just embarrassing Wow I actually have a knock off you mean it seriously you have a great shot and here we go again. I'm gonna need a shotgun or a p90 and I didn't get any of the above sorry buddy I need the shield thanks okay full shield set come on who was that but she really came but where he came from?
That's shameful, that gesture is pay to win. Don't know. you know what you're doing or I'm not streaming or anything that just came out of nowhere just kills my days here's one there's two I don't understand I'm not streaming or anything honestly I'm going to let him relive it relive his boy I didn't shoot that one down galaxy is a little nervous for half a second there we make it I'm finally shooting I need to get it right 13 kills, we're going good, I should probably have the shotgun out there clean down there - yeah, he's going to die, he probably took full damage so that's because he needed a shield boy, damn it's fine by me, little meds and a heavy bolt action sniper rifle, we got meds, we got 15 kills, we got 15 Oh, 26 live people damaged. plane, keep it up if I can continue making teams of two.
I'm fine, teams of three and four are really going to scare me. I was trying to leave a pad. I'm almost sure he's about to leave a pad and me. I finally destroyed him a shield I never gave up I never gave up That's why you use the lucky code in the 49 item store I never give up He goes there I didn't match the number of my pants I'm Dylan I'm going to have a fit to the heart, you leave a like rating, you just do everything, you wear a nice coat, good luck next year, you're done, it's the most sweat I've ever had to produce, it's a new album, mmm, the claws in that game they were sent.
I almost went into cardiac arrest. I cloned the guy in the end. I almost threw the gum four times. I never gave up. I never gave up. Alright. I never gave up. So you're going to delete that like button that was the last thing. Suck the skin off of him. Since you've never seen it in your life, please tell me what's recorded, I'm done, goodbye.

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